Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 1269 Congratulations

"This..." Even Zhiyan and Xiaomin were equally stunned, is this too accurate?

"How is it? Isn't it amazing?" Yuri followed Chen Shao. She had seen it too many times. Most of the prey he shot were birds or pheasants, pheasants, hares, etc., like this wild boar. Big guy, they haven't seen it either.

This hunting ground is quite big. They walked for an hour, and only a little bit. During this period, he also picked a lot of usable wild mushrooms, night fungus and so on. Anyway, he picked a lot of edible ones. .

It is rare for them to hunt, how could they let it go.

"Well, give it a try!" Zhiyan threw away the gun and asked Chen Shao to teach her how to use a bow and arrow.

Chen Shao told her how to do it, and let her play with it. After the staff arrived, he and Jin Zhongguo and others helped to move this thing to the car, and asked them to help clean up the wild boar. Take them with you when they leave.

The staff also obeyed the orders. They did too much of this kind of thing. When rich people came over and hit such a big guy, they would ask them to help understand.

"Boom~" Zhiyan took two arrows and tried it out, feeling that it was not very smooth to use, not as smooth as Yuli's crossbow, and it was quite accurate.

"Go on, we still have time, it's only two o'clock, we won't leave until six o'clock, and we can start our barbecue party at my villa next time!" Chen Shao said to Haha and the others.

Tonight's barbecue party is actually a gathering of good friends. We have been shooting a movie together for a month, so we plan to get together to relax or something.

This time Chen Shao was with Hyomin, and Jiyeon wanted to play crossbows, so Yuri went with her.

Along the way, Chen Shao also encountered a lot of pheasants and hares, but he didn't take any action.He has played enough just now, so there is no need to play so much.

As for Xiaomin, she managed to hit a few, and the staff came and took them away. She is practicing and can hit every time. It took several shots to hit one, and some even failed to hit. was also scared away.

Chen Shao didn't make a move either. If he made a move, he would definitely be able to hit it, but this is the case.It's a bit bad.

If you hunt too many of these pheasants and hares, you may not be able to eat them later, and you don't know how much other people can hunt.

As I was walking, I saw a little wild boar, not as big as the one just now, not even half of it.

But Liu Jae-shik and Lee Kwang-soo.He was still scared and ran around, not daring to shoot with a gun.

After Chen Shao took aim with his arrow, he shot it in front of the little wild boar chasing Liu Zaishi and the others, scaring it.

Such a small boar.It would be a pity to kill it, it would be better to wait until it is a little bigger, so let him go this time.

"Didn't Chen Shao shoot it?" Lee Kwang Soo and Yoo Jae Suk were being chased away.Panting.

"It's too young, let's leave it for others to come. Are you so scared that you even run away from such a small one?" Chen Shao was really speechless.

"No, I was chased once just now, and I have a shadow in my heart!" The explanation of the two made Chen Shao helpless.

But then, Chen Shao and Xiao Min found a big guy again, which was also what everyone met on the way back.

This end is about the same size as the one just now, how could Chen Shao let it go when he saw it.

This wild boar is also quite fierce. Seeing Chen Shao and the others, he was not afraid and wanted to rush over and hit them.

Chen Shao took the arrow and bent the bow. After aiming, he let go. The wild boar that was running over was shot in the head, and even shot through the head. Then you can imagine how heavy the arrow is.

The momentum of the wild boar's rushing towards him didn't stop, and it slipped right in front of Chen Shao and the others.

Everyone gave him a thumbs up, it's amazing, this arrow is too skillful.

After dragging out the last wild boar, he asked someone to take care of the wild boar and send it to his villa. He would pay for running errands and so on.

Then everyone went to Chen Shao's seaside villa, where tonight's barbecue party started.

When they arrived at the seaside villa, haha, they saw that the weather was still quite hot, so they simply went to the sea to play around. They drove jet skis, speedboats, and water craft from Chen Shao's place, and went to the sea to play.

Chen Shao, Yuri, Ji Yan, and Hyo Min had a love affair in the villa.

Everyone went out, the four of them were alone, Chen Shao naturally would not let go of this opportunity, after exercising with them, he came down and asked the servants to come over, and prepared these in the hunting ground to be pheasants, hares, Let the bird be marinated, and then let them wash all the wild fungus and cook it for him later.

"Shao, is it alright?" Yuri wanted to help after taking a shower.

"Not yet, I just got someone to marinate things, and it's not so fast now!" Chen Shao hugged Yuri, sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV right away.

As for Jiyeon and Hyomin, they came down after taking a shower.

And the people who went to play at sea didn't come back until after dark.

"It's so cool, it's more comfortable to play in the sea in the evening!" Jin Zhongguo and others came in from the outside noisily.

It's rare to see Kim Jong Kook so excited, which shows that they are having fun.

"Why don't you see Brother Gary and Sister Ji Hyo?" Chen Shao saw Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Haha, Yoo Jae Suk, but only Gary and Song Ji Hyo.

"Beach, in the evening, for a walk?" Everyone thought of a possibility. In this case, something good should have succeeded.

"No, confess your love at this time?" Haha was a little uncertain, but he still doubted it.

"This is a suitable time. The right time, the right place, and the right people are here. I just don't know if they can grasp it!" Chen Shao stood up, walked out of the villa, looked around, and only saw two vague figures, It's a little far away, so I can't see what I'm doing.

"It's getting dark, so I can't see what they're doing, but the two seem to be talking about something!" Chen Shao couldn't guarantee it either.If they really come to an agreement, tonight's barbecue party will probably have a different meaning, and it's not for dinner, but for their celebration.

When they went hunting today, they were also together, and they are still together now, which clearly shows the rhythm of confession.

"Wait a minute, bro, you just go up and wash up, and wait for them to come back. Let's start again, see if it's our dinner, or a party to celebrate them!" He lives in his villa tonight, so he brings all his clothes out.

Originally, Top, Lu Hongzhe, Zhang Hyuk, and Cha Seung-won were also coming. After all, they were all part of the same crew, but they just couldn't come because they had schedules today.

They lined up to take a bath one by one, while Chen Shao and the others were watching TV dramas in the living room.

The latest hit is "A Gentleman's Dignity".This is also the only good TV series that Chen Shao's TV fans can watch.

In the competition at the same level, there has been no rival, and it has the highest ratings.

Just when they watch TV.Song Ji Hyo and Gary finally walked back, which also attracted the eyes of Haha, who just came down from watching TV in the living room.

Song Ji Hyo had a faint smile on his expression, while Gary was still peaceful.I can't see any joy or sorrow.

"..." No one spoke for a while, they just looked at the two of them, waiting for their explanation.

What about Chen Shao?But he waited lazily, and if he lost a mind-reading technique in the past, he would understand everything.

"What's the matter, why are you looking at us like that?" Gary felt strange.

"Brother, how is it?" Haha came over and asked curiously.

"Ah, oh~ that's it!" Gary was slow to respond, but Song Ji Hyo didn't, the smile on her face had already given them all the answers.

As for Chen Shao, he knew the result earlier, so he stood up and said, "Let's celebrate, such a good thing, you have to celebrate it!?"

Chen Shao's words were too clear, haha ​​they would be fools if they couldn't hear it.

"Papa~" Everyone applauded, congratulations to these two lovers who finally got married.

Liu Jae-shik, who just came down, didn't know what was going on, but seeing the smile on Song Ji-hyo's face, he knew it was over, why did he have another wedding drink.

In the evening, at Chen Shao's seaside villa, everyone held a grand barbecue game party to celebrate the couple on Monday, to celebrate that they became a real couple, not just Monday.

The wild boar roasted by Chen Shao had bursts of aroma, making everyone salivate.

"Chen Shao, when will it be available? I can't wait!" It was the first time for Kwang-soo to eat roast pork. He didn't go to Chen Shao's barbecue party before.

"It's not so fast yet. The wild boar is raised differently, so it takes a little longer to roast it to bring out all the flavors!" Chen Shao put spices while roasting, he likes this kind of taste.

To be honest, he has never eaten roasted wild boar. This is the first time he has roasted wild boar, so he doesn't know how it tastes.

After Chen Shao served some ingredients, he walked over, drinking and chatting with everyone.

He even started playing. This kind of leisurely life is actually quite rare for Chen Shao, because as a parent, he often has to take care of his children instead of his wife. This kind of indulgent life has rarely been seen since 10 years. up

Others don't even have it. Even if it's the Chinese New Year, they are all doing activities or itineraries. There is no such opportunity at all. Everyone relaxes around a bonfire and chats together.

As for Kim Jong Kook, he is going to be a father soon, and he has to take care of his children in everything in the future. This kind of life is even more impossible.

Haha, I'm going to get married at the end of the year, which naturally means the end of being single.

As for Gary and Song Zhixiao, the negotiation happened again tonight, and what will happen in the future depends on their fortunes. The only thing Chen Shao can help is here.

"Okay~ let's eat, I will give these two pork legs to Sister Zhixiao and Brother Gary tonight. Congratulations on getting together as you wished. The next time you announce the good news to us, it will be the good news of your marriage!" Chen Shao cut off two wild boar legs and gave them to them.

"Thank you~" The two thanked without stopping

"The other two, also to Brother Zhong Guo and Brother Haha, congratulations, one of you is going to be a father soon, and the other is going to get married soon!" Chen Shao gave them the other two pig legs.

In fact, the wild boar tonight, the few of them, may not be able to finish it. One leg for each of them must be enough.

But the whole pig's body, just Chen Shao and his three women, Liu Zaishi, how could Lee Kwang-soo eat it all.

"Wow~ the taste is really good!" Kwang Soo cut a piece, and after taking a bite, he couldn't stop sighing.

As for Zhiyan, she took photos of the wild boars that she had just passed the test and uploaded them on Twitter to interact with fans. As for the people who were here tonight, they all took a group photo around the wild boars.

Of course, this was taken by the servants.

After it was posted on Twitter, many people responded.

"Everyone who is free in the film crew, gather together at the seaside villa to have a roast wild boar party~"

After these photos were uploaded, they immediately attracted crazy reprints and comments.

Among them, the most regrettable thing is that top and the others are not here. It is really a pity to see everyone so happy and so many delicious food. It would be great if I was there. (To be continued..)

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