"Wow, wow ~ delicious!"

"Wow~ This taste is really good!"

After Kim Heechul's Trouble Crab Soup was boiled, everyone was in a hurry, and they ate their food with no regard for their image.

"Wow, it's really~ This is definitely the best food in my life, except for the one made by Chen Shao!" After eating a crab leg, Jin Xichul couldn't help but sigh.

"It's amazing that I can still have this kind of delicious food when I cook it myself!" Li Minyu also enjoyed eating it. This kind of real game is rare in Korea.

Although there are some in Busan, most of them are not as delicious as the ones here. The sea water is different, so the taste is naturally different.

The most important thing is that this is crab in the woods, so the taste is natural, not to mention.

"This is really the best kind of crab I've ever eaten!" Chen Shao also eats a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas, but among all the crabs he ate, this kind of crab is really more delicious and unique.

"Oppa, eat this!" Min'er peeled off a crab leg, and put it near Chen Shao's mouth, letting him eat some more, while he was still leaning on the iguana.

"Wow~ Apart from other things, I only have this kind of food to eat. To be honest, this kind of wild life is not bad, even better than what I ate in Korea!" Xi Chul ate incoherently, this is It's definitely the best meal he's had in the past two years.Even after being discharged from the army, he went to the restaurant of Chen Shao's family to eat, but it was not as good as this.

"Yes, although it is said that this kind of food is not eaten for the relaxation of the show, but for survival, but no matter what it is for, I am really satisfied if I can eat this food!" Li Minyu couldn't stop at all.

Soon, after eating the spicy crab soup made by Kim Heechul, everyone tried the soup, and it was also very good.Totally delicious.

Later, after Jin Bingwan's coconut crab soup, it has a different taste, sweet, even the crab meat has a sweet taste.

This made everyone want to die even more.

"To be honest, Xichul's spicy crab soup is better!" After Liu Tan finished eating, he honestly chose the one he thought was the best.

"Well, I also have the same feeling. It's not based on the brother in the same company, nor the relationship with the seniors. It's really judged according to the taste. The spicy crab soup is really better!" Min'er gnawed A crab leg, and put it in Chen Shao's mouth, asking him to eat some too.

"No, I think coconut juice is better~" Chen Shao thinks that coconut juice is better.

You can't blame him for this. Everyone has different tastes, so naturally they have different preferences, right?After eating two different pots of crab soup, everyone smelled a fragrant smell and asked, following the smell.What a grilled oily iguana.

"Young master~ is it alright?" Xiche swallowed somewhat uncontrollably.

"It's almost there!" Chen Shao picked up the barbecue net, opened it, and cut off the legs with scissors.But I will sing it for Kim Heechul.

"Bajibaji~" Heechul suddenly showed an ugly expression after taking a bite.

"How?" Lu Youzhen asked expectantly.

"Hmm~" Xiche was a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to describe this iguana.

"What's the matter, you tell me!" Li Minyu couldn't help asking again.

"Not so good~" Finally.Heechul gave such an answer, which is an answer that no one wants to hear.

"Really, is it really not delicious?" Min'er didn't believe it.Let Chen Shao also cut one for her.

"It's really not that good, you guys better not eat it!" Xiche said, but the iguana leg in his hand was taken care of by him three or two times, and then he did it himself and pulled it off. One down.

"Ah~" Seeing his actions like this, how could Jin Bingwan and the others know that this guy did it on purpose.

It's not delicious, but it's not to make everyone stop eating, he can eat more by himself.

"Hehe~ It's really not tasty, you don't want to eat it, I'll help you eat it!" Kim Heechul said with a sinister smile, this way made everyone laugh.

"Wow~ It's delicious, it tastes like chicken, and it's still strong!" Min'er couldn't help but comment after eating it.

"Really, it really tastes like chicken!" Everyone hurriedly pulled a piece for themselves to eat.

On the contrary, Chen Shao is not in a hurry, he will eat it for everyone first, and he will eat the rest, forget it if there is nothing left, isn't there still grilled fish, and it can be slaughtered and grilled tomorrow.

"oppa~" In the end, my daughter-in-law felt sorry for me more, knowing that he didn't eat anything, she gave him a piece of meat.

"Well, when it comes to the taste of meat, Min'er doesn't know how to care about me and make me feel good!" Chen Shao didn't care about the taste of iguana, but felt that Min'er could still give himself at this time. It really satisfies him.

"Boss, let's roast like this tomorrow, less!" Li Minyu and everyone, after finishing the two grilled iguanas, still had some unfinished business.

"Okay, but you have to eat less of this fish. I haven't eaten much yet, and Miner hasn't eaten much either!" Chen Shao also gave some fish that Jin Bingwan caught back to him when he was relying on the iguana. Bake it, and now it's all good too.

"Don't worry, if it's delicious, I'll eat more!" Kim Heechul didn't care, and stretched out his hand to eat some.

In this way, after everyone noisyly wiped out all the good things one by one, they sat down and chatted together, telling the truth about coming here.

It wasn't until after 12 o'clock in the morning that everyone played the board, fixed the camera, and then went to rest.

"Oppa~ how do we sleep?" Min'er looked at this place, it was completely different from last time.

"Put on your coat and sleep, there must be a lot of mosquitoes tonight!" Chen Shao originally planned to take out the mosquito net, because before he came, he knew that there were a lot of mosquitoes here, so he prepared a mosquito net.

However, the wind here is so strong, even if it is used, it will be useless if it is blown by the wind.

If this is the case, don't use it, just put on clothes and sleep.

Because it was too simple, everyone just put on their raincoats, and after three days, they found a place to lie down and sleep.

Chen Shao and Min Ah slept on one side, Lee Min Woo and Kim Hee Chul were together, and then Kim Byung Man, Lu Woo Jin, and Yoo Tan were together.

They're all a little bit apart, if squeezed together.If the human breath is too strong, it will attract more mosquitoes.

Even so, there is not much you can do. When there is sea breeze, at least you can sleep for a while, but everyone just fell asleep for half an hour. After the sea breeze stopped, the mosquitoes came out. That's it, everyone couldn't sleep. Got it.Take care of mosquitoes.

Even if you are sleeping, you can still squint in a daze, but your body is still subconsciously driving away mosquitoes.

Only Chen Shao and Min'er seemed to be fine, Min'er curled up in Chen Shao's arms, and fell asleep very peacefully, and Chen Shao was also fine, still sleeping soundly.

Because of the bug in the silkworm clothes, these mosquitoes couldn't bite them at all.

They even covered their heads in all directions.Only the eyes and nose are left out, and even the mouth is covered.

In this case, they will not be stung by mosquitoes at all.

Just like that, someone was sleeping to death.Some people fell asleep in a daze, and some almost didn't sleep all night.

For example, Kim Byung-man and Kim Hee-chul started recording after twelve o'clock until the staff got up.None of them slept.

"Why did you get up so early?" The production team saw Kim Byung-man and Kim Hee-chul getting up when they came over, the former was sitting and scratching his feet.The latter is walking around.

"Ah~ I'm going crazy!" After Jin Bingwan was asked, his face was full of melancholy and pain.

All night, I was harassed by mosquitoes.

"These mosquitoes, even if they were wearing raincoats, all got in and bitten. I couldn't sleep all night!" Jin Bingwan explained while rubbing the anti-itch ointment.

"The mosquito net that Chen Shao took out last night was useless because of the sea breeze, so it was useless at all!" Liu Tan also corrected extremely.

As time passed, at around six o'clock in the morning, everyone woke up except for Chen Shao and Min'er.

As for yesterday's victim, Li Minyu, his face was swollen, and he was well protected, not as serious as everyone else.

As for Kim Heechul, because of the problem of staying up all night, there is no major problem on his face, but on his body, he was still stung a lot.

The most serious one is Lu Youjin, he is almost the same as Lee Minwoo from yesterday.

"Why did these two people sleep so soundly? Didn't mosquitos bite them?".Li Minyu got up and got dressed, but he still didn't see Chen Shao and Min'er getting up.

"I don't know. They didn't even move. If I couldn't hear their breathing, I would suspect that they really fell asleep!" Kim Heechul didn't even have time to sleep now. Well, naturally I have to complain.

"If they can sleep, let them sleep for a while. We didn't sleep all night last night. When we have to work or hunt later, there will definitely be physical problems. At that time, we can only let them work harder. !" Jin Bingwan didn't wake up Chen Shao and Min'er.

In his opinion, as long as Chen Shao and Min'er can sleep, then let them fall asleep, and when they wake up, if they have no physical problems, then those who stay up all night can also relieve a lot of pressure.

"What about the director, don't they live in a place where there are no mosquitoes? A lot of words." Kim Heechul looked at it, and the production team didn't seem to care about these mosquitoes.

The most important thing is that they have insect-proof clothing. If they wear this, they can resist the harassment of mosquitoes.

"Over there~" VJ told Heechul and the others.

Then I went over and saw that the pd and others were not much better, especially the main pd, his face was swollen, and his upper eyelid was bitten.

"There are so many mosquitoes, really, I can't sleep well at night!"

Seeing that the pd was also recruited, the members laughed happily.

At least they have found a balance. It's not that the program group is much better than them, but just like them, they were all harassed by mosquitoes all night.

"Indeed, I've never had this kind of problem before, even when I went to Nepal and secretly photographed Bengal tigers at night, there were no problems, but here there are so many!" Jin Bingwan scratched his arm, feeling extremely distressed.

"This is really not a face that can be broadcast on the show!" Kim Heechul looked at Lu Youzhen's face with some horror, and sympathized for him.

"Haha, yes, this is indeed not a face that can be broadcast!" Everyone agreed.

"I heard that you are going to get married in October, won't the future bride hesitate when she sees your face?".Jin Bingwan remembered that Lu Youzhen seemed to be getting married in October of this year.

"Seeing such a face, my sister-in-law must cry!" Xi Chul laughed.

"What else to say, let's record a video for the bride-to-be!" Li Minyu said.

Although everyone is joking now, the mood is not bad, but this is only temporary;

If the mosquito problem can't be solved, if it's still the same tonight, then they didn't continue.

Even if there is no food, as long as you can sleep, at least you can go hunting.

However, if you can't even sleep well now, if you are so weak, you will easily have an accident.

"Everyone, this time, it seems really serious, but please give me some time, I will figure out a countermeasure within today!" pd also knew at this time, it can't go on like this, otherwise something will happen.

"But no matter what, today's survival must continue, and we will find other places as soon as possible to change our living place!"


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