Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 513 Arrangement

The Spring Festival has come, but Wu Dong can't relax!

During the Spring Festival, countless officials came to Yanjing City to report the situation in various places, and Wu Dong was busy receiving these officials every day.

In addition, it is a busy business!The matter of Hu Yanzhuo needs to be handled carefully and requires the cooperation of all departments, especially the military department and the legal department!Before Hu Yanzhuo is formally dealt with, all ministries must not leak the news!Wu Dong has already severely warned Lin Chong and Zhu Wu not to disclose this matter to Hu Yanzhuo!Otherwise, there will be turmoil in Hedong, and Wu Dong will not be able to spare the two of them!

Although Lin Chong is his brother, Lin Chong's personality flaws are too obvious!Only with such a stern warning, Lin Chong will not be stupid!Wu Dong was very worried about whether Lin Chong could do the work of the Ministry of Law well. He had already decided to pay attention to the Ministry of Law in the future. He would personally pay attention to the promotion of every official in the Ministry of Law and the implementation of every policy!In addition, he decided to increase Dai Zong's authority, so that Dai Zong, a deputy minister, had almost the same status as Lin Chong, so as to limit Lin Chong.If it still doesn't work, he can only let Lin Chong be in charge of other things, and hand over the legal department to someone more rigorous.

It's already the fifth day of the first month!

Tonight Wu Dong held a "family banquet" in the palace, Wu Dong, Li Shishi, Xiao Feifei, Wu Song, Hua Xiaomei, and Wu Song's uncle Hua Rong were also here.

"Wu Song, how is the military headquarters of your Sixth Army going?" Wu Dong asked during the banquet.

"Our military department is also in shape! Under the guidance of the Central Military Department, we have now established corresponding intelligence departments, operations departments, logistics departments, training departments and other related departments! However, brother, our Sixth Army Now we are only accepting immigrants, and there is no war on weekdays! Tell me, when will we be able to go to the battlefield?" Wu Song said.

"You are now accepting immigrants from all over the world. This is a very important thing! Maybe you will not be able to go to the battlefield until you attack the Song Dynasty in the future?" Wu Dong laughed.

"We practiced so hard, but we couldn't go to the battlefield. The soldiers were holding their breath! Brother, do you think we can use our Sixth Army when we attack Xixia or Dongpu?" Wu Song said.

"This..." Wu Dong was stunned.

"The plan to attack Xixia has been drawn up. Xixia is in the west, far away from your defense zone, and it is impossible to use yours! However, the Sixth Army can be considered for attacking Dongpu!" Hua Rong laughed.

"It's really great!" Wu Song said happily.

"Wu Song, didn't Li Ying come with you?" Hua Rong asked.

"He still needs to sit in Yingzhou! Even during the Spring Festival, those Hebei officials still sent many people to us! Moreover, Yingzhou is in the south of Yanyun Sixteen Prefecture, and our Sixth Army is responsible for guarding Yanyun Sixteen The southern border of the state, this matter is of great importance, the two of us cannot both come to Yanjing!" Wu Song said.

"Tell us about Li Ying," Hua Rong said.

Wu Song was taken aback, not knowing what Hua Rong meant.

"If you want to talk about it, you can tell it! Just tell it from the time you first met." Wu Dong said with a smile.

Wu Song nodded, and started talking now!From the time he and Li Ying met in Liangshanbo, until now!They have been together almost all these years!Li Ying's martial arts skills are not inferior to Wu Song's!In addition, this person has another talent that is good at managing money. When he was in Dulonggang, the Li family was originally a small family. After he became the head of the family, in a few years, the Li family became a family that can be compared with the Zhu family and the Hu family. big family!In the Sixth Army, Li Ying was still in charge of logistics management, and he handled everything in an orderly manner.

Just like Wu Song, Li Ying is more than brave but not resourceful!He is also a general who is not very good at using troops.

"How is his character?" Hua Rong asked suddenly.

"Character?" Wu Song was taken aback.

"Is he greedy for money and lustful? Will he abuse soldiers? How is his reputation?" Hua Rong asked.

"Brother Hua is joking, Li Ying is a hero, how can he be greedy for money and lust? As for word of mouth, of course it is excellent!" Wu Song snorted coldly.

Wu Song's complexion was a little ugly. Although Hua Rong was his brother-in-law, when Hua Rong asked such a question, he felt that Hua Rong was doubting Li Ying's character, and he couldn't accept other people's doubts about Li Ying!

"The reason why I ask so many things is mainly because I have important tasks for him." Hua Rong laughed.

"Important task? What important task?" Wu Song asked strangely.

Wu Dong and Hua Rong looked at each other, Wu Dong nodded, Hua Rong said: "This matter is of great importance! After we tell you, you must tell no one else except Li Ying."

Hua Rong said it so solemnly, Wu Song was also taken aback. He nodded and said, "But it's okay! How could I leak it so easily?"

Hua Rong said: "That's right, the military department has decided to appoint him as the commander of the Eighth Army! In fact, before talking to you, I have been reading about Li Ying's related materials for the past few days! Also, the military department Someone has been sent to investigate Li Ying to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Then what about General Huyan?" Wu Song asked in surprise.

"He has other appointments." Hua Rong said lightly.

"Okay, I'll tell him when I get back." Wu Song nodded and said.

"You go back tomorrow and take over the defense area! You tell Li Ying to report to the military headquarters immediately, and I will give him a good command! The status of Hedong is extremely important, and the Eighth Army is responsible for the defense of the entire Hedong! I have to mention him personally! In addition, I also want to select a group of capable people from the military department to accompany him to Hedong and help him guard the river!" Huarong said.

"Good!" Wu Song nodded.

In the early morning of the second day, Wu Song hurried back to Yingzhou, and a few days later, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Li Ying came to Yanjing City!When he entered the military headquarters, Hua Rong gave him a good reminder, including how he should control the army, how to defend Hedong and so on!

And on this day, Liu Aijing, the young leader of Datong, also came to the imperial palace of Yanjing City!

At this moment Liu Aijing was sitting in the upper room with Wu Dong, drinking hot tea!Wu Dong quietly listened to Liu Aijing's report on Datong's situation.

The current Yanyun Province has a huge area. Apart from Yanjing City which is the center, Xijing is another center of Yanyun Province!Xijing radiates more than 200 miles around, and this large area is under Liu Aijing's management.

In the past year, Datong has developed very well!Datong's agriculture has achieved a bumper harvest, and countless people are praising Liu Aijing.

In addition, Datong's conscription work is also the best!He was the first to complete the conscription task, and during the conscription process, the people did not have any complaints, and everyone rushed to sign up to join the army.

Just in winter, Liu Aijing organized the people to build canals to prepare for next year's agricultural production!In fact, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has been planning this matter, but the Ministry of Economic Affairs is in macro control. What they want to build is a large-scale water conservancy facility. Local officials usually handle such local water canals!Now, Wu Dong saw that only Datong did the best.

During this period of time, Wu Dong ordered Dai Zong to investigate Liu Aijing carefully, and he found that Liu Aijing was also flawless in terms of personal character, not to mention corrupt, Liu Aijing took out all her salary and handed it over to the poor people to support the poor people!This person is simply the Hai Rui of this era, and he is indeed an outstanding figure among young people.

It's just that Liu Aijing is still too young!His handling of things was a bit extreme, as if he was extremely harsh on the landlord at the beginning, but after Wu Dong accused him, he corrected himself.

Just two days ago, Li Gang recommended Liu Aijing to Wu Dong...

"There is an important matter for you to do." After Liu Aijing finished speaking, Wu Dong said.

"Governor, please tell me." Liu Aijing said hastily.

"What do you think of Hedong Province?" Wu Dong said.

"Hedong is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the people live and work in peace and contentment! There is a large population and well-developed agriculture, but the development of commerce and trade is not very good! In the past few years, the commerce and trade there seem to have not developed much! Also, there are many mineral deposits there, which can develop industries. , you can learn from Goryeo, but Hedong didn't do that either!" Liu Aijing talked eloquently.

"If I let you preside over Hedong, can you develop Hedong well?" Wu Dong asked.

"Ah!" Liu Aijing couldn't believe it and froze there.

"Can you do well?" Wu Dong asked.

"It will definitely work! If I let him take charge of Hedong, I promise that within a year, there will be earth-shaking changes in Hedong! It is a precious land, and the government should vigorously encourage business! Now the people there are the same as Song Dynasty, only know how to work at sunrise , Rest at sunset, how much can you gain? The country doesn't have much taxation there!" Liu Aijing said.

"You are ready to be the governor of Hedong Province! I hope that what you say is not just rhetoric, I hope that you can really change the appearance of Hedong! Also, the officials in Hedong are seriously corrupt. What can you do to deal with it? Is there a way? I will let you clear the officialdom in Hedong! Write me a plan!" Wu Dong said.


Liu Aijing left immediately. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. He was writing plans all night!He has been in charge of Datong for more than a year, and he already has a lot of experience in economic development. He knows how the government should develop agriculture, guide commerce, regulate the market, and so on!But he has no experience and no good way to clean up the officialdom.

For the next few days, he was thinking about this problem, and it really made him come up with some ideas after a while!Wu Dong praised it greatly after watching it!

During the Spring Festival period, Wu Yong, the Minister of Propaganda of Liangshan, went to Hedong to investigate and investigate in Hedong, and mobilized young people.

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