Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 327 Marching

"Why don't you go?" Yelu Jinning had already set off, but after a while, he saw dozens of soldiers standing there in the camp. These dozens of soldiers "watched" the rest leave, and they didn't even leave.

"We're going back to Yanyun!" A soldier looked at Yelu Jinning and said in silence for a moment.

"Return to Yanyun? But how do you go back? Songting Pass is occupied by Han people, Yuguan in front is also occupied by Han people, and Xijing Datong, thousands of miles away, is also occupied by Han people! You can't go back at all!" Yelu Jinning frowned.

He thought that after he said these words, the soldiers would start to move, but those soldiers still stood there motionless.Some soldiers lowered their heads, not knowing what they were thinking.

Yelu Jinning's eyes swept over these soldiers, and suddenly he felt cold, and suddenly understood what these soldiers were thinking.

"Are you trying to surrender to the Han people? Damn it! How could you do this?" Yelu Jinning asked loudly.

Those soldiers lowered their heads more and more. After a long time, a soldier stood up. He and Yelu Jinning looked at each other without taking a step back.

"Say, why did you do this?" Yelu Jinning asked coldly.

"My lord, we have had enough of this kind of life! It has been 10 years, we have not rested, and we have been fighting people constantly! When we fought the Jurchen, almost all the brothers beside me died, but now, you actually You must unite with the Jurchens! These days you have to fight the Han people again, and our brothers continue to die! After ten years of such fear and fear, we don’t want to live any longer! You generals, these adults, you have been in Yan In the capital, how can you understand our thoughts?" The soldier gritted his teeth and said stubbornly.

Yelu Jinning was stunned. He was a real nobleman of the Liao Kingdom. He used to be a son. Just like what the soldier said, he used to live in Yanjing City, and he didn't know what kind of life the soldiers lived. It is really impossible to understand the thinking of these people.

He looked at the soldier and found that the soldier was over 40 years old.In this era, as long as you serve as a soldier, you will spend your whole life. Unless you can no longer take up arms at the age of 70 or [-], there is absolutely no such thing as retirement. Of course, the current situation of the Liangshan Army is an exception.These ordinary soldiers fought all the year round and failed constantly, and their fatigue can be imagined.

If they were still at war with the Jurchens, they would never surrender, because the consequences of surrender would be extremely tragic, either they would be directly killed by the Jurchens, or they would become slaves of the Jurchens.Only those with the best body and the strongest will be able to become the new Jurchen followers, and the rest will live a life that is not as good as that of pigs and dogs.But the Han people are different from the Jurchens. The Han people are famous for their "benevolence". They will not kill and surrender, and the suffering they suffer after them is much lighter than the Jurchens, so they decided to surrender.

Yelu Jinning frowned, he stopped talking to the soldier, but rode forward.Along the way, I saw countless soldiers standing there motionless. It seemed that these people didn't want to follow them.These many soldiers add up to at least 5 people, which startled Yelv Jinning.

"No, I have to tell uncle!" Yelu Jinning secretly said.

At that moment, Yelu Jinning rode his horse forward and ran in the direction of Yelu Dashi.At this moment, Yelu Dashi was directing the army to dismantle the tents. At the same time, he sent someone to take some military rations from the Jurchen, and used the military rations to appease the soldiers.When he saw Yelu Jinning coming, he just nodded, and then immediately went to work on other things.

"Uncle, something is wrong!" Yelu Jinning said hastily as he got off his horse.

"What happened?" Yelu Dashi has been like a frightened bird these days, afraid of hearing bad news, he asked hurriedly.

"Uncle, look over there!" Yelu Jinning pointed at the soldiers in the distance.

"Why are they standing there?" Yelu Dashi asked in surprise.

"Uncle, they don't want to follow us. They want to surrender to the Han people and enter Yanyun!" Yelu Jinning said.

"What?" Yelu Dashi was shocked, but at the same time couldn't believe it.

At the moment, he didn't have time to deal with other military affairs, so he immediately led a group of personal soldiers towards those soldiers.In fact, the rest of the generals of the Liao Kingdom have also been alarmed. Yelu Yuzhu, Guo Yaoshi, Xiao Yu and others have also rode in that direction. People don't want to follow them.

After Yelu Dashi arrived, he immediately asked questions.

"You are all good sons of the Liao Kingdom, get on your horses immediately, and follow me to Shenshan County in the west to rescue Your Majesty!" Yelu Dashi said coldly.

But the soldiers stood there in silence, no one spoke.

"Don't you know how to be loyal to the emperor and love the country?" Xiao Yu had already rushed over, and was also shouting loudly at this moment.

"Loyal to the king and patriotic? Whose king is the king? Whose country is the country? That is not our king, nor is it our country!" Finally a soldier stood up and whispered.

"What did you say?" Yelu Dashi said angrily.

"Am I not right? The emperor of our Daliao Dynasty is full of wind and snow and moon every day, and only knows to hunt every day! He indulged in the Jurchen's attack, and he is still hunting in the west! And you adults, you royal relatives Relatives of the state, you have rich clothes and fine food, you hide behind the soldiers during the war, and you eat and drink in the city on weekdays! What are we? We just work for you! Why should we be loyal and patriotic? If we want to be loyal and patriotic, Just do it!" The soldier's voice suddenly became excited, and he cursed loudly.

At this moment, he no longer has any fear, he just speaks out what is in his heart.

In feudal society, the contradictions between civilians and nobles have always existed, but there is no chance of outbreak.At this moment, the Liao Kingdom is at the end of the road, and these ordinary lowly soldiers finally burst out their anger!

Following the soldier's yelling, countless soldiers drew their weapons and looked at Yelu Dashi, Xiao Yu and others with cold eyes.

Yelu Dashi was taken aback, under such stares, he suddenly felt a little scared!He thought of yesterday's mutiny, and suddenly felt like pulling away from here.

Xiao Yu was also taken aback. He felt a little dry in his mouth and swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

"Okay, I allow you to stay here! But your weapons and horses must be handed over!" After a long time, Yelu Dashi said.

For Yelu Dashi's proposal, the remaining soldiers agreed.Anyway, they have already decided to surrender to Liangshan, and the weapons and horses are of no use to them.

At present, countless weapons and horses stayed behind, and those soldiers who still followed Yelu Dashi but had no weapons or horses took these things. It was not until dusk that more than [-] Liao soldiers headed towards the direction of Shenshan County in the west. .At this moment, the generals and soldiers of the Liao Kingdom were very pessimistic, and no one knew whether the emperor could be rescued.Moreover, even if the emperor is rescued, so what?The Liao Kingdom has lost the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, Shangjing, Zhongjing, Tokyo, and Xijing. The Liao Kingdom does not even have a big city, and most of its population no longer exists.What is the future of Liao now?

"Is this the end of my Daliao?" Yelu Dashi was extremely depressed, and kept sighing.


The Liao army marched westward, and the Jurchens followed behind them.

Five days later, they walked nearly half of the distance, and from here, they saw countless corpses on the road.

"This is the body of the Xixia people!" Yelu Dashi said in surprise as he pushed the bodies of these people away.

"Western Xia people? Did they encounter Han people?" Xiao Yu was also surprised.

"Go and check to see if there are any living people." Yelu Dashi hurriedly said.

After a while, the soldiers reported that they were all corpses, and they did not see a single surviving Xixia soldier.

The Liao army continued to move forward, and the road was full of corpses this day. The ordinary soldiers of the Liao army were terrified. Their morale was not high at first, and now their morale has dropped a lot.

When passing through a mountain forest at night, there was a noise in the woods. Yelu Dashi ordered a group of Liao soldiers to rush up, and finally they caught several Xixia soldiers.

Yelu Dashi was overjoyed when he saw these Xixia soldiers, and he hurriedly ordered these people to come up and speak.

"What happened? Why are there dead people along the way?" Yelu Dashi said while riding on the horse.

"My lord, we have encountered a large army of Han people! We were defeated by the Han people, and more than [-] people almost died here." A leader of the Xixia soldiers said.

"All over one hundred thousand people died here?" Yelu Dashi was shocked, and asked again: "How many Han people are there?"

"My lord, there are so many of them, it seems to be endless, I don't know." The leading soldier said.

Yelu Dashi frowned, thinking that these were ordinary soldiers after all, their knowledge was limited, and it would be impossible to rely on them to know how many Han people there were.The next day, the Liao soldiers continued on the road. This time they encountered more Xixia soldiers on the road, and some of them were Xixia generals.Every time they met these people, Yelu Dashi, Xiao Yu and the others would inquire in person, wanting to know the specific situation of the war.By the end of the night, they already had a rough idea of ​​the war between the Xixia people and the Han people.

According to these many Xixia people, the number of Han people will not exceed [-], but the Han people are extremely ferocious.They launched a surprise attack at night, with [-] cavalry raiding more than [-] Xixia cavalry, and they won!The war continued from night to dawn, and more than [-] Xixia cavalry were surrounded by [-] Han cavalry.At dawn, there were corpses all over the ground, and only a small number of people escaped their lives by hiding in the forest.

"With [-] cavalry fighting more than [-] cavalry, you can fight around? How is this possible?" In the middle of the night, several generals gathered together, and Yelu Dashi shook his head.

"Could it be that those Xixia generals and soldiers are scared to death, so they're talking nonsense?" Guo Yaoshi said in disbelief.

"But many people say that, there should be no mistake." Xiao Yu frowned.

"Besieging more than a hundred thousand with ten thousand is not impossible." Wanyan Zongwang said calmly from the side.He remembered that when the Jurchens had just raised their troops, his father used [-] cavalry to besiege hundreds of thousands of Liao troops when they fought against the Khitans, and the Liao troops could not even escape.At this moment, he was also extremely vigilant in his heart, and he never thought that the Han people could do this.His father was able to do it because his father was a war genius, and his commanding ability on the battlefield surpassed the so-called famous generals. He was almost invincible, but how could the Han people do the same?

After another three days, they finally came to the range of the holy mountain.

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