After changing planes in Dallas, I flew for three hours and finally arrived in Belize. After arriving in Belize, I flew to the Caribbean Bay.

On the way to fly over, I saw the difference of the bay, the turquoise and blue sea water, and these beautiful scenery were seen for the first time.

However, when they saw the big blue hole, everyone was even more amazed. This is the big blue hole known as the eye of the earth. It is really beautiful.

"Wow~ I'm really not kidding, it's so beautiful!" Kim Heechul sighed and looked at the scenery below the plane, really crazy.

Not to mention him, even Chen Shao himself is obsessed with it.

It was the first time he had seen this kind of seascape, and it was really beautiful.

After everyone arrived at the small coral reef island in the Caribbean with excitement and anticipation, it meant that their survival preparations were about to begin.

It's just that they have to come by boat, so that they can get to the three small islands they saw just now. As for which small island to go to, that has to wait for them to decide.

"Then I should have gone on a boat just now!" Li Minyu complained to the program crew.

"Brother, it's just starting now, take your time and control it!" Lu Youzhen comforted Li Minyu, and then everyone looked for a place to play together. "Everyone come and see, is that an iguana?".Lu Youzhen greeted everyone in a low voice and asked them to come and have a look.

"Wow~ wow!"

When they came here and saw this thing, Li Minyu and Kim Heechul couldn't stop exclaiming.

"Is this food edible? It's a lot of words." Chen Shao turned around and asked pd.

"According to the locals, these are edible, and, in restaurants, iguana dishes are also available, whether it is soup or barbecue!" pd learned some news from local professionals .

"Hee hee~ That's easy!" Chen Shao dropped the backpack, then walked over slowly, trying to catch the iguana.

According to the iguana, the speed is still very fast, the pd or the local personnel are not optimistic about Chen Shao's ability to catch it.

"Ah~~~" But the method Chen Shao used left everyone dumbfounded.

I saw Chen Shao went to the edge of the grass, suddenly uttered ten high-pitched notes, then reached into the grass and caught the iguana out.

"This... this... so simple?" Kim Heechul couldn't believe what he saw.

"What's the solution?" Liu Tan and the others were dumbfounded.I don't know how Chen Shao did it. "Big fat~" Lu Youzhen and the others could only sigh like this, otherwise they didn't know how to express the shock in their hearts at the moment.

"I'm starting to look forward to it. I can still vividly remember what happened last time!" Jin Bingwan smiled.Not as stressful as before.

After working with Chen Shao last time, he felt much more relaxed.

Chen Shao can survive in the wild better than him. He used to be very tired.Food, shelter, and useful things all need to be figured out by himself.

Although the members also help.But he is definitely the one who contributed the most.

But in the previous recording of the show, Chen Shao put in more effort than him, and this time when I heard that Chen Shao will participate.He is looking forward to working together again.

With Chen Shao here, not to mention anything else, in terms of safety and food, they must be guaranteed.

"I don't understand how you did it!"

"Ah~" Suddenly, Min'er screamed and ran to the side, looking at the iguana in Chen Shao's hand in fear.

It was Chen Shao who suddenly put her in front of her just now, which frightened her.

"Ahaha, what's there to be afraid of? Didn't you see cheetahs, wolves and tigers when you went last time? Besides, you caught a lot of wild game!" Chen Shao wanted to help her overcome difficulties, but, It's as if she wasn't mentally ready.

"That's different. Rabbits and wild pheasants came more for the wild game last time. This is an iguana, which can bite!" Min'er shook her head violently, but she didn't dare to touch this thing.

"Okay, brother, take it!" Chen Shao turned around suddenly, and handed it to Kim Heechul, who jumped aside in fright.

"Ah! Don't bring this thing close to me!" Kim Heechul hid aside in fear, and looked at the iguana in complete fear just like Min'er.

"You are so scared, don't eat it later!" Chen Shao gave the iguana to Jin Bingwan, and asked him to find something to pack the iguana, so that it could be roasted and eaten when he got there. .

"How much meat can this thing have?" Jin Bingwan couldn't tell how much meat this iguana had. It looked big, but it had a big belly, and the others didn't have much meat.

"Go over there and see if you can grab two more, or one won't be enough to fit between your teeth!" Li Minyu was not afraid, he even grabbed it, feeling quite miraculous.

I found a big guy just after I came here, and everyone relaxed and waited for the next survival.

"Oh~ there are coconuts there, I'll go up and pick one!" Kim Heechul saw a coconut tree and wanted to climb up to try it.

"Whew~" But it took less than two seconds to go up, and it was too slippery, so I almost didn't fall off.

"Brother, are you doing this for the show?"Chen Shao sat on the side, smiling and watching Kim Heechul playing tricks there.

"No, it's too slippery, can't you climb it?" Kim Heechul came down a little depressed, wanting to challenge again.

"Don't use so much force, just walk up easily!" At this time, Jin Bingwan who came over was taught by Kim Heechul, who was stunned.

Compared with his effort just now, the patriarch Bingwan walked up with complete balance and easily picked a coconut.

"This~" Jin Heechul looked at Jin Bingwan dumbfounded.

"There is still a lot to learn!" Li Minyu exclaimed.

Min'er went over to pick up the coconut, while Chen Shao took out a knife and stabbed the coconut hard. After making a hole, he picked it up and poured out the coconut juice for Jin Heechul to drink.

"Wow~ wow~ this tastes good!" After Jin Heechul tasted a little, his expression changed immediately.

"Really. It's really delicious~" Li Minyu also tried it again, and it was really delicious.

When Min'er arrived, Chen Shao asked her to open her mouth to try again.

"Oh~ so sweet!" Min'er wiped her mouth and said happily.

"Let's have another one, we don't even have to taste it!" Chen Shao went over to pick one himself, and after poking a hole as before, he gave it to Jin Bingwan, Lu Youzhen, and Liu Tan to taste it.He was the last to drink.

"This coconut is much better than the ones bought in Korea!" Chen Shao threw the two empty coconuts aside.

Afterwards, everyone saw that the time still needed a lot, so they took off their clothes and went to the sea to play.

Chen Shao and Min'er were swimming together, while Jin Bingwan and the others were watching for prey, if so.Now I can grab a little and take it.

"Ah~ cough cough~ it's so salty!" Min'er accidentally drank some sea water after she got down, and she choked to death.

"Who made you so stupid? How can there be a reason why sea water is not salty?!" Chen Shao smiled with his arms around Min'er.

"Then what shall we do when we get there next time? Do we drink sea water?"Min'er was worried about how to solve the problem of drinking water when she got there.

"Don't worry, the program group must have a generator, otherwise, the camera and headset. If there is no electricity, it won't work!" Chen Shao comforted Min'er, these things.The program team must be prepared.

"With a generator, can we have fresh water to drink?".Kim Heechul doesn't understand what this concept is.

"Of course not, but if there is a generator, the program crew will definitely bring a refrigerator!" Chen Shao added again.


"Yes, there is a refrigerator and a generator, so the refrigerator can be used. If you want to drink fresh water, you can freeze the seawater into ice, so that the solubility of the salt will decrease as the temperature drops. When it freezes, the salt It will be separated out, after the seawater is frozen into ice, and after the salt is precipitated, then the ice is dissolved and turned into water, so it will no longer be salty.”

"Of course, the first time it might still taste a little salty, but if it freezes repeatedly several times, it will become drinkable fresh water!" Chen Shao introduced a freezing desalination method for seawater desalination to everyone. Explained.

"Is it really?".Lu Youzhen asked the program crew.

"Well, that's true. Considering that you have to live for several days, it is too troublesome to transport water, and it may not be enough, so for convenience, I brought a refrigerator. It is more convenient to desalinate the water yourself. Moreover, our program All the cameras and lights in the group need electricity, so a generator is necessary, and with a generator, the refrigerator can also be used!"

"But, the seawater has been desalinated, won't you have diarrhea if you drink it?" Li Minyu asked.

"It depends on the individual's physique. Some people will be fine if they drink it, and some people will have diarrhea after drinking it. Of course, as long as the water is boiled, it doesn't matter!" Chen Shao didn't worry about this, anyway In terms of drinking water, the program team will figure it out.

"That's good, there are no problems with other things, but you must drink water!" Lu Youzhen has experience, so he knows it very well.

"Don't worry, in terms of water sources, our program team will take care of it!"

Everyone chatted and swam at the same time. After a few hours, when the wear came, they started to set off to their destination.

This time, Chen Shao asked the program team to rent a bigger boat, not just a sailboat, this one was too small, so he asked them to rent a yacht.

After all, it is too dangerous in the Caribbean Sea, and there are things that may happen. It is not safe enough for sailing, so a yacht is better.

"Wow, is this a yacht?".Everyone got on the yacht and set off excitedly, but Chen Shao would not just set off so boringly, he planned to play around.

"Chen Shao, what are you doing?" Everyone was very surprised to see that Chen Shao had changed into his swimsuit.

"Surf, can you?".Chen Shao looked at everyone with a smile, he seldom surfed, how could he waste the opportunity now.

"Is it okay, how to play?" Jin Bingwan became interested.

"I just asked the program team to rent equipment and a jet ski. Everyone can play with it. It's the last entertainment before we survive!" After Chen Shao put on his swimsuit, Then take out your backpack.

"Okay, I'll go change!" Jin Bingwan changed without hesitation.

But Chen Shao took out several bags of the backpack, and took out all the various parts inside.

Everyone didn't know what these were at first, but after 1 minute, they knew.

"Oh my God, gun?" Li Minyu and others looked at a silver-white pistol assembled by Chen Shao, and the shock in their hearts was indescribable.

"Hehe, as I said, I have encountered sharks in the sea before. In order not to be as dangerous as before, I always bring this thing with me when I go out to sea, otherwise it will be very troublesome!" Chen Shao signaled VJ not to record this part. , and recorded, can not be played out.

"How did this thing pass the security check, and, are these the parts in your bag?".Kim Heechul couldn't figure it out, they couldn't recognize the parts they saw just now, they were pistol parts.

"It's just some. Some, I used other methods to hide them. I'm a magician, so I naturally have a way!" Chen Shao didn't explain too much.

Even if these are all friends, it is inevitable that someone will leak their words, which needs to be cautious.

Afterwards, he conjured up some bullets, and after filling a magazine, he fastened the gun to prevent it from falling off, and then went into the sea, preparing for his own surfing entertainment.

ps: ps: I will reply and update in a few days, please give me a reward, Zizi’s eyes are ready~~

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