Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 575 System 3

"In the past dynasties, there were six ministries in Central Province. We don't need six. We still decide how many ministries we have according to actual needs. Before www, we had five ministries. I think it's still a bit small." Wu Dong said.

"Then there should be something else?" Li Gang said.

"Since the military system is no longer implemented, there should naturally be a Ministry of the Interior. The former Ministry of Economy can be changed to the Ministry of Finance. In addition, there must be a Ministry of Education and a Ministry of Supervision." Wu Dong said.

Regarding Wu Dong's proposal, everyone began to discuss it. After a whole morning, everyone finally basically agreed with Wu Dong's proposal.

"Since our number of ministries has increased, and there may be more in the future, the voting rights of the governor should also increase." Hua Rong said at the end of the morning meeting.

"Then three votes." Wu Dong said.

On this point, everyone raised their hands in agreement.

When it was time for the afternoon meeting, Wu Dong said, "I have decided to set up a consultative bureau."

"The Consultative Council? What is this?" Li Gang asked in surprise.

"The Counseling Bureau is the place where the whole country and provinces gather public opinion, and it is also where the common people participate in and discuss politics." Wu Dong said.

"There is no need for this? Chief Governor, I always feel that it is inappropriate for the people to participate in state affairs! The words of the sages can be taught to the people but not obeyed. The people only need to accept the rule and teach them. They have no right to intervene in politics!" Li Gang frowned.

"Before the establishment of Liangshan, weren't we all ordinary people? The common people had no place to speak, no place to express their wishes. They could only rise up and build a dynasty by themselves! Since the establishment of Liangshan, I have kept saying, 'The world is not One person's world', but the world of ten thousand people! The people are the most important and the king is the least. If this is the case, why can't the people participate in politics?" Wu Dong said.

"Governor, can ordinary people participate in this council? If that's the case, what's the use of everyone talking and chaos?" Zhu Wu said.

"Of course not everyone can participate! Members of the Advisory Council need to be elected by the common people, and only those who have prestige, knowledge, and character can enter it and participate in politics on behalf of the common people." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, can you tell me what 'participating in and discussing state affairs' specifically refers to?" Hua Rong said.

"They can vote to pass laws, they can vote to pass a year's budget, and they can even vote for dissatisfaction with the entire Central Province, thus prompting all officials in Central Province to step down." Wu Dong said lightly.

"What?" Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

In fact, this "council bureau" is a certain form of parliament!At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing court "prepared to establish a constitution", and the Empress Dowager Cixi ordered the establishment of advisory bureaus in various places. It can be said that the advisory bureaus were the beginning of Chinese democracy in history. Unfortunately, the power of change was not as powerful as that of revolution. Preliminary constitutional efforts were also unsuccessful.

It has been more than ten years since Wu Dong founded Liangshan. During these ten years, he has continuously tried to change the people's thinking, and also introduced some democratic systems into Liangshan. It was not until now that he was about to ascend the throne that he proposed a consultation bureau system.Every step he takes is cautious, lest the changes will be too big and cause social unrest.

However, this "Consultation Bureau" is still too advanced for Huarong, Li Gang and others.

Throughout the afternoon and evening, everyone was discussing the matter of the Advisory Council, and even everyone present at the meeting participated in the discussion, but they have not yet reached a unified conclusion.

In a blink of an eye, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month came, and it was the Lantern Festival. The city of Yanjing was full of joy, but the high-level leaders of Liangshan were still discussing fiercely!

In the evening, Wu Dong personally went to visit Huarong's home, persuaded Huarong, and finally won Huarong's support!It was very late, but he came to the residences of Li Gang, Zhu Wu, Gongsun Sheng, Qin Hui, Wu Yong and others, and discussed carefully with these people separately, trying to convince them!

On the morning of the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, when the final vote was made, the establishment of the "Consultation Bureau" was still approved!Of course, the approval is passed, and the real implementation will take a long time!

When the meeting adjourned in the morning, Li Gang stood outside the Yizheng Hall with a worried expression on his face.In his opinion, the system has changed too much, and no one knows whether the system is right or wrong. If it is wrong, it may not be a good thing for the country in the future.

"Governor, if you rashly implement these policies, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to Liangshan in the future!" When Wu Dong came out, Li Gang held Wu Dong back and said.

"Don't worry, I will not rashly implement such a policy! We can first select a place to carry out political experiments, such as Korea, or the newly developed northern province and Liaodong province. After the problem, we will slowly expand the scope! If there is a problem, we can either correct it or stop it!" Wu Dong said.

"Okay!" At this moment, Li Gang finally agreed to this matter.

Wu Dong also heaved a sigh of relief, everyone finally passed the matter of the Advisory Bureau. With the Advisory Bureau in the future, it can achieve the purpose of supervising the government from another aspect, and it can also achieve the purpose of decentralization!In the end, the legislative power will be handed over to the Advisory Council!

Unrestricted power is terrible. Under such power, whether it is individual dictatorship or collective dictatorship, the country will eventually be destroyed, and China will still be unable to escape the law of dynasty replacement.If Wu Dong wants to end this state, decentralization, checks and balances, constitutionalism, etc. are all essential.

On the afternoon of the [-]th day of the first lunar month, everyone began to discuss the name of the country and the name of the year.

"Although we have occupied the north now, we originated from Liangshanbo! For ten years, we have always regarded Liangshan as our best choice. Since we want to build a country, I think we can use the name 'Liang'. What do you think?" At the meeting, Li Gang said .

For this, everyone has no objection.

"About the year name, the governor, this is up to you to decide." Li Gang said.

"I think the year name can be 'Datong'." Wu Dong said.

"Datong?" Li Gang began to think slowly, some of the people below were discussing, and some were also thinking.

The so-called "Great Harmony" is the ideal world imagined by the ancient Chinese, and it is also one of the ultimate thoughts of Confucianism. It is not an exaggeration to use all perfect words to describe "Great Harmony".In history, there are so many kings who used "Datong" as their reign title, but it was unexpected that Wu Dong would also use "Datong" as his title.

"I want to build a real Datong world, I wonder if you would like to do it with me?" Wu Dong said with a smile.

"Yes!" Everyone said one after another.

"Walking the great way, the world is for the public! Select the virtuous and capable, trustworthy and harmonious! The old man is not alone in kissing his relatives, not only in his sons! Let the old have an end, the strong will be useful, the young will be strong, widows, widows, lonely and sick Everyone has something to support! Men have a share, women have a home. Goods and evils don’t have to be hidden when they are abandoned on the ground, and power and evils don’t come from the body and don’t have to be for themselves. It’s the intention to conspire and not to prosper, and theft and chaos are not to be done. , so the outdoors are not closed, which means Datong!" Wu Dong murmured.

In the legendary "Great Harmony World", everyone loves and helps each other, every family lives and works in peace and contentment, everyone respects the elderly, everyone loves the young, everywhere is uneven, and everyone is full and warm.The world is public, the country does not belong to one family and one surname, the king is just like Yao and Shun in ancient times, he only serves the world.It is up to the people to decide who will serve as officials.Make the best use of goods, and make the best use of people.If the door is not closed at night, there will be no robbers in the world.Such a world is much more beautiful than the "Peach Blossom Spring" described by Tao Yuanming, and it is a truly perfect society.

Of course, it is simply impossible to truly realize the Datong world.Thoughts such as unevenness everywhere have long been proven wrong by history and do not conform to the laws of social development.It is also unlikely that everyone is morally high.What Wu Dong can do is to approach such a world, try to achieve social fairness and people's prosperity.

"The world is for the public, the world is one...Mr. Sun used this sentence as his motto back then, but he didn't expect that I would also regard Datong as my year name today." A smile appeared on Wu Dong's face.


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