Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 308 Songting Pass

"Accurate information?" Yue Fei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked the soldiers who reported the news to come up. www mi group 4∴8065 ""

After a while, two soldiers came to Yue Fei, they were the same two soldiers who fought with Shi Xiu before.Since the two soldiers got the information, they crossed the mountains and ridges overnight, barely resting along the way, eating some fried noodles when they were hungry, drinking cold water when they were thirsty, and arrived at Juyongguan in almost the shortest time.

"You got accurate information? What accurate information?" Yue Fei said.

"It's like this..." At that moment, one of the soldiers began to speak, and what he said was incomplete, and the other soldier hurriedly added.

Shi Xiu's information was extremely comprehensive, except for the lack of a specific battle plan, the rest included the temperament of the generals, the number of soldiers and horses in each branch, the factions in each army, food and logistics, and so on.

After the two finished talking, let alone Liu Guangshi stayed there, even Yue Fei stayed there.He originally thought that the two soldiers had only obtained slightly more important information, but he did not expect such important and almost inconceivable information.

"No, the two of you were just investigating in the mountains, how did you get so much information?" Yue Fei was smart and immediately noticed something wrong.

"Legion Commander, it's like this, we met a man in the mountains..." At that moment, one of the soldiers reported again.

"Shi Xiu?" When they finally heard Shi Xiu's name, Yue Fei and Liu Guangshi couldn't help being taken aback.

When the two of them joined the Hedong theater, Shi Xiu had already left the Hedong theater, but as Shi Xiu was the No. 1 in the intelligence department of the Hedong theater, they had all heard of Shi Xiu's name.At that moment, Yue Fei hurriedly asked the two soldiers to describe Shi Xiu's appearance, and then he found a few officers and soldiers from the army who had seen Shi Xiu before, and asked these officers and soldiers to identify whether it was Shi Xiu.

"It seems to be that person, it seems that the information is true!" Liu Guangshi said.

"The information should be true. I didn't expect him to get so much and such important information." Yue Fei said.

"Legion Commander, if the information is true, then the number of Nv's real army will reach 5! The Nv's army is extremely brave and famous all over the world, and their 5 people will not be much worse than our 5. I'm afraid our previous plan can't be carried out any longer." Inside the tower of Juyongguan, several army commanders stood in front of Yue Fei, Liu Guangshi said.

"Our previous plan must be changed. Liu Guangshi, Yang Lin, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng, the four of you will lead [-] troops to Songting Pass and station there. The enemy must not pass through Songting Pass." Yue Fei looked at the map. , silent for a long time, suddenly said.

"Songting Pass? Stationed there?" Liu Guangshi and others were taken aback.

Songting Pass is an extremely important pass. It was also called Lulongsai in ancient times. Since ancient times, it has been a battleground for military strategists.At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao fought against Wuhuan in western Liaoning, and it was here.During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Murong Jun of the former Yan entered the Central Plains, and he also entered the Central Plains from here.Lu You, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, fantasized about the restoration of the country. There was a poem that said, "In the middle of the night, you caress the pillow and suddenly scream, and you win the Songting Pass in your dream", which is also here.In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di set up 32 passes in Yanshan Mountain, the most important of which was Songting Pass, but it was renamed Xifeng Pass at that time.

In modern times, the famous war against Japanese invaders took place here.At that time, the Japanese invaders attempted to enter the customs through Xifengkou. The anti-Japanese generals Song Zheyuan and Zhang Zizhong led their troops to face the invading enemy here. They killed more than a thousand Japanese invaders with big knives, so this place is also called "beheading mouth". , and the famous Broadsword March was born here. In 1948, Mao Lin commanded the Northeast Army to approach North China for the Battle of Pingjin, and it also entered the customs from here.

The geographical location here is very important. In Yue Fei's plan at the beginning, they would not garrison here, but put the enemy in from here, and then formed an encirclement circle. Now that he has sent troops to garrison here, it seems that the previous battle plan was completely changed.

"According to my order, lead the troops there immediately." Yue Fei said.

Liu Guangshi, Yang Lin, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng set out from Juyongguan with [-] troops and marched towards Songtingguan.The road in this era was very difficult. They walked for an afternoon. At night, because the moon was shining brightly, the front was brightly illuminated, so Liu Guangshi ordered the army to continue moving forward.

The morale of the army is still very good, many battles have completely washed away all the rawness of this army, and the soldiers have the unique self-confidence that is unique to elite soldiers who have fought many battles.

"Although the Liao people are not mentioned, they are numerous. We only have 4 people, and we are guarding that important pass. Then everyone must go forward with all our might." Yang Lin walked in front, smiling at his own soldiers road.

"Commander, you are really worrying too much. We have all seen the Liao soldiers. They are too weak. We are not afraid of them." A soldier said.

"This time, apart from the Liao soldiers, there are also tens of thousands of real female soldiers. The real female soldiers are powerful. Our Northern Legion in Liangshan has fought against them many times, and we have suffered many casualties." Yang Lin reminded.

"Even so, we are not afraid, the worst is to die with them." A soldier laughed.

"I'm very happy that you have such courage, but you must be careful." Yang Lin shook his head.

They wanted to occupy there before the enemy came, so they drove all night that night, until noon the next day, they rested for an hour by a small river, and then continued on their way.

The mountain road was difficult, and they did not arrive at Songting Pass, which is where Xifeng Pass is now, until the third night.

Although it is called "Guan" and there is a huge pass city, in fact there are no soldiers stationed here at all.In the Liao Kingdom, this place, like Juyongguan Pass, is an internal pass of the country, and it has little effect on the Liao Kingdom.Because Juyongguan is very close to Yanjing, there are still soldiers stationed here, but it was only used as a post station after the Liao Dynasty occupied it.Now that the war broke out, all the people in the station have fled, and the place is now empty.

The terrain here is extremely steep, with huge peaks on both sides, and this place is considered to be in a canyon.The mountain was so steep that ordinary soldiers would never be able to climb it. Even apes must be cautious in such a place.

The army had already begun to enter Songting Pass. Liu Guangshi, Yang Lin, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng and others took several deputy army commanders and regimental commanders to inspect the situation here, and at the same time arranged for the soldiers of each army to deploy their defenses.

Liu Guangshi stroked the city wall of Songting Pass with his hands, and felt that it was all made of blue bricks, which was extremely hard.The city wall was built quite a long time ago, at least before the Liao Kingdom, and it is really unbelievable that it can still be so strong now.

"This is a good place. We Han people have seriously built this pass. Unfortunately, after the founding of the Song Dynasty, this place no longer belongs to us Han people. Otherwise, there is such an important pass, whether it is Khitan people or Nv real people who want to enter the Central Plains It will be extremely difficult." Liu Guangshi said.

If this place is occupied and Juyongguan is added, nomads on the grassland will at least be unable to enter the Central Plains from this road.

In ancient times, nomads generally entered the Central Plains through three roads, one is here, one is from the Datong area in the west to enter the Central Plains, and the other is the Shanhaiguan in the east.During the Song Dynasty, these three places were all in the hands of the Liao people. Their cavalry could drive straight into the Central Plains. The Song Dynasty had no danger to defend. This is one of the reasons why the Song Dynasty was constantly oppressed.

"It should be no problem to defend here with 4 soldiers." Yang Lin observed the surrounding environment and said with emotion.

"Don't talk about 4 people, 1 people can defend it. It's really a place where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men don't open it." Lu Fang also laughed.

In modern warfare, the weapons are so sharp that the city walls are basically useless in front of machine guns and cannons. However, Song Zheyuan, Zhang Zizhong and others were still able to block the powerful Japanese army here, which shows how huge the geographical advantages are here.Hold here, if the enemy wants to rush over, it is impossible without paying several times the price.

In Juyongguan, after Liu Guangshi and others left with 4 troops, Yue Fei also left here with [-] troops. Now there are only [-] troops led by Hu Yanting in Juyongguan.

"Brother, are we not guarding Juyongguan?" Yue Fei was among the cavalry and Zhang Xian was by his side, asking a little puzzled.

"With Songting Pass, Juyongguan has become the second line of defense. The reason why I left [-] troops at Juyongguan is just in case." Yue Fei said.

"Where are we going?" Zhang Xian asked a little puzzled as the army drove eastward in the night.

"Let's go to Yuguan." Yue Fei said.

Yuguan is also a very important pass. In the Ming Dynasty, it was renamed "Shanhaiguan" because it was connected to Yanshan Mountain in the east and Bohai Sea in the west. It was both mountains and seas.It is the first pass of the Great Wall, so it is also known as "the first pass in the world".At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Sangui was ordered to guard Shanhaiguan. It was he who opened the gate of Shanhaiguan and sent the Qing soldiers from Liaodong into the land of the Central Plains.

At this moment, Yue Fei was leading the army towards this extremely important pass. They took a long detour and trekked non-stop all the way, and it took them three days to arrive here.

After arriving here, Yue Fei ordered Zhang Jun to garrison here, while he and Zhang Xian set off from Shanhaiguan with [-] cavalry and entered the vast grassland.To watch the first release without advertisements, please go to ""

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