Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 579 The Enthronement Ceremony

The 25th of the first month has finally arrived!

This day is sunny, in the morning, the sun rises, and it is fiery red!

Looking at the fiery red sun, Yanjing City is full of joy, which means that the future of Liangshan will also be red, and Liangshan will flourish!

Wu Dong returned to the palace last night, he still didn't rest after bathing and changing in the palace.High-speed update This night, he was with a group of monks and Taoist priests. These monks and Taoist priests prayed for him and made the final preparations before his enthronement.Most of the monks here come from the Shaolin Temple in the south. The Shaolin Temple may be the happiest for Wu Dong's ascension to the throne. They supported Wu Dong at the beginning, and now it is finally time to pay back!As for those Taoist priests, many of them are disciples of Luo Zhenren, and their investment has also paid off.

The sun has just risen, and Wu Dong has already come out of the palace!

At this moment, including Hua Rong, Li Gang, Wu Yong and other important ministers of the central province are already waiting nervously outside the palace, and countless youth representatives and military representatives are also waiting there nervously. They will go to the Temple of Heaven with Wu Dong.

Finally Wu Dong sat on the imperial chariot, and a total of sixteen people carried Wu Dong forward.These 16 people were carefully selected from the Liangshan Army, which is a great honor for them!

All the gates of the palace were opened, and when Wu Dong and others came out from the palace, the road was already full of people on both sides!

Wherever Wu Dong's imperial chariot went, the people knelt down on the ground one after another.Although Liangshan has abolished the kneeling ceremony, today is the day when Wu Dong ascended the throne, and many people still bow to Wu Dong as they used to bow to the emperor.At such an important moment, every commoner expressed their support for Wu Dong's ascension to the throne with their most pious and solemn etiquette.

Sitting on the imperial chariot, Wu Dong suddenly felt his blood boil!When he first came to this era, how could he have imagined that there would be a day like this!From an ordinary commoner to an emperor in the north, he experienced many things. The road was extremely difficult, but he overcame all the difficulties and finally became an emperor, controlling everything in the north!

"The world has changed because of me, and the Han people have changed because of me. From now on, the Han people will no longer be as conservative and cowardly as before, and will never be oppressed by foreigners! Now only the Central Plains are left, and this is the last step to conquer the world! "Wu Dong secretly said.

They went all the way to the Temple of Heaven, and there were people kneeling on the ground everywhere. Looking at these people, Wu Dong suddenly had a feeling of controlling everything in the world!Originally there were hundreds of thousands of people in Yanjing City, but because today is the enthronement ceremony, youth representatives, official representatives, labor models, business representatives, etc. from all over the world came one after another, and now nearly a million people have gathered in this ancient city. people!Except for those who were really unable to move, everyone participated in this enthronement ceremony.

When they came to the Temple of Heaven, the people here also knelt down on the ground one after another. Wu Dong and others passed through the people and came to the Temple of Heaven!

It was only after arriving here that the official sacrifice to heaven began. Wu Dong, Hua Rong, Li Gang, Wu Yong and others all knelt down one after another, silently praying to heaven!After a long time, a quarter of an hour passed before Wu Dong stood up!

A guard next to him blew his whip three times, and after hearing the crackling sound, the rest of the ministers and common people stood up one after another.

"A silent tribute to the martyrs!" Wu Dong said calmly, looking into the distance.

There was half a quarter of an hour of silence for the martyrs, and it was not completed until three whips were fired.Then Wu Dong led the ministers to offer sacrifices to the sky, and Li Gang read out the enthronement edict and was busy until noon.

After the sound of "Your Majesty returns to the palace", Wu Dong began to return. This time, it was Hua Rong, Li Gang, Wu Yong and other important officials who personally carried the chariot. Tens of thousands of soldiers guarded the surroundings and returned to the palace with Wu Dong!

The door of the imperial palace was still wide open, Wu Dong entered the Yizheng Hall, and everyone crowded around to sit on the throne, which was considered a formal enthronement.

After Wu Dong ascended the throne, the minister headed by Hua Rong was named Wu Dong's honorary title, which is also an ancient Chinese tradition.As long as an emperor ascends the throne, the first thing to do is the honorary title. From Qin Shihuang to the later emperors of the Qing Dynasty, the honorary titles have become longer and longer.When the emperor is on the throne or dies, he can also add honor titles. Some emperors add honor titles several times in their lives, and each time is more grand.The honorary title given to Wu Dong by Hua Rong and others was "Emperor of Kaiyuan Shenwen Shengwu Datong". Compared with the emperor's title with a dozen or twenty characters, this title is relatively short.

After giving Wu Dong the honorary title, he gave the old man Wu the honorary title. He was regarded as the Supreme Emperor. After that, Wu Dong added the titles to the four wives, and then the canonization of the children.

In the end, Wu Dong issued a decree to amnesty the world, and all war criminals were released and had freedom!

The enthronement ceremony was extremely grand, and the main purpose was to win the hearts of the people, at least in form to show that he was an orthodox identity and could compete with Song Dynasty!If the enthronement ceremony is held in a crude and crude manner, I am afraid that my ministers will question whether this is the emperor after all, can it be compared with the Song Dynasty?

After all the rituals were over, the sun was even redder in the afternoon, and there was still white snow in the distance that hadn't melted. Wu Dong was in a good mood, and said, "Bring the paper!"

But he felt something in his heart. He remembered a poem he had learned when he was a child, and couldn't help but write it out: "The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow... I am sorry for Qin Huang Han Wu, a little lost in literary talent, Tang Zong Song Ancestor, a little less coquettish, a generation of proud, Yelu Abaoji, who only knows how to bend a bow and shoot big eagles... counting the romantic people, let's look at the present."

Originally, the arrogance of the leaders of later generations refers to Genghis Khan, but now that Genghis Khan has not yet been born, Wu Dong changed Genghis Khan to "Yelu Abaoji".This Yelu Abaoji is the founding emperor of the Liao Kingdom. He was talented and general, conquered the north and the south, unified the Khitan, established the Daliao, and stood in the north for 200 years. He can be called the number one foreigner before Wanyan Aguda and Genghis Khan. A hero, he is brave and good at archery and cavalry, and there is nothing wrong with saying that he can bend his bow and shoot a big eagle.

After the poem was written, the ministers praised it one after another, and some were shocked.Wu Dong smiled lightly, this is a term for the leaders of later generations, so it is naturally not bad, it is full of contempt for the kings of previous dynasties, but it is very suitable for his current state of mind.He felt that the country he was going to create would be far better than Qin Huang, Han Wu, and create a prosperous age that China had never had before.

That night, Wu Dong had a big banquet for all the ministers!Officials of all sizes in Yanjing City participated one after another, and the three envoys of Song Dynasty also participated in the banquet, including Yang Shi who has also arrived!

At the banquet, Yang Shi stared at Wu Dong coldly, wishing he could swallow Wu Dong up.

Wu Dong toasted everyone table by table, and when Wu Dong came to Yang Shi's side to toast, he suddenly got into trouble.

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