Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 549 School System

"Great governor!" Qin Hui made a pleasantly surprised voice!

He turned around and was about to kneel when he suddenly remembered that the kneeling ceremony had been abolished in Liangshan!Moreover, Liangshan at this time is a military country, military salutes are popular, and ordinary government officials all perform military salutes!At that moment, Qin Hui hastily gave a military salute to Wu Dong!The scholars from the Academy of Sciences next to them also saluted one after another, and they were also very excited. They didn't expect Wu Dong to come to Korea in person.

Wu Dong returned a military salute to them, and said with a smile, "Let me also see your university preparation plan!"

Qin Hui handed over the university preparation plan he compiled to Wu Dong. Wu Dong looked at it at a glance, some places were just roughly skimmed, and some places were carefully watched.

"The exam questions this time involve science, and many students have never been exposed to it before! Therefore, in this exam, not only whether they can get it right, but also whether they have their own ideas. For many questions, whether they can come up with their own ideas Thinking." Wu Dong said.

"That's right, that's the truth!" Qin Hui thought for a moment, nodded, and hurriedly wrote it down.

"In addition to new studies, mathematics, agronomy, etc., the university also needs to have some more practical subjects! For example, the manufacture of farm tools, the manufacture of sailboats, etc., you can even invite those craftsmen to serve as university teachers." Wu Dong road.

This is actually the difference between "basic disciplines" and "applied disciplines". Wu Dong just looked at it for a while and found that Qin Hui's "university construction plan" mainly set up some basic disciplines, while there were very few related applied disciplines. It seemed that Qin Hui and those scholars didn't think much of applied science, so he pointed it out immediately.

"Let craftsmen serve as university teachers? Isn't that inappropriate?" a scholar said.

"What's wrong with this? Ten years ago, when the Academy of Sciences was first established, all the people in it were excellent craftsmen! Why do you look down on them now?" Wu Dong said.

"Governor, the students in the university will serve as officials in the future. They only need to know the basics of mathematics, agriculture, etc., why bother to study these details?" Qin Hui said in surprise.

"Students in the university are only a small part of them! Most of the students will devote themselves to various industries in society after graduation and become elites in various industries! Officials may not be more honored than other professions." Wu Dong said.

The scholars of the Academy of Sciences were still hesitating, but Qin Hui had already firmly memorized everything.He understands more and more that in Liangshan, the purpose of reading has fundamentally changed!In previous dynasties, reading was only for being an official, and it will no longer be like this in the future!Now reading seems to be more and more a "common" thing, not as noble as before!Including ordinary farmers, if they want to, they can participate in the literacy classes organized by the government to learn.

"Qin Hui, the university system and the examination system are very important. Do it well! If you do well, you will be able to bring about earth-shaking changes in Korea in the future. In the future, we may even let you enter the center and lead the officials!" Wu Dong laughed. .

"Ah!" Qin Hui froze there for a while.

"Liangshan's system is still being improved. Now the ministers of all ministries have equal status, but sooner or later there will be the post of prime minister! Li Gang, Hua Rong and others are all prime ministers, and so are you!" Wu Dong said.

Regarding the political system, Liangshan has been improving!Of course, the basis of this improvement is the "Military Aircraft Department", and the purpose of the improvement is to make the Military Aircraft Department more perfect and closer to the cabinet of future generations!The so-called "Prime Minister" is just a traditional title. According to Wu Dong's idea, the Prime Minister will replace him in the future, followed by the cabinet ministers, who will assist the king together, making Liangshan's system closer to the modern political system step by step.

"Don't worry, Governor, I will definitely go all out and do everything well!" Qin Hui said excitedly.

"Very good, let's go around the university campus now and see how the construction is going!" Wu Dong said.

Now Wu Dong, Li Gang, Qin Hui and others are actually visiting the campus of "Korea University" in front of them!This university covers an extremely large area, more than 5000 acres!However, in this era, the population density is much smaller than that of later generations, almost less than one-tenth of that of later generations. The 5000 mu of land is considered a huge area in later generations, but it is nothing in this era.

Most of the campus is woods, and there is also a small river running through the middle of the school!Relatively speaking, the number of buildings is much less.

They entered a hall, and Qin Hui said: "This hall can seat more than a hundred people, and it will be used by many students to attend classes together in the future! Besides these, there are also some small classes!"

Li Gang nodded and said, "How many students will be recruited in the first batch of universities?"

Qin Hui said: "There are about 2000 people! It's a pity that most of the young people in Goryeo have gone to the grasslands. Those people are originally the best young generation in Goryeo! If they were there, the quality of students this time would be much improved."

Wu Dong smiled and said: "In the future, young people on the grassland can also be allowed to take the exam. If they pass the exam, they can also come back to study! By the way, I asked you to improve the school system in Korea, not just the university, the rest of the elementary schools, How are you doing with the secondary school system?"

Qin Hui said: "The primary school system has been basically perfected. Now all children in Goryeo have to attend primary school! The middle school system has just been established not long ago, and now every county in Goryeo has its own middle school! The primary school is mainly to learn literacy and basic arithmetic. These are very practical things! Middle school involves new learning, arithmetic, and science, which are relatively more profound! Because there are not enough middle schools, only one tenth of them can enter middle school from elementary school. Only the outstanding children can enter middle school! As for entering university from middle school, it is even more difficult! The current school system is three years each for primary school, middle school, and university. 14 years old! If you enter school later, you will be older when you come out!"

Wu Dong thought for a while and said, "Whether it's primary school, middle school or university, in addition to learning knowledge, students also often participate in some military training, and there are also some courses to strengthen their physique on weekdays."

Li Gang next to him frowned, and said: "Great governor, join military training, strengthen your physique, etc. These are the policies of the military state! Do you really want to continue to implement the military state?"

Wu Dong shook his head and said: "These have nothing to do with the military. Military training and physical strengthening are all things that Han people must do! I hope to cultivate children's discipline and train their bodies from an early age, so as to completely change them from the root. Our nation! A child, just reading, will not have great achievements in the future! Li Gang, I remember that among the six Confucian arts, you have ritual, music, archery, imperial control, and mathematics. Confucian sages also want future generations to develop in an all-round way, not just It’s just dead reading!”

Li Gang frowned, he always felt that Wu Dong's interpretation of Confucian classics was somewhat different from traditional Confucianism!Although Confucianism does have "six arts", in fact, reading people "without the power to restrain a chicken" is the right way, and this is a serious Confucian scholar!A reader who practices swords and exercises every day is something that can only happen in Liangshan.

"Governor, running a university is a huge burden for Goryeo! To build the university, we spent more than [-] taels of silver! We will invest a certain amount of silver every year in the future!" Qin Hui said.

"In the future, the university's contribution will be greater than its contribution!" Wu Dong said.

To cultivate talents for the country, it is necessary to pay a little money!In the future, he will also expand the scale of universities, and in the future, universities will also be established in other places, and not only the state will establish universities, but he will also allow private individuals to establish universities.

"Governor, is it true that I am also the president of the university as the governor?" Qin Hui asked again.

"Of course it's true! This university was built by you alone, and you are extremely knowledgeable. If you don't serve as the principal, who will be?" Wu Dong said.

"This... how dare you do it." Qin Hui was excited again.

The ancients paid attention to "respecting teachers and respecting morality". He became the president of the university. In a sense, all the graduates are his students. How can he not be excited?

"You have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders, you must not disappoint my expectations!" Wu Dong said.

"Don't worry, Governor, I will never do it!" Qin Hui said hastily.

"You come to the room with me, by the way, call those scholars too, I have something to tell you!" Wu Dong said.

Wu Dong and others came to a room, and Wu Dong started talking.This time he also talked about something related to universities, including some modern scientific theories!In later generations, these scientific theories have long been known to people, but in this era they appear to be unusually novel, even somewhat "rebellious"!For example, Bacon put forward the sentence "Truth is the daughter of time, not the daughter of authority". Wu Dong said it in a different way, and Li Gang felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Li Gang thought that Wu Dong was still a denial of Confucius. !Wu Dong also explained how to put forward hypotheses, prove hypotheses, methods of drawing conclusions, etc. Everyone benefited a lot after listening!

It wasn't until late at night that Wu Dong stopped.

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