Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 68 Huashan

In the middle of October in the lunar calendar, the weather was freezing, and Liangshan officially sent troops.

Ten thousand troops set off from Shuipo, carrying several days' worth of rations, and headed westward.The 1 people were divided into hundreds of teams and rushed in the wild. They all wore the clothes of ordinary people, and even if they were found, they would be regarded as ordinary people.

During the War of Liberation, President Lin quietly brought 20 Northeast Field Army troops into the customs without disturbing the Kuomintang government at all.Compared to Mr. Lin, Wu Dong's 1 people quietly marching is just a child's play.

Wu Dong, Lin Chong, Cao Zheng, and Hu Sanniang walked together. The four of them, like ordinary soldiers, did not ride horses, but trekked with everyone.

"Cao Zheng, what's the specific situation in Huashan?" Wu Dong said.

Although he knew enough before, Wu Dong still wanted to ask again.Don't fight unprepared battles, the more you know about the enemy, the greater the hope of victory will be.

Cao Zheng is now the director of the intelligence department of the Liangshan theater, and he is also paying attention to the situation on the Huashan side during this time. Cao Zhengdao: "I'm afraid I can't hold on anymore! A group of people from Shaohuashan are hiding in Huashan, and the officers and soldiers can't attack from below." Go up, but they can't come down, so now there is only a stalemate, I guess, their food is almost exhausted."

Wu Dong nodded and said, "Do you think Liangshan can defeat the officers and soldiers near Huashan?"

Cao Zhengdao: "This should be no problem. This time we sent 1 troops, and the officers and soldiers near Huashan are also about 1. Among them, the 3000 serial horses led by Hu Yanzhuo are more powerful and may pose a huge threat to us. As for the remaining 7000 officers and soldiers led by Bi Sheng, although they are a strong army in the northwest, they are still incomparable with us."

Hu Yanzhuo is a descendant of Hu Yanzan, a famous general of the Song Dynasty. The cavalry formation is indeed extremely powerful, and he is considered to be a relatively famous cavalry soldier in the Song Dynasty.It was recorded in Water Margin back then that when Hu Yanzhuo encircled and suppressed Liangshanbo, Song Jiang and others were not opponents at all, and Xu Ning was finally invited to break the chain of horses.

As for Bi Sheng, he is a general under Zhong Shidao and Tong Guan, and both of them are subordinates to the Northwest Army.Zhong Shidao is the well-known "Xiao Zhong Jing Lue Gong" in the Water Margin. At the beginning, both Lu Zhishen and Yang Zhi used to work under him.This man is a generation of famous generals who have repeatedly blocked Xixia's attacks and have a very high reputation among the people.

It can be said that this time Liangshan will collide with the strongest soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty, and the outcome is unpredictable.

"Brother, the soldiers in the Liangshan theater should come out to fight, otherwise they will always be recruits. The Koryo theater has fought a few tough battles and achieved brilliant results. The Liangshan theater can't lag behind the Koryo theater." Lin Chong laughed.

"That's the reason." Wu Dong also laughed.

There are now two theaters in Liangshan. The Liangshan theater is relatively small in scale. It is mainly responsible for training soldiers and then sending them to Korea. However, there are still 2 permanent soldiers in the Liangshan theater itself, and these 2 permanent soldiers have never experienced war. , this time can be regarded as a training for the soldiers and horses in the Liangshan theater.

"By the way, brother, this year the Liangshan Theater has also recruited a lot of talents. Among them, there are three people who performed better. One is Yang Xiong, who is strong in military force and good at the art of war. I was promoted to brigade commander. There is another person named Shi Xiu. People in Jianghu are called Desperate Saburo, he is very clever, and now he works in the intelligence department. There is another person named Shi Qian, who is average in martial arts, but has a good ability to fly over walls, and now he is also in the intelligence department." Lin Chong said.

"Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, Shi Qian!" Wu Dong was taken aback, he didn't expect that these three Water Margin heroes had already gone to Liangshan, these three people were not simple characters.Needless to say, Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu, even Shi Qian, ranked second to last in the original Water Margin, but his contribution far exceeds that of the previous Tiangang stars.

Hearing that these three people went to Liangshan, Wu Dong was overjoyed and said: "Brother, if there is a chance, I want to meet these three people."

"The three of them also went to Mount Hua this time, and they can see each other anytime they want," Lin Chong said.

"I'll see them again after arriving at Mount Hua." Wu Dong laughed.


The Liangshan army was well-trained, and they traveled more than a hundred miles every day. Not a single soldier was left behind, not a single soldier complained, and not a single soldier harassed the people on the road and exposed their whereabouts.

They eat fried noodles every day, and drink river water and well water when they are thirsty. In severe cold weather, they usually sleep in earth temples or abandoned buildings. Warm each other up in cotton coats.

Wu Dong, Lin Chong and others were very satisfied with the performance of the army.The quality of Liangshan soldiers is definitely the first in this era, even the Liao and Jin people may not be able to catch up.But they are new recruits, have never seen blood, and lack some bravery, all of which need a long war to cultivate.

After more than ten days, I arrived at the border of Puzhou, which is the southernmost part of Shanxi. After crossing the Yellow River, there is Huashan Mountain.

The soldiers were already exhausted after traveling for so many days. Lin Chong then ordered the soldiers to take a rest here before crossing the river to Mount Hua.

Wu Dong, Lin Chong, Cao Zheng, and Hu Sanniang were looking for a place to rest when they saw a hotel in front of them, Wu Dong said immediately, "Let's go to the hotel and have a sit and find something to eat."

For more than ten days, they ate fried noodles and drank cold water just like ordinary soldiers, without any difference.But now, Wu Dong couldn't take it anymore.

The four of them headed towards the hotel, and when they came to the door of the hotel, they suddenly found a horse tied to the door. The horse was covered in snow-white without any trace of variegation, and it was unusually tall. The horse's eyes were piercing, like a wild beast. His eyes are average, with an indescribable unruly feeling.There were two people standing in front of the horse, both of whom seemed to be from the Jianghu. They were obviously guarding the horse to prevent it from being stolen.

"What a horse!" Lin Chong exclaimed loudly.

Wu Dong, Cao Zheng, and Hu Sanniang were also amazed. This is the first time they have seen such a mighty white horse, and it is indeed extraordinary.

"This horse must be at least 10 guan." Cao Zhengdao.

The four of them looked at the horse here, and the two of them showed vigilance in their eyes. Wu Dong smiled and walked into the hotel. Lin Chong and others also walked in.


After arriving at the hotel, I found that there were two tables of people here, one of which was dressed in rich and noble clothes, and the other was full of travel and dust, and seemed to be in the same group as the two people outside.

The people at the table dressed in rich and noble clothes are fine, there is nothing too strange, but the people at the table full of travel and dust, the leader is a bit thin, the strange thing is that his hair and beard are yellowish, and he looks a bit like a person from the Western Regions Same.But his face is definitely an oriental face, and everyone couldn't help but look at him curiously.

"Boss, bring a pot of good wine, a catty of beef, a catty of mutton, and a few plates of ingredients." Cao Zheng said immediately after sitting down.

"There's no need for wine." Wu Dong said hastily.

"Chairman, this..." Cao Zheng was a little puzzled.

"Drinking made a mistake, we are still marching, leading [-] soldiers, and we are responsible for these [-] soldiers." Wu Dong said.

Cao Zheng nodded, and Wu Dong smiled, thinking that the prohibition of alcohol during military duties should be written into the military regulations.Now there are quite a few heroes in the Jianghu in Liangshan, who are used to a life of drinking big bowls and eating meat, and many of them are very addicted to alcohol.It's fine to drink on weekdays, but it's definitely not a good thing to drink while performing tasks.

When the food came, everyone couldn't help but eat it.Even Hu Sanniang, the originally quiet and gentle daughter, couldn't bear to eat fried noodles for the past ten days, and she was eating very quickly at the moment.

At this time, suddenly the group of people who looked like they were busy in the world began to talk, only to hear the leader, a middle-aged man with red hair and yellow beard, said: "Tell me, who is the hero in today's world?"

Hearing this, Wu Dong and the others couldn't help but become curious, wanting to see how these people would answer.

A person next to him said: "Brother Duan, if you want to talk about heroes, Fang La in the south of the Yangtze River must be the first! Fang La is based in Qixian Village, recruiting heroes from all over the world. Now Deng Yuanjue, Pang Wanchun, Shi Bao and other famous people have become his villains. Guest. It is widely rumored in the Jianghu that he has the heart to cause trouble in the south of the Yangtze River, such a person should be regarded as a hero."

The man with red hair and yellow beard nodded, and said, "That's right, Fang La has great ambitions and is considered a hero. What else?"

Another person next to him said: "Huaixi Wang Qing, who owns eight military prefectures and 86 counties, is he considered a hero?"

The man with red hair and yellow beard nodded and said: "Wang Qing is also a well-known figure in the world, he is considered a hero. In fact, if you want to talk about heroes, there are many heroes around Puzhou."

The person next to him said: "Brother Duan, please tell me more."

The man with red hair and yellow beard said: "Go west from Puzhou, cross the Yellow River, Huazhou border, Song Jiang, Shi Jin and others ruled the roost in Shaohua Mountain, and now they have gone to Huashan. The officers and soldiers have besieged Huashan for nearly a year, but they still cannot destroy them. Song Jiang, Shi Jin and others can be called heroes. To the north of Puzhou, there is the famous Hebei Tianhu, which occupies 56 counties in five prefectures, and is also a famous hero."

Wu Dong couldn't help but move when he heard this. Back then, the four bandits in the Water Margin were "Song Jiang from Shandong, Fang La from Jiangnan, Tian Hu from Hebei, and Wang Qing from Huaixi". He didn't expect these four people to be famous now.Among the four, Song Jiang and Fang La are more famous, but Song Jiang is now in Shaohua Mountain, and Fang La is only famous in the Jianghu now, and has not really rebelled.

The people at the table were still discussing, and only one person said: "Brother Duan, there is a timely rain in Shandong, and he is also well-known in the world. He is also a hero?"

These people actually mentioned Wu Dong. Wu Dong, Lin Chong and others listened carefully to see what these people said about Wu Dong.

Unexpectedly, the man with red hair and yellow beard shook his head, frowned and said, "Is it raining in time in Shandong? He is indeed well-known in the world, but this man is not a hero."

The person next to him asked curiously, "Since you are famous all over the world, why aren't you a hero?"

The red-haired and yellow-bearded man laughed and said, "This man has no ambitions. After taking Liangshanbo, he actually nested in Liangshanbo and couldn't come out. When Wang Lun was the leader, Liangshanbo would come out to loot houses anyway to frighten the government. He actually recruited Many people are farming in Liangshanbo, is this considered a hero?"

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly came from the side: "Nonsense!"


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