Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 505 Annihilation

In the era of cold weapons, the role of 2000 brave fighters is not just personal force, they can drive the combat effectiveness of the entire army!

Just like in the Mongolian army, although the entire army was exhausted and going crazy, under the leadership of these 2000 warriors, the remaining 6 people were still able to continue fighting!These 2000 warriors can inspire other soldiers and let other soldiers follow them forward!

But these 2000 people have now been released by Liangshan, and the rest are some Mongolian remnants who are lingering, with only one breath left, and no fighting spirit. This is like a person who has lost his soul and lost all vitality!

The siege began, and everything went as Hu Sanniang expected!

The [-] Mongols were divided into several pieces by Liangshan and massacred in sections!The Liangshan army did not encounter any decent resistance. Many times, some Mongolian soldiers would rather lie on the ground than take out their knives and fight with Liangshan soldiers. They were too tired and just wanted to rest, even if it was a permanent rest. . www

The [-] enemy troops were almost killed in less than half an hour!In the end, countless Mongols fell to their knees on the ground by themselves. They wanted to surrender, but what greeted them was endless arrow rain!The war has reached this level, not to mention that Liangshan's troops are far superior to them, even if Liangshan has only [-] or even a few thousand troops, it can destroy the [-] Mongolian army!


The 2000 are still on the run, led by Habul Khan.

He faintly heard the sound of slaughter behind him, his heart was pierced like a knife!

But no matter what, he escaped, and he was slightly relieved.

He decided to return to the Qiyan tribe immediately, and then lead his people away from this prairie!There are many women, many old people, and children in his tribe. When the children grow up, the begging tribe can continue again!

The sound of the fighting behind was getting quieter, and Heble Khan and the soldiers around him relaxed.

Originally, they still had a lot of energy to fight, but now this energy seems to have disappeared.This is like the old saying, "One effort, then decline, and three exhaustion". When people are in trouble, they will work hard, and they will continue to work hard and desperately. But once the danger disappears, the whole person will relax.And after slacking off, it takes a long, long time to recover.In a short period of time, it is almost impossible to fight hard and desperately again.

From the beginning of the momentum like a rainbow to the later [-] troops fleeing together, their momentum has been continuously reduced. Now, they have fled again, and there are no pursuers behind them, and their momentum has finally dropped to the bottom.Everyone was riding on the horse, although they were relaxed, they had almost numb expressions.They let the horses lead them on, and many of them had fallen asleep on the horses.

They didn't know that they didn't escape. With Hu Sanniang's ability to use troops, even with these 2000 people, she would not let them go.

However, in order to relax them and eliminate these 2000 people more easily, she did not pursue these people, but deployed the bravest army in the death squad at the most appropriate position.

Yang Zaixing and his third division, a total of 1 people are waiting in the snow right now.

They recharge their batteries and are in great spirits!It's just that the weather is so cold that many soldiers are constantly rubbing their hands.

Yang Zaixing looked into the distance excitedly, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

He was very happy in his heart. Hundreds of thousands of Mongols died on the prairie after several days of continuous war. Now the east of the prairie is the place where Han people gallop!In the next year, they will no longer be aggrieved in defense, but will take the initiative to attack!

"Lao Yang, take a bite!" At this moment, Cui Tieshi's voice sounded, and Cui Tieshi handed a leather bag into his hand.

Yang Zaixing's eyes lit up, he grabbed the leather bag, uncorked it, and drank it in big gulps!It was filled with strong wine, and after drinking the strong wine, his whole body was as if on fire, but a bright smile appeared on his face!

Cui Tieshi next to him also burst out laughing!

The environment of the grassland is very different from that of the Central Plains. It is too cold and difficult here. Therefore, the Death Army has made changes to the military law. Soldiers can drink alcohol when necessary!It's just that the Death Army doesn't take the initiative to make wine. If he wants to drink, he can only snatch it from the Mongols!The bag of wine in front of him was snatched by Cui Tieshi on the battlefield!

"Master Qi, deputy commander, we have found the enemy's trail!" At this moment, several scouts rushed over, excitedly saying.

"Haha, that's great! Old Cui, I'm going to kill the enemy! Take 2000 people behind you and don't let a single person escape!" Yang Zaixing laughed loudly.

"Okay!" Cui Tieshi nodded.

At the moment Yang Zaixing rushed forward with 8000 people, while Cui Tieshi stood guard at the rear, preventing the enemy from escaping from his direction.

Hebrekhan was riding a horse, and suddenly his face changed drastically!Not only him, but also my Bahai and others' complexions changed drastically. They heard the sound of horses again. No one knew whether it was Mongolian or Liangshan people.

"Khan, what should we do?" my child asked anxiously.

"Escape! Let's escape first!" Hebrekhan said.

The Mongolian soldiers fled towards the distance one after another!They were also warriors at first, but after the desperate energy disappeared halfway, everyone felt extremely weak at this moment, and they no longer had the slightest desire to fight!Like the Mongolians who were besieged before, they just want to escape here quickly!

"Rush!" Liangshan's army is now struggling to move forward!

Facing a group of enemies without any fighting spirit, plus four or five times the number of opponents, this war has been one-sided from the very beginning.

The smell of blood appeared on the grassland again!

"Khan!" Seeing that Yang Zaixing came with a cavalry and was about to rush behind Heble Khan, I Bahai yelled to remind Heble Khan, and he rushed towards Yang Zaixing!


Yang Zaixing snorted coldly, he picked up the weapon in my boy's hand into the air, and then he shot back and stabbed my boy.

My ba boy was originally a warrior, but since he went out to the present, he has not closed his eyes for several days and nights, and he has been fighting continuously. He has not had a sip of hot water for many days, and the cold beef jerky is hard to swallow. Now No matter how brave he is, he can't stop Yang Zaixing from shooting casually!He is like this, not to mention the remaining "warriors"!

The blood is hot, and when the blood flowed onto my baby's face, he actually felt a sense of "happiness"!In any case, he was free from this hopeless life!

"My baby!" Hebul Khan turned his head and saw that my baby died there, so he couldn't help but shouted loudly.

In the back, Yang Zaixing had already drawn his bow and arrow, and he shot forward with one arrow!

"Ah!" The arrow hit Heble Khan's back, and Heble Khan screamed and fell off his horse!

Liangshan's cavalry kept charging, even if Hebul Khan was not shot to death, he would probably be trampled to death by the galloping horses!This Khan of the first Mongolian tribe died here so aggrieved, I'm afraid he never dreamed of it before.

Wanyan Sagai was fleeing, and dozens of Liangshan cavalry surrounded him!They charged forward together, and after a while, more than ten spears pierced Wanyan Sagai's body!

"It's so strange that this person is a Jurchen!" A Liangshan soldier said in surprise.

They were just curious about the death of a Jurchen here, and they didn't take it seriously.They didn't know that this was the younger brother of Wanyan Aguda, the former emperor of the Kingdom of Jin.Unfortunately, at this moment he is no different from ordinary Mongolian soldiers!Here, any honorable status is useless, their death is no different from other people's death, they are all so humble and bloody.

In the early morning, the war ended, and more than 2000 Mongolian warriors all died here, and none of them could escape!

The heavy snow was already a foot deep, and the soldiers in Liangshan were all laughing.

"Old Yang, let's go back and report back," Cui Tieshi said.

"I don't think there is any need to go back! Now there are no tribes in the eastern part of the grassland that can threaten us. This time we swept away all the tribes around us!" Yang Zaixing said.

"Okay! But we have to send troops back to report." Cui Tieshi said.

"Naturally!" Yang Zaixing laughed.

Soon, the two headed north with tens of thousands of soldiers.


At this moment, Yue Fei had already arrived on the Mongolian grassland.

He came out of the Yin Mountain, all the way west and north, and finally went east to the back of the Mongolian tribes. Now he has come to the Naiman tribe.

The Naiman tribe has been caught in a fire, and not many people, from old people, children to women, can escape!

In the raging fire, Yue Fei didn't show any expression on his face!He didn't know the "rules" on the grassland, he just carried out the orders of the Central Military Department and used the cruelest means to attack the Mongols.

"Let's go, let's go to the begging department!"

After the entire Naiman tribe was burned, Yue Fei shouted loudly!Han Chang and Hu Yanting followed him with [-] cavalry!They were eating on the horse as they moved forward.

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