Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 1167 RM's American Special

"Dwayne Johnson out~Dwayne Johnson out~"

The final victory was still ruled by Chen Shao. When the two were in a stalemate with all their strength, Chen Shao played a little trick;

When blocking Johnson's right hand, Chen Shao suddenly relieved his strength and let Johnson's hand hit him on the shoulder, but he quickly seized the opportunity, reached behind Johnson's back with his left hand, grabbed the name tag, and Just torn it off.

Everything happened in just one second. If there were no cameras around, then this action might not have been captured.

At this time, Johnson was also helpless, Chen Shao was too thieves, he almost gave up being hit on the shoulder by himself, and he also wanted to tear off his name tag.

Fortunately, Chen Shao's physique was against the sky, and a heavy blow with such strength was nothing to him.

"Rebirth, you win!" Johnson and Chen Shao shook hands, followed by a shoulder bump.

"It's not easy to win you, it's too troublesome!" Chen Shao and Johnson walked down to have a round with everyone.

"While watching TV, I saw you guys having a lot of fun. I've wanted to try it for a long time. This time, when I knew that the program group was going to invite me, I just turned down a party and came to participate directly!" Qiang The relationship between Sen and Chen Shao can be said to have been played out.

In 04, they met at a party, when Chen Shao provoked him, and then the two started fighting on the spot.

It was also that time, when they met, Johnson admired this young man who looked weak, but was able to put himself down, which was completely beyond his expectations.

After not knowing each other, he discovered more and more that Chen Shao is really not simple, and his force value is terrifying.

That time I treated myself lightly, and that's it, their relationship has improved.

In 08.Chen Shao gave him the script of "Special Forces 1", which made him popular again.

When they came to the first floor of the shopping mall, everyone stood there, waiting for the return of the two who had fought in the final battle.

"Papapa~" After seeing the two people come down, everyone clapped their hands and gave them warm applause.

"Wow, it's really a boulder. This arm is a thousand times more terrifying than Brother Zhong Guo's!" Haha looked at that arm, and then at his own calf.There is absolutely no way to compare.

"Everyone in rm, hello!" Johnson shook hands with everyone one by one. In the game just now, Striker just ran away, so there is no time to shake hands or not.

"Hey, Bruce, you are not good enough, you are out so soon?" Johnson teased Bruce.

"I can't help it, I'm old. I can't compare with your stone!" Bruce said, in fact, he is not really weak, it's just because he stayed up all night last night and didn't have a good rest.

He was filming himself.Later in the evening, I went out to a reception, and in the early morning, I came here directly.That's why he was eliminated by Liu Zaishi.

If he had a good rest yesterday.It may be that Kim Jong Kook can fight him, but the main reason is that he is old, and he is filming and attending receptions. He has no rest all day and night, so his physical strength has long been exhausted.

This also allowed Liu Zaishi to pick up a loophole, allowing him to be arrogant for a while.

After finishing the personal station in the early morning, it was almost eight o'clock in the morning, and everyone was tired.

Therefore, the pd also quickly distributed the next task, so that everyone can go to have breakfast or something.

"Okay, the first individual station, rebirth won, and he also won all the final bounties, namely Dwight Howard's [-], Dwayne Johnson's [-], Bruce Willis [-] Thousands, Kim Jong Kook [-], Song Ji Hyo and Megan Fox [-], Gary [-], Yoo Jae Suk [-], Kwang Soo [-], Haha [-], Ji Suk Jin [-], a total of [-] US dollars!"

"However, Chen Shaoxi's bounty is unknown. This unknown means that whoever eliminated him, his value is equal to the bounty of the eliminated person. For example, Chi Shizhen, who eliminated Chen Shao , then his bounty is one hundred!"

The person that pd used as a metaphor made Chen Shao helpless, while everyone laughed out loud.

"Ah, can't you use a more reliable analogy?" Chen Shao exploded his dissatisfaction with pd.

"It's just a metaphor, this is the bounty for rebirth being eliminated, but if he wins the final victory, then his unknown becomes double, that is, he wins in the end, and all the bounties he gets are multiplied by two!"

After such an explanation, everyone finally understood why Chen Shao's bounty was unknown. It turns out that there is still such a thing.

"Doesn't that mean that the bounty Chen Shao is getting now is [-] dollars?" Liu Zaishi asked after he understood it.

"Yes, the final bounty is [-] US dollars!" Johnson, Howard, Bruce, and Megan translated what Mi pd said, and the translator.

"What's the use of these bounties?" Howard asked.

"Isn't today the NBA's All-Star Weekend?" After PD said this, everyone listened intently again.

"All the programs I do today and the bonuses I get will be donated from my personal quota to do charity and give to some people in need!"

"Ah, so it is like this, that is to say, whoever wins more prize money next can donate it in his own name to contribute to charity?" Bruce also understood.

"Yes, that's right. During the All-Star Weekend, many stars did the same. They donated all the prize money they won from participating in the game, in order to help those children in need!"

"Okay, then we have to work hard to make games, try to get as many bonuses as possible, and contribute to charity!" Haha said, he didn't do anything today, so naturally he has to work hard.

"It feels very interesting!" Howard was also a little eager to try;

Today is the third day of the All-Star Weekend. In the first two days, some charity activities have been done. Otherwise, Howard would not have come.

"The next mission location we are going to is the 'Huaxia Totem' Arena, the home stadium of Team Paixiu!" PD gave Liu Zaishi two mission cards, one in Korean.One is in English.

The content is the same, the English one is to take care of Howard and the others.

"Oh, past this time?" Megan Fox thought of something and felt strange.

"At this time, it seems that the skill competition is about to start?" Howard also remembered the same.

"Yes, if you go there, there will be a task!" Power pd continued: "But before we go, we have to divide into groups, three people in groups, and four guests will choose. We can only choose from the rm Two!"

"Why, Johnson and I have rebirth, how about the rest of you casually team up?" Howard stopped Chen Shao and Johnson's shoulders, and said very generously;

"Haha~" But everyone didn't answer him, but laughed at the three of them now.

How should these three people say, it's like a ladder, yes, it's a ladder.

In terms of height, Chen Shao is the shortest. 1.8 meters eight, in the Korean entertainment industry is very high, but now, standing in front of Howard who is 1.9 meters five and two meters ten.But it looks so small.

Looking at the figure again, among the three, Chen Shao also looked the thinnest, followed by Johnson.Then there's Howard.

The three of them stood together without speaking, just standing together.It's all a joke.

Of course, Chen Shao is a bit shorter and thinner than them, but he is the one who can jump the highest and is as strong as them.

Otherwise how can we win.

"No, no, this is not allowed, for the sake of fairness, we must separate!" pd said quickly.

"Ah~ I'm really envious!" Haha saw that his favorite female star didn't choose him, but chose Chen Shao and Gary instead, so he couldn't help being very envious.

"Giggle~" Megan smiled without saying a word.

"Then for me, Liu Rusi and the ability user are the oldest. Of course, Johnson is not counted!" Bruce chose Liu Jae-shik and Kim Jong-kook, which was quite surprising.

"Okay, then I'll just be Song and Chi!" Johnson also quickly chose Song Ji Hyo and Chi Seok Jin.

"Give me the rest of the giraffe and penguin?" Howard looked down at Haha with surprise on his face.

"Wow haha~" This grouping is interesting;

Liu Rusi and Bruce are together, it is definitely a classic cooperation, and Kim Jong Kook and Liu Jae Suk are actually stuck together, which is very rare.

As for Howard, it's even more fun, haha, being between Kwang-soo and Howard, it's almost laughable.

"Ahaha~ What is this, haha, you are walking behind Howard and you can't see it!" Liu Zaishi and others were also surprised that Howard passively chose Haha?

"Really, although I am very happy to form a team with you, but your height is really too tall!" Haha's words were all translated by the translator for Howard.

"Haha~ It's okay, at worst, just hold your hand and run!" Howard said this, isn't it saying that I am an adult, and if you are afraid of getting lost, I will hold your hand, that's okay?

"Hehe, now, everyone, go change your clothes, and then you can go!"

Because the team is formed, the clothes of each team must be thought out.

Howard is the black team, Johnson is the yellow team, Bruce is the green team, and Megan is the red team.

When everyone was changing clothes, after seeing the figures of Howard and Johnson, haha ​​and others were all dumbfounded;

At this time, Jin Zhongguo's is nothing but scum in comparison.

In the Korean entertainment industry, Kim Jong Kook's figure is definitely good, and he is better than some Korean basketball players.

However, compared with Howard and the others, it is simply scum.

However, it is worth mentioning that he is about the same size as Bruce, except that Bruce has a lot more chest hair.

As for Chen Shao's, it's not strong, and it's not bulky, but the streamlined shape is the best-looking one, and it's very clear.

With this figure, he can compete with Warcraft Howard and Dwayne Johnson.

You know, Johnson is the champion of wwe six times, the champion of wwe doubles three times and other championship honors in some popular rings.

As for him, Chen Shao dared to compete with him despite his small stature. After the show was broadcast, many people were petrified.

"I really don't understand, rebirth, you are so small, but so strong!" Johnson really didn't understand. During the confrontation just now, he could feel that Chen Shao's strength was a little weaker;

But you have to know that Chen Shao's body is only at this point, not even twice his size.

"Hehe, the strength can't be stored in the muscles, so it's stored in the bones!" Chen Shao shrugged and changed his clothes.

In fact, in terms of physical strength, he is still inferior to Johnson and Howard. When confronting Howard, he cheated.

But when confronting Johnson, there was none, so he was suppressed, and finally won by skill.

In terms of single-round strength, he is a little worse than Johnson, and a little bit worse than Howard, but if he adds a little mana to use it, it will be completely different. (To be continued..)

ps: ps: Roaring scares you to give a reward~ Haha, please help promote the new book, there are so few collections now!

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