That night, my Bahai sneaked into the area of ​​the Liangshan garrison with a few warriors

They walked for more than ten miles, and saw Liangshan's cavalry again. It was only at night, and it was dark. Liangshan's cavalry didn't notice them.

It seems that these are still the same group of people I met during the day, my babe secretly said

My baby and the others went around here, and they continued to move forward. After walking for a certain distance, they found a lot of Han cavalry. There were tens of thousands of Han cavalry. rest there, my baby was shocked

My baby and the others continued to move forward in this way. After walking for more than two hours, they saw several tents. There were fire lights at the door of the tents, and occasionally human voices could be heard.

They continued to move forward, and it was past midnight at this time. When they turned over a high slope, they suddenly saw a group of tents densely packed below. At a glance, the number of tents was almost over ten thousand. Everyone in the camp stayed there. It was the first time they saw such a large group of tents. The population of the Qiyan Department was large, and the number of tents was extremely large. However, the distribution of the Qiyan Department was very wide, and there had never been so many tents gathered in one place. together phenomenon

Next to "Adult", a warrior from the begging tribe made a trembling voice

"Going forward, I'm afraid there are many more of them." My child gritted his teeth and said

He took the warriors under his command and continued to move forward. When the sky was about to dawn, they found another huge group of tents. It seemed that there were more than ten thousand tents here.

The area of ​​the grassland is huge, and there are only a few of them walking on the grassland. Although there are many soldiers patrolling Liangshan, they were not found until dawn.

At dawn, they had arrived at an open space in the northeast of the station. In the distance, there were still Liangshan cavalry galloping. My baby and others squatted behind a high slope. run away

"My lord, what should we do now?" asked a warrior

"So many Han Chinese have come to the grasslands, we have to convey the news back," said Babai

"But our horses are all in the west. If we only rely on walking, we don't know when we will be able to go back," said a warrior.

"We can win the horse," another warrior next to him said with a firm expression

"It's too difficult to seize a horse. The Han army ranges from a few hundred to tens of thousands. How can we capture the horse?" My bahai shook his head and said.

Moreover, he felt that this place was still within the scope of Liangshan. If he seized the horse here, Liangshan would probably know that it was here soon. It would be easier for them to be spotted on horseback, and they would be able to walk out of here smoothly.

"We'll go north for two or three days, and we'll eventually be able to get out. Afterwards, we should be able to meet some small tribes, or find some wild horses, and then we'll go back," Anba said.

At present, my baby took these warriors to the north, and they did not walk out of the Liangshan garrison until three days later. The number of Liangshan cavalry had decreased significantly. After they walked for two days, they encountered Arriving at a small tribe, I exchanged the golden knife I carried with me for a few batches of war horses, and then led my warriors towards Chi Chengruo in the direction of the Qiyan tribe.

After another three days and two nights, they finally returned to the grassland where the king's tent of the Qiyan tribe was located.

My baby looked tired, he got off his horse and strode towards the king's tent

"My lord, are you back?" When he reached Wang Zhang, the guards greeted him one after another.

"I want to see Dahan," my baby said in a hoarse voice

Immediately after my baby was put in, Hebul Khan was startled when he saw my baby's appearance, and said, "My baby, why did you become like this?"

My babe gasped for breath for a while, and then he felt less tired, and he said loudly: "Brother, something is wrong"

Hebre Khan frowned and said, "I asked you to investigate the situation of the Han people. Have you found anything bad?"

My child nodded and said, "Brother, things are very bad. The Han people sent countless people to the grassland."

Heble Khan was taken aback, and said, "Countless people? How many people? 10 people?"

My child smiled bitterly and said, "One hundred thousand? No, it's far more than one hundred thousand. I'm afraid there will be 20, or 30, or more. Some of them are cavalry, and some seem to be ordinary Han people. To fight us for a long time, I saw them encamped there, and their tents were everywhere."

Hebul Khan looked to the south, with a surprised expression on his face, and said, "How could the Han people send so many people to the grassland? Hundreds of thousands of people, how can they survive on the grassland?"

Counting 10 people, the food needed for life is very much. The grassland is barren, and it is difficult to supply so many people living on the grassland. The largest tribe is only 20 people. If 10 is already a large tribe, the average tribe is only a few hundred. People or dozens of people, those tribes live on the grass, and many people will starve to death every winter. Even a large tribe like the Qiyan tribe will starve to death every year. If hundreds of thousands of Han people really came to the grassland on, then they must be carrying countless grains

Although Hebul Khan knew that the Han people were rich, it was difficult for him to accept that the Han people could produce so much grain at once.

"Brother, the number of Han Chinese is indeed very large. I think it is possible that there are 50 to [-]. We cannot allow them to exist in our south, otherwise they will threaten us in the future," Iba said.

"You're right." Heble Khan nodded and said

"Then what should we do now?" my baby said

"Hmph, on the grassland, we Mongols are invincible. Back then, the Khitans came to the grassland. They wanted to conquer us, but they failed. Two years ago, the Jurchens also came to the grassland. They also wanted to conquer us." Conquer us, but they can't do it, this time the humble Han people have come to the grassland, they are no longer our opponents." Hebuler Khan snorted coldly and said

"How do we get rid of them?" my baby said

"We have already mobilized our tribe, and we are going to take them south, and now we are ready. We just take these tribes to wipe out the Han people in the grassland. If you really think what you said, tens of thousands of people came to the grassland, then they must bring countless people. After they are wiped out, we get their food, then we will not have to starve for a year, no, not for a year, but for the next few years. The food of the Han people can be stored for a long time, enough If we continue to store it and get the weapons of the Han people and the wealth they carry, our strength will also be greatly enhanced. Let the tribe rise up immediately, and we will go south immediately," Hebrekhan said abruptly

"Go south immediately?" My baby said incredulously

"That's right, go south immediately. The Han people just came to the grassland. They haven't got a foothold here yet. They haven't adapted to the grassland. Now is the best time to go south," Hebuler said coldly.

Immediately carry out the orders of Habul Khan

In the night, the men from the begging department began to gather, and for a while, the entire begging department was noisy, with shouts of people and horses everywhere


Cheng Guan is currently leading a dozen cavalrymen to investigate the vast area of ​​the grassland in the east of the Qiyan Department. Earlier, An Bahai and others entered Liangshan's camp, but Liangshan did not find them, and the Qiyan Department did not find Cheng Guan and others at the moment.

Hearing the clamor of the Begging Yan Department from a distance, Cheng Guan hastily led someone to investigate quietly, and he immediately knew that something was wrong with the situation in front of him.

"Quickly go back and report to Commander Hu about the movements of the Begging Yan Department, and let Commander Hu be on guard" Cheng Guan hurriedly shouted

At present, several scouts are heading south, and Cheng Guan is still here to observe the situation of the Qi Yan Department

The Mongols were already ready to invade the south. After receiving the order, the Mongols got up from their beds and headed towards the grassland where the king's tent was located.

The Qiyan tribe includes many large and small tribes, and these countless large and small tribes came here together under the organization of their leaders. At this time, the generation of Tianjiao Genghis Khan has not yet been born, and the Mongols have not yet developed the ten thousand and one thousand commanders. The military system is based on the fact that the tribes, big and small, do not belong to each other, and they all only obey the orders of Habul Khan

Although the Mongols' personal force is good, they don't have a systematic military system, so their team looks chaotic

The weapons in the hands of the Mongols are also very simple

Of the 10 men, only 3 of them have iron knives in their hands, and the rest have no decent iron tools at all

Historically, until Genghis Khan unified the grasslands, many Mongols did not have decent weapons in their hands, let alone now?According to historical records, when Genghis Khan fought in all directions, none of the 20 cavalrymen under his command had iron helmets on their heads. For the Central Plains people, it was a very common thing, but for them it was an extremely luxurious thing. At that time, many people held wooden helmets. Spears, it wasn't until after the Kingdom of Jin was conquered that Genghis Khan's army took up iron knives

At this moment, there are nearly 5 men carrying bows and arrows, but most of the bows and arrows are bone arrows, and iron arrows are also a luxury for them

It's just that although the weapons are simple, these Mongolian men have crazy expressions on their faces, and their eyes seem to be burning with flames. Countless Mongolian men are howling loudly there, and their hearts are extremely excited

They all know that there is a Han army in the south, and they will use their bravery to destroy that Han tribe, and then they will go south into the Liao territory and establish the kingdom of the Mongols

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