Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 1104 RM's Girls' Generation Special

"Yeah, where did you go just now?" Taeyeon asked seeing Chen Shao and the fourth daughter coming back.

"Going out for a walk, I got a little inspiration in the middle, so I created a song, which took a little time!" Chen Shao's explanation made everyone have no doubts.

"Go in and change clothes, ready to record the clip before going to bed!" Liu Zaishi reminded Chen Shao and the others.

No fuss, went in and changed into pajamas, came out, came to the container, and learned that the girls tonight are sleeping in a car, while the male members of rm are sleeping in a container.

"No, can't I sleep in the RV with my two girlfriends?" Chen Shao wanted to abandon everyone in RM and squeeze into the RV where he was young.

"Aha~ she's a girl!" Kim Jong Kook and the others looked at this young lady absurdly.

"What's wrong with the girls, my son will be his mother in the future!" Chen Shao's words made Yuner, Xu Xian, Yuri, and Sika feel ashamed.

"Why, Chen Shao wants to have a child with Yuner or Xu Xian?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"Well, I have this idea. Nuo'er and Xi'er have been arguing for younger siblings all day long. I don't agree, and I just move their grandparents out, saying that the two elders like children!" Chen Shao pretended to be helpless, and let the After the show was broadcast, when it made people laugh, it felt very uncomfortable.

"Isn't Juli pregnant?" Song Zhixiao said.

"I think so too, but the two children said that there is only one, which is not enough for them to share. They need two of them, so that when they play with their younger siblings, they will not go out to fight. Otherwise, if there is only one, which one will be injured in the future?" It's gone, it's disabled, let me not regret it!" Chen Shao's words made everyone present burst into laughter again.

"Oppa~~ When did Nuoer say that!" Yuner glared at her boyfriend coquettishly.

"When daydreaming!" Chen Shao shrugged.Make everyone feel more speechless.

"No, pd is such a mess here, how do we sleep?" Now is not the time to care about this, but this container, what should we do?

"You guys do it yourself, go to bed when it's done!" pd and the others had sinister smiles on their faces.

"Hey, am I doing it to myself? I helped Girls' Generation win benefits, so I have to sleep here?" Chen Shao felt more and more pitted, it was simply a huge pit.

"Hee hee~~" Yun'er and the others smiled coquettishly.Fortunately, I slept in an RV tonight. If it was here, even if I didn't sleep all night, I would still feel cold.

"Children, go to bed quickly, we can come here by ourselves!" Liu Zaishi looked at the girls in their pajamas. This is not a solution, and it can't help, so he just let them go to bed first.

"Hey, pd, I am the richest man, the richest man. If you are short of funds, tell me that I can sponsor it. But you are like this, let the richest man in South Korea, the No.1 person in the world, sleep in such a container. I don’t think so. Are you a bit shabby?" Chen Shao roared, making the girls who had walked to the caravan laugh again.

"That's right. My brother is the richest man, the richest man. You let him sleep in a container. Don't you want to mess around? He'll have his bodyguard come over tomorrow and cut you into potato chips!" Haha shouted.

"Puff haha~~"

The others laughed. Those who knew Chen Shao knew that he was not the kind of person who would bully others with that status.

He does this purely for the effect of the show, and to let everyone know that even the richest man can live in such a place.

"Really, forget it, compared to sleeping under the bridge back then, this is much better!" Chen Shao said something to comfort himself, then climbed up and packed things together.

The others also came up to help clean up together.

"Why, Chen Shao has slept in it before. Is it a more miserable and desolate place than here?" Gary asked casually while tidying up.

"Well, when I went to the United States, I slept next to the trash can, used newspapers as quilts, and ate expired milk and bread thrown in the trash can!" Chen Shao felt nothing, these were all What I have experienced is also very real, and there is nothing I can't say.

"Really? You had a hard time back then!" Everyone felt a little sour. This younger brother was able to obtain his current status, status, and power because of his great dedication, hard work, and persistence back then. of.

"For the belief in my heart, as well as the future happiness of my family, my own hardships can bring them a lifetime of happiness, carefree and happy life, so it doesn't matter if I have a little hardship, it's better to be alone. They will suffer with me!" Chen Shao's words made the corners of many people's eyes moist after the later broadcast.

Even the girls who already knew about it, as well as Chen's father and mother, after hearing it again, felt that their son had worked too hard.

"In my life, I admire you the most. At such a young age, you can abandon your childhood and give your family a happy life!" Haha became more and more emotional.

"If I don't do this, I can't let my parents and sister do it. Although they are still young, they have worked very hard to take care of us!"

"As for me, I was born with a lot of ideas. If that's the case, then I'll bear all of it myself. They gave me life, and my little contribution is nothing!" Chen Shao said easily, but did it , but it is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

"What a great younger brother!!" Kim Jong Kook was also very proud that he could recognize such a younger brother.

"When I was suffering back then, I swore in my heart that if I survived, I would never live a life like this again, and live a life of luxury. There is no one like me in this world!" Chen Shao said it very calmly, which made Liu Zaishi and others feel very sad.

"My brother will always support you in your affairs in the future!" Haha was the first to say.

"Yes, regardless of your promiscuity or flirtatiousness, my brother will support you infinitely!" Liu Zaishi also expressed his opinion, he can be said to be there to understand Chen Shao.

"After paying so much, it is right to be more affectionate now. Your sister-in-law and I support you infinitely!" Kim Jong-kook and others also expressed their views.

"Gary, gary?" Everyone expressed their opinions, but only Gary did not.At this time, she pushed him and realized that he was already fast asleep.

"Hehe, if that's the case, we'll sleep too. I really don't know what life will be like tomorrow!" Chen Shao said with emotion, and thought about going to bed.

"Chen Shao, don't mess around tonight, I'm married. Don't hug me, hug me!" Jin Zhongguo warned Chen Shao in a low voice.

"Ahaha~" Kwang Soo, Ji Suk Jin and the others all laughed.

"Brother, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!" Chen Shao said angrily.


In the laughter, everyone fell into sleep.

The next morning, in his sleep, Chen Shao heard the sound of the car starting and the sound of the car driving away.At this time, he woke up.

"Ah~ Really, I'm going crazy!" Chen Shao muttered, but didn't get up right away.Now that they've all left, it's useless to wake up by themselves, so I might as well just sleep a little longer.

In a daze, he fell asleep for another half an hour.Only when the staff knocked on the door did he wake up completely.

"dong dong~~"

"Please get up now!" pd yelled outside.

"Got it, get up!!" Chen Shao was surprisingly calm tonight.Unexpectedly, he didn't sleep with Kim Jong Kook or Haha next to him, but slept with the quilt in his arms.

"Boom~~" The pd, who had been waiting outside for a long time, saw that there was still no movement, and rang again.

"Brother, get up, go out and see if the girls' car is driving, I heard the sound just now!" As soon as Chen Shao spoke, Liu Zaishi, who was outside, immediately got up.

Without saying anything, he opened the door and went down, while Chen Shao sat and waited for the news.

After getting down, Liu Zaishi looked left and right, looked around several times, and found that the girls' cars were missing, and he became even more confused.

"No, pd, what about Girls' Generation, are you going to replace it?" Liu Zaishi came to PD and asked, "Where is Girls' Generation from before?"

Chen Shao who was inside the container, after hearing this, knew that he had heard correctly just now and should have left.

"Haha~ Really, it's like this again!" Chen Shao lay down weakly.

"Get up, brother, Girls' Generation is gone!" Chen Shao sat up again and shouted loudly to the sleeping people.

"mo~" Hearing Chen Shao's words, everyone asked in a daze.

"Get up and look for yourself, I'll go out first!!" Chen Shao found his shoes, then went down to have a look, and smiled helplessly like Liu Zaishi.

"I heard the sound of the car leaving just now!" Chen Shao said to Liu Zaishi after he got down.

"Then why don't you come out and stop him?" Liu Zaishi said stupid things early in the morning.

"That's a car, I'm not Brother Zhong Guo, how can I stop it?" Chen Shao said dissatisfied.

"It must have been changed again. It's fine to do it once last time. I'll come again this time!" Liu Zaishi broke out his dissatisfaction with the program, and he was not in a good mood early in the morning.

"I knew it would be like this!" Inside, Haha, who just got up, said calmly in a daze.

"I said, why didn't you let me and my girlfriend stay together last night? It turned out to be replaced today!" Chen Shao understood that the program team had to blackmail him. If you don't blackmail him, they will cheat you.

"Liu Zaishi Xi, please go this way!" At this time, pd said to Liu Zaishi;

"Where are you going???" Liu Zaishi was at a loss and asked without knowing why: "What about Chen Shao, what should I do?"

"What the hell?" Chen Shao didn't understand what the program group was going to do;

Not long after Liu Zaishi left, he was also called, got in the car and left.

"No, can you tell me where to go?" After Chen Shao got on the seat, the driver was Brother Li who he often asked to stop.

There was no answer, only silent progress.

Fortunately, it was Chen Shao's car. He was very familiar with the contents of his sports car, so he found a pack of biscuits and a carton of milk here and had breakfast.

On the other side, Girls' Generation, who left, is still sleeping soundly, completely unaware of the situation.

"Dididi~" PD blew his whistle outside the car.

"Umm~um~" The people in the car all stretched their waists and slowly got up.

"What, this is?" Everyone put on their shoes like a dream, and walked out.

After coming out and seeing that it was not the original place, everyone was in a daze;

The first one to come out was Seo Hyun, the second one was Yoona, the third one was Yuri, followed by Hyoyeon, and the others were slow in the car.

"Those who come out, line up in order!" pd said to the four people who came out.

And Yuri is still the same, she just got up, and after getting out of the car, she is doing daily stretching exercises, and the sleepy look is interesting to watch.

"When did we come here?" Yun'er looked at it, and then asked pd: "When I was sleeping, I felt rattling and shaking. I thought it was a dream, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

After finishing speaking, Yun'er covered her mouth and laughed.

Even when they were driving, they could still sleep so soundly, it was embarrassing to think about it.

"But where is this place? It looks familiar?" Xu Xian kept observing the nearby buildings.

"Here, I seem to know where it is!" Yuri laughed while looking at the scenery here.

"Isn't this a small foreign country?" Yun'er said;

"That's right, this is a small foreign English town!" Xu Xian recognized it after he regained consciousness.

In the car, Sika, Taeyeon, and Song Ji Hyo are still stretching and putting on makeup.

"Beep beep beep~~~ Inside, please come out quickly!!"

"I see, it's so noisy~" Early in the morning, Xika also broke out her anger for getting up. (To be continued..)

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