Zongzhou is now a large area of ​​territory south of Suizhong, Liaoning. It was also called Ruizhou in ancient times, and it was the only way to enter Liaodong from Shanhaiguan. -<>-

In ancient times, this place was very desolate, with weeds everywhere. Even though it is winter and the ground is covered with heavy snow, there are still many weeds that are as tall as a person lying outside, blocking people's roads.In addition to weeds, there are also large tracts of wild forest.From Shanhaiguan to here, there is no formed road at all, occasionally encountering hills and occasionally ravines.

In modern society, it may only take two or three days to get there. Now Liangshan's army has been walking for more than five days, but they still haven't reached the city of Zongzhou.

The soldiers have traveled a long distance, and their bodies are extremely tired, but their spirits are still very exciting!Years of military propaganda and continuous victories, the soldiers have a kind of anticipation for the war!They all want to expand their territories, to make contributions, and to pass the good news back to their hometown!Liangshan's militaristic system from top to bottom played a huge role in this regard.

"Did the artillery come up?" Wu Dong was in the middle of the team, and Yang Lin was beside him, only Wu Dong asked.

"Don't worry, the governor, we will naturally transport such an important thing!" Yang Lin said with a smile.

"With artillery, siege will be much easier!" Wu Dong said.

"Yes! The power of the artillery is earth-shattering. With the artillery, our combat mission will be realized soon!" Yang Lin said.

"Maybe the artillery will not be used in the first battle." Wu Dong thought for a while and said.

He thought of Han Chang, the city lord of Zongzhou was Han Chang's father, and now that Han Chang was in their hands, they might be able to let the city lord of Zongzhou offer the city to surrender.

The north wind was howling, the weather was extremely cold, and suddenly it snowed heavily in the middle of the trip!The soldiers marched in the snow, and some people were blown down by the snow, and the soldiers next to them hurriedly helped them up!However, apart from the difficult roads and changeable weather along the way, they did not encounter any enemy obstacles!The Jurchens have a limited number of troops stationed here, and they actually have some spies along the road, but these spies have long been killed by the cavalry.

"Governor, one day at most, we will be able to come to the city of Zongzhou!" That night, the army was taking shelter from the wind on the south side of a hill, and Wu Dong and the soldiers were sitting together drinking hot soup, when suddenly a cavalry arrived, He got off his horse and reported to Wu Dong.

"Very good, I hope to go as soon as possible." Wu Dong nodded and said.

Wu Dong was also a little excited!Since the establishment of Liangshan, Wu Dong has seldom personally participated in the conquest.Especially like now, it is the first time in his life to act and attack a city with an army of more than [-], so he is looking forward to it.

Of course, although he marched with the legion, he would never interfere with the normal command and operations of the army!In the history of later generations, Jiang has many strong generals under his command, but Jiang often intervenes in battles with his own hands. His own combat ability is limited, so the army often suffers defeat under his intervention. Wu Dong does not want to make such a mistake.

Wu Dong went north with the legion, mainly to boost morale and increase the centripetal force of the army towards him.The troops of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are all from Hedong. He has been in Koryo and Liaodong for many years. Although the troops here still obey his orders and even have great faith and respect for him, he always feels that there is only a little gap between the two sides. It is about to eliminate barriers through such a personal conquest, so that this army can truly be controlled by itself.

As for whether there will be danger in this battle, Wu Dong doesn't care much.In troubled times, everyone must have the awareness to face danger.What's more, his own martial arts are quite good, he has many masters to protect him, and he is in the army of [-], so what is there to be afraid of?


Liangshan's army continued to move forward. In Zongzhou City, Han Qinghe, the owner of Zongzhou City, was a little restless these days!

On New Year's Eve, his son went out to battle with the Jurchen commander, but he never came back!In the end, dozens of slave troops escaped and came back. According to those slave troops, the army that went to attack Shanhaiguan has been wiped out!I'm afraid that my son Han Chang has been captured or killed!

"Han Chang, you must not have any accidents, you are my only son!" These days, every time he thinks of his son, his heart hurts like a knife!

In fact, these years, he and his son have not been very happy.

They are Han Chinese, and they were often bullied when they were in Liao Kingdom!In the Liao Kingdom, no matter how good the family background of the Han people is, no matter how much wealth the Han people have, they are all second-class people!Although Han people can also be officials, so what?Han officials have no status in front of Khitan officials!

Therefore, in the Liao Kingdom, the loyalty of the Han people to the Liao Kingdom is extremely limited!

At that time, Han Qinghe was already a general of the Liao Kingdom. Later, when the Jurchens called, Han Qinghe was ordered to conquer the Jurchens.At that time, the Liao army was decayed and weak, and the Jurchens easily defeated them. After being captured, Han Qinghe quickly joined the Jurchens!Later, his son Han Chang came to the Kingdom of Jin from the Liao Kingdom alone, so his son joined the Jurchen just like him.For the Han Chinese in the north, seeking refuge with the strong is their only choice.Anyway, both the Khitans and the Jurchens are foreigners, and it is impossible for them to have much loyalty to these foreigners. What they are loyal to is "power" itself!They are loyal to whoever has power.

When Liangshan was born, Liaodong was actually occupied by Liangshan. At that time, Han Qinghe began to investigate Liangshan's information, and he had already made plans to join Liangshan one day!But before he could do that, Liang Shan had already called!

On the 20th of the first lunar month, Zongzhou City had already received news of the dispatch of Liangshan's army. On the 21st of the first lunar month, a small group of cavalry from Liangshan appeared outside Zongzhou City!Han Qinghe was taken aback, he hastily ordered his subordinates to close the city gate, and at the same time let the defenders in the city get ready for battle!

There are now 5000 new attached troops in Zongzhou City, and another 5000 slave troops, and the total number has reached 1.But that's all for the new attached army, the combat effectiveness of this slave army is too weak, almost no combat effectiveness, Han Qinghe has no hope for these slave army.

On the night of the 21st of the first lunar month, the number of Liangshan cavalry appearing below is increasing!

The 22nd of the first lunar month is approaching, and the cavalry is still increasing in the morning. In the afternoon, a black line suddenly appeared in the distance, and gradually the black line turned into countless soldiers and horses!

Looking from the city wall, the Liangshan soldiers and horses in the distance are layered on top of each other, endless, and you can't see the end at a glance!

The marching speed of these Liangshan soldiers and horses was extremely fast. They were divided into several parts, some were coming towards the front, some were heading towards the gates on both sides, and some had already circled to the rear.

At night, Zongzhou City was surrounded by the Liangshan Army in all directions.

"How many enemy troops are there down there?" Han Qinghe asked with a horrified expression as he stood on the top of the wall.

Standing beside him was a middle-aged man with extremely dark skin. This middle-aged man was called Liu Li, and he was his lieutenant general and also the leader of the new army in the city!Han Qinghe knew that Liu Li was extremely loyal to the Jurchens, and he was considered an outlier among the Han people!On the one hand, Liu Li served as his deputy general, and on the other hand, he also had the right to supervise him!

"There are only ** million people, and there are cavalry in the distance, adding up to more than one hundred thousand!" Liu Li also had a horrified expression on his face.

"What should we do now?" Han Qinghe asked.

"Hold on!" Liu Li said.

That night, there were bonfires everywhere in the city of Zongzhou. It was the Liangshan army lighting the fire for cooking.Although Liangshan's military rations had fried noodles, they were only used for urgent marches. This was the first city in the north of Shanhaiguan, and Liangshan's supplies were being sent in a steady stream. Soldiers could have a hot meal here.

Soon the battle drums began to blare in the city of Zongzhou, and the Liangshan army seemed to be attacking at any moment!

Occasionally, the voice of "long live" can be heard, which is Wu Dong inspecting the army.

All night long, people in Zongzhou City were panicked, and everyone was waiting in horror for the moment when the city was broken.see please go to -<>-

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