Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 56 Establishment of the Military Commission

Wu Dong presided over the meeting, and Hua Rong, Yang Zhi, Zhu Gui, Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Ruan Xiaoqi, Zhang Shun, Liu Tang, Cheng Guan, Cheng Xin, Cheng Ming and others participated in the meeting.

When everyone was present, the meeting officially began. Wu Dong said, "Since I went to Liangshan, we no longer robbed houses in Liangshan. Instead, we gave land to the people so that they could live and work in peace. Later, when we came to Korea, the reason why we participated in the war was On the one hand, it is to protect the Han merchants in Goryeo, and on the other hand, it is to find a piece of territory overseas for us Han people, and for the sake of the revival of China. Tell me, is Liangshan now considered a bandit? "


Hearing this question, everyone couldn't help being stunned, thinking, isn't this obvious?

Hua Rong was the first to stand up and said, "Boss, I, Liangshan, are not bandits! I, Liangshan, are a new regime, just like the State of Shang at the end of the Xia Dynasty, or the State of Zhou at the end of the Shang Dynasty! Sooner or later, we will replace the corrupt Song regime and occupy the entire Central Plains."

Wu Yong also said: "Boss, we are naturally not bandits and grassroots bandits. Bandits and grassroots harm the people, but we are benefiting the people. How can it be the same?"

After the two of them finished speaking, the rest of the people also spoke one after another, expressing their disagreement with the statement that Liang Shanbo was a "bandit and grass bandit".

Wu Dong nodded, and said: "Since everyone thinks that Liang Shanbo is not a bandit, then some names of bandits should be completely discarded, such as the big leader and the second leader."

Now the leader of Liangshanbo is Wu Dong, and the second leader is Lin Chong. The so-called "big leader" and "second leader" are all the sayings that only the bandits row seats, which obviously does not conform to the current situation in Liangshan.

Hua Rong was a little surprised and said: "Big Leader, if you are not called Big Leader, what are you called? Could it be...Could it be that Big Leader, you want to be called emperor?"

Hearing Hua Rong's words, everyone was startled. Gongsun Sheng immediately stood up and said, "Boss, I'm afraid it's not a good time to become emperor! If you want to become emperor, you must at least occupy the entire Goryeo." .”

Wu Dong was almost laughed angrily by them, and said, "Who said I'm going to be called emperor?"

Wu Yongdao: "The great leader, if you don't call yourself emperor, what is that called?"

Wu Dongdao: "The title of great leader can no longer be used, and it is unrealistic to call ourselves emperor. The territory we occupy is too small, and our strength is still too weak...Once we call ourselves emperor, we will definitely be attacked by the court in an all-round way. There is no benefit."

Wu Dong suddenly thought of Zhu Yuanzhang in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. At that time, Liu Bowen suggested to Zhu Yuanzhang that "build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly".Proclaiming the emperor will only become the target of shooting the top bird, and it will not do any good.Moreover, Liangshan's current strength is still very weak, proclaiming himself emperor is just a joke.

Gongsun Sheng said: "Then what does the chief mean?"

Wu Dongdao: "Now Liangshan implements a policy of giving priority to the military. Everything is for the military, and everything other than the military is subordinate to the military. In this case, we can establish the Liangshan Military Committee, which will decide major issues in Liangshan. We are all in the military Those who serve on the committee are all referred to as the position of the military committee.”

Everyone was taken aback, Hua Rong said: "Boss, what is a military committee?"

At that moment, Wu Dong told everyone about the concept of the modern military committee. After listening to it, they didn't have many objections. They all felt that the military committee had many benefits, could be established, and could also serve as the highest management organization of Liangshan in the future.


In the next few days, everyone was discussing the matter of the "Military Committee", and the relevant rights and responsibilities of the Military Committee were determined.

The current Liangshan has followed the ideas of Wu Dong and Hua Rong in the direction of military affairs. All military affairs come first, so the military committee not only manages military affairs, but also manages civil affairs.The civil affairs are attached to the military and serve the military, and the military committee is the highest military and civil management institution.

After the relevant rights and responsibilities are determined, the election of the military committee will begin.

During this period, Wu Dong had also sent someone to notify Lin Chong, Chao Gai, Wu Song and others in Liangshanbo, and these people had submitted their candidates for committee members to Wu Dong.

According to the regulations, a total of ten people served as members of the Military Commission. The final election result was Wu Dong, Lin Chong, Hua Rong, Yang Zhi, Zhu Gui, Ruan Xiaoqi, Cao Zheng, Cheng Guan, Chao Gai, and Gongsun Sheng as members.

Among them, Wu Dong is the chairman of the Military Commission, and Lin Chong and Hua Rong are the vice-chairmen respectively.

With the establishment of the Military Commission and the election of members of the Military Commission, it can be said that the highest authority in Liangshan has basically taken shape, and after that there are some subordinate institutions related to elections.

So for a while, everyone was discussing this matter, and finally decided to divide the current Liangshan regime into two parts, namely the Liangshan Theater and the Koryo Theater.

The commander of the Liangshan Theater is Lin Chong, who is currently mainly responsible for training soldiers and recruiting people, and sending the trained soldiers to the Koryo Theater.

The commander of the Koryo Theater is Hwa Young. In the next few years, the Koryo Theater will be responsible for fighting in Koryo until it occupies the entire Koryo, so the Koryo Theater is now the top priority.

In addition, two legions directly under the theater were established-the Liangshan Army and the Koryo Army. The commander of the Liangshan Army was also Lin Chong, and the deputy commander was Chao Gai. Lin Chong was in charge of military affairs, and Chao Gai was in charge of civil affairs.The commander of the Koryo Legion is Huarong, and the deputy commander is Gongsunsheng. Huarong is in charge of military affairs, and Gongsunsheng is in charge of civil affairs in the Koryo theater.

The territory of the Koryo theater is not small now. Apart from Incheon City and Seoul, there are countless islands, all of which are under the jurisdiction of the theater.Many people have immigrated to the island, and there are many civil issues to deal with.

The number of soldiers in the Liangshan Army was relatively small, only 2, while the number of soldiers in the Koryo Army reached 8.

The Koryo Legion has two land armies and one navy. The commander of the first Koryo army is Yang Zhi, and there is no suitable candidate for the commander of the second army. Hua Rong recommended Luan Tingyu to Wu Dong, saying that Luan Tingyu is skilled in martial arts and understands the art of war. After Wu Dong thought about it, he appointed Luan Tingyu as the acting commander.

The commander of the navy is Ruan Xiaoqi, and the deputy commander is Zhang Shun.

In addition to the three armies, the Koryo Legion also has three units under the Operations Department, the Intelligence Department, and the Logistics Department.

Wu Yong is the director of the Operations Division for the time being, but Wu Yong is a low-level person. In the past few days, he has been studying the art of war and asking Hua Rong for advice every day. He is very happy.The Director of the Intelligence Department is Zhu Gui, and the Shaolin Twelve Stick Monks are also subordinate to the Intelligence Department, and the Director of the Logistics Department is temporarily held by Gongsun Sheng.

In general, the number of talents in Liangshan is still too small.Although there are many heroes of the rivers and lakes joining Liangshan, these heroes of the rivers and lakes are only strong in martial arts. Even if some of them have good overall qualities, they need to go through a lot of inspections before they can be used with confidence.


It is already early May, and the weather in the Central Plains is already very hot, but in Koryo, the temperature here is still very cool.

In the middle of the night, Wu Dong and Li Shishi were strolling in the garden of the city lord's mansion. Wu Dong was thinking about something, and Li Shishi said, "Husband, what are you thinking? Miss Jinlian?"

Wu Dong laughed, kissed Li Shishi's delicate cheek, and said, "What do you want her to do? It hasn't been two days since she went back. I was thinking about publicity."

Pan Jinlian was also in Korea two days ago, but after staying for a while, she missed her son, so she went back to Liangshanbo temporarily.

Master Li asked strangely: "Propaganda?"

Wu Dong said: "Yeah, publicity, publicity to the people."

Li Shishi said: "Husband, I don't know what specific content to promote?"

Wu Dongdao: "Propagate the glorious deeds of our Han people to the people of Liangshan! Thousands of years ago, when foreigners were still drinking blood, our Han people had already invented writing and established a country. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, our Han people stood tall in the Central Plains and dared to violate the dignity of our Han people." In the Sui and Tang dynasties, our Han people governed the countries in the Western Regions and northern borders, and the emperor of the Han people was honored as "Heavenly Khan" by all countries, and our Central Plains of China was also called the Kingdom of Heaven by foreigners. Our Han people were once extremely brilliant, but now Although it is temporarily declining, it will continue to rise one day and continue to lead the foreign race."

Li Shishi nodded slightly, she felt her husband's dedication to restore the glory of the Han nationality.In fact, the same is true in her heart, the same in the heart of every Han Chinese, she wants to restore the former glory of the Han people, so that the Han people will no longer be slaughtered by foreign races, and let the Han people become the first race again.

Wu Dongdao: "Although everyone has such thoughts, ordinary life can numb everyone's thoughts. Now that China's foreign aggression is so serious, it is not the time to be numb. It is necessary to awaken the sense of national pride in the hearts of the people and let everyone Everyone works hard for the nation."

Li Shishi nodded and said: "My husband is right."

Wu Dongdao: "I want to tell the people that from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the present, millions of Han people have died under the butcher's knife of the foreign race. We Han people should not be the target of massacres by foreigners. On the contrary, we Han people are the most noble race in the world. We want to take revenge on them, and we want to return to them everything they have imposed on us. Every one of us Han people must If you are bloody, you must not be afraid of any difficulties, dare to join the army, and dare to fight the enemy, only in this way can you drive out the aliens and achieve revival."

Li Shishi said: "Husband, we can write a book, write everything you just said in it, add paintings, and then spread it...even, we can let the villages and towns under Liangshan take a certain amount of time every day Studying this book will thoroughly inspire the sense of national glory, blood, and bravery in the hearts of the people..."

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