Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 421 Prepare to Encircle and Annihilate

The Jurchens were so vicious that Hu Yanting in the eastern fortress couldn't help shaking his head. www-<>-

"Commander, the Jurchens are really hateful! We must wipe out all the Jurchens this time, and we cannot let them live!" A company commander next to him gritted his teeth.

"Except for my Han people, many ethnic groups in the north are uncivilized, so they are naturally fierce! Speaking of which, the Khitan people are pretty good." Hu Yanting said.

Indeed, the Khitan people are relatively "benevolent" among the northern peoples!Although they also enslaved the Han people, they rarely massacred the Han people!There are also many Han families in the Liao Kingdom, and many Han people have become high-ranking officials of the Liao people, and some Han people have even served as important officials of the prime minister or privy envoy!In history, when the Jurchens and Mongols ruled the north or ruled the world, the Han people suffered heavy casualties, and the population of the Han people was almost reduced by more than half!

"Where did those people from the Northern Legion go? If they were there, these slave troops would have no way of getting through." The company commander said again.

"They are carrying out the mission of the military department, don't worry, we will let them in first!" Hu Yanting said.

"Let them in first? In that case, wouldn't the Jurchen tartars in Jinzhou be rescued?" the company commander said in surprise.

"Rescue them if they are rescued. When the time comes, we will block them here. Relying on the joint efforts of the Northern Army and our Third Army, it will be easy to destroy them! The main force of the Jurchens is not here!" Hu Yanting said.

He had already received news from the military department that the main force of the Jurchens might have gone east, and now it seems that this is indeed the case!Hu Yanting had been observing for quite a while, but he didn't see any decent Jurchen troops appearing at all.

The deep ditch in front had already been filled, countless slaves breathed a sigh of relief, and they continued to move forward!Some people fell to the ground while walking, and the slave soldiers behind kept pushing forward, and those who fell were stepped on, screaming continuously!It's just that the gunfire is still ringing continuously at this time, so the screams are almost hard to hear.

"Come on! Go! Jinzhou City is in front of you!" The supervisors in the slave army shouted excitedly, and the whips in their hands were also fiercely whipped towards the slaves in front. Full of welts, they ran at a happier pace.

They walked forward for a certain distance, and suddenly several huge black shadows flew towards them in the sky.

"What is this?" A slave soldier asked involuntarily as he saw a black shadow flying towards him.

The black shadow was getting closer and closer, and the slave soldier gradually smelled a sulfur smell, and he felt something was wrong in his heart!

When they passed the huge fort before, the artillery fired from the fort seemed to have this smell, and it still smells like this now!

It's just that this time the speed of the black shadow's flight seems to be much slower than that of the cannonball, unlike before when it was smashed down so hard that they couldn't react at all.

"Quick! Quick! Get out of the way!" A supervisor shouted loudly!

The surrounding slave soldiers moved away one after another. At this moment, the black shadow fell to the ground. There seemed to be fire lights flickering on the black shadow. Apart from this, there was nothing strange about the black shadow.

"This thing is not dangerous! Let me see what it is!" A supervisor came over and said curiously.

He had just picked up the package-like thing, when suddenly there was a loud bang, the supervisor was blown to pieces, and dozens of slave soldiers beside him were also blown to pieces !

After a while, there were loud "boom boom" sounds coming from the position, all of which came from the black shadow that looked like a package!

These things are the bomb bags invented by the Liangshan Academy of Sciences. These bomb bags were hidden among the crowd by the trebuchets hidden in the position, causing great damage immediately!

Tens of thousands of people may have died in a short period of time, and the soldiers of the slave army were terrified. This time they started to retreat again!It's just that the Jurchens' supervising team is extremely fierce. They don't care about the lives of the slave soldiers at all. The bows and arrows in their hands keep shooting forward, and hundreds of slave soldiers die there every time!Under such strong pressure, the soldiers of the slave army slowly started to move forward again!

The distance ahead is getting closer and closer to Jinzhou City, and many slave soldiers have happy smiles on their faces, and their destination is ahead!When you get there, you will probably be able to rest for a while!

Just at this moment, there was another loud noise, and the land in front suddenly collapsed, and countless slave soldiers fell below!There are countless thorns below, and those thorns pierced their legs, faces, and even eyes. The soldiers of the slave army screamed and wailed continuously!

The Jurchens continued to "fill in" the trap with the previous barbaric methods, and then they moved on.

"Jinzhou City is ahead!" Wanyan Zongwang said excitedly among the army!

Although such barbaric advances caused heavy casualties to the soldiers of the slave army, Wanyan Zongwang didn't care at all. As long as the Jurchen army in Jinzhou City can be rescued, it doesn't matter even if all the soldiers of the slave army are wiped out!Before he came, he was mentally prepared to let all the slave soldiers die!

"The people in Jinzhou City should have heard the voices from outside? Zong Jun, why didn't he come to meet him?" Wanyan Zongwang thought strangely.


In Jinzhou City, Wanyan Zongjun had indeed heard the sound of fighting outside.

He has immediately called up all the soldiers in the city, making them prepare to rush out!

It's just that he knows that there are many traps outside, so he doesn't dare to charge forward!Now that the countless slave soldiers on the opposite side filled the trap with their lives, he finally got a chance!

The gate of Jinzhou City has been slowly opened!

Wanyan Zongjun, Wanyan Qinglie and the others were wearing battle armor. In the darkness, their expressions were extremely excited!Not only them, the faces of those Jurchen soldiers are also extremely excited!They have been imprisoned for so many days, and now they can finally see the light of day again!

"Father is here to meet us! Let's rush out and cooperate with the outside, and we will surely defeat the Liangshan Han people!" Wanyan Zongjun said to the people beside him.

"We will win this battle!" Wanyan Qinglie who was beside him also said.

The voices of "must win" came from around them one after another, and the morale of these Jurchens has slowly improved!


"Go forward!"

Wanyan Zongjun shouted loudly, he rushed out of the city gate first with his own soldiers, and the Jurchen army rushed out after him one after another!

"It's one of us! It's Zong Jun!" Wanyan Zongwang said excitedly when he saw the movement at the gate of Jinzhou City in the distance.

This time, apart from the slave army and the common people, he only had [-] newly recruited soldiers under his command, and the rest of the soldiers were taken away by his father!He still remembered his father's strategy, to wait until the two armies converged, let the slave army be outside, and their elite soldiers be inside.Then they rushed out relying on the slave army, and finally took all the elite soldiers out unscathed!

At the moment, in the fortress in the north of Jinzhou City, the defense here is more stringent than other places, because the military headquarters is now set up here.

Information on the battlefield continued to come in, and when the news of the [-] Jurchen soldiers from Jinzhou City came out, Hua Rong said coldly: "We can encircle, order Yang Xiong and Yang Zhi to go!"

Yang Xiong's headquarters is in the north, and Yang Zhi is in the south!Both of them had [-] troops under their command. At this moment, their troops moved one after another. They came towards the eastern fortress, preparing to encircle and wipe out the Jurchens from the outside. -<>-

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