Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 93 Public Trial

"Have you heard? Tian Hu will be put on public trial..." Li San, who lives in the east of Weisheng City, just went to the street to collect the New Year's rations. When he returned home, he saw his neighbor Zhang Daniu and couldn't help but ask.

"Public trial? What is that?" Zhang Daniu asked strangely.

"I don't know either... It is said that Tian Hu is going to be tried in front of the people of Weisheng City... Anyone who is persecuted by Tian Hu can stand up and expose his crimes." Li Sandao.

"There is such a thing?" Zhang Daniu couldn't believe it.

"That's right... Tian Hu will definitely die this time... He has done a lot of evil, and my youngest son was killed by him. This time, I must go up and expose him and avenge my son." Li San hated and hated again. sad way.

"This... Li San, you should be more careful... What if Tian Hu doesn't die? How do you know that the people in Liangshan will definitely kill Tian Hu? They might be the same as Tian Hu, just showing it to everyone " said Zhang Daniu.

"This... No matter what, I still believe in Liangshan. We can't survive anymore. Liangshan gave us food, saved our lives, and allowed us to live a good year. I don't think they are bad people." Li Sandao .

During this period of time, Liangshan is distributing food in Weisheng, Fenyang and other places, trying to ensure that no one will starve to death in these places.Tian Hu saved a lot of military rations, enough to meet the needs of the people's lives. Even though he distributed a lot of rations, he still only used a small part.This kind of action has won the goodwill of the people all over the place, and won everyone's sincere support. In a short period of time, Liangshan has established a firm foothold here.

At this moment, the news about the "public trial" of Tian Hu is spreading all over the place, and everyone is talking about it.In addition to the public trial of Tian Hu, some high officials and generals under Tian Hu will also be tried by the public, and the people decide their lives and deaths.But Wu Dong could imagine that those people must also die.

The crimes committed by Tian Hu and his subordinates in these years are really too many, and the people have been harmed by them very badly, how can they be spared.

"The chief governor's move is excellent... Originally, the people everywhere were still worried about Tian Hu's return. Although they supported us in Liangshan, there were still hidden worries... But now, the chief governor said that Tian Hu would be tried publicly. Knowing that Tian Hu was captured, everyone knew that he was completely finished, and knew that I, Liangshan, replaced Tian Hu and it was irreversible... During these days, some people even came to comfort the army." Zhu Wudao.

In the past few days, many people went to Liangshan's army to express their gratitude to Liangshan's army. They were deeply poisoned by Tian Hu, and now they finally entrusted Tian Hu's claws. Although they had a natural fear of the army, they still took out their only His property went to the army, and he wanted to give it to his benefactor.

"After the public trial of Tian Hu... the people here will be able to truly have one heart with us! It will be much easier to implement our policies in the future!" Wu Dong said.

"Governor... Regarding military control, we need to make a good plan so that no troubles will happen," Zhu Wu said.

"It's implement thorough military control here. This is a decision I made after thinking for a long time. From now on, we will implement military control every time we occupy a place. The strictness of military control varies from place to needs to be carefully considered. plan." Wu Dong said.

Now Liangshanshuibo, Incheon and other places also have military control, but it is not very strict. In Shanxi, Wudong will implement an extremely strict military control policy, completely handing over the power of the people to the army, and even set up a military law department. Military law replaces civil law to govern the people.Military law is like a mountain, you must not violate it, once you violate it, you will be killed.

But these are all things that will happen in the next year, and I have to discuss it with everyone in Liangshan years ago.

Now Wu Dong misses Hua Rong, Wu Yong and others. These people are members of the Military Aircraft Department and have come up with many ideas in the previous system reform. If they are here now, they will definitely be able to provide him with a lot of help.It's a pity that they are not by my side, and this time I can only rely on myself. After all, Zhu Wu's understanding of Liangshan is limited. Now Zhu Wu can only refer to it from the sidelines, and it is difficult to put forward constructive opinions.

"The communication in this era is really too backward..." Wu Dong sighed secretly.

The distance between the three places is very far, which is also a big problem for future governance. According to Zhu Wu, as long as there is a person who manages the world to help manage it, it should not be a problem.The so-called "talent for governing the world" can only be people like Xiao He and Zhuge Liang, but how can there be such people now?

Besides, even if there is such a character, it may not be able to truly connect the three places.

Wu Dong suddenly remembered some things in later generations. Before liberation, our d had many bases. Those bases were far away, and the communication was very backward at that time. They still have one heart and belong to the same organization.

"How did you do it then?" Wu Dong was thinking secretly.


On December 12th of the lunar calendar, not far from the New Year, this day is the day for the public trial of Tian Hu.

It is still snowing heavily, and it is snowing extremely in this era.In later generations, only Xinjiang, Tibet and other places will have major snow disasters every year, and the snow can reach a depth of one or two feet.In this era, even in places like Shanxi, it is very common for snow to reach a depth of one or two feet, especially in some mountainous areas. Once the snow falls in winter, the mountains are almost closed, and it is difficult for people in the mountains to come out. , It is also difficult for outsiders to get in.

In Weisheng City, although the snow is swept every day, if one is not paying attention, it will be covered with a layer of snow.

The cold wind was howling, and the weather was extremely cold. Many people's faces were flushed from the cold, and their noses were running.But even so, tens of thousands of people rushed to the gate of the city, where Tian Hu was publicly tried today.

A huge high platform had already been erected, and two Liangshan soldiers escorted Tian Hu to the platform, and Tian Hu was ruthlessly pressed and knelt down in front of the common people.

"It's really Tian Hu...that's right! I've seen him before!" a commoner said excitedly.

"Sure enough it's him... this villain, he still has today." The people next to him said.

Seeing this originally high-ranking figure, "Jin Wang" was forced to kneel down in front of the crowd, and everyone cheered.

Over the years, Tianhu has done a lot of evil, and the people have suffered a lot from it. They can't wait to eat its flesh and sleep on its skin. At this moment, everyone is shouting and the crowd is excited.

Tian Hu knelt there, looking up, all the people were shouting at him, wanting people from Liangshan to kill him.

"Have you smelled it? A stench, this Tian Hu was so scared that he peed..." The people who were closer to the high platform couldn't help laughing.

Gradually, this matter spread to the back, and the people behind also cheered.

At this time, Dai Zong strode up to the high platform and began to announce Tian Hu's crimes.

The first crime is "the crime of persecuting the people". During Tian Hu's reign, the people were brutally persecuted. Many people's homes were destroyed, countless people were killed and starved to death, many women were raped, and many people's property was taken away .

All kinds of evidence have been read out, there are hundreds of pieces, and each piece is appalling.

Dai Zong is very proud now, and feels that he is very beautiful today. Trial Tian Hu in front of tens of thousands of people is something that was unimaginable before.The people below all looked at him with respect and fear, which made him enjoy it very much.Neither Jiangzhou nor Shaohua Mountain had such a beautiful scene before.

This time, not only the people from Weisheng City came here, but also people from many surrounding villages, and even some people from Fenyang and Jinning traveled long distances to see Tian Hu's miserable appearance.

Tian Hu wished to die immediately, he closed his eyes, but his body was still trembling.These crimes were indeed committed by him, or by his subordinates.I used to think it was nothing, but now I feel that everything is incredible, and everything is a sin.The feeling Wan Fu refers to is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The huge psychological pressure is enough to make ordinary people die.

The second crime is a "war crime". The arrival of the Liangshan Rebel Army rescued the people and gave them a way out...Tian Hu's subordinates resisted stubbornly and caused huge casualties to the Liangshan army. This is a war crime.

In fact, this crime is a bit "exaggerated", Tian Hu did not provoke Liang Shan, on the contrary, Liang Shan provoked Tian Hu.But now Liang Shan has won the victory and defeated Tian Hu. Tian Hu is Liang Shan's prisoner. Liang Shan can judge him as he wants and convict him of any crime he wants. There will be no one "Reverse the verdict" for Tian Hu.

In addition to the common people, there are many soldiers maintaining order. Now hearing that Tian Hu was convicted of "war crimes", everyone feels relieved.This time so many comrades-in-arms died because of this Tian Hu, it is really unreasonable not to convict him.

After Dai Zong pronounced the sentence, it was finally the people's turn to come on stage to expose Tian Hu's crimes. At present, many people were going to go on stage, and Dai Zong arranged for everyone to go up one by one.

Someone said: "He killed my parents, killed my two sons... and insulted my wife, let my wife die... I am only left with one person, and I wanted to risk my life to kill him ...Thank you Liang Shan for catching him for me, so that he can be tried publicly...I beg you military lords, let me kill him today..."

The man gritted his teeth and wanted to rush up after speaking, but fortunately he was blocked by Liangshan soldiers, which prevented Tian Hu from dying immediately.

Then another person went up and took off his shirt, only to see that it was full of scars, one by one were extremely horrifying, this person said: "I am Li Daguan from the east of the city... Tian Hu took all my property and locked me up." In the water dungeon, I was whipped and roasted every day...Thanks to the military master of Liangshan, who saved me in the water dungeon..."

Many people came forward to denounce, everyone gritted their teeth and hated him extremely, Tian Hu became more and more afraid, more and more terrified.The people listening below became more and more hateful. Although they knew that Tian Hu was hateful, they didn't expect him to do so many hateful things.

In addition to exposing Tian Hu's crimes, everyone on stage had to express their gratitude to Liang Shan. Wu Dong was in the audience, and when he heard this, he secretly thought in his heart.Such a public trial can arouse the emotions of the people and plunge them into a state of frenzy.

Tian Hu really deserved to die, but if Tian Hu was executed quietly, at most it would make the people applaud, and it would definitely not have such an effect.

At the end, a group of "common people" suddenly stood up and shouted in unison: "Long live Liangshan", "Long live the governor", "Kill Tian Hu"...


Happy weekend everyone, I am in the codeword, there will be another chapter later

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