() After eating breakfast with Xiaoxian, Chen Shao came out of the house after changing clothes;

Driving a Lamborghini Raventon arrogantly went to YG to find Quan Zhilong. The rest time of these two days was not really for him to rest;

For others, it is indeed a rest, but Chen Shao is not like this. These two days are for Chen Shao to make the background music in "iris";

Otherwise, how can there be rest time for them, they are totally catching up with the show every day, unless it is after the premiere, they can take a good rest, otherwise, they have to catch up with the show every day

After half a year of preparation, the stingy president of kbs doesn't allow this. This is the reason why Chen Shao is the leading role. Otherwise, he would still be catching up with the show day and night.

Therefore, their filming has slowed down a lot this time, and they only filmed two or three episodes in more than half a month, which can be said to be very slow

And the most important thing is that this script needs to be excellent. This is a big script. It costs a lot, but it will not fail to receive good results. If this is the case, kbs will be even more unhappy

It's not just that he doesn't want to do this, Chen Shao himself doesn't want to do this either, this is because of his reputation as a gold medal screenwriter, if he makes a mistake, then he will lose face the most

When we arrived at YG, Chen Shao called Quan Zhilong and asked him to come down;

"Let's go, you will go up by yourself, and you want me to come down to pick you up, you are really big enough." Quan Zhilong didn't see it, but he saw the little slicker in Gwangju

"What's wrong with you coming to pick me up, you don't like it?" Chen Shao and Shengli walked up shoulder to shoulder

When passing by the practice of the trainees, Chen Shao would always play hooligans and whistle or something, making the trainees feel at ease to practice or something, especially the teacher, there is really no way for Chen Shao to make troubles like this

He does this every time he comes, making YG a mess, but most of YG's trainees are his fans, regardless of gender, most of them are, even some teachers and receptionists are like this;

"Ah, you kid can't be more calm, you always tease our juniors like this every time you come here." When passing by 2ne1's practice room, just happened to meet Park Sandara coming out;

"Hehe, Miss Wifi, what you said to me sounds a bit like a girlfriend dissatisfied with her boyfriend's hooliganism." Like Park Sandora, Chen Shao always likes to call her Miss Wifi

"I'm really too lazy to talk to you, go away quickly, don't let me see you, I'm upset" Park Sandora heard the laughter of the sisters behind her, and Chen Shao's smiling face, suddenly said angrily

"Hehe, luckily it's just upset, it didn't reach the level of upset, otherwise, I might be late for the festival when I come to yg today." Before Chen Shao left, he still had to choke on Sandora Park

"Yeah, who told this guy to come here?" Pu Sandora called

"Cailin, Minzhi, oppa go first, call me if you want me, I love you" Before Chen Shao left, he even teased Li Cailin and Kong Minzhi who were born in the 90s <In the practice room, I heard this After that, he immediately pretended that he couldn't take it anymore and was about to vomit; "My sister is pregnant" Chen Shao murmured when he left, saying it was a murmur, but the voice was so loud that everyone in the corridor heard it

"Pfft~~~haha" Park Sandora was also amused by Chen Shao's words, every word of this guy is so ridiculous <Of course the others heard it, and immediately roared

But Chen Shao couldn't hear these words anymore, he went to gd Quan Zhilong's practice room under the leadership of Shengli;

He has been here many times, and he already knew the way, but it would be best if someone took him with him;

After walking for a while, we turned two corners and arrived at Quan Zhilong’s studio. Besides being the captain of bigbang, he is also one of YG’s producers and one of the songwriters

So he also has his own studio in yg, and the equipment inside is still very complete, all the things used for composing, all of which yg spent a lot of money to get back from Quan Zhilong

Compared with his own practice room, although it is quite inferior, in Korea, the studios of those composers he knows are considered the best;

"Hey, what is man doing?" Chen Shao came in and saw Quan Zhilong doing something with the computer;

"Young master is here, I had some inspiration just now, so I recorded it, just wait a moment." Quan Zhilong turned around and glanced at Chen Shao and said

The latter shrugged his shoulders and then lay down on the sofa next to him. Shengli left here seeing that he had nothing to do. The two of them were definitely discussing composition or something. He had no idea about this, so he left. so as not to disturb them

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Quan Zhilong finished recording his inspiration, it was only the first part, and the song has not been created yet, so the time is relatively fast

"How about it, come to see me today, I have already heard about it from top, thank you." Quan Zhilong knew from top that Chen Shao won a spot in the ost of the TV series for their bigbang

Today they just want to discuss the ost issue, everything else is easy to handle, he already has a clue, but bigbang doesn't know how they are going to do it

"If you say that, it's just an OST. Say, what do you think, or you already have a sample of the song?" Of course Chen Shao knew the name of Bigbang's OST in this TV series, but he didn't want to plagiarize them songs only

That's why I came here today to discuss it with Quan Zhilong, otherwise he would have written it out directly, so there is no need for such trouble;

"The sample of the song hasn't been released yet, but several candidate songs have been selected, but it's just that I haven't decided which one is good. It's not just that you want to come here, so I leave this to you, the screenwriter and the male lead. Come to decide?" Quan Zhilong took a bottle of drink to Chen Shao;

"Tch, I can understand that you are burying me, and congratulations on your solo success." Chen Shao took the drink, opened it, took a sip and said

Quan Zhilong's first solo album was released last month. He didn't say it until a month later because he didn't have time to congratulate him;

"Heh, isn't it too late for this congratulation? I've been promoting it for a month before you congratulated me. It's okay to be sincere." Quan Zhilong joked;

"Some say it's good, what are you complaining about, I didn't see you congratulating me when I released the album, but complaining about me instead." Chen Shao threw a pillow at it

"Haha, isn't it because your album is so heaven-defying? Congratulations? I'm stupid." Quan Zhilong said; this friend, since his debut, has been popular all the way, and it took more than two years It has reached a height that no one else has ever reached, it is really against the sky

"Forget it, I won't mess with you, let me take a look at a few songs I have selected for you, which song is suitable, who are you going to cooperate with, is it your whole team together or what?" Chen Shao asked;

"I don't know about this yet. It looks like you like that song." Chen Shao said, and went to the cabinet to find a few songs that he had prepared before and gave them to Chen Shao: "Here, just these five songs, look at the ones." the song fits"

After receiving the scores of the five songs, he looked carefully, only to find that two of them were lyrical songs, which obviously didn't match. It wasn't that this TV series didn't have lyrical songs, but that he already had lyrical songs. got ready, so the ballad was ruled out

After reading the other three songs, they are all in the style of hiphop. These three songs are very suitable, but they only have one place, so I have to choose one of these three songs.

It seemed that after a while, he found that the last song was the same as the one in his previous life, so he chose it without any hesitation: "That's it, this song is the most suitable"

Handed the score to Quan Zhilong, and then sat on the side, waiting for his answer

""Hallelujah"? Is this one okay?" Quan Zhilong wasn't sure, after all, he hadn't read the script, and he didn't understand the plot;

And the reason for choosing this song is because I think this song fits the role of top in the play;

top played the role of a killer in "iris", and this song happened to tell a story about a bit of a killer, so he chose this song

Originally, he didn't expect to choose this song, but he didn't expect Chen Shao to choose it all at once, so he was a little surprised

"Well, this song tells a story about a killer, and it's the same as Top's role in the play, so the choice is quite appropriate, but it seems that the song is not over yet, you just completed the overall It’s just the tune and lyrics?” Chen Shao explained

"Hehe, what you think is the same as what I think. I thought so before, so I chose this song, but I didn't have much hope that I would be picked by you." Quan Zhilong laughed

"As for the rest of the song, I'll leave it to you. I know you can finish the second half. You helped me complete the previous "heartbreaker" and achieved such a good result. Half of the credit is due to you." Yes, this time I believe you will also complete it." Quan Zhilong looked like you are very good

"It's rare to say such polite words to me, evil dragon." Chen Shao glanced at Quan Zhilong ironically and said

"That's right, you are less evil but more powerful than me." Quan Zhilong said, and then handed him the pen from one side, motioning for him to start

Grandpa Chen Shao didn't say anything more, took the pen, read it again, followed the tune, and slowly wrote the second half of the tune;

Quan Zhilong watched from the side, and found that Chen Shao was really much better than himself. If he could complete the next part of this song, it would take a few days at least, but looking at Chen Shao now, it seemed like 10 minutes it's done

And this is the case that he only watched it twice, but he himself has watched this song no less than [-] times, but still failed to complete the second half. Now, Chen Shao has the inspiration to create it all at once.

After the creation was completed, I read it twice, and revised and revised some parts that felt out of tune, and then added the lyrics to match it, sang it twice, discussed and revised the unsatisfactory parts, and it was completed.

"Niu, it's finished so quickly, I really want to worship you." Quan Zhilong watched Chen Shao write this song perfectly in just half an hour, and he really admired it

"Come on, the previous ones are more difficult than the latter ones. With your beginning, the latter ones are so much easier for me." Chen Shao said

"How about it, does it feel like the key you wanted before? I just changed part of the rap to singing. If it's all rap, it always feels too fast and there is no harmony in it. Not too good." Chen Shao pointed to the part he changed and said

"And if you sing this passage with Taiyang, it will be effective. His voice is more contagious, and if the two of you rap, it should leave a deep impression on people," Chen Shao said.

"It's what you say, I have no objection," Quan Zhilong said

"Pee, get out, quickly record this sound source, and then give it to top and bring it to me." Chen Shao said, "The song is done for you, and I don't need to do the rest. The three of you should It’s only right that they can cooperate well, otherwise, we’d still fly solo.”

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, that's all for today, or else have lunch here before going back"

"No need, I have a date with Xiaoxian this afternoon, so I'm leaving now" (To be continued.)

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