Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 416 Diamond Suit

While everyone was still discussing this, Xiaoxian and Xika, who had just sneaked up, came down from upstairs at this moment, and Chen Shao also looked over immediately.

The sound of the two walking was not loud, but everyone in the living room heard the sound of someone coming down, and when they turned around to look over, they couldn't move their eyes away, except for Chen Shao, they all stared wide-eyed. To the delicate beauty in the white sweet temperament lady dress.

But this is not the point, the point is the ears, pink neck, wrist, ring finger, and those jade feet carved out of beautiful jade.

Apart from Jung Soo Yeon, no one has such a charm and sense of amazement that can bring such an impact to everyone; Yoona has it, but not now, Xiao Xian also has it, but not now;

Jessica Jessica, who has become a real woman herself, is already very attractive. Among Asian female artists, she is definitely in the top five positions, but at this moment, under the whole set of diamond suits, she looks like a fairy from the nine heavens Pure and pure, glamorous and noble, her temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

At this moment, she is definitely the focus of all eyes. The pink diamond earrings on her ears, the blue diamond necklace on her pink neck, the bracelet and anklet are respectively yellow diamonds, and the diamond ring on her ring finger. They have never seen such a big one before. diamond ring.

Even on the Internet, I have never seen such a big diamond ring. The whole diamond suit is really suitable for Jung Soo-yeon, at least they can't find anything that doesn't fit.

The whole is a match made in heaven.

"Dafa, my eyes seem to be dazzled." Pani's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in shock and amazement as she looked at Jung Soo-yeon who was slowly walking down the stairs at this moment.

"My God, it's so perfect, walking out on the street like this, if it doesn't cause a car accident, I'll take his surname." Taeyeon said blankly, she didn't expect that after Jung Soo-yeon put on the diamond suit.There will be such a large increase in charm, even if she is a woman, she will be fascinated at this moment.

"It's not just a car accident. I wonder if the birds flying in the sky will fall down in amazement when they see it." Sunny murmured, just as she finished her painting, the glaze on the other side of the living room After the child saw it, he immediately fell from the air.

"Is this the so-called diamond suit? My Reddy Quack, it's too extravagant" Hyoyeon lost his voice

"Two pink diamonds for the earrings, look at the necklace like this. There are at least five blue diamonds, and two for the bracelet and anklet. That's nine. Plus the huge diamond on the ring, there are ten. Now, do you want to say it so extravagantly?" Yuli said blankly, there is no way, she has never seen a real diamond, but now it is so big when she smashed it.Get up if you're not stunned

"It's no wonder you have to tell us. If we know this, you will be jealous if you don't envy, and it's a complete set. Is there such a diamond set in this world?" Xiuying said in a voice; she finally understood why Jessica Jessica Never told them about it

Yun'er and Xiaoxian were not so shocked and amazed. After all, they had seen it, and the shock and amazement were a little less, but that was the case.They still feel that Jung Soo-yeon is inviolable at the moment, even if they can, it's only their boyfriends who can.others, not enough

It was not the same when they saw it, it was even more exaggerated than they were shocked, Yuner cried, she has never seen such a beautiful and romantic gift, although it is not her own, but she will definitely have it in the future , and it might be even better than this.

Chen Shao is also very satisfied with Jung Soo-yeon's appearance at the moment. If someone else wears these, then it will feel like a waste. How can such a perfect thing be worn on such an unsuitable person.

Therefore, this diamond suit is only suitable for Jung Soo-yeon alone. Even if it is Sung Yu-ri who is as beautiful and charming as her, Li Juli and Li Juli don’t feel as good as Jung Soo-yeon wears it now. The natural beauty of the beauty is covered up, and no bright spots can be seen.

Cheng Yuli and Li Juli's sets also have the same effect, they only belong to themselves, and no one who wears them will have that natural beauty.

Jessica Jessica was also very satisfied when she saw her sister's astonishing eyes, there is no woman who doesn't like to kill men and women, let alone she is a proud woman;

When she saw Cheng Yuli and Li Juli wearing their own diamond suits, she had the same thoughts and feelings as they did at the moment.

And when she received this gift, when she wore it out, she felt that compared with Li Juli and Cheng Yuli, she was not bad at all.

Those who know about these diamond suits are only seven of them. Even Chen Ning doesn't know about it. At this moment, there are six more people added, but this is nothing. They are the people Chen Shao trusts the most, and they will definitely not say anything about it. of.

"I've said it all, don't tell O'Neill you guys, look at everyone's shocked mood now, I just can't bear it for a while." Yuner was the first to break the quiet and amazed atmosphere.

At this time, they also came back to their senses. To be honest, they were indeed hit just now. They were all sisters in a group, and they were already ahead of them in some aspects.

"It's useless for you to think so much. In the future, you will have such a moment to amaze everyone. Moreover, Xiuyan's 'beauty' is not suitable for others. She is the only one in the world who wears it like this." It's just a feeling," Chen Shao said at this time; this diamond necklace can be said to be the result of his design for a long time;

I have been designing since the beginning of dating with Jung Soo-yeon, and it was not completed until her coming-of-age ceremony. Cheng Yuri and Li Juli's are similar, but Chen Shao didn't participate in their coming-of-age ceremony, so I chose one The right time was given to them.

Sung Yuri's set is called 'Punmei', Lee Juri's set is called 'Wen Wan', and Jung Soo Yeon's set is called 'Gorgeous';

The general materials of these three sets are the same, and the diamonds used are also the same size, there is no difference, so they will not feel that Chen Shao is partial.

"'Gorgeous', are you talking about the suit on Sika?" Yuli couldn't help asking when she heard the point of the words

"Yes. That's right." Chen Shao nodded and admitted that there was nothing to hide, and he didn't intend to hide anything.

"Isn't the gap too big? The coming-of-age gifts between me and Sika are so different." Taeyeon said aggrievedly, my sister doesn't need you to give me such a precious gift, like this diamond suit , I don’t want to anymore, but can’t you at least give me something more practical, just give me a bicycle with a face?

"I really bought this according to your request. I can't blame me. It can only be said that you didn't express yourself clearly, and my comprehension was wrong. This is my fault." Speaking of this, Chen Shao is very generous. Mistake admitted, but does this work?

"What's the use of admitting mistakes now, my gift is not a bicycle in the end, is this interesting?" Taeyeon continued to complain, the grievance in her heart is not small, and it's okay to vent it now.

After Sika came down from the replacement.Sitting next to Chen Shao all the time, looking very happy, without saying a word, at this moment her heart has already been tied to Chen Shao, everything he said is right

The same goes for Yoona and Xiaoxian.Sitting on the side, watching how my boyfriend deals with his sister.

"At least yours is better. Look at my game console, which is used as a toy for Jingshan. Maybe he will take a look at it, or I will change it with you." Sunny said; she finished watching Sika's After the gift, my heart was extremely unbalanced.

"Forget it. Game consoles are not my thing. I can ride my bicycle at least a little bit, but your game console is an eyesore even if you use it as an ornament." Taeyeon said to Sunny with a happy face; There is a more tragic one, sister, I can also comfort Xiaoxiao

Others who haven't passed the coming-of-age ceremony are also happily watching them argue, but at the same time, they are also thinking about how to ask Chen Shao for the gift they want.

After all, Chen Shao's mouth is too strong, even if he buys the wrong one, he will find all kinds of excuses and reasons to convince you.

This makes you find that you are wrong, but you are not satisfied with the gift but dare not ask for another entanglement.

"Okay, it's my fault. I'll give you two days of freedom. You can buy unlimited items you like in Lotte Department Store in these two days. You won't be charged for them. I'll give them to you. How about this?" Chen Shao also felt that he had achieved what he wanted, so he waved his hand and said to the two of them.

"Really, you didn't lie to us anymore?" Taeyeon and Sunny jumped up in surprise and said.

I'm afraid that Chen Shao will lie to them again later, such things are not uncommon, but even if this is the case, it's fun to listen to now, isn't it?

As a Korean, there is no one who does not know what Lotte Department Store is, and you can take whatever you like in it, and it is unlimited, and you don’t need to pay. Such a good thing is rare in a thousand years.

"No, but let's talk about it first, it can only be goods and other things, don't think about other things, two days is enough for you to change your home into a new look." Chen Shao said generously, this little He might as well keep the things in his eyes, even if the whole Lotte Department Store is taken away by them, he won't say anything, just afraid that they won't dare to accept it

"Don't worry, we know this, these two days are those two days, you give us a certain time, so that we can prepare." Taeyeon said excitedly

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you are free, you can also take this time to take your parents out of Seoul for a walk, I will arrange accommodation for your family, forget about the sunny ones, I am talking about Taeyeon's, she has been there for quite a while I didn’t go back to call my uncle and aunt anymore,” Chen Shao said;

She would not go back during normal holidays, saying that her home was far away, even if she did go back, when she came back, she was afraid of seeing the tears of her family members, so she held back her missing family members.

"Thank you, Chen Shao." Taeyeon sincerely thanked Chen Shao. These days, she has seen all of Chen Shao's care for them.

"Okay, it's nothing to say, thank you; by the way, Xiuyan, go up and change your clothes, don't you feel tired wearing this way, and if this continues, I think Pani's eyes will come out." Chen Shao said at this time, and after his words fell, everyone turned around and looked at Pani.

Sure enough, all the rays of this girl were focused on Jessica Jessica's pink diamond earrings; everyone sighed secretly at the same time: "Sure enough, this child is not immune to pink things, let alone the pink diamond earrings, which are basically hers." was killed in seconds”

"Pani, don't look at it. This is not suitable. If you want, let Chen Shao design one for you. Anyway, you listen to him." Taeyeon woke up Pani who had been killed in seconds.

"Well, is this okay? Those are diamond earrings?" It would be a lie to say no.

"Oh, this is up to you to ask yourself, we don't know if it's okay." Xiuying laughed

"Chen Shao??"

"You will know at your coming-of-age ceremony" (to be continued...)

ps: ps: The protagonist in this chapter is very rich. If you like it, you can reward grapefruit. Grapefruit knows that everyone is also very wealthy. Reward grapefruit

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