Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 583 Beijing Daming Mansion

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"Brother Jiang, the governor of Liangshan has ascended the throne! He is also Han, and now he is going to compete with the emperor of Song Dynasty." A soldier next to him said.

"These many soldiers can scare people to death just by scaring them. How can we resist...not good! Once the war starts, I am afraid that everyone in our family will suffer. I will return home immediately and take my family with me. Hide in the mountains for a year or two, and come back only after the war is over!" the big man surnamed Jiang said suddenly.

"Brother Jiang, as far as I know, Liangshan's military discipline is strict, and they never bully ordinary people, and..." The soldier's voice suddenly became lower, and said: "Brother Jiang, those officials above us seem to have a long history with Liangshan. It's a deal! Speaking of which, we are also considered members of Liangshan!"

"No matter what, after this time I'm done, I must hide!" The big man surnamed Jiang shook his head.

For ordinary people, war is still an extremely terrifying thing!From ancient times to the present, in the Central Plains, except for a few wars, almost every time there is a loss of life!Now that Liangshan is about to go south, even Liangshan himself cannot guarantee that all the people are safe and sound!Swords and guns have no eyes. At that time, innocent people will definitely suffer from war!


Liangshan's million-strong army gathered in the north, and the entire Hebei, Shandong and other places have already been inexplicably shocked!

Especially in the Daming Mansion in the north, it is even more tense here!The people of Daming Mansion know that this is the focus of Liangshan's attack, and now all the people are heading south!And when they came to the gate of the city, if they wanted to leave the city, they had to hand over some money to the soldiers guarding the city. These soldiers guarding the city could be regarded as a windfall.

At this moment, a large number of Imperial Guards from the Northern Song Dynasty are also gathering towards Daming Mansion. In just one month, more than half of the Imperial Guards from Hebei have come here.

This Daming Mansion was the most important military town in the north of the Great Song Dynasty!According to historical data, the Daming Mansion "controls Heshuo and locks the key to the north gate", which means that it controls a large area of ​​territory north of the Yellow River and guards the north gate of the Central Plains!If you stick to this place, you will block the possibility of the enemy crossing the Yellow River south!This is the accompanying capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, known as "Beijing"!From the establishment of Taoism in the Northern Song Dynasty to the present, countless famous officials have been in charge here, including Kou Zhun, Wang Qinruo, Lu Yijian, Han Qi, Ouyang Xiu, etc. They all walked to the center from here!A large amount of supplies are transported here every year. Of course, the political corruption in the Song Dynasty over the years, the supplies accumulated for more than a hundred years have long been embezzled!

In the past, this place was used to prevent the Khitan people from going south, but this time it was used to prevent Liangshan!

The leaders of the Hebei Forbidden Army have also arrived here, including Song Jiang and Shi Jin, and Zhang Bangchang, the Xuanfu envoy of Hebei, has also arrived here. A large amount of war materials are also coming here in a steady stream!

Song Jiang was standing on the top of Daming Mansion at the moment, admiring the scenery of Daming Mansion.

After a hundred years of construction and reinforcement, Daming Mansion is now a famous city second only to Bianliang in the Song Dynasty!The outer city wall of Daming Mansion has reached 50 miles, with 16 gates, which are extremely strong!In addition to the outer city, the Daming Mansion also has Miyagi, which has a circumference of 12 miles. If the outer city is breached, the soldiers can retreat into the Miyagi to continue resisting the enemy!People at the time described Daming Mansion as "thousands of powerful generals rule the city, and millions of people live in the country", and some people said that there are "thousands of dancing pavilions and singing platforms, tens of thousands of forest palaces and Buddhist temples".

The scenery here is so beautiful!Compared with Yanjing City, this place can better show the height of the architectural civilization of the Han people!

Song Jiang stood there, and gradually footsteps came from behind him. It turned out that Shi Jin came to him.

Shi Jin was extremely busy during this time, and he had deep dark circles around his eyes, just like a panda.During this period of time, a large number of forbidden soldiers entered the Daming Mansion. The military discipline of the forbidden army was extremely poor. They seized the houses of the common people and raped ordinary women. Because of their arrival, the Daming Mansion was full of smoke!Shi Jin had dealt with hundreds of soldiers and beheaded them all in the past few days, and the discipline in the city was slightly better.

Shi Jin is very worried now. He feels that such an army may be okay against Fang La, but it may be too bad against the strong army in Liangshan in the north!

"Shi Jin, are you going to deal with those boys again?" Song Jiang said.

"Brother Song, our military discipline is too poor! I heard that Liangshan's military orders are as high as mountains and the military discipline is strict. It would be great if we could do what Liangshan did." Shi Jin said.

"After a long period of training, Liangshan has become a strong army! We don't have time to train soldiers now! Soldiers want to rob, let them rob! Anyway, the war is about to start, only the soldiers get the benefits, Only then can they defend the city well!" Song Jiang said lightly.

"Brother Song, do you think we can really defend the Daming Mansion?" Shi Jin asked.

"We will definitely be able to hold this place! This Daming Mansion is extremely strong, not under Taiyuan City, nor under Yanjing City! Taiyuan City was conquered at the beginning, mainly because of Liangshan's despicable tricks, and Yanjing City was conquered, mainly by the Liao Army The main force of the army has gone to the north! And now, the 20 troops of our forbidden army have come here, and we will definitely be able to stop them!" Song Jiang laughed.

"I hope so." Shi Jin frowned.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang Bangchang hosted a banquet for us tonight, let's go and see together!" Song Jiang said.

"He hosted a banquet for us, what is he going to do?" Shi Jin asked in surprise.

"It's nothing more than discussing the war!" Song Jiang said lightly.

"Okay, let's go now!" Shi Jin looked at the sky, the sun had already set, and said immediately.

These two men called some senior generals of the Forbidden Army together, and then they took these generals of the Forbidden Army to Zhang Bangchang's mansion together!In fact, apart from them at this moment, Liang Zhong, who stayed behind in the Daming Mansion, took his beloved general Suo Chao to Zhang Bangchang's mansion together!Zhang Bangchang's mansion is in the palace city, and those who are responsible for guarding the palace city are all Zhang Bangchang's cronies!

It was getting darker and darker, and the number of officials who came to Zhang Bangchang's mansion had exceeded [-], and it was these people who were responsible for the defense of the entire Daming Mansion.

In the hall of Zhang Bangchang's mansion, Zhang Bangchang looked at the people below with a smile, and said: "Everyone has been working hard for days, today we will drink and eat first, and then discuss the war."

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment, and said: "Master Zhang, I think we should discuss the war first, and then talk about other things."

After Song Jiang finished speaking, dissatisfaction appeared in the eyes of the surrounding generals!Song Jiang was born in Jianghu at any rate, and he hasn't completely degenerated yet, but just like this, he is a bit out of place in the forbidden army!

Over there, Liang Zhong said coldly: "Master Zhang is the Hebei Xuanfu envoy, we all listen to Mr. Zhang! Mr. Song, although you are the leader of the imperial army, you still have to be restrained by Mr. Zhang?"

Song Jiang said unhappily: "Since that's the case, we will listen to Mr. Zhang."

Soon, the banquet began, and more than 50 people from Daming Mansion ate and drank here.

"This is Bianliang's fine wine, I brought it specially when I came from Bianliang, everyone should taste it!" Zhang Bangchang stood up and laughed.

"I wish my great Song Jiangshan ten thousand years, drink!" Song Jiang also let go at this moment, and started to drink.


And just 50 miles north of Daming Mansion, one hundred thousand Liangshan troops are coming in this direction!

The leader is Wu Song, with fierce eyes in Wu Song's eyes, he knows that the Daming Mansion in the distance is the biggest obstacle for Liang Shan to attack the Central Plains!As long as the Daming Mansion is broken, the south will be a smooth road!On the plain, the infantry of the Song Dynasty is definitely not an opponent of the hundreds of thousands of cavalry in Liangshan. They can rush to Bianliang without any worries and capture the emperor of the Song Dynasty alive!

"Brother took Zhang Bangchang back then, he was really far-sighted! Without Zhang Bangchang's help, it would have taken a lot of effort for us to capture such a fortified city!" Wu Song secretly said.

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