Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 381 I really admire

This girl Pu Zhiyan didn't know what kind of madness she had today, she came here early in the morning, tossing Chen Shao there, she wanted to go back to sleep, but now that she made such a fuss, she lost all sleepiness.

In the end, Chen Shao had no choice but to get up and act as a cook for them.

"Shao, come here quickly, someone is looking for you." Chen Shao, who was busy cooking in the kitchen, heard Li Juli's words, and Chen Shao put down his work.

"Who? Why are you looking for me at this time?" Chen Shao asked.

"Zai Fan called. It seems to be asking if you are free today. If you are free, go and find him." Li Juli handed the phone to Chen Shao, then took the spoon from his hand, and then Chen Shao actively helped make breakfast

Chen Shao took the phone and walked to the side, and chatted with Park Jay Fan: "Dude, when did you come back, why didn't I see you and let me know?"

"Boss, I just came back the day before yesterday. I wanted to tell you, but I heard that you are filming recently, so forget it." Park Jae-bum said. After returning to San Francisco this month, he found his brothers and friends to learn to create What.

"Well, how about it, have you figured out when you will debut?" Chen Shao asked straight to the point;

"Are you free today? Let's wait until you come over. I can't tell on the phone. Kun is also back, but this guy is going on a date with Song Qian. He is really a guy without loyalty." Park Jae-fan said;

"Hehe, Kun came back a few days ago. I guess he missed Song Qian. He came back from Thailand because he couldn't wait." Chen Shao also said with a smile. He went out to play with Ni Kun the night before yesterday. After that, of course I know this guy.

"He's really a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends, don't bother with him, young master, do you have time later?" Jay Park gave up on Nichkhun and chatted directly with Chen Shao.

"Well, I'm free in the afternoon, and I have an invitation in the morning to take a look. I have time in the afternoon, how about it?" Chen Shao thought for a while and said, Li Zhuyan had to go there, after all, he was also his friend Add fans, definitely go

"That's fine, let's talk in the afternoon, and this guy Kun will probably come back," Zaifan replied readily.

"That's ok, that's it, see you in your practice room at one o'clock in the afternoon," Chen Shao said

"Okay, that's it"

After Chen Shao and Jay Park hung up the phone.He went back to the kitchen and continued to make breakfast, but when he came in, he saw that Li Juli had already prepared breakfast.

"Ma'am, is it ready so soon? We just talked on the phone." Chen Shao asked strangely, it seemed that the soup would take half an hour anyway.

"Come on, let's see how long you've been chatting, if you can't do it, you'll have to get over it later," Li Juli said

Chen Shao looked at the phone.I found out that I just chatted with Park Jay Bum for a few words, and half an hour has passed, and this time is too fast

"Okay, take it out. I'll fry a few poached eggs first, otherwise Zhiyan won't be full," Chen Shao said.

Li Juli nodded, took out the soup and asked Chen Shao to make it himself.Anyway, these are simple things, and he can do them in a few minutes.

After having breakfast with Sung Yuri, Lee Juri and Park Jiyan.Chen Shao drove the car to the location where afterschool's autograph session was held.

Because of Tara's signing event yesterday, Chen Shao's high-profile appearance aroused the laughter of many netizens and fans, especially "there was a loud noise in the sky, and the young master appeared on the stage", "Is the beauty alone, so coincidentally, I am also one." What about people?" These words were immediately used by netizens, and instantly became popular expressions on the Internet.

There was also the conversation with Park Ji-yeon, after some fans recorded it and uploaded it, everyone burst into laughter after seeing it. I really didn't expect that the two of them could be so funny

These have aroused heated discussions among fans, and many people are still talking about this matter until this morning, and this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is Chen Shao's bright silver hairstyle. After seeing it, many boys imitated it in hair salons, but after searching so many barber shops, they couldn't find this hairstyle, even if it was hair color. Both are hard to find.

There are white ones, but there are no bright silver ones. This is so rare that many people left messages on Chen Shao’s nest asking where Chen Shao’s hairstyle was designed.

In the end, Chen Shao said that it was his own design, and this was the only way to stop the imitation that everyone was looking for frantically.

This also proves that Chen Shao is the title of a topic maker, and almost every time he appears in a place, it will cause a huge sensation and discussion.

Today Chen Shao chose to keep a low profile. After arriving at the afterschool holding hands location, Chen Shao resolutely complained.

"Your sister, isn't this the one next door to Tara's signing event yesterday? No wonder I saw this address so familiar just now." Chen Shao looked at the relatively small number of stores in the store and said. Compared with yesterday's Tara, afterschool is It's worse.

But it's no wonder, Li Juli and Park Jiyan's popularity is high, and the former is the one who released a single, although the latter does not, but the name of the young lady is there, so the popularity is much higher.

This is just one, and the second is that Tara's album is better, so more people come to sign it.

"Forget it, go in and have a look, there's still something to do later, go in and have a look, I'm going to leave with encouragement, time doesn't allow it" Chen Shao said distressedly, just came yesterday, this happened again, really. . .

Chen Shao really kept a low profile this time, surrounded himself tightly and wore a toad mirror, but he was recognized in the end.

The afterschool people also saw Chen Shao approaching, everyone stood up and greeted Chen Shao, and finally Chen Shao sat next to Li Zhuyan.

"Beauty, do you know that I attended a book signing just next door yesterday, and today it's at this place again, I'm really going crazy" Chen Shao said to Li Zhuyan.

"Okay, I'm sorry, we didn't know it would be such a coincidence." Li Zhuyan still couldn't let it go outside. She usually talked casually with Chen Shao in private. Now that so many people are watching, she became scared again up.

"How did your manager arrange it? It's really enough." Chen Shao didn't really blame Li Zhuyan, but said that the manager was mentally retarded.

"Sir, don't talk about our manager like that. These are all arranged by the company, and the manager is just responsible for bringing us here." Jin Youzhen, who was beside Li Zhuyan, excused his manager.

"I don't know about you. Your arrangement is different from our company's. By the way, how is your album performance this time?" Chen Shao said, he hasn't watched their album this time.

"Well, generally speaking, it's much better than before, and it's still rising, thanks to you, Young Master Chen," Uie said.

"That's right, if you hadn't written songs for us, I don't think we would be able to release an album yet," Lee Joo Yeon also said.She doesn't dare to speak in front of outsiders.

"Come on you guys, I have something to do later, I'll just come over to see you, I'm leaving now." Chen Shao is going to leave after doing this for a while, and it's hard for him to talk about anything at this autograph meeting no.

"It's so fast, I was planning to treat you to dinner later." Li Zhuyan said in surprise, their signing will be over in two hours.

"Well, next time. This time, the company has something to do, so it's time to rush, otherwise I will really go to dinner with you." Chen Shao said, and the crew will be meeting tomorrow.He doesn't have that much time, so he must discuss with Park Jae-bum about their second debut today.

"That's good." Li Zhuyan said a little disappointed, it was rare for her to see Chen Shao once, and it was only a while before she left again.

"Next time I'll treat you to dinner. Let's go first. Come on everyone, and on stage too. Be even brighter." Chen Shao hugged Lee Joo Yeon and uie Kim Yoo Jin and left.

Chen Shao's arrival didn't cause as much of a stir as yesterday, it was just that some female fans had been excited for a long time, and Chen Shao's departure didn't interrupt the afterschool signing event.

After leaving here, Chen Shao rushed back to the company directly, and it was exactly 12:30 at this time, so it seemed that the time was just right.

When you enter the building of s*m company, you go directly to the practice room of the pk group. When you walk in, you can see Jay Park and Nichkhun are practicing dance. Judging from their appearance, they should still be choreographing.

Chen Shao's entry also interrupted the practice of the two of them: "Young master, here we come, sit down first, and Kun and I will dance the dance we have choreographed, and you can break it down for us, or mention it to us too. Suggestion," Park Jae-bum said to Chen Shao

"Okay, you guys have a look, I'm not very familiar with your song, but it's still okay to ask for opinions." Chen Shao didn't show any pretense, and agreed directly.

After listening to Chen Shao's words, the two jumped up again. Chen Shao also carefully read the episode, and found that there were many movements that could not be connected, and there was still a little lack of cooperation between the two, not to say that they had a tacit understanding. It is not enough, but the actions are not standardized, and the loopholes cannot be filled.

After Chen Shao told the two of them about their shortcomings, he demonstrated it to them, and the two of them also jumped up following Chen Shao's movements. After doing this twice, they felt more than before.

"Sure enough, it's the young master. After reading it, he found out all our mistakes. I really admire it." Ni Kun pretended to lie on the ground.

"Don't pretend to me. I learned something from Song Qian and used it on me. Let me tell you, I'm still a little tender." Chen Shao kicked Ni Kun's foot and said.

"Ha~ha, I just said, don't talk to the young master in such a tone, it's just asking for trouble." Park Jay Bum laughed.

"Well, I think it's very interesting. Song Qian has taught me a lot of things, and now I realize what a correct decision it was for me to come to s*m. Not only can I get rid of those bastards, but also can Regaining the opportunity to debut, and more importantly, buddy, I got a girl, and she is also a traditional Chinese beauty, this is a happy life, ha~~ha" Ni Kun said proudly.

"Your sister, I originally fell in love with Song Qian. You are not kind, and you actually went to kill her in secret. You are not a brother. I despise you," Park Jay said jokingly.

"Can I understand that you are envious, jealous, and hated, and I got it by real skills?" Nichkhun also knew that Zaifan had finished laughing, and he was not angry, but just fought back.

"Zai Fan, do you think Song Qian will like you, a bad boy? She has tattoos all over her body, and she will feel sick when she sees it," Chen Shao complained.

"I think it's quite individual, and you're a real man when you cover it up." Jay Park is very satisfied with these tattoos on his body.

"You think it's good, others think it's bad, so everyone has their own hobbies, so it's destined that Song Qian is Nichkhun's favorite," Chen Shao helped.

"Yes, you are ruthless, I don't have the same knowledge as you," Park Jay said.

"Boss, do you think our debut this time will cause dissatisfaction among the sones, after all I was also a member of 2pm before?" Nichkhun worried.

"You guys already knew that, why didn't you listen to me back then? Fortunately, nothing major happened. Fortunately, it was me who provoked them. If it was you, it would probably trouble you," Chen Shao said. That incident ruined Park Jay Bum's life. Although he finally came back to debut again, what's the matter? Many people don't support him very much.

"That's right, I blinded our titanium alloy dog ​​eyes back then, and actually debuted with those bastards," Nichkhun laughed at himself. (To be continued..)

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