Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 385 Heading North

The kings of subjugation in history always do some actions that are extremely absurd in the eyes of later generations. Needless to say, Song Huizong, his ministers are all well-known traitors in history, except Cai Jing, who was born in the imperial examination. In addition, Gao Qi, Tong Guan, Yang Jian, etc. are all ignorant people, and he himself believes in Taoism. Until the real woman called, he actually used Taoist priests to defend the city. Now it seems extremely ridiculous!The Kingdom of Jin in the later generations was invaded by Menggu and lost most of its land. At this time, the Kingdom of Jin was not united with the Southern Song Dynasty to resist together~~As for the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, they all made absurd decisions, and the demise of the country has a great relationship with these stupid kings.

In the current era, Liangshan has conquered the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, almost replacing the original Liao state, but Song Huizong, apart from his fear at the beginning, after only half a year, he began to show arrogance again mentality!He looked down on such a barbarian as Nvzhen, and hated Wanyan Zongfu's rudeness!He also looked down on Liangshan, and Song Huizong put Liangshan in the position of "thieves" in his heart, thinking that these "thieves" were insignificant and not enough to affect his status as king.

In the palace at the moment, Song Huizong Zhao Ji was talking with Yang Jian.

"Master Zhong said that Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures has a large population, but their food production is limited, so many people must have no food this year! Liangshan is just bandits, and they can't really manage the people well. I believe Yanyun Hunluan will definitely appear in the Sixteen States of Clouds now! Huh, they can persist in one year, but they will definitely not be able to persist in two or three years. At that time, when the sixteen states of Yanyun are full of wars, that is when we will really launch an attack Yang Jian, after you go to the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, let me take a closer look and see how far they are short of food!" Zhao Ji said.

Jian hastily agreed.

"Although they occupy the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, they are rebels after all. You are an envoy of the Celestial Dynasty. After meeting them, you must not lose the reputation of the Song Dynasty! Even the governor of Liangshan must kneel down to accept them. Order!" Song Huizong said again.

Jian agreed again.

"The north is a place of bitter cold. You took the initiative to invite Yingying to be a mission this time. It must have been extremely hard along the way! Thank you for your hard work, and I will reward you well when you come back." Song Huizong said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yang Jian said hastily.

After Song Huizong gave a few careful instructions, he waved Yang Jian to leave. He continued to study the "Lingbao Sutra", and soon entered the state of "forgetting things and myself". Until midnight, the eunuch came to urge him Only then did Song Huizong reluctantly put down the scriptures and prepared to fall asleep.

In the early morning of the second day, Yang Jian and Zhu Wu left Bianliang City and headed north. They were escorted by 100 soldiers along the way.

Yang Jian was very excited, this was his second mission to Liangshan!But the first time was Goryeo, Goryeo is a small country, so it doesn't make much sense to go there as an envoy!However, the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun were the core of the former Liao Kingdom. Yanjing City was a famous city in the world in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Liangshan's current strength is also very different from that of the past.He felt that this was a great era of ups and downs, and he, Yang Jian, would also become a great man who created history.

From the time they left Bianliang City, local officials and gentry would come out to greet the "Master Imperial Envoy" every time they arrived in a city, and it took a long time to go to a place.

Every time Zhu Wu went to a place, he had to carefully observe the local situation, including the terrain on the road, the population, the deployment of troops, etc., as well as the attitude of the local people towards Liangshan and the imperial court.Liang Shan had a large number of spies in the Central Plains, and these spies also continuously collected the information they inquired and brought it to Zhu Wu.Zhu Wu wrote down everything and prepared to hand it over to Wu Dong when he went back, so that Wu Dong could make an effective judgment on the form of the Central Plains.In the future, Liangshan will send troops to the Central Plains sooner or later, and now we need to understand this.

He did things very carefully, and even let Lu Zhishen understand the situation in the local Jianghu, and understand the current attitude of the Jianghu towards Liangshan.It's a pity that because of Liang Shan's actions in the Sixteen States of Yanyun, people in the Jianghu no longer worship Liang Shan but fear and resent him.Regarding these, Zhu Wu was also very helpless, he still felt that the methods Wu Dong used at the beginning were too tough.

It took them nearly a month to reach Cangzhou, which is now just a military city in the north.The size of the city is very small, and there are no ordinary people in it except soldiers. Many soldiers have served here for many years, and many of them even have gray hair.In the Song Dynasty, military service was a lifelong system, and those who had a relationship could retire at the age of 60, and those who had nothing to do with it had to continue serving as soldiers at the age of 80 or [-].

The soldiers huddled in the corner one by one. They looked yellow and emaciated, and their physical fitness was extremely poor.There used to be a large forage field here, but it was a pity that Gao Lian burned down this forage field that could supply tens of thousands of military rations in order to deal with Lin Chong. Therefore, many soldiers in Cangzhou have not had enough to eat in recent years, and some soldiers even starve.

"Cangzhou is too bad, it's not interesting!" They only stayed in Cangzhou City for one night, and Yang Jian became a little impatient.

Not to mention the soldiers here, even the guards here are very barren. Although the guard wants to please Yang Jian, he has nothing good to entertain Yang Jian, so Yang Jian is very dissatisfied.

"Ahead is Zhuozhou, which is the border of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun! Lord Yang, when you get there, Liangshan will treat you well." Zhu Wu laughed.

"Okay, then go quickly." Yang Jian said excitedly.

He still remembered Zhu Wu's promise to him, as long as he arrived at Yanyun Sixteen States and entered Yanjing City, he would be able to get 30 treasures from the palace!For a greedy eunuch, property is the most important thing!

The sky was extremely gloomy, and it seemed that it was going to snow again.They set off from Cangzhou City, and after walking for tens of miles, they finally came to the border between Hebei and Yanyun.

Here you can already see the patrolling soldiers of Liangshan, they belong to the Second Army of Hedong and belong to Wu Song's subordinates.

Soldiers in Liangshan wore thick clothes and patrolled in the snow, and the surrounding area was desolate, but these soldiers still looked around vigilantly.These soldiers are all in their twenties, and they are far superior to the Cangzhou garrison in terms of physical fitness and spirit, and the two are not at the same level at all.

As soon as Zhu Wu and others arrived, the siren sounded immediately, and they were not allowed to go until Zhu Wu said his name and handed over the token.But even so, the patrolling soldiers were still worried. Several patrolling soldiers reported the incident, and several patrolling soldiers followed them all the way north to prevent accidents.

Zhu Wu was very satisfied with the vigilance of the soldiers, but Yang Jian was very surprised. He thought that Liangshan was really different from ordinary grass bandits!The further north you go, the more soldiers are patrolling. Gradually, you can see hundreds of people patrolling together, and sometimes you can see the Liangshan military camp in the wilderness.Further north, you can see the villages. There are portraits of Wu Dong hanging in the ancestral halls of these villages. Yang Jian was surprised to see the portraits. Later, all the villages he passed by had Wu Dong's portraits in them. Yang Jian was surprised. No wonder.

Just as the group of them headed for the Sixteen States of Yanyun, Tong Guan, Wanyan Zongfu and others rushed towards Weizhou.

After arriving in Weizhou, Tong Guan and Wanyan Zongfu did not take a short rest, but immediately rushed to the residence of Huang Qianshan, the Xuanfu envoy of the Northwest.

Huang Qianshan is good at trying to figure out the emperor's heart. He has already learned what happened in Bianliang and knew that the real woman had offended the emperor. He didn't want to meet the real woman at first, but Tong Guan came with the real woman himself, so he had to meet again.Although he is the Northwest Xuanfu envoy, he also has a certain restraint effect on the Northwest army, but Tong Guan is the emperor's confidant, so he can't offend him.

Wanyan Zongfu sat down and looked at Huang Qianshan secretly. He found that Huang Qianshan was only in his 40s.In the original history, after the death of the six thieves, Huang Qianshan became the most famous treacherous official in the early Southern Song Dynasty. Although he is now a Xuanfu envoy, his reputation is still far inferior to Tong Guan and others. limited.

When Wanyan Zongfu revealed his purpose, Huang Qianshan immediately frowned and said, "If you want to mobilize the military rations, you need His Majesty's imperial decree! Without the imperial decree, I can't give the military rations to you, Daoist Lady!"

Tong Guan next to him also frowned, and said: "Master Huang, can you show me a little tolerance for my sake? You and I are both in the northwest, and we will cooperate in the future. If you help me today, we will help you in the future." will help you too."

Huang Qianshan thought for a moment, finally nodded and said: "Okay, I can give you some military rations! Third Prince, tell me, how much military rations do you need?"

Wanyan Zongfu was overjoyed and said, "At least 30 stones are needed!"

"So much?" Huang Qianshan was taken aback.

"Master Huang, can you help?" Wanyan Zongfu asked urgently.

"This is absolutely impossible!" Huang Qianshan refused without hesitation.

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