Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 83 Tianhu Treasure

"Tian Hu's treasure house? What's in it?" Wu Dong asked curiously.

"There are countless gold and silver treasures and all kinds of rare treasures inside. The governor should go and have a look." Dai Zong said excitedly.

It was the first time for Dai Zong to see so many gold and silver treasures, which were innumerable, so he rushed to report to Wu Dong.

Wu Dong glanced at Zhu Wu, and said: "Mr. Zhu, let's go to Tian Hu's treasure house to have a look."

Zhu Wu nodded, and the three of them headed towards Tian Hu's palace.Entering the palace, one can see that the palace is extremely luxuriously built, but there is a sense of elegance in the luxury, not the kind of nouveau riche-style luxury.

There is a huge garden behind the palace, and there are many wintersweet in the garden.In the cold winter season, wintersweet is already in full bloom, and it is very beautiful against the backdrop of white snow.

"Tian Hu's palace is beautiful." Wu Dong couldn't help but admire.

"It is said that Tian Hu spent a lot of money to hire the best gardener in the south of the Yangtze River to design this garden. Look at the governor, the few strange stones in front are said to be the flower stones that the emperor transported from the south of the Yangtze River to Bianliang, and he robbed them. Put it here." Zhu Wudao.

Wu Dong went to look at those few stones, and found that they were just beautiful, and there was nothing special about them.He was very strange and didn't understand why Song Huizong was interested in stones. For the sake of Huashigang, he exhausted the accumulation of several generations of the Song Dynasty, forcing the people in the south of the Yangtze River to live.Such stupidity is simply unbelievable.

Now this Tianhu seems to be about the same as Song Huizong. He is obviously a hunter who occupies a large area, but he doesn't want to make progress, and he is also playing with this kind of thing.

Wu Dong sighed lightly, and Zhu Wu said, "What is the big boss sighing for?"

Wu Dong said with a smile: "Just looking at this garden, I know that Tian Hu can't achieve great things, but he's just an unbearable character."

Li Zicheng was also the leader of the peasant uprising army back then, but Li Zicheng did not start to degenerate until he occupied Beijing. This Tianhu only occupied the territory of 56 counties in five prefectures, and he began to degenerate, much worse than Li Zicheng.

Zhu Wu nodded, seeing that Wu Dong was not confused by the beauty of these gardens, he also felt very satisfied in his heart.

In this era, not only kings are looking for counselors, but counselors are also looking for good kings to assist them.The so-called good birds choose trees to live in, how can a talented person help an incompetent person with no ambition?

After walking for a full quarter of an hour, they came to the end of the palace, where there was a huge palace.At this moment, the gate of the palace was closed tightly, and dozens of Liangshan soldiers guarded here. They saw Wu Dong hurriedly salute.

"Open the door, let's go in and have a look." Wu Dong said.

The soldiers opened the door of the palace, and in an instant, it seemed as if a layer of golden paint was sprinkled on the ground, and the front was golden.

Wu Dong was startled, while Dai Zong said: "Great Governor, there are a lot of gold bricks inside..."

Wu Dong nodded and strode into the palace, Dai Zong and Zhu Wu hurriedly followed.

After entering inside, I saw countless gold bricks. Each of these gold bricks weighed dozens of kilograms, and even weak-strength people could not even grab the gold bricks with one hand.

"How much gold should there be?" Wu Dong asked in disbelief.

"If all the gold here is replaced with silver... there will be at least 800 million guan." Zhu Wu calculated and said.

"What? 800 million guan?" Wu Dong was taken aback. You must know that Liang Shanbo's current annual income is only 500 million guan. This is because he has monopolized the trade with Korea and the business in Shandong Province. The value of the gold bricks alone here exceeds the harvest of Liangshan in one year.What's more, in addition to the gold bricks, there are countless silver, countless pearls, agates, and various treasures behind them. The total value of these treasures is at least more than tens of millions.

"So many gold and silver did Tian Hu get it?" Wu Dong couldn't help asking.

"After Tian Hu rebelled, he killed all the landlords and rich men in the 56 counties of the five prefectures. These should be the wealth accumulated by these rich landlords in several lifetimes." Zhu Wudao.

"So that's how it is..." Wu Dong said while lamenting the affluence of society in this era.Of course, the gap between the rich and the poor in this era far exceeds that of all dynasties and is the highest in all dynasties. The rich have unimaginable wealth, while the poor are lingering on their last days.

"Great Governor, since Tian Hu became the 'King of Jin', he has never given a penny to his subjects or generals, nor has he given a penny to the army." Zhu Wu said.

"Then how will the officials, generals, and army under Tian Hu survive?" Wu Dong asked.

"Of course it was robbed." Zhu Wu smiled wryly, and said: "When we were on Shaohua Mountain, we robbed those big households, and these people under Tian Hu's subordinates, no matter who they were, they robbed them. Those ordinary people who couldn't survive, they Tian Hu’s subordinates also robbed her of her rations. Anyone with a little bit of wealth in the family would be killed by Tian Hu’s subordinates. Any woman in the family who was a bit pretty would also be taken over by Tian Hu’s subordinates. To be honest, Tian Hu’s subordinates were more Qiliao people are much more brutal."

Wu Dong nodded slightly, feeling a little sad in his heart.The ordinary people are really living too hard. They thought that these peasant rebels could perform better, but they didn't know that they were not as good as the imperial court.

"Is there so much gold and silver in the treasury? Is Tian Hu going to be a rich man?" Wu Dong said.

He really didn't understand what Tian Hu was thinking, how many people could be appeased and how many soldiers could be armed with so much gold and silver.Tian Hu actually put it in the treasure house and hid it at home.If he is a landlord and rich man, it is normal.But he is already known as the "King of Jin", and he still treasures treasures, which is extremely stupid.

"Governor, what to do with the gold and silver?" Zhu Wu said.

"Naturally, it will be returned to the common people... But how to return it needs to be carefully considered." Wu Dong said.

Zhu Wu nodded. Naturally, the gold and silver cannot be distributed casually. All these gold and silver should be used wisely, to truly benefit the people and make the people grateful.

The three of them made a big circle in the treasury, and when they left, Wu Dong noticed that Dai Zong's eyes were a little dull, so he couldn't help laughing, grabbed a large handful of pearl agate, and put it in Dai Zong's hand.

Dai Zong was taken aback, and said: "Great governor... this..."

Wu Dong smiled and said, "You are inquiring about information for Liangshan, this is what you deserve."

Dai Zongdao: "But..."

Wu Dong smiled and said, "Just put it away."

Dai Zong happily put away these pearls and agates, feeling extremely happy in his heart, and he was also very grateful to Wu Dong.

Wu Dong glanced at Zhu Wu and said, "Mr. Zhu, do you want to take some treasures as well?"

Zhu Wu shook his head and said, "No need."

He has lofty ambitions in order to leave a name in history, so naturally he doesn't pay much attention to treasures.And he doesn't have any family members, and he is still alone now.As long as he can eat enough to eat, no amount of wealth is meaningful to him.

He is very contemptuous of Dai Zong, and he also knows that Wu Dong gave Dai Zong the treasure just now as a way to buy Dai Zong, so he doesn't dislike it. He thinks that a leader should have the means to buy people's hearts, otherwise he can't be called a leader leader.


The three of them had just come out of the treasury when a battalion commander came to report that Tian Hu's granary had been discovered and a large number of land deeds had been found in Tian Hu's palace.

Wu Dong asked to collect all the land deeds, and then went to the granary with Zhu Wu and Dai Zong. When they arrived at the granary, they found that it occupied several miles of land, and the granary was full of wheat.

"In the past two years, many people in Weisheng City have starved to death, but he has preserved so much food here." Zhu Wu couldn't believe it.

This food is enough to support tens of thousands of troops for several years, and it has been kept here.This time Tian Hu led his troops to Puzhou City, but he didn't seem to use the food.

"Take out some food and distribute it to the people." Wu Dong said to the battalion commander beside him.

The battalion commander hastily agreed to come down and go to work on this matter.

Wu Dong looked into the distance, wondering what happened to Lin Chong and Hu Sanniang?


Lin Chong has also arrived in front of Fenyang City at this moment. Fenyang City does not have any defenses, and he obtained this city almost effortlessly. Now he is also rectifying the situation in Fenyang City to restore the order here to normal.

In addition, Lin Chong also discovered a large amount of gold, silver, grain, and land deeds. Although there were not as many as Weisheng, it was still a great wealth.

Lin Chong was very excited, and immediately sent someone to Weisheng City to report the matter to Wu Dong.

This time to conquer Tian Hu's territory, among other things, the many properties alone are completely worth it. Of course, the property is only a trivial matter, and the more important thing is to get a large number of people.

Hu Sanniang led the army to attack Zhaode. It was already dark, and 8000 soldiers were rushing in the snow. They ate fried noodles when they were hungry, and swallowed white snow when they were thirsty.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers arrived at Zhaode City.

Hu Sanniang originally thought that Zhaode City would have certain defenses, and the gates of the city would definitely be closed in the middle of the night.Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the foot of Zhaode City, they found that the city gate was opened, and several Tianhu soldiers were sitting lazily by the fire, roasting mutton with fine wine beside them.

"God helped me!" Hu Sanniang was overjoyed, and immediately called Yang Xiong and the others over, saying: "Seize the city gate first, and then wipe out Tian Hu's remnants!"

Half an hour later, the four gates of Zhaode City were occupied by Liangshan soldiers, and Liangshan soldiers were brutally cleaning Zhaode City at this moment.

Originally there were tens of thousands of soldiers in Zhaode City, but there were only over a thousand soldiers actually serving, and the rest went home and became rich.How can these more than a thousand people defeat the Liangshan army of more than 7000?

Almost like being destroyed, Zhaode's defenders kept falling and dying.

After annihilating the Zhaode defenders, the Liangshan army began to look for the officials and generals in Zhaode City, and slaughtered them all.

All people related to Tian Hu's regime must not be let go.

In the middle of the night, the whole Zhaode City smelled of blood, blood even flowed onto the street, dyeing the street red.

The people of Zhaode hid at home one by one, terrified, not knowing what happened...

Hu Sanniang stood on the city wall, quietly looking into the distance, her face pale.This kind of cleaning is not what she wants to do, but she has to do it.

After conquering Zhaode City, she can only leave a small part of the soldiers here, and the rest must be taken away to fight Jinning and Gaizhou, so all hidden dangers must be cleaned up before leaving, and there is no room for mercy.

There must be many more things like this in the future.

"For Liangshan, we must do this." Hu Sanniang told herself secretly.


I ran naked this week, twice a day.

Take the opportunity to save some manuscripts and wait for the future explosion.

Thank you all for your support!

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