Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 1442 Speed ​​Competition

On July [-]th, Chen Shao and the others started the preliminaries and ranked the final race.

Zheng Junhe ran No.9 and came out. Liu Zaishi found a new car in preparation because the car was scrapped two days ago, and it was impossible to repair it within two days.

But even so, after many procedures and applications, this new car was considered to have passed, and at the same time got No.3 in the preliminaries.

"Wow, it's a good thing Chen Shao said before, prepare two more cars as back-up vehicles, otherwise, Zaishi will really be in trouble this time!" Coach You Jinglu said happily.

A few days ago, Liu Zaishi's car was hit badly. It can be repaired, but it will take at least a week, but now there is a race in two days, and it is impossible to do it at all.

Under such circumstances, the only option is to change the car, and the car can only be changed after the application is approved.

Now, Liu Zaishi changed the car, and after a few laps, he felt that he was in good condition, so he ran out of the No.3 position.

"This is all thanks to Chen Shao's sponsorship, otherwise, you may have to withdraw from our competition this time!" Jin Taihao was also very excited that Liu Zaishi was able to compete normally.

If Liu Zaishi could not participate in the final due to car problems, then it would be a pity for this challenge.Liu Jae-shik is the absolute core of "Unchallenged". He is the best at many difficult challenges.

If he is missing, then something really big will happen.

But now, Liu Zaishi has won No.3, and his skills are the best among Wuchao, second only to Chen Shao.

Zheng Junhe also got No.9, they both got the upper and middle positions, now it's up to Chen Shao.

Now, everyone is watching Chen Shao run the qualifiers, wondering if he can get the first place in the end, after all, he ran well yesterday.It doesn't mean you can run well today.

Therefore, they were still nervous, but when Chen Shao ran out and saw the above results, everyone was astonished again, and they didn't believe what they saw at all.

"1 minute and 41 seconds, how is it possible?" Everyone didn't believe Chen Shao's time.

But I originally thought that Chen Shao would practice his hands once and run twice more, but after he got off the first time.Chen Shao stopped running, went directly to the rest stop and got off the bus.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem with the car?" The coach ran out anxiously, and everyone came out anxiously, wanting to ask, what is it that made him run half a minute differently from yesterday's run? big.and.When Chen Shao practiced, the slowest and slowest times were all at 1 minute and 38 seconds. How could it be 41 seconds now.

"It's okay. The car is fine now, so I'll use this result to run. If I'm the first to start, then it won't be interesting. Starting from the last few should be the most interesting!" Chen Shao comforted Apart from them, he is not in bad shape.Or something wrong with the car.

Rather, he has absolute confidence in himself, he can have the confidence to compete according to this result, even if it is the last place, he will have no problem.

He wants to use the last place to counterattack, so it will be more interesting.

"You mean to say that you ran for this result on purpose?" Quan Chunyi was extremely surprised. How could anyone start with the last place on purpose?

"Well, that's it!" Chen Shao was full of confidence in himself.

"But your record is not very safe. Why don't you run a lap again. If you mention 39 seconds, it is safer. Now the time of No.1 is 1 minute and 35 seconds. You use 1 minute and 39 seconds If so, I will definitely be able to compete!" Wu said worriedly together.

"No need, I've seen all the ones who can start the race in 41 seconds. There are two who are slower than me, and that doesn't include the ones who couldn't show up because of some problems!" Chen Shao signaled No need, this time is definitely fine.

Seeing that Chen Shao had made up his mind to pay attention, they didn't say any more.

In the end, it was Haha and Lu Hongzhe's turn to participate in the challenging preliminaries, but the final result was mixed.

Haha qualified for the competition, but because Lu Hongzhe was too nervous, he made repeated mistakes, which prevented him from entering the final.

After the ranking was decided, on July 94th, the day of the main match came. Chen Shao and his [-] wives came to Songdo Stadium.

"Hello~" Suzy and Xiujing came to the rest stop to watch today's game with everyone.

If they were ordinary people, it would be impossible for Coach You Jinglu to let them come here, but they are Chen Shao's wives, so they can come here.

"Hello, it's an honor to meet you!" Jin Dongen blushed when he saw Suzy and Xiujing.

Although she is Chen Shao's wife, a shy boy like him would still blush when seeing such a beautiful woman.

After a simple greeting, Chen Shao took them to the rest station, ready to watch the start of the game with Park Mingxiu, Zheng Hengdun and others

"Why is oppa the last one?" Seeing that it was the last one, Xiujing couldn't believe it.

"That's right, didn't you say that there is no problem, so how come it is the last place?" Xiuzhi has never seen this kind of competition, so she doesn't understand.

But Xiujing came here once, so she naturally knew a little bit, and also experienced the pressure when Chen Shao was driving, which made her suffocate.

"Chen Shao did it on purpose!" Haha explained to Xiujing and Xiuzhi.

"On purpose, what do you mean?" Xiuzhi couldn't understand, or did she hear it wrong?

"That is to say, he has absolute confidence in himself. He can overtake from the last place and win the championship!" Haha simply explained.

"Don't worry, although my challenge is very difficult, if I keep the first place to finish the race by myself, it is actually meaningless at all. I like the kind of counterattack. The thrill of counterattacking from the last place is still It feels like when you are overtaking!" Chen Shao's face was relaxed, without the slightest pressure.

"Zaishi oppa is still so good, No.3!" Xiuzhi saw the ranking above, Liu Zaishi was in sixth place, and congratulated with joy.

"Thank you~"

After chatting for a while, Chen Shao asked them to find something to do by themselves, while he went to the car and discussed the problem with the mechanic.

When he was driving, he felt something was wrong there.I will tell them and let them make corrections for themselves.

Generally speaking, his car is still in good condition, but if you don't have to worry about it, you're just in case, so it's better to take it seriously.

After the car was maintained, Chen Shao went in and worked on it, preparing to drive around for a test drive practice.

"Oppa~Come on!" Xiujing and Xiuzhi also came to Chen Shao's car, cheering on the boyfriend who was about to go up.

"Give husband a lucky kiss!" Chen Shao hugged the two beautiful wives.I want them to give me some good luck.

"Boom~boom!" Chen Shao hugged left and right, Xiuzhi and Xiujing kissed Chen Shao's cheeks respectively, and the whole scene was filmed by VJ.

At the same time, they also used their mobile phones and asked Haha to take pictures of them and Chen Shao. The three of them sat in front of the car and took sweet pictures.

Both Xiuzhi and Xiujing.In the first time, I updated these photos to Twitter, ufo, and fanclub.Let your fans see it too.

After Chen Shao got into the car, he followed Zheng Junhe and Liu Zaishi and ran out. This was for practice.Practicing for the next afternoon's game, so now he doesn't need to save his strength anymore.Anyway, the ranking of the preliminaries has already been decided, and there is no need to release water to press the time now.

Therefore, after coming out, Chen Shao followed Zheng Junhe closely. At the first corner, Chen Shao easily entered the corner from the outside. When exiting the corner, Zheng Junhe came out of the corner because he turned inward. When entering the corner, he will definitely go to the outer corner. In this way, the inner side is given to Chen Shao to enter the corner from the outer side, and then when he exits the corner, he can directly insert into the inner side and overtake.

"Wow, it's such a simple overtaking?" Xiuzhi saw such a simple overtaking for the first time. Although she had watched the previous episodes of this show, she saw her boyfriend overtaking so easily now. Obviously, Still not a little surprised.

"For him, if he wants to overtake, there is nothing he can't overtake!" Haha, for Chen Shao's skills, he definitely believes in it.

"The last time I sat, it was really like suffocation, it was completely difficult to breathe!" Xiujing recalled the first time I came here, Chen Shao was driving, and she was sitting in the co-pilot, that feeling, really is particularly memorable.

"Puchi~" Xiuzhi remembered that episode when she heard it, and they all saw it, Xiujing's appearance was really funny.

"What are you laughing at? If it were you, it would be the same!" Xiujing was a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just think my Xiujing is so cute!" Xiuzhi hugged Xiujing and comforted her.

On Chen Shao's side, it was the continued sports car. After quarreling with Zheng Junhe at the first corner, Chen Shao continued to move forward, and soon approached Liu Zaishi.

Liu Zaishi's technique, to be honest, is very powerful. His running time is 1 minute and 35 seconds, and he won No.3. Although No.1 is also 1 minute and 35 seconds, but the third number is different, so the ranking is also the same. just different.

In other words, No.1, No.2, and No.3 are all within 1 minute and 35 seconds, but No.1 leads No.3 by less than one second.

With such achievements, Liu Zaishi is already good enough.

Chen Shao followed closely behind Liu Zaishi. To be honest, he had many chances to overtake, but he just didn't. He wanted to see if there was usually something wrong with the car following behind, or it was a relatively common phenomenon. For one thing, when he ran behind, he would be able to overtake more easily.

"Hey, what's the matter with Chen Shao, why didn't he overtake my car?" Liu Zaishi, who was in front, still had the strength to be surprised.

As for behind Chen Shao, the headlights were turned on, indicating that they were going to overtake.

However, even so, Chen Shao still didn't overtake when turning, which made Liu Zaishi even more surprised.

Although he didn't give up his position, according to his skills, he must be able to overtake, but why didn't he overtake?

It was not until the last half that Chen Shao overtook Liu Zaishi.

However, the strength Chen Shao showed this time caught the attention of all the racers in that race.

Especially last year's champions, now they have all aimed at Chen Shao.

"With his current skills, there is no reason for him to be last. Could it be a problem with the car?" No.1 Xu Haocheng, in his own team, watched Chen Shao's results just now.

Obviously, it was one second faster than the preliminaries time he ran, that is, 1 minute and 34 seconds. With such a result, there is no reason to be the last side.

"Even, he should be able to run faster just now. Just now he has issued many overtaking instructions and had many opportunities, but he gave up in the end. If he had overtaken at the beginning, his speed would have increased at least. Two seconds!"

Many people noticed Chen Shao, but none of them understood what he was thinking.

After Chen Shao finished a lap of practice, he returned to the rest station.

"What's the matter, there were many opportunities to overtake just now?" Liu Zaishi asked strangely after he got down.

"I just want to see more. When the car running in front is going out of the corner, there is something that can prevent me from colliding. If we practice now, there are only the two of us, but when it comes to the race, it is a scuffle. Thirty cars together, in this case, it will not be so easy for me to overtake!"

PS: Ps: I am very excited, thank you very much, the tip from 'Congo' to Yuzu is really big, Yuzu can't stop laughing from ear to ear, but he is a little sorry, Yuzu is too busy these days, so I can't have it Save the spare manuscripts for him to add updates.I'm really sorry, Yuzu stayed up until two o'clock every day during this time, and I can barely take care of the daily update word count of the two books, and I don't have the ability to add more. I'm really sorry for 'Congo'

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