Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 271 Factory Task

Li Gang took [-] young people to the south to the ironworks and ordnance factories east of Incheon City.Tool: No ads, full text, more ""

The distance between Kaijing and Incheon is very short, they traveled day and night, and they arrived at their destination in just three days. Here, Ling Zhen was waiting for Li Gang.

"Lord Li, General Hua Rong is in urgent need of simple plate armor capable of arming 10 people! He wrote to say that plate armor is extremely important. This is the first demand on the battlefield at present, and we can even temporarily produce general swords and god-arm bows. Stop and go all out to produce those simple plate armors." After seeing countless young people, Ling Zhen was also very happy, and now he had solved the problem of labor difficulties in the factory. He strode up to Li Gang and pointed at Li Gang road.

"The production process of plate armor is so complicated, I'm afraid it will not be easy to produce [-] pairs?" Li Gang frowned.

"If it is a real plate armor, the production process is extremely complicated. It is impossible to produce [-] pairs. But the simple plate armor that General Huarong needs is very easy to make." Ling Zhen said.

Li Gang was taken aback. He had inspected ironworks and ordnance factories before, and he had seen that kind of plate armor for full body protection. That kind of plate armor was extremely powerful, and almost nothing could break through the defense of this kind of plate armor.It's just that he also understands the manufacturing process of plate armor, which is extremely complicated. With the conditions of the ordnance factory at that time, it could not produce hundreds of pairs in a month.

As for the "simple plate armor", this was the first time he had heard of it.At that time, he came mainly to learn about the establishment and management of the factory, but he didn't know much about the details.

Li Gang then asked Ling Zhen to take out the simple plate armor. When he saw the simple plate armor, Li Gang was stunned again.

"Is this a simple plate armor? Is this too simple?" Li Gang asked in surprise.

This simple plate armor is two iron plates put together, and the shoulders are connected by iron cables.

In fact, even such a simple plate armor would be extremely difficult to make before the ironmaking blast furnace was discovered.Each piece of simple plate armor is equivalent to a simple small shield, and in ancient times, it took a long time to make a shield.But now, with the emergence of ironmaking blast furnaces, Liangshan workers can already obtain a large amount of hot red molten iron, which can be directly poured into the mold to obtain such plate armor.

"If it's such a simple plate armor, it should be easy to produce?" Li Gang said after looking at it.

"It's really easy to produce, there's no difficulty. It's just that if we want to build [-] sets, we need a lot of iron. We don't have enough iron-making blast furnaces, and the amount of iron ore is also in short supply." Ling Zhen said.

"The iron-making blast furnace can continue to be built! This time I have brought so many young people, and I can let them all devote themselves to it. As for iron ore, a group of young people can also be arranged to mine. Ling Zhen, where is the iron ore in Korea? There are more mines?" Li Gang said.

"We already have a large iron mine in the northern mountainous area, but the mining environment there is extremely difficult. We have recruited several times, but no one is willing to go." Ling Zhen said.

Northern Koryo is one of the most famous mining areas in Asia. Many mineral deposits are located in the forefront of Asia, especially the copper mine. According to the survey data of later generations, there is the largest copper mine in Asia.In addition to copper ore, there are magnesium, iron, coal and other reserves are not low.The iron ore over there was developed in Wang Yu's time, but the scale of development was very small, and it has not been expanded until now.

"Don't worry, the young people will go." Li Gang said.

"These young people look so young, would they really go to such a difficult place?" Ling Zhen asked with some doubts.

"You stay in the Academy of Sciences every day, and you don't know how crazy these young people are. The more difficult the place, the more they are willing to go." Li Gang smiled wryly.

He remembered the experience of opening the capital, and these young people really shocked him.He used to disdain young people very much, but now he has a kind of terror towards young people.The young people who have experienced Liangshan's ideological education are quite different from the ignorant young people in the past. They have invincible beliefs, and it is this belief that can support them to do anything that is beneficial to Liangshan.

"At least 3000 people are needed to mine iron ore, and they need to be transported, which also requires hundreds of people. In addition, we have to arrange some skilled craftsmen to continue to search for new iron ore. In addition, we need to build more iron-making blast furnaces, It will take a lot of time to finish all of this." Ling Zhen stood there and began to meditate.

"How long will it take? Can you give me an answer?" Li Gang said.

"It will take at least two months! If young people are really as you said, not afraid of danger and hardship, then in two months, the number of iron-making blast furnaces should be five times that of the current one, and iron mines should be able to meet five Double the demand of the blast furnace! In that case, the simple plate armor can be produced continuously! If I work hard, I can even make the number of simple plate armor a month reach 20, or even [-] pairs... don't say it by then General Huarong needs [-] pairs, even if it can satisfy the entire Liaodong army of [-], there will be no problem." Ling Zhen said.

"Now it's not an army of 20, it's an army of 30! Another 10 young people have also gone to the battlefield! There is also a production and construction corps of 20. The governor said that it is mainly for farming, but since it is called a corps, That should be regarded as an army, and we might have to prepare some weapons and armor for them." Li Gang said.

"So many troops?" Ling Zhen froze there.

Neither Li Gang nor he has a thorough understanding of the Production and Construction Corps.In their minds, these are also part of the regular army, and may also participate in combat missions.Therefore, they feel that preparing weapons and armor for these troops should also be considered in the plan.

"Our task is very arduous! It seems that we have to go all out to do this!" Li Gang said.

Originally, he got [-] young people. According to his mind, these young people mainly entered the new factory.But now that there is such a great demand for simple plate armor on the front line, at least half of the young people have to enter the ironworks or ordnance factories. They must first produce enough simple plate armor and other ordnance to meet the large demand on the front line. OK.

After all, it is still a time of war, and war is the most important thing. The construction of factories must also take war as the first premise. First, the needs of the battlefield must be met, and then people's livelihood and economic issues can be considered.

"Thinking about it now, this simple plate armor is also equipment that can change the battle! This simple plate armor is equivalent to having an iron shield on the front and back of the chest. Unless it is an enemy with particularly strong martial arts, it will not be able to hurt at all. They. No wonder Hua Rong wants to produce so many simple plate armors." Li Gang thought to himself.

From this day on, Li Gang and 3000 young people devoted themselves to production.Among them, more than 2 young people went to the northern mountainous area to take charge of mining.The remaining 2 people worked overtime to build more iron-making blast furnaces.The efficiency of today's iron-making blast furnaces is thousands of times lower than that of later generations. Even if [-] people build countless iron-making blast furnaces at the same time, the output of iron-making plants is far less than that of any state-owned steel plant in later generations.But in this day and age, this is already an unimaginable miracle.

The young people are really passionate, they work crazily from morning to night, as if they don't know about fatigue.

When Li Gang was inspecting the ironworks, he happened to encounter a young man who fell from a blast furnace under construction. His head was bleeding badly from the fall. Li Gang rushed over and helped the young man up, while arranging the rest of the people for the young man. Bandaging, while saying: "You go back to rest first, and take care of it for a while, and you will come back to work after the injury is healed."

Unexpectedly, the young man said stubbornly: "This is not allowed! I came here in response to the call of the governor, and I can't let the governor down! It's just a slight fall, it's nothing."

As a result, after the simple bandaging, the young man quickly climbed to the top again and continued to work desperately.

Li Gang stood below blankly, feeling abnormally emotional in his heart, thinking that this is really a group of crazy children.

"If the so-called daredevil army is like this child, it is a group of extremely terrifying forces. From ancient times to the present, I only heard that there were a few dead soldiers, dozens of dead soldiers, at most a few soldiers in the army. Hundreds of dead soldiers form a camp, but the death-defying army consists of a hundred thousand dead soldiers! Everyone is desperate, who can stop it? Can real women stop it? I don’t think so.” Li Gang secretly said.

Outside Kaijing City, the [-] death-death troops still haven't left. They have undergone simple training and reorganization here, and now they finally have the appearance of an army.

Soon the Death Squadron will be leaving, and many of their friends are seeing them off.

On a small hill to the east of the military camp, a young man and woman were standing there.

The young man was not very handsome, but he was extremely strong, and his whole body was full of strength.He has dark skin and a simple smile on his face. <Man, fifteen or sixteen is the time for a woman to get married.

"Brother, are you really going to Liaodong?" The young girl looked at the man with some attachment, and said.

"Of course! I am now a member of the death-death army, so I will naturally go to Liaodong! I will make contributions to Liangshan and the governor, and make meritorious deeds! I will make my parents and you proud of me. "The young man clenched his fist and said in a firm voice.

"But... Brother, I'm afraid you'll be in danger." The young girl said with her silver teeth lightly gritted.

"Is it dangerous? There is no danger on the battlefield? What's more, we are a death-death army, for the purpose of desperate! In order to build a strong and powerful country, countless soldiers have sacrificed on the land of Liaodong. I hope I can lie there too, Shed blood and sacrificed for a strong and prosperous country." The young man said with longing.

Hearing what the young man said, the young girl was frightened, she held onto the young man's hand tightly, and said, "Brother, you must not have any accidents."

"Haha, I'll be fine! I'm just saying, if it's true that I sacrificed, then I'm willing. Don't worry about me, I'll marry you when I come back." The young man smiled heartily.

At this moment, a horn sounded from below, and the young man hurriedly broke away from the girl's hand and ran down.To watch the first release without advertisements, please go to ""

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