Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 310 The Battle of Songting Pass 1

The [-] Liao troops did not have torches, and their walking voices were extremely low. They wanted to catch them off guard and conquer Songting Pass in one fell swoop in such a night. "" www However, in fact, before they approached Songting Pass, even when they were just about to attack, the Liangshan army had already noticed.

This Liangshan army is an elite army trained by Yue Fei himself. If you can't even find this, it will be a joke.

Liu Guangshi is now the supreme commander of Songtingguan. He had already fallen asleep, but he was pushed awake soon.

He strode up to the city wall, glanced down, and hurriedly arranged the defense work on the city wall.Ten thousand Liangshan soldiers had already climbed onto the city wall without a sound. Like the Liao army below, they did not light any torches. In such a night, they could not see the situation above.

The [-] Liao troops are getting closer and closer, they are walking more and more slowly, they keep walking lightly, trying to approach Songting Pass quietly, but they don't know that they have been spotted for a long time.

This time the general of the Liao Army who led the army was called Yelu Yuzhu, who was the cousin of Yelu Yujian who was killed by Yue Fei that day. When he commanded the army to set up the ladder, he was very excited.In his opinion, what's so great about this small pass?For Daliao, this is just a post station. Can it still block the footsteps of the Liao people's army?

He also looks down on the Han people in his heart. Although the Han people have almost defeated Yan Yun, he feels that everything is because of Yan Yun's emptiness.In fact, many people in the Liao army share the same opinion as him. The Liao army's discrimination against the Han army is deeply rooted, and it cannot be changed in a short period of time.

Under the order of Yelu Yuzhu, the Liao army began to climb towards the city wall. However, they had just climbed half the distance when countless boulders suddenly fell from it. In an instant, countless Liao troops were smashed down from above. There were screams in the night, and the screams were so shrill and frightening.

Of the [-] Liao troops, there were few real warriors among them. Most of the Liao troops began to withdraw from above, and some even started to return along the same road.Although there are a large number of them, they are basically the same as the performance of the [-] Liao troops at dusk.

"Don't come down! Go up!" Yeluyu was furious and shouted loudly from below.

It's just that there are shouts of killing and screams, and not many people may be able to hear his voice. Even if someone hears his voice, they will not follow his orders.

"Come here, order the supervising team. If anyone retreats, kill them all!" Yelu Yuzhu gritted his teeth and gave the order.

His supervising team rushed forward and killed dozens of Liao soldiers who were retreating. The rest of the Liao soldiers did not dare to retreat, so they had to continue to move forward.

The Liao soldiers charged forward, while the top was defending. The advantage of defending the city was much greater than that of attacking the city. As a large number of boulders, trees, bows and arrows fell, the casualties of the Liao army became more and more serious.The quality of their individual soldiers was extremely poor. Seeing more and more casualties, some people began to retreat. Although there was a supervising team behind them, those people still wanted to find a loophole to leave.Some soldiers tried to retreat behind their comrades. Instead of competing with the Liangshan soldiers above, they "competed" with their comrades. Whoever stayed behind might live a little longer.

The [-] army has already killed thousands of people, and until this moment, the [-] army has not rushed to the city wall.If the war continues like this, I am afraid that the Liao army will not be able to advance even if they are all dead.Yelu Yuzhu frowned, gritted his teeth, and finally gave the order to retreat.He felt that the reason why the army couldn't make it to the top was mainly because the pass was too steep, not because his soldiers were incapable. You must know that his soldiers were truly "elite soldiers".

"This pass is too steep, and it is impossible to take it down without siege weapons! Well, after returning, prepare the siege weapons first, and then attack upwards." Yeluyu thought secretly.

The [-] Liao army retreated to the back in chaos. At the moment, Liu Guangshi looked at the scene below and waved his hand on the city wall of Songting Pass. Yang Lin and his deputy commander Wang De came beside him.

"Are you all ready?" Liu Guangshi asked.

"Okay!" The two said in unison.

"When you charge later, you must not go too far, you know?" Liu Guangshi said again.

"Understood." Yang Lin said.

"Very good, let's go." Liu Guangshi said.

The gate of Songting Pass was slowly opened, and the retreating Liao army was in chaos. At this time, few people noticed the scene here, and a few people saw it, but their faces were dull.They didn't understand why the city gate was opened here, and the few soldiers who saw it even wanted to rush over and enter Songting Pass.

A moment later, Yang Lin and Wang De rushed out from Songting Pass with an army of tens of thousands.In the night, they ran forward with spears in their hands.

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people yelled angrily, stabbing the Liao army with their spears in front of them.

When the Liao army retreated, it was very chaotic. At this moment, the Liangshan army came out very suddenly. Those Liao troops were not prepared at all. They had no time to turn around, form an effective formation, or cooperate with each other.The Liao army at the back died, while the ones in front of them were crying and screaming, and the ones in front were trampled to the ground by them.

The Liangshan army formed small teams and charged forward continuously.

Wang De rushed to the front alone, holding two big axes, and he would chop at anyone he saw. Those Liao soldiers were no match for him, and he was already covered in blood in a short while.

Fifty thousand Liao troops fled frantically, they kept crying and shouting, and at this moment they had even retreated to the position of the Liao army camp.Few of the soldiers in the Liao army's camp had slept peacefully, but they were all awakened at this moment.They didn't know what happened in the night. At this time, the generals of the Liao army had no time to command the army. In a short time, the camp of the Liao army was also in chaos.

Liangshan's army charged again, killing countless soldiers on the edge of the camp. Wang De wanted to charge forward, but Yang Lin held him back.

"What are you pulling me for?" Wang De asked, glaring at Yang Lin.

"Commander Liu told us not to go too far, it's too dangerous to enter it now," Yang Lin said.

"I'm not afraid of danger!" Wang De said coldly.

"You're not afraid of danger, it doesn't matter if you die, but what about our soldiers? If they died for no reason, the loss outweighs the gain." Yang Lin said.

"Hmph, I only bring my personal guards in." Wang De glanced at Yang Lin and said.

At that moment, Wang De led a 1000-man personal guard and rushed over. Yang Lin couldn't stop him at all, so he had to let the army prepare to meet Wang De outside.

Wang De led 1000 people in. It went smoothly at the beginning, but soon countless torches were lit in the Liao army. Even though he was brave, it was impossible for him to continue to charge and kill the 20 Liao army.He is not as capable as Yue Fei, but he keeps finding the enemy's weak points in the chaotic army, and every time he attacks the weak points of the enemy's strength. In just a quarter of an hour, he retreated, and there are countless people behind him. Liao soldiers came out after him.

"Kill!" Yang Lin gave an order, and the rest of the soldiers he led rushed forward, and only after they had repelled the Liao soldiers, they began to return along the same route.

"Is there anything wrong?" Yang Lin walked to Wang De's side and asked.

"Fortunately, I suffered a little injury. Thank you this time." Wang De said.

"It's nothing." Yang Lin smiled, knowing that Wang De was just reckless, and his personality was still very good. He couldn't possibly argue with Wang De because of this kind of thing.

Although the charge was short this time, there were many casualties in the Liao army.3000 people were hunted to death, and more than 2000 people trampled to death in the dark. With an army of 20, once it becomes chaotic, casualties are no small matter.

Yelu Dashi was furious and scolded Yelu Yuzhu severely.Half an hour later, Wanyan Zongwang also came here, and he was also very angry. He felt that the Liao army was too useless, so many people could not conquer the small pass in front of them.


In the early morning of the second day, the Liao soldiers attacked again.This time they were still 5 people, but this time there were 1000 Jurchens behind them holding bows and arrows to supervise the battle.

"Whoever dares to retreat, we will shoot him to death! If you charge forward, you may still survive, if you retreat, you will only die." The commander of the Jurchens said coldly.To watch the first release without advertisements, please go to "" www

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