In fact, after Gaetar left the battlefield, he was already gathering the remnants.Device: no ads, full text, more

He was extremely sad in his heart, and at the same time hated to the extreme.In this battle, his [-] Mongolian warriors suffered heavy casualties, and he didn't know how many of them could escape.It wasn't until this time that he realized that he was not the material to be a general at all. He was defeated even though he had many more soldiers than the enemy.

"How many people have been summoned?" After half an hour, Getar asked a little disheartened.

"Khan, we have already summoned 2000 soldiers." A leader beside him said.

"To find other people, we must find all the other fighters who escaped." Gaetar said.

While he was saying this, the sound of horseshoes was heard again in the distance.The sound of horseshoes was extremely dense, it was definitely not from Menggu's rout, it was Liangshan's pursuers.

"Not good, run away!" Getar has become a frightened bird at this moment, and hurriedly shouted.

He fled to the front with 2000 people, and Liangshan's pursuers followed closely behind.

Now Yue Fei and Zhang Xian each led 5000 men to pursue the due north and northwest respectively. These are the two places where the Menggu people were most likely to escape.Their 5000 people were divided into 5 regiments, each regiment was more than ten miles away, and they cooperated and echoed each other.

From night to dawn, the fighting never stopped.Most of the time Yue Fei and Zhang Xian encountered routs of dozens of soldiers, and sometimes they needed two regiments to cooperate when they encountered hundreds of soldiers. The two regiments pursued from behind, and the three regiments circled around from the flanks, almost annihilating the 2000 men.

"Legion Commander, I'm really tired after chasing for so long." At noon on the second day, Xue San followed Yue Fei, a little tired.

"We are tired, and the Menggu people are even more tired! Don't forget, they have been running for two days and two nights before! They can persevere, can't you persevere?" Yue Fei said.

"It's tiring, but there's nothing wrong with persevering!" Xue San laughed.

"Being able to laugh out loud means that you're not tired enough." Yue Fei also laughed.

Xue San and the surrounding soldiers were all laughing. To be honest, they were really tired, but each of them was extremely excited.To be able to defeat 1 people with 3 people, to achieve such a brilliant result, it doesn't matter if you are more tired.

They are soldiers, and they were born to fight. Being able to kill the enemy on the battlefield is what they look forward to most.Although some people say that they are tired at the moment, the morale of the army is still very high.

"Go! Keep chasing forward!" Yue Fei laughed.

The soldiers took out fried noodles or beef jerky and chewed them while they were on their way. They didn't stop until the sun was setting and Yue Fei's troops had killed countless enemies.

"The ancient mengs are dead, at least they can no longer participate in this battle. We will camp by the small river and go back tomorrow. Someone, tell Zhang Xian not to pursue them," Yue Fei said.

Some soldiers went to notify Zhang Xian, and the 5000 people brought by Yue Fei began to camp here to rest.The soldiers were so exhausted that they were lying on the grass and fell asleep. Only the night watchmen of more than a hundred people still kept their eyes open and looked around to prevent accidents.

In the early morning of the next day, all the soldiers were refreshed. Only then did Yue Fei lead the soldiers to continue southward, collecting horses along the way.After they joined Zhang Xian's army, almost everyone had two or three horses in their hands, and everyone was laughing.

"Let's go to Songting Pass!" Yue Fei laughed.

Ten thousand soldiers galloped on the grassland and began to head towards Songting Pass.

In the north of Guyuan City, Getar started to gather the remnants again at this moment, but only after two days, he summoned a total of 3000 remnants.Up to now, there are fewer and fewer Mongolian soldiers coming here from the south, and few people can be seen for an hour.

"Khan, our brothers died so tragically! There are only so few people left in our army. We must seek revenge from the Han people!" Several generals came to Gaetar's side, and one general said indignantly road.

"I can't take revenge!" Gaetar said with a deep sigh.

"Why can't we seek revenge from them? Why?" Several leaders couldn't believe it and shouted together.

"Look, how many people do we have now?" Gaetar said with a wry smile.

"There are still more than 3000 people! Although we are small in number, we still dare to charge forward! We are not afraid of death, and now we only want revenge!" a general gritted his teeth.

"However, have you ever thought about what would happen to the Kelei tribe if you died too? The grassland is not a peaceful place. The Qiyan tribe, the Naiman tribe, and the Tatar tribe all stared at us! This time we went to In the Liao Kingdom, more than half of the middle-aged men have followed me here, and now we only have some old and weak men in our Kelei department, if you die too, who will guard the Kelei department?" Gaetar said.

"This..." For a moment, all the generals were speechless.They were sweating profusely, and some people fidgeted.

The fighting on the grassland was also very cruel. Hundreds of years before Genghis Khan unified the grassland, the grassland had never been peaceful, and countless tribes, big and small, were annexed or completely wiped out by other tribes.This time, the Kret tribe came here almost with the strength of the whole family, in order to obtain enough weapons and armor, so that they can rule the roost on the grassland in the future, and even dominate the grassland.But now there are only more than 3000 people left in the [-] army. If they still want revenge, it means that they have completely abandoned the tribesmen on the grassland. In the future, the tribesmen can only be slaughtered and killed by other tribes. She will become the wife of herdsmen of other tribes and bear daughters for herdsmen of other tribes.

"We have to return to the grassland immediately, and then take our tribe to the west! We can stop when we reach the desert in the west." Although Gaetar is not good at leading the army, he still has a good way of governing the tribe In a short time, he came up with a countermeasure.

"But, Great Khan, if we go to the western desert, where there is an abnormal shortage of products, how many people in our tribe will starve to death this winter!" said a general.

"If we continue to stay in places rich in water and grass, do you think the rest of the tribe will let us go? Do you think we still have the power to protect the tribe?" Getar said with a wry smile.

In the end, Getar convinced all the generals, and he headed north with 3000 troops that day, planning to return to the Kret department immediately, and take the Kret department to the desolate area on the edge of the grassland to survive.He was extremely miserable. Before he came here, he never expected to encounter such a thing. Now everything can only be attributed to his greed.Without his greed, his brother would not have died, and his clan would not have died here.But now it's too late to regret, and I can only try my best to make up for the mistakes I made.

"Who will the grassland belong to in the future?" He asked secretly, but he knew that no matter who it was, it would not be their turn.

As Yue Fei marched towards Songting Pass, he dispatched countless spies. Some spies rushed towards Songting Pass, while others headed towards Shanhai Pass.On the battlefield, information is extremely important, and Yue Fei attaches great importance to it. Often, wherever his troops go, he can clearly understand the situation within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Three days later, Yue Fei's army entered Qilaotu Mountain. Not long after entering, they encountered several Khitan soldiers.These Khitan soldiers were also some spies. They saw Liangshan soldiers were shocked, but before they could escape, they were all shot to death.

Marching all the way in a hurry, they entered Nuluerhu Mountain from Qilaotu Mountain in just two days.

The soldiers were very tired, and when they reached the Laoha River in Nuluerhu Mountain, Yue Fei ordered the soldiers to rest here for two hours, and then continued on their way.

However, not long after the soldiers had sat down, a spy suddenly said that an army of hundreds of people appeared in the distance, and Yue Fei asked Zhang Xian to personally lead 2000 people to meet that army.

Soon, 2000 soldiers set off, and they saw the enemy army after walking only five miles.There are only more than 500 enemy troops in total, and it seems that all of them are Xixia troops.

When the Xixia army saw these 2000 people, they were also taken aback.At first they thought it was a friendly army, and a Xixia general asked loudly in Xixia language, but soon they knew something was wrong, and the 2000 people on the opposite side rushed over quickly, and then covered them with bows and arrows.

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