Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 78 Song Jiang's Enlightenment

The relationship between Dai Zong and Song Jiang is extraordinary. When Song Jiang first arrived in Jiangzhou, Dai Zong became Song Jiang's younger brother.Later Song Jiang was framed, and Dai Zong also tried his best to defend Song Jiang.Later, Song Jiang went to Shaohua Mountain, and Dai Zong followed Song Jiang to Shaohua Mountain.

Dai Zong can be said to be Song Jiang's absolute confidant, and he can be regarded as Song Jiang's right-hand man. Song Jiang never dreamed that Dai Zong would also leave.

He turned pale, turned his head, and said, "Brother Dai, why is this?"

A trace of shame appeared on Dai Zong's face, and he said, "Brother Song, Liangshan is developing very well now, why don't you go to Liangshan too."

Song Jiang sighed deeply and said, "That's all, that's all..."

After finishing speaking, Song Jiang turned around and left, his back was extremely lonely.Shi Jin and Li Kui couldn't help but gave Dai Zong a hard look, and followed Song Jiang away.

Dai Zong stood there with shame and regret on his face, and slowly became firm, not looking at Song Jiang and the others.

The reason why he left Song Jiang was mainly because he didn't trust Song Jiang.

He originally thought that Song Jiang was a big brother in the world, even if he fell into a bandit, he would be a hero among the bandits, and he would be able to do great things.But Shaohua Mountain was vulnerable to the encirclement and suppression by the imperial court. During this period of time on Huashan Mountain, he had already begun to doubt Song Jiang's talent.Hearing that Song Jiang was going to Taihu Lake, he really didn't want to continue wandering with Song Jiang, lest it would be the end of Shaohua Mountain when he arrived at Taihu Lake.

After coming down from Huashan, seeing how powerful Liangshan is, he finally made a decision to leave Song Jiang and join Liangshan.

Wu Dong was overjoyed, both Zhu Wu and Dai Zong were rare talents.Zhu Wu is a counselor. Now there is no shortage of generals in Liangshan, what is lacking is such a counselor. Of course, whether this counselor has water still needs to be tested.

As for Dai Zong, he is the number one master of Qinggong in this era, traveling hundreds of miles a day.With Dai Zong here, Liangshan's intelligence system will inevitably be more perfect, which will be of great benefit to Liangshan's development.

Wu Dong said with a smile: "Welcome all heroes to Liangshan... It is my good fortune that you can come to Liangshan. Liangshan will never lose you. It is getting late now, I will send you to rest first."

At present, Wu Dong personally arranged places for these people, and sent them good wine and food, so that these people can have a good rest, and they have been busy until very late.


After settling these people down, Wu Song and Lin Chong came to Wu Dong's side.

Wu Song has been in Huashan for the past six months, and he went down the mountain today, so the brothers are naturally very happy to meet each other.

Wu Dong smiled and said: "Erlang, you are tired too, why don't you take a rest early."

Wu Songdao: "Brother, you must be careful with this Song Jiang."

Wu Dong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Wu Song to come to such a conclusion, and said immediately: "Why?"

Wu Songdao: "I stayed in Huashan for half a year, and I have been getting along with Song Jiang... He is a very strange person with a unique charm. By his side, I want to get close without knowing it. This person is born Being able to attract people's hearts will naturally make countless heroes flock to him. If the elder brother wants to win the world, I think this person must be careful."

Wu Dong nodded slightly. From the reluctance and shame expressions of Li Jun, Zhu Wu, Dai Zong and others today, it can be seen that Song Jiang is powerful.Regardless of that era, people who can possess such a unique charm are extremely rare.People with this kind of charm can achieve a career unless they don't want to do things.

Lin Chong frowned slightly. It was the first time he and Song Jiang met. Hearing that Song Jiang had such a threat, he hesitated for a while, and said, "Do you want to... kill Song Jiang?"

Wu Dong was taken aback, then smiled and said: "No need. Liangshan has developed very well now, has a sound system, and will become stronger and stronger in the future. Although Song Jiang is extraordinary, his structure is always limited. After going to Taihu Lake, he is still just a grassroots bandit. There is no need to be too vigilant about him. On the contrary, killing him will chill the hearts of Dai Zong and others, so forget it."

Song Jiang has lost the initiative now, and has no base of his own, and all the heroes around him have followed Wu Dong.Even if Song Jiang wants to develop in Taihu Lake, it will take a long time.Besides, from Shaohua Mountain, it can be seen that Song Jiang is still a means of grass bandits, and still lives by robbing houses. Such Song Jiang, the structure is not as good as Fang La in the south of the Yangtze River, and there is a big gap with Fang La, let alone with Fang La. Wu Dong compared.

In the past, Wu Dong was wary of Song Jiang mainly because of the influence of the Water Margin complex.Now it is gradually clear that it is difficult for Song Jiang to threaten him.

"Okay, I've been tiring all day, everyone should rest early... tomorrow we will break out of camp and leave here. Soon, the imperial army will arrive?" Wu Dong said.

The defeat of Tong Guan's [-] troops this time will definitely shock the world. The imperial court will definitely not let this place go, and more troops will come here by then.But Liang Shan's purpose here has been fulfilled, not only has gained many heroes, but also achieved the purpose of military training, there is no point in continuing to stay, so he can leave after rest.

Everyone went back to rest, not to mention this.

In a tent in the military camp, Song Jiang couldn't close his eyes. What happened this time hit him hard. He thought it was just Li Jun and others who left, but he didn't expect Zhu Wu, Dai Zong and others to leave with them.Especially Dai Zong, his confidant and younger brother, Song Jiang couldn't bear Dai Zong's departure.

He simply stopped sleeping and sat there, not knowing what to think.

Shi Jin and Li Kui couldn't sleep either. Their friends and brothers left them, and they felt lonely.

"Brother, why don't I go to Zhu Wu and Dai Zong and persuade them to follow us to Taihu Lake." Shi Jin said.

"No need...they have made up their minds and won't go with us," Song Jiang said.

"It's so annoying! Especially Dean Dai, Brother Song is so kind to him, why did he leave?" Li Kui said indignantly.

"I can't blame them, I can only blame Song Jiang for my incompetence." Song Jiang said lightly.

"Brother, why do you say that? Brother's talent is well known to everyone. On Shaohua Mountain, who would not accept him? The only thing to blame is the imperial court's encirclement and suppression. My Shaohua Mountain is not strong enough." Shi Jin said.

"I really don't have talent! Shaohua too far away from Liangshan Mountain." Song Jiang shook his head and said.

"This..." Shi Jin also had to admit that there was a certain gap between Shaohuashan and Liangshan, especially when he saw Liangshan's army today, he knew that the gap was not small.The Shaohuashan army is by no means an opponent of the Liangshan army.

"If my Shaohua Mountain is as powerful as Liang Mountain, how can I be defeated by officers and soldiers? How can I need help from others? How can Li Jun, Zhu Wu, Dai Zong leave me?" Song Jiang sighed.

"Brother, Liangshanpo has a radius of [-] li. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Naturally, it can develop and grow. After we arrive at Taihu Lake, we can also develop and grow by relying on Taihu Lake. In the future, we may not be inferior to Liangshanbo?" Shi Jin said.

"It's not just the terrain. There are also big gaps in other aspects... I have already decided not to go to Taihu Lake." Song Jiang said suddenly.

"Ah?" Shi Jin was taken aback, and said, "Brother, where are we going?"

"Let's go to Koryo...Incheon City! I want to go to Liangshan to see why Liangshan is so powerful? Is there anything worth learning and learning from...I want to learn the advantages of Liangshan and transfer these advantages to Go to Taihu Lake, sooner or later, I will surpass Liangshan." Song Jiang clenched his fists tightly and said word by word.

What happened this time hit him too hard, too deeply, and too hard. Even when he was framed by the magistrate in Jiangzhou, he didn't feel this lonely and helpless.At that time, even in prison, there were still many heroes who wanted to save him, unlike now, many heroes left him one after another.He felt that he was very incompetent, and what happened this time was a huge humiliation to him, so he wanted to change, he would go to Liangshan to take a look, learn from Liangshan's advantages, and then achieve great things.

"Should I really be recruited by the court? Liangshan seems to be developing well now? There is more than one road in the world..." Song Jiang said secretly.

Under this blow, his original idea of ​​"recruiting security" was shaken. He was no longer the original Song Jiang, and a radical change had taken place in his mind.


At noon of the next day, everything was packed, and the general rations were distributed to the soldiers, ensuring that each soldier had more than ten days' rations, and then Wu Dong and others were ready to leave.

At this time, Li Jun, Zhu Wu, Dai Zong and others also sent Song Jiang and others away. As for the original 1000 brothers from Shaohua Mountain, they all left with Song Jiang and others.Song Jiang's charm is no small matter. At this point, none of the 1000 brothers left Song Jiang, and I don't know how he will arrange those brothers.

All the soldiers in Liangshan had assembled. Wu Dong was sitting in the barracks, thinking about the way back, when Zhu Wu asked to see him.

Wu Dong was a little surprised, but he hurriedly invited Zhu Wu in.

"Mr. Zhu, what's the matter?" Wu Dong said.

"To be honest, chief, I have something important to tell you, which is very important to Liangshan." Zhu Wu said.

Wu Dong was taken aback, Zhu Wu had just become Liang Shan's subordinate and had not been assigned a specific position yet, yet he said such words.

Immediately said: "I don't know what it is?"

Zhu Wudao: "Boss, do you know what is the biggest problem in Liangshan now?"

"The biggest question?" Wu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you think, sir?"

Zhu Wudao: "I think the biggest problem in Liangshan is the population...Everyone in Liangshan is a soldier and everyone is strong. This aspect is far more than that of the imperial court. However, the population of Liangshan is too small. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians. It's reached its limit."


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