Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 443 Northern Economy

"This is Shangjing City! It used to be the capital of the Liao Kingdom, but now it also belongs to us Han people!" Wu Dong and others came to Shangjing City in the morning. At this moment, he looked at the city wall in front of him and said secretly. [~]

"Great governor, besides the grasslands, there are countless farmlands around Shangjing. It can be seen that the Khitan people used to grow crops here." Li Gang looked around and said.

"This is natural! The Khitan people have learned from us Han people for more than 200 years, and they are very similar to us Han people in many ways! Except for some Khitan nomadic tribes in the west, in other places, the Khitan people also grow crops like the Han people ! This is the upper capital of the Khitan people, so it's normal to have farmland around." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, the farmland here has been abandoned. If it is left unused for too long, it may become a grassland again. We can't let this place continue to be abandoned." Li Gang said again.

Wu Dong nodded, he agreed with this point of view.

This is the place where Inner Mongolia used to be. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had long been deserted.In modern times, this is a pure grassland. The names of the Liao Kingdom, such as Shangjing and Zhongjing, have disappeared in modern times, and there are not even ruins left. As for the farmland, it is even more impossible to stay.The farming civilization that had been developed here has completely disappeared, and it has become primitive and backward.Since Wu Dong has come to this era, naturally he will not let such a thing happen.

"Come on, let's go to the capital first." Wu Dong said with a smile.

They walked into Shangjing City, Yue Fei, Yang Xiong, Yang Zhi and others followed behind them.

Shangjing City has been cleaned up these days, and there is no strong smell of blood in the city. Pedestrians can already be seen on the street, but these pedestrians dodged when they saw Liangshan's army entering here.The people in Shangjing are very afraid of the army. They have experienced several wars, and every time the army enters the city, they almost suffer disaster.Fortunately, after Liangshan broke through Shangjing this time, the people in Shangjing were not harassed in any way, and Liangshan's army even provided them with their own rations, which greatly increased their favorability for Liangshan's army. ( ·~) However, even if they have good feelings, their fear of the army is still deeply rooted.

"Has the population of Shangjing been counted?" Wu Dong turned to Yue Fei and asked.

Yue Fei and others have stayed here for ten days, they should count the population here.

"Great Governor, there are 31 people." Yue Fei said.

"Shangjing City has experienced countless wars, and there are still so many people. It's not easy!" Wu Dong nodded.

"Great Governor, there are mainly women in Shangjing, and there are very few men! In the past when the Khitans fought with the Jurchens, countless men became soldiers and died on the battlefield! Later, Shangjing was captured, and there were Countless men were killed for protecting the city, and later, the Jurchens also singled out men to become soldiers, and many of these soldiers died in battle! According to our statistics, the number of men in the capital is now less than 3, and Most of them are old and weak!" Yue Fei said.

"The whole north is like this now." Wu Dong said.

Now in the whole north, all the cities are full of boys and girls!Liaodong is a little bit better, the ratio of men to women can reach [-]:[-]. In places ruled by the Jurchens, the ratio of men to women is around [-]:[-]. There is an urgent shortage of men here.

"Governor, we must encourage polygamy! And we must encourage widows whose husbands died to marry others, so as to increase the population here in the future!" Li Gang said suddenly.

"Widows getting married?" Wu Dong was taken aback, then suddenly smiled and said, "Didn't Confucianism say three obediences and four virtues? You are also familiar with the sages, how can you encourage widows to marry?"

"At this time and at that time, the country cannot be governed according to what the sage said. After all the dynasties and wars, the government will encourage widows to marry. This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people." Li Gang was silent for a long time before opening his mouth. road.

Wu Dong laughed out loud, but Li Gang felt a little ashamed.He knew that what he said contradicted Confucianism, but he knew that only by encouraging widows to marry and polygamy is the real benefit of the people and the country, and everything else should be placed in a subordinate position. [~]

"Many of those widows still have children. If there is no boy in the family, their life will be extremely difficult, and they may even starve to death. In the face of human life, everything else must be put aside. Mr. Li's idea, I think I agree, and there are other benefits in doing so." Yang Zhi said suddenly.

"Oh? Apart from increasing the population and protecting women, what are the benefits?" Wu Dong said.

"Great Governor, I have an idea that we can encourage soldiers to marry wives and have children here! Although there are Han Chinese in the north, there are also a lot of Khitan, Bohai, and Xi people. Now there are only one female middle school left in various places. Most of them are foreigners! Our soldiers marry wives and give birth here. In the future, they will give birth to us Han people. This will be of great benefit to our Han people’s rule in the north! Moreover, the soldiers’ heirs are all here, and they will also give birth to us in the future. Take this place as your real home, and truly protect the north." Yang Zhi said.

"That's right! It makes sense!" Wu Dong nodded.

However, national policies related to the national economy and the people's livelihood like this require careful consideration, and can only be truly implemented after discussion by the Military Aircraft Department.Now Wu Dong has asked people to write down all these and send them to the Military Aircraft Department for discussion.

They walked forward while talking, and gradually came to the Shangjing Palace.When they came here, Wu Dong and Li Gang kept admiring, the scale of the palace here is really too big, almost three times that of Yanjing Palace, and the palaces inside are also beautifully built.Li Gang used to be a Jinshi of the Great Song Dynasty. In his opinion, although the imperial palace of the Great Song Dynasty is exquisite, it is far less majestic than the Shangjing Imperial Palace.

They sat down in a hall of the palace, and when Yue Fei sent up the cultural relics of the Han nationality collected by the Shangjing Palace, Wu Dong and Li Gang were shocked!These historically treasured treasures did not expect to be in the Shangjing Imperial Palace.

"Zizhi Tongjian, Dongpo Anthology! My God, there are still Tang Taizong's pen and ink! The emperor of the Song Dynasty gave all these to the Liao people, damn it!" Wu Dong murmured.

These are priceless treasures, cultural relics left by the ancient Chinese to future generations. The emperor of the Song Dynasty actually gave these tributes to the Liao people. He really is an unworthy grandson of China!Giving these things to the Khitan people would be a waste of money!In later generations, these things have long been lost. Wu Dong thought that the Mongols invaded the Central Plains and was destroyed by the Mongols in the Central Plains. He did not expect that it was in Shangjing City. It was probably destroyed by the later Jin people. Of course, it may also be the Mongols. When people invaded here, they were massacred and burned to destroy these precious cultural relics.

"Governor, the treasury of the Liao Kingdom is also in the capital. The Jurchens have not emptied everything in the treasury. We have already counted. There are 30 taels of gold, 500 million taels of silver, and countless copper coins in the treasury!" Yue Fei said.

"That's great!" Wu Dong and Li Gang became a little excited.

In this era, the modern currency system has not yet been implemented, and it is completely the ancient gold and silver system. Gold and silver are symbols of wealth.Not only the Liao Kingdom, the Great Song Dynasty and other places used gold and silver as currency, but also gold and silver were used as currency in Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and even Europe.With gold and silver, it can be exchanged for countless properties.

"Li Gang, we discussed the development of the north a few days ago. At that time, we said that there was not enough gold and silver, and it was difficult to develop. Now Shangjing has accumulated a lot of wealth. I believe that Zhongjing also has a lot of wealth." Wu Dong laughed.

"Great Governor, it is difficult to develop in the north, and gold and silver are still second. The main problem is the small population!" Li Gang shook his head and said.

As long as there is a population, in such a large place, it will develop sooner or later.If there is no population, no matter how much gold and silver there is, this place will be a wasteland.

"To develop the north, the first thing is to develop agriculture! There are already so many cities in the north, and there are countless towns around the cities. If these cities and towns are full of people, and they all go to work and cultivate the land, it won't take long for the north to It can develop! After the development of agriculture, the common people have surplus money in their hands, and can develop commerce and industry! And all of these must be based on the population.” Li Gangdao.

"Yes, the population issue is indeed an important issue for the development of the north. We have been discussing these days, and you have also discussed it with some other officials. Tell me, how many people do we need to develop the north?" Wu Dong road.

"It needs at least 1000 million!" Li Gang said.

"1000 million?" Wu Dong was taken aback.

The current Liangshan, Hedong, Koryo, Yanyun, Liaodong and other places combined have a population of only 2000 million, but now we need a population of 1000 million to develop the north!Wu Dong can transport some people who lack land in Yanjing here, but there are at most 300 million people, and it is impossible to reach 1000 million!

"In fact, 1000 million is still a small number, and it may not be able to fill up this vast area." Li Gang said.

Wu Dong thought about it carefully, then nodded slightly.Compared with this vast area, a population of 1000 million is really nothing.You know, this is the combined area of ​​Inner Mongolia and the three northeastern provinces in later generations. In later generations, the population here has already reached hundreds of millions, and 1000 million is really too little!

"How do we get these populations?" Wu Dong asked.

"Governor, when Liangshan was first established, why did so many people go to Liangshanbo?" Li Gang said.

"Are you talking about Da Song for propaganda?" Wu Dong said.

"That's right, we're going to send a lot of spies to the territory of the Song Dynasty to promote the Liangshan policy! Especially in Hebei, Shandong and other places that border us, we're going to tell those people that as long as they are willing to come to the north, they will all distribute their land, and they will be exempt from tax for the first year. We can even provide them with farm tools! There are many people in Hebei, Shandong and other places, but countless people have no land, and many of them cannot survive. Now as long as the propaganda is effective, countless people will definitely come! We can also bribe them with gold and silver The officers of the Great Song Dynasty at the border, let those officers of the Great Song Dynasty send some civilians to us on their own initiative." Li Gang said.

"Well, this can be considered! From top to bottom in the Song Dynasty, all the officials are extremely greedy for money. We can let these people send people to Liangshan." Wu Dong said.

"Great governor, in order to develop the north, there is another important thing besides the population." Li Gang said again.

"What is it?" Wu Dong asked.

"Build the road." Li Gang said.

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