() "Hu~hu! Finally won, almost lost" Chen Shao gasped heavily, lying on the ground, he is very tired now, terribly tired.

In the duel with the combination of Nadal and Federer, he only won a little bit. If it weren't for his amazing physical strength, he would have lost it long ago, and the two of them were also because they couldn't keep up with Chen Shao in physical strength. He was dragged to death by Chen Shao.

But now the audience is silent, because the match just now is still vivid in their minds, they watched the whole process, in this match, Chen Shao let them know what is tennis, what is offensive tennis, what is skill Tennis, what is Prince of Tennis, all of this was presented in the match just now.

"The young master finally won, how long has it been fighting?" a Sky who was present said blankly.

"It seems that the call started at ten o'clock today, and it is now six o'clock in the afternoon. What kind of concept is this?" Another Sky also looked at the time and said in shock.

"Eight hours, my God, the final doubles match lasted at least six hours, who are these people?" Liu Zaishi swallowed hard and said.

"Besides, it's still a battle of wheels. Xiao Shao hasn't rested yet, so he's been playing for a long time?" Chen Ning also looked at his younger brother lying on the court with his right hand raised high. He was so proud to have such a younger brother.

"Unexpectedly, under such a fierce attack by Chen Shao, Federer and Nadal relied on tacit cooperation to drag Chen Shao to the present. This tennis match will definitely become the pinnacle battle in the tennis world. Absolutely no one can repeat it. "Copied out" Jin Zhongguo said, "The most shocking thing is that Chen Shao is best at playing tennis with his left hand. In this way, wouldn't the right hand in the front let the water go?"

In the ball game just now, I was definitely watching their enthusiasm. Chen Shao's skills were used one after another, but it was useless, because they were all broken by the combination of Nadal and Federer, and every move was broken. Lose;

In the end, when there was no other way, Chen Shao made a move that shocked everyone, and saw that the racket held in his right hand was handed over to his left hand. Seeing this, everyone was shocked again;

They had never heard that Chen Shao played tennis with his left hand, and this was the first time they saw it today; this was also the opponent that Sika said before that he felt something was wrong, and it was also the place where Chen Ning said that Chen Shao's imitation was crazy enough.

Only when he switched to his left hand, Chen Shao could display 100% of his combat power, and this finally prevented the two from cooperating. He successfully defeated the two superstars by relying on the cooperation of the two swordsmanship and other skills.

Because two people are fighting Chen Shao alone, the personal defense area will be reduced, so even though Chen Shao's skills are amazing, it is really too difficult to break the defense of these two people.

As for the moves in "The Prince of Tennis", as long as they are not too exaggerated, Chen Shao can use them all, but the effect is not very satisfactory. The people completely suppressed Chen Shao, and beat Chen Shao into a mess. .

In the end, he could only switch to his left hand, using 100% of his combat power.

Also, Chen Shao also thought of it, they are two people, it must be easy to defend and attack, but he has only one person, they will have the closest person to defend when they hit that area, but he can't do this , so he was suppressed very badly at the beginning.

In this game, they had to go back and forth dozens of times for each ball, and finally they caught that little mistake and scored. Their strength is too strong, and their confrontation ability is too high. People watching from the sidelines feel sorry for sitting and watching. Three people working hard on the court.

When it was 1-1 on the field, everyone stood up in order to be in awe of the three players on the field. You know, they played for an hour just for this [-]-on-[-] match. As you can imagine How high is the intensity of this game.

"We played for seven hours, and this game is long enough. I didn't expect that the final tie-break almost broke the record. In tennis, the record in 1966 was 59 to 59, while Chen Shao and Nadal The combination of Federer and Federer did not win until they played 97-95. This tug-of-war has been going on for too long. I really didn’t expect them to have such amazing physical strength, and they could fight for so long.” Kim Jong-kook said, and he only found out after checking the records. Otherwise, I don't know that the tie-break will be such a rule.

"Looking at the front, I thought Chen Shao would lose to them, but I never thought that he would hide such a trick in the end. He is actually best at his left hand, which is too strong," Jin Jidong said. It's so enjoyable, so cool.

"Okay, let's go up and help. The three of them are still lying on the court. After playing for almost a day, they must not even have the strength to stand up now." Liu Zaishi interrupted their exclamation. Go up and help.

That's right, on the court, not only Chen Shao was lying there tiredly, Nadal and Federer also didn't go there, they were all lying on the ground without image, eyes closed, breathing greedily, because they were too tired at the moment. Tired, they have never played such a long game, you must know that they have been flying for a day, and before they have time, they come directly to play with Chen Shao for another day.

Even the Iron Man couldn't stop being tired. They could persist until the end of the game, which was entirely supported by the burning belief that they could have a real match with Chen Shao, otherwise they would have fallen down long ago.

But now, they are satisfied and have no regrets, no regrets at all. Although they lost the game, they didn't lose much. This proves that the two of them can at least make this heaven-defying guy pay such a high price to deal with them.

Don't say it's because they beat one of them. You have to know who Chen Shao is. He is the only transcendent existence that can evolve from that kind of technology. Everyone has seen the direct one-on-one matches, and they lost without any suspense.

Chen Shao stood up, walked to Federer and Nadal and said, "Hey, guys, it's over, come to me tonight, let me, the landlord, treat you well." After the match, of course we must treat them well.

"Dude, I have to say that you are really good. We have never played such a smooth game. It's so cool." With the help of Chen Shao, Nadal stood up with difficulty, and Liu Zaishi just felt it and helped to support him. he.

"Heh, if it wasn't for my stamina in the end, I really wouldn't be able to stand up to your offensive. I was in a mess before you toss me." Chen Shao was telling the truth. If it wasn't for her super physical strength and endurance in the end, It is impossible to hit 90 or more in the tie-break

"Dude, good stamina is also a kind of strength. You can't be humble," Federer said, and then continued, "I'm so tired. I heard that guy from Kobe said you can cook Chinese food. Do you have the honor to try it tonight?" Pointing to Kobe on the side Said.

"Of course, Kobe has been coveting this for a long time, but I have known them for so long, and he hasn't really eaten it a few times." Kobe also watched their games off the court. He didn't know anything about tennis, but I've seen it a bit, but today's match, even those who don't understand it, knows it's very exciting. No, it can be said that it's the first match in history. It's so strong that he was excited to watch it off the court.

"The relationship is good. The game is over. Although losing is a bit of a blow, but if you can eat the Chinese food you cooked in rebirth, then you have nothing," Nadal said happily.

"Then let's go, settle down at my place first." Chen Shao led the crowd and left the stadium, then found his own car, got in and went back.

And the people who watched the game also left one after another, rushing back to discuss the game with everyone online.

Those artists also followed Chen Shao. Today they can be regarded as seeing Chen Shao's super ability.

This game, as early as when Federer, Nadal and Kobe Bryant appeared in South Korea, it has been spread all over the world.

Especially in the tennis world, many people are looking forward to the result of this news, but it is impossible for them today, after all, the video did not come out so fast, although they can know who won, but this is not the point, the point is to watch that game Contest.

And the three major TV stations were also quick. After returning home, they immediately uploaded the recorded video and uploaded the whole process. There was no editing at all, except for the warm-up segment with Kobe.

Those who didn't come to the scene to watch the game were really scared when they knew that the final game took eight hours. Was the tug-of-war so long that it took eight hours to decide the winner?

The Internet is full of discussions about this pinnacle battle, and we Chen Shao are resting at home. Now he has no intention to pay more attention to this aspect. He cooked a big meal for the two great gods and sent them to When they arrived at the hotel near the airport, they booked their plane tickets, because Kobe was going back in a hurry, so they booked a flight back tomorrow afternoon.

"Oppa, Director Chen He said that we can wait two days before joining the crew." Yuner held the phone and said to Chen Shao who was lying on the bed;

Today, because of the football game, I missed the time to join the crew, and the director of "Brilliant Legacy" also gave Chen Shao two days to recuperate, and was not in a hurry to let Chen Shao return to the crew immediately.

He did this simply because Chen Shao is the screenwriter, so he has to save face. Another thing is, he also really wants to watch this day-long tennis match. It will start playing tonight, and he has to hurry up to watch it. See if it is really as shocking as it says on the Internet.

"That's it, I want to have a good rest, Yun'er, hurry up and take a shower, I'm so tired" Chen Shao didn't want to move now.

He played for ** hours in a row. He was too tired. He even played with Kobe before and played two heads-up matches. Then he started the eight-hour 2vs1 match. He could bear the intensity. No, now I have to use my strength to warm and nourish my whole body muscles.

"Oh, then you rest first, I will sleep after taking a shower"


The next day, Chen Shao didn't wake up until one o'clock in the afternoon. After seeing that the time was almost up, he went to send Kobe and the three of them to the plane.

"rebirth, come back to Los Angeles when you are free"

"Don't worry, I will go back when I have time, my base camp is still over there."

"That's it, let's go"

Seeing the three of Kobe getting on the plane, Chen Shao turned around and left the airport, and the scene of him seeing off people at the airport was also seen by everyone. The photo of him sending the three of Kobe away was posted on the Internet, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

There is no way, they are still discussing the game yesterday, and they are shocked by that game. The duel inside is too tough, and they can't gain the upper hand even if they use all kinds of skills. imagine.

But the good news is that in the end, Chen Shao narrowly won, it was too risky to win.

And the video of this game was also quickly distributed to various countries. After watching this video, some tennis players were even more shocked.

The name Chen Shao has formed a super-powerful influence in the tennis world. Anyone who is in the tennis world has to admire him. He single-handedly overthrew two superstars. This achievement is enough to make the entire tennis world proud. No one has ever been so domineering, but Chen Shao did it.

Another thing that deserves everyone's attention is Federer. The few "snake balls" he played in the game have been noticed by many of his opponents, and they are all looking for ways to crack them. You must know that this is very lethal. Yes, doubles is okay, but if it is singles, it is difficult.

"Brother-in-law, you are really good. I also went to watch yesterday's match. As expected, my brother-in-law is the strongest." After seeing Chen Shao come in, Little Crystal ran over happily and jumped on top of him. With Chen Shao in between, seeing this kind of action, you know that you have done it a lot, otherwise it wouldn't be so natural

"You girl, don't you know what to pay attention to? What if it gets out?" Chen Shao really couldn't do much about this lawless sister-in-law, but after remembering what Jung Soo-yeon asked him to do, he felt even worse. Helpless.

"What are you afraid of? I'm in the company now. Who doesn't know that I'm very close to you. Besides, you kissed your sister on stage. If it gets out, it's a big deal to admit it. My brother-in-law will definitely be able to settle these things. "Little Crystal said innocently, in her eyes, her brother-in-law is the most powerful, and nothing can stop him

"You really think that your brother-in-law and I are omnipotent?" Chen Shao said helplessly to Zheng Xiujing

"Isn't it?" Zheng Xiujing stared at Chen Shao with those big eyes blinking.

The latter is a burst of discouragement....(To be continued.)

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