After returning to Yanjing City, Shi Qian came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately without hesitation.Visit and download txt novel www. He first went on a mission and explained what happened to him in Huacizimo, and then he began to ask Liang Shan about his battle plan against Huacizimo.

After hearing Shi Qian's question, Zhu Wu said, "We won't start a war against Huacizimo for the time being."

Shi Qian was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why?"

Zhu Wu said with a wry smile: "In the past two years, we have conquered too much land. In order to maintain the stability of the Central Plains, our treasury has almost exhausted all the materials in our treasury. We don't even have any more materials to support the grassland. The Liangshan tribes on the grassland are all We are shrinking, so we don't have the capital to go to war for the time being!"

Shi Qian frowned and said, "My lord, when will we be able to start a war against them?"

Zhu Wudao: "It should take one to two years! The Central Plains and Jiangnan are different from the Goryeo, Xixia, Liaojin and other places we once conquered. Here are all our tribesmen, and the speed of restoring stability in these places is very fast! Moreover, the original economy of these places was extremely prosperous, but now it is only because of the war that it suddenly stopped and became impoverished. If you want to restore the economy, in addition to consuming a lot of national power to fill here at the beginning, it will soon return to war. The previous level... So, I personally think that within a year or two, we will continue to have the ability to fight against the outside world."

Shi Qian said: "My lord, our merchants in Daliang are still in the hands of Huacizimo, what should we do with these merchants?"

Zhu Wudao: "This matter is still handled by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I have decided to exchange these businessmen with money."

Shi Qian's face was flushed, and he said angrily, "This is a disgrace to our Liang!"

Zhu Wudao: "We have to be patient for a while! One to two years, we have to wait for this time to pass, and then seek revenge against them!"

Shi Qian sighed for a long time, thinking of the followers who died in Huacizimo, he felt extremely sad!In fact, it wasn't just Shi Qian. After the news reached Yanjing City, officials from various ministries in Central Province demanded to use force against Huacizimo, but in the end they were suppressed by Wu Dong!In the past few days, in various schools in Yanjing City, countless students are still asking for a war!

Throughout the three years of Datong, there were no other wars in Liangshan except for the suppression of bandits. This may be the calmest year since Liangshan was established!This year, the land reform in various places was basically completed, and the grain harvest in various places finally got a bumper harvest. Seeing that it is difficult to starve to death this winter, many people are grateful to the new dynasty!The common people in China are the most simple, as long as their income increases, as long as they can survive, they will be grateful to the government and will sincerely support the government!In this year, the bandits in various places were basically wiped out, and there were faint signs of prosperity in the Central Plains!

On New Year's Eve in the third year of Datong, Liangshan Central Province finally began to discuss the war against Huacizimo!

First, Huarong introduced the situation of Huacizimo, saying: "In the past year, Huacizimo has been eager to move, and their army is gathering. One of their troops has crossed the desert and came to the border of Xixia, and they dared to provoke us! Because there is no army. The order of the Ministry, so the war has not yet begun! But I am afraid that Huacizimo will really use force against us soon!"

Wu Dong nodded, and said: "We have endured for a year, and the Turkic people in Huacizimo treated our businessmen and envoys like this, and dared to kill us Han people. This bloody hatred must be avenged! Has the Ministry now decided to hand over combat missions to those armies?"

Hua Rong said: "The death-death army on the grassland and the Fourth Army must be dispatched. These troops add up to more than 20! In addition, Yue Fei's Third Army and Luan Tingyu's Fifth Army are gathering for Xixia. They also have 60 troops! This time we have used [-] troops, and we will wipe out Huacizimo in one fell swoop, without giving them any chance to breathe!"

Li Gangdao: "I heard that Huacizimo is also a big country in the Western Regions. The former Persia is not their opponent. We have to be careful!"

Hua Rong smiled and said: "They are only superficially strong! They are still powerless against my Liangshan army! As long as all the supplies are supplied in the country, we can wipe out Huacizimo in at most three years! Or it won't be enough. Such a long time!"

Wu Dong looked at Li Gang and said, "How are the materials prepared now?"

Li Gangdao: "Since the summer harvest, our materials have been transported to the grasslands and Xixia! However, because the Central Plains has just recovered, we have temporarily exempted the agricultural tax in many places in the Central Plains and Jiangnan, so we can only rely on the north. The tax revenue of several provinces in the country is here to fight! I suggest to wait until our supplies are more abundant, then is the best time to attack Huacizimo!"

Wu Dong shook his head and said, "We can't wait any longer! For a whole year, all the armies are asking for the battle, and countless young people are also asking for the battle! If we wait any longer, I'm afraid the enthusiasm of the army and the young people will be severely hit. "

Hua Rong agreed: "We should use force immediately! We have enough supplies now!"

Li Gangdao: "Your Majesty, Lord Hua, I don't know when is the specific time for the use of force determined by the military department?"

Hua Rong said: "The specific time to use force will be in July! In July, the autumn air is crisp, the horses grow fat, and the things on the grassland gradually lessen. It is the best time to use force!"

"Okay! During this period, our Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Economic Affairs are also fully preparing for the war to ensure that there will be no problems in logistics." Li Gang said.

Since the first month, a large number of horses have been continuously transported from Liaodong and northern provinces to Mongolia and Xixia, and a large number of bows and arrows are also being transported to Mongolia and Xixia!Now Mongolia's Death Army, Fourth Army, Xixia's Third Army, and Fifth Army are all cavalry, and cavalry and shooting have become their main means of attack! The 60 horse-riding and archery-based army needs a huge number of auxiliary horses and bows and arrows. Now the military factories in Liangshan are mainly producing bows and arrows!

Yue Fei's Third Army had already returned to Xixia from Bashu, while Luan Tingyu's Fifth Army moved from Jiangnan to Xixia.

In addition, countless grains and grass are also being transported towards Mongolia and Xixia. In addition to grain and grass, some small artillery are also being transported towards Mongolia and Xixia!Huacizimo is different from the Mongolian grassland. There are countless cities there, and artillery is needed when attacking the cities!When Genghis Khan attacked Huacizimo, he not only relied on riding and shooting, but also played a huge role in return artillery.


In Yanjing City, Master Luo is leaving Yanjing City with dozens of disciples, heading towards Xixia.

"Master, why are we going to Xixia? Don't tell me you want to participate in the war?" One of Luo Zhenren's disciples was puzzled.

"I'm not going to Xixia, I'm going to Huacizimo with the army! I heard that Huacizimo is occupied by heretics, and my Taoist sects haven't developed there yet. After the war is won, I will preach there." Luo Zhen said. .

"Master, do you think we will be able to defeat Huacizimo?" Another disciple said.

"This is natural! I read history, and I can see that Daliang's military strength is even stronger than that of the Qin Dynasty, and it is much stronger than any era in the Han and Tang Dynasties! With such military strength, it is not a problem to wipe out small countries in the Western Regions!" Luo Zhen said.

Those kings and nobles in Huacizimo look down on the Han people, but they don't know that the Han people also look down on those countries in the Western Regions!Only war can tell who is strong and who is weak!And in terms of war, Luo Zhenren has absolute confidence in the current beam!With the largest territory of the Han people in history, the largest population, the strongest national strength, and the millions of elite soldiers who have experienced more than ten years of war, plus hundreds of thousands of cavalry and archers that the Han people have never had before, if such a force cannot fight the Western Regions Country, Luo Zhenren thinks it is impossible!

"In all dynasties and dynasties, when the country was founded, those military generals were either purged, or they released their military power with a glass of wine like the Song emperor. I don't know what will happen to the generals and the army of Daliang in the future?" At this time, a disciple Suddenly whispered.

"This..." Master Luo was stunned, and after a while, he said: "Daliang should be different from the previous dynasties! The Emperor of Datong is also different from the emperors of the previous dynasties. Although he has the highest authority, no one will Question his decision, but what he implements is not a dictatorial system. The ministers of the central province are enough to check and balance him, and can overturn his decision! Therefore, he will not kill the heroes... After thinking carefully, I feel that Liang The system is better than the rest of the dynasties! Including the new imperial examination system now implemented, the former officials were corrupt Confucians, and now to participate in the new imperial examination, in addition to learning, there must be so-called social practice! Moreover, these new imperial examinations The people who come out only start from the grassroots, similar to officials, and then they can be promoted to become officials! In addition to being an official through the imperial examination, in Koryo, the Consultation Bureau can also select some less important officials. The bureau can also supervise the officials! Now the whole girder is full of vitality, and we Han people have never been so powerful."

After he finished speaking, the rest of the disciples nodded one after another!In March, they came to Zhongxing Mansion and stayed here temporarily, not to mention that.


The grassland is green at this moment, which is the best time of the year!

On the prairie, large and small Han tribes are scattered all over the prairie!Lots of herders are grazing, it's just that many more are doing professional military training.

"The battle against Huacizimo is about to begin, and our Death Squadron is fighting again!" Yang Zaixing laughed.

"Actually, I have long wanted to compete with Huacizimo! The last time we attacked the Tatar tribe, they helped the Tatar tribe! Fortunately, Commander Hu used a trick to eliminate them easily." Cui Tieshi said.

"I hope the war will come sooner!" Yang Zaixing said with some expectation.

When May comes, the men from all the grassland ministries are gathering urgently!Countless cattle and sheep are also driving towards the west!Although they have obtained countless military rations from the Central Plains, cattle and sheep are also a way to supplement food and grass for the unique environment of the grassland.

In July, the grassland sent troops first, and 40 cavalry rushed towards the west.

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