"What, my family?" Hearing this, Hu Yanzhuo suddenly became nervous, with sweat dripping from his forehead, he was afraid that Wu Dong would threaten him with his family.

Hu Yanzhuo's family is mainly an old mother, a wife and a concubine, and a son and a daughter. The son was captured, and the others were taken to Weisheng.

Originally, Hu Yanzhuo was under the control of the capital of Runing County, but his hometown is from Taiyuan, Shanxi, and his family has been staying in Taiyuan. When Wu Dong just caught Huyan Zhuo that day, he had already sent people to invite Hu Yanzhuo's family .

"General Hu Yan, you go and meet your family first." Seeing Hu Yanzhuo's nervous look, Wu Dong couldn't help laughing.

Immediately Hu Yanzhuo hurriedly got up and followed others to meet his family.Everything in his family is normal and the supplies are in order, but there are many soldiers guarding around, obviously under house arrest.

That night, Wu Dong hosted a banquet for Hu Yanzhuo's family, and Zhu Wu, Dai Zong and others were all on the sidelines.

Wu Dong said: "General Huyan, your martial arts skills are useless in the imperial court. After all these years, how dare the imperial court start a war with the Khitan people? Even Xixia has not fought for more than ten years... and I Liangshan has been at war with Goryeo all these years, and in a few years will be at war with Liao people, Jin people, and Xixia people... The general's ancestor, General Huyanzan, was a famous general who resisted the Liao Dynasty. Could it be that the general does not want to follow the legacy of his ancestors and fight against foreigners? Do you work hard?"

"This..." Hu Yanzhuo fell into deep thought. In fact, he had already planned to surrender.Regardless of his high martial arts skills, this person is a descendant of the Hu family general, but his willpower is average.In addition, his relatives have been invited here today, so he has no other ideas.But even if he wants to surrender, he needs a step down, and now Wu Dong is giving him a step up.

"General Huyan, why don't you join Liangshan and fight against foreigners with us," Wu Dong said.

Hu Yanzhuo stood up abruptly, knelt down in front of Wu Dong, and said, "Since the governor has invited you to fight against the foreign tribes, Hu Yanzhuo dare not refuse any more. From now on, I will be a native of Liangshan."

Wu Dong was overjoyed, helped Hu Yanzhuo up, and said: "The general's serial horse is invincible in the world, join Liangshan, and Liangshan will also have an extra powerful cavalry in the future."

Not only Wu Dong was happy, Zhu Wu was also very happy.This time when the imperial court encircled and suppressed Shaohua Mountain, Zhu Wu also saw the power of the chain horse, and immediately praised: "The general's chain horse can be regarded as the strongest cavalry in the world today."

Hu Yanzhuo said he didn't dare, but he couldn't hide the joy and pride on his face.

At this time, Hu Yanzhuo's son, Hu Yanting, who was only fourteen or fifteen years old, suddenly said: "My Huyan family's serial horses can't be called the strongest cavalry in the world."

Everyone was taken aback, Hu Yanzhuo hastily reprimanded: "My lord is talking, why are you a child interrupting?"

"What I said is true...the advantage of the so-called cavalry is that it is fast. Our serial horses put heavy armor on the horses, and the people also put on heavy armor. Although they are powerful, they are not fast enough. They have lost the essence of cavalry. " Hu Yanting said unwillingly.

"Nonsense." Hu Yanzhuo scolded.

Seeing the father and son arguing, Wu Dong couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's okay, everyone can say whatever they want... Your name is Hu Yanting?"

"Yes, Chief Governor." Hu Yanting said hastily.

Seeing Wu Dong questioning Hu Yanting, Hu Yanzhuo was inconvenient to say more, so he listened from the sidelines.

Wu Dong said again: "How do you think cavalry should be used?"

Hu Yanting's eyes flickered, and he said: "The cavalry should be like the Jurchens, all of them are riding and shooting... relying on extremely fast speed, relying on the bow and arrow in hand, traveling long distances, outflanking the left and right, and destroying the enemy... This is the real cavalry, I heard that the Jurchens have already defeated the Liao people, which shows how powerful they are."

Although Hu Yanting is young, his knowledge is no worse than that of his father, and he is not as arrogant as his father.When he was in Huashan last time, if Hu Yanzhuo had listened to Hu Yanting and hadn't moved on, he wouldn't have been captured alive.

At this moment, Wu Dong was already deep in thought. He knew that what Hu Yanting said was right. The Jurchen's horseback riding and shooting were indeed very powerful. There is a saying in later generations that goes "Jurchen is dissatisfied with ten thousand, but ten thousand is invincible".The number of Jurchens is small, but relying on their powerful riding and archery skills, and only relying on tens of thousands of Jurchen soldiers, they destroyed the Liao Dynasty in ten years and the Northern Song Dynasty in two years, which is really powerful.

But Wu Dong knew that the Jurchens' cavalry and archery were not the most powerful, but the Mongols' cavalry and archery skills were the most powerful. the Eurasian continent.

The current strength of the Mongols is still very weak. The main reason is that the Liao Kingdom is very wary of the Mongols and does not allow a single bit of iron to enter Mongolia. The Mongols usually use bone arrows for hunting.Only after the Kingdom of Jin conquered the Liao people and stopped being wary of the Mongols, a large number of iron tools entered Mongolia, and the Mongols finally got the iron arrows they dreamed of, did they start to grow.Then a generation of proud Genghis Khan was born, who dominated the grasslands and brought the cavalry's devious strategy to the extreme, making no one invincible.

Genghis Khan’s big detour strategy can be described as the ultimate cavalry strategy in the cold weapon era. Under the premise of comprehensive reconnaissance of terrain and intelligence, relying on the stamina and fast maneuverability of cavalry, they can cross unimaginable deserts, rapids, snow valleys, and wastelands. Boldly interspersed and divided into the depths of the enemy, and cooperated with the rest of the troops to surround the enemy on all sides, forcing the enemy to disintegrate quickly.

Wu Dong knew these strategies and tactics in his heart, but he was only talking on paper. To realize all this, he still needed a group of cavalry generals and countless well-trained cavalry, which Liangshan currently did not have.

Compared with Jurchen's cavalry and Mongols' cavalry and archery, the serial horses of Huyan's family were really nothing, and they didn't play the real role of cavalry at all.

Wu Dong was thinking about this here, while Hu Yanzhuo was already yelling at his son, saying, "What nonsense are you kidding. The Jurchen savages are only temporarily victorious. The Liao people are strong, and they will eventually defeat the Jurchens."

Wu Dong frowned, didn't speak, but scolded Hu Yanzhuo for being confused in his heart.It is now the first year of Xuanhe. Just five years ago, the Jurchen hero Wanyan Aguda defeated the 3700 Liao army with 70 cavalry. Wan Dajun, this incident has already spread throughout the world. Everyone knows that the Jurchens are rising, and a new great country is about to appear in the farther north. Hu Yanzhuo even thinks that the Jurchens are only temporarily victorious.

The Jurchen's attack was irresistible, Wanyan Aguda was almost another Genghis Khan, Wu Dong was wondering if he could stop the Jurchen in the future.The Liao people have been corrupted, relatively speaking, they are not a big enemy.However, the corrupted Liao people were also many times stronger than the officers and soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty. Later, Song Huizong wanted to join forces with the Jin Dynasty to attack the Liao Dynasty, and took the opportunity to take back the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun. Vulnerable in front of people, the Jin people finally saw how weak the Great Song Dynasty was. After destroying the Liao Kingdom, the Northern Song Dynasty was wiped out.


The next morning, Wu Dong called Duan Jingzhu over.

"Governor Governor." Duan Jingzhu hastily saluted.

During this period of time, he had seen the strength of Liang Shan. Song Jiang and Tian Hu, who were originally rated as the heroes of the world, Song Jiang was in danger and needed Liang Shan to rescue him, while Tian Hu was directly replaced by Liang Shan. Now Tian Hu's The site has become Liangshan's site.

He was very excited, the stronger the power he took refuge in, the greater the benefits he would get.But he doesn't have a specific job right now, so I don't know what Wu Dong asked him to do.

"Jing Zhu, sit down...by the way, how many people are under your command?" Wu Dong said.

Duan Jingzhu is not a horse trader or stealer. He has his own gang, and he went to the north with him to sell horses and steal horses.

"There are many... There are more than a dozen brothers who came to Liangshan with me, and there are hundreds of others." Duan Jingzhu said.

"Where do you usually sell horses?" Wu Dong asked.

"In Western Xia and Khitan, mainly these two places." Duan Jingzhu said.

"Do you know Mongolia?" Wu Dong asked.

"Mongolia? I know...but they are in the farther north, and they generally don't go there." Duan Jingzhu said.

Mongolia means "eternal fire". It was originally a branch of the Shiwei people, and they called themselves Mongolia in the Tang Dynasty.Now there are countless Mongolian tribes on the grasslands, and there has been no unity.

Wu Dong nodded and said, "Can you go to Mongolia to sell horses for me?"

Duan Jingzhu frowned, and said: "Commander, you may not know that Mongolian horses are short and small, not as tall and fast as Xixia horses and Khitan horses."

Wu Dong said with a smile: "Although Mongolian horses are relatively short, their stamina far exceeds that of Xixia horses and Khitan horses. In addition, Mongolian horses have much lower demand for fodder than other horses. I need such war horses."

The endurance of Mongolian horses is amazing, and its adaptability to cruel conditions far exceeds that of other horses, and it can run long distances. This is one of the reasons why Mongolians can conquer the world.

"So that's the case, thank you for your advice." Duan Jingzhu was surprised in his heart, and didn't understand why Wu Dong knew this.To be honest, even he, a horse dealer, didn't understand this.Mongolia is too far away, so I seldom go to that place.He also has little contact with Mongolian horses, and he doesn't know the temperament of Mongolian horses.If Mongolian horses are like this, they can be trafficked.

"If you sell horses, how many horses can you sell in a year?" Wu Dong said.

"This... just a few hundred horses a year... In fact, many of them are stolen. We don't have much money. If we have money, we can form a bigger gang or buy horses from other horse dealers... ...the money is enough to have a maximum of 2000 horses a year?" Duan Jingzhu asked.

Wu Dong was overjoyed, and said: "If you have enough money, I will give you enough, and you sell me horses, the more the better!"

This time he copied Tian Hu's hometown and got countless gold and silver. The most worrying thing about Wu Dong now is money.

"Don't worry, the governor." Duan Jingzhu said.

"I want to form a cavalry army. I can't do without horses! Also, after you go to Mongolia, bring back some Mongolians who are good at riding and shooting. I will hire them with a lot of money." Wu Dong said.

Horses alone are not enough, and you need to learn the riding and archery skills of the grassland peoples. These Mongolians are just teachers.

"Governor, you... are you learning Zhao Wuling's Hu Fu riding and shooting?" Duan Jingzhu said in surprise.

"It's...Jing Zhu, you did a good job in this matter. If you want money, I'll give you money. If you want an official position, I'll give you an official position. In short, the more horses the better." Wu Dong laughed.

"Thank you, Commander." Duan Jingzhu was also very happy in his heart, and said, "However, Commander, it is winter and the Mongolian grassland is extremely cold. If you go to sell horses now, you may die on the way... It's not that I don't want to Try my best, but my brothers may not come with me, and I can only sell horses in the spring of next year."

"It's natural, you just need to make preparations now." Wu Dong laughed.


Under Puzhou City, Tian Hu looked at Puzhou City with red eyes, feeling extremely sad in his heart.His son's death hit him too hard, so he came to Puzhou City with a heavy army, wanting revenge.

After coming here, he came to his senses and realized that it was impossible to conquer Puzhou City. Also, he didn't know who his son's enemy was, so what's the point of attacking Puzhou City?

Tian Hu is ready to return, but before returning, he still needs to "borrow food" from Puzhou City.The so-called borrowing grain means to attack Puzhou City violently first, and then use Puzhou City to provide food and grass as a condition for retreat.He came in a hurry and did not bring enough military rations, and in the past few days, the military rations that were supposed to be transported from Gaizhou suddenly stopped, which caused a shortage of food for Tian Hu's army, and many soldiers began to grab food from the homes of the surrounding people .

"Brother, something is wrong!" On this day, Tian Bao suddenly broke into Tian Hu's barracks.


Can Liangshan train a powerful cavalry?

Ask for collection, red ticket, thank you everyone

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