Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 1482 Mayan Jungle

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"Roar~" The cougar lying on the ground felt Chen Shao's approach, and let out a low growl weakly, but there was no movement to resist.

It's not that it doesn't want to, but that it doesn't have the strength to resist anymore.

"The injury is too serious!" Chen Shao looked at the puma's body, there were wounds of varying degrees, the back was bitten in several places, and blood was continuously flowing.

Moreover, some of them lost a piece of meat. Such a tragic situation made it want to resist, but there was no way to do it.

"Oh my god, are all beasts fighting like this?" After Xiche and the others came over, they were quite frightened when they saw the puma like this.

"Don't talk about it, I'll treat it temporarily to see if I can save it!" Chen Shaocong took off his clothes, and then went to find some herbs nearby to stop the bleeding of the puma.

There are a lot of herbs in this jungle. These are what the local hunters told them. Chen Shao listened to what they said just now and remembered a lot.

He picked a lot of hemostatic herbs, crushed them, and put them on the puma's body. Of course, it was impossible.

These are just for him to cover up.He quietly injected energy into the puma, and slightly repaired the injured parts of the puma.

He didn't need it to heal right away, as long as it lasted a little longer and gave himself enough time to find a way to heal, then it would be fine.

"Woo~" The cougar might have sensed the strangeness in his body, and moaned comfortably.

However, to Kim Heechul and VJ's ears, it sounded like a wail before death.

And Chen Shao didn't get distracted, the puma was hurt too badly now.If you want to heal it all at once and make it alive and kicking, this will definitely be suspected.

So, he doesn't need to treat it right away, as long as it gets better.

"Ow~" After the cougar felt a little better.He raised his head and howled at Chen Shao, as if to express his gratitude.

"Hehe, if you don't mind, I'll carry you back, and I'll find a way to heal you later!" Chen Shao didn't care if it understood or not.Anyway, try talking to it first.

On the contrary, the cougar has the reputation of "friend of mankind", which is enough to show that it has no objection to human beings, as long as it does not touch it.Or if you don't provoke it, it is impossible to attack humans. "Woo~" The puma didn't know what he was thinking, but he just lowered his head and lay down without any resistance.

"Boss, can it understand?" Xiche looked at such a docile puma miraculously.

"I don't know, anyway, I will try my best to express my kindness so that it can trust me, otherwise. I have no way to treat it, and put it here. Something will definitely happen, what I have to do now, Just carry it back to our campsite, tonight I will treat it for one night, it should make it better!" Chen Shao has nothing to cover up now.

Only back at the campsite did he have a backpack.You can use this cover to find good things from the space ring to treat it.

"Carry it back?" Heechul was surprised at first.But thinking that two days ago, he was still swimming in the sea dragging a ton of shark meat.Also relieved.

"Well, carry it back, I was lucky enough to meet a cougar tonight, which also allowed me to achieve the purpose of my visit this time, which shows that my decision is not wrong, which makes me even more impatient to adopt a cougar It's gone!" Needless to say, the excitement in Chen Shao's heart.

Unexpectedly, on the first night in the jungle, I met my goal here, which is really lucky.

The body length of this puma is about 9 meters, the shoulder height is about 1 meters, and the weight is about [-] kilograms to [-] kilogram.

In the end, Chen Shao carried the seriously injured puma and walked back the same way. However, on the back of Chen Shao's leaving, there was a pair of fluorescent eyes staring in their direction.

And Chen Shao also felt it, but when he opened his eyes, he couldn't see it, and he didn't know what it was. In short, it was a very dangerous thing.

If you can't see it, don't read it. If you come to trouble him, he doesn't mind solving it.

It took half an hour before Chen Shao came back with everyone.

"Big Fat~" When everyone saw what Chen Shao was carrying, they were immediately frightened, and even hid far away, not daring to approach it.

"Chen...Chen...Chen Shao, you, you, pay attention~" Li Minyu hid behind Jin Bingwan with a look of fear.

"Wait a minute, you, you, you, move it away!" Liu Tan also said in fear.

When Chen Shao came back, they saw that Chen Shao came back carrying a live prey, which scared them a lot.

On the contrary, it was Min'er who stepped forward indifferently, wanting to see what it was.

"Oppa, is this a lion?" Min'er came over, squatted on the ground, and looked at the lying cougar.

"Well, I just went to watch the fight between the jaguar and the cougar, and then..." After Chen Shao explained, everyone came over cautiously.

"Is it really hurt?" Lu Youzhen grabbed Liu Tan's arm nervously, his body trembling.

"Well, I was bitten by a jaguar, but I don't understand why the cougar is so easily bitten by a jaguar. If these two animals really meet, they usually fight for a short time. Yes, it’s all a few seconds, or ten or so seconds, and they never fight for a long time, because they are not weak!" Chen Shao still can’t figure out why this is.

"Is this a male lion or a female lion?" Jin Bingwan was no longer afraid at this time, and he was no longer afraid when he learned that Chen Shao carried it back for treatment.

"I don't know yet, let me have a look!" As he spoke, Chen Shao stepped back and separated the two puma legs, wanting to see if it was a male or a female.

"Ahaha~ What are you doing!?" Kim Heechul and the others were amused when they saw it. This is so outrageous. Is there anyone who can recognize it like this?

"oppa~" Min'er also glared at him coquettishly, why is this person not serious at this time?

"What's the matter, isn't it like this?" Chen Shao didn't understand, cats are always distinguished like this.Cougars are cats, so naturally they are.

"Haha~" Seeing Chen Shao's ignorance, everyone laughed out loud.

In the end, the local hunter came up to explain and told them that it was a lioness.Moreover, it was not long after giving birth.

"It's no wonder. I said why it is so weak. It turned out to be a lioness, and she just gave birth to a cub!" Chen Shao finally got the final answer, which is easy to explain.Why was he beaten like this by that big jaguar just now?

"Tomorrow, I'm going to find those cubs and see if I can adopt them!" Chen Shao really wanted to laugh, even if he didn't sleep all night tonight, he would treat this puma well.Then follow it every day and find those little lions.

"You don't really intend to adopt, do you?" Heechul asked again.

"Well, I never make such jokes, and you also saw that night, Xiao Zi wants to tame a lion cub, if she doesn't bring it back, there will probably be troubles!" Chen Shao is such a rich man.A daughter is not meant to be raised. As a father, he naturally wants to satisfy her.

Moreover.It is impossible for him to just let them die, moreover, he has to breed different cougars, and he will be able to breed more beasts for himself in the future.

This can also be regarded as a disguised form of preserving animals that are about to become extinct in the world, and everyone does not know how to cultivate them.But he is different, he is capable.For this aspect, there is the old Hades guy.The collected information on domesticating wild animals makes it even more convenient.

After fighting the puma back, Chen Shao took out a thousand-year-old ginseng from the space ring, used it to make soup for it to drink, let it replenish, and then used it to input energy to stimulate the thousand-year-old ginseng all the medicinal effects.

You know, this is a whole thousand-year-old ginseng. If it is too nourishing, I don’t know if it can bear it, so this has to be done slowly.

At night, everyone went to bed, while Chen Shao kept vigil while treating the puma's injuries.

While healing the cougar with mana, Chen Shao thought: "I don't know if I treat it like this, will it open up its intelligence like glaze? It's a big deal!"

"You don't need to know if mind reading is useful?" Chen Shao threw a few mind reading skills at the cougar, but he heard a voice.

"Oh~ so* cool!"

"This?" Chen Shao hurriedly stopped healing it, and then smashed the mind reading technique again, wanting to try it, can it really read its thoughts?

"Hey~ why is it gone?"

Now Chen Shao's eyes are even more wide-eyed, this peat is about to have a big accident, it really opened up its wisdom, and it can speak.

"What are we going to do now? Kill him?" Chen Shao didn't know what to do. If wild animals can speak human words, if it spreads out in the future, they must be monsters. Isn't this a disaster for the world?

"No, it's a pity, try again!" Chen Shao still didn't give up, tried again, but it was verified, this cougar is really enlightened.

"Hey, can you talk?" Chen Shao patted the jaguar on the head, and the latter looked at him suspiciously, then shook his head.

"Yeah~ you can listen to me?" Chen Shao was surprised again, while the cougar nodded, expressing that he understood.

"Then you can't talk, really can't talk?" Chen Shao still felt that this matter was difficult to deal with. What is this? Is the beast taming manual of the old Hades useful? Why is it completely different?

"Can I talk?" The cougar shook his head, and Chen Shao could hear all the thoughts in his mind with his mind reading.

"Huh~" If that's the case, then it's easy to handle.

Although it is spiritually enlightened, it would be much better if he could not speak.

In fact, he also figured it out from here, and he can speak when he has a spiritual intelligence. The glaze can speak, that's because the parrot itself has the ability to speak.

He opened up his intelligence, just to make it smarter and learn more.

But the cougar can't, even if it is enlightened, it can only understand what Chen Shao said, and Chen Shao can detect its thoughts with mind reading skills.

Not that it actually talks.

The whole night, Chen Shao tried to communicate with the cougar, from which he learned that after he had used ginseng for thousands of years, he used his magic power to stimulate the effect of the medicine, so that it became psychic.

Moreover, its injuries have all healed, and now it can return to its previous appearance.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the people from the program group woke up, said a few words to Chen Shao, and after learning that he hadn't slept all night, let him go in to have a rest.

However, he couldn't sleep.

Because he had communicated with the puma just now, it said that it could not understand what pd said just now, and did not know what he said, but it could understand what he said.

"What's the situation, what are the meanings, why is Mao and glaze different?" Chen Shao didn't understand now.

The current situation of the puma is like this, it has its own thoughts, it can understand what Chen Shao said, but it can't understand the words of people other than him.

No matter how you look at it, it is different from Youzi. Youzi can talk to people, no matter who it is, they can understand it.

How these two different types of animals develop different intelligences is completely clueless.

"You said you planned to go back and find your children?"

ps: ps: Hey~ I feel like I’m going to finish the book, I’m in various moods~

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