"Is this one?" Chen Shao looked at Xiaoxian and asked

"Yeah, I really want to see oppa perform this song live?" Xiao Xian still sat on Chen Shao's lap and said coquettishly

Not enough, this is not from Yuner, but from her own acting like a baby;

"This song can be performed on the Ballad Daejeon, and I have also agreed with the blue side. If they want to accompany me, there should be no problem with this song. I haven't played the guitar on stage for a long time. Now, this time is an opportunity." Chen Shao did not refuse Xiaoxian, and readily agreed; this made the three people next to him even more jealous

"Oppa, why do you agree to whatever Xiaoxian asks of you? I don't see you being so active in what I ask of you." Yun'er said sourly, and the other two were also sour, as if they were telling Chen Shao, I'm jealous now

"If you are as obedient as Xiaoxian, I will agree to all your requests." Chen Shao is not partial, but thinks this song is really suitable for him to perform on stage now, and with Xiaoxian I like it, so I agree directly

"What about us? We are obedient, why don't we see you and be more active?" Kwon Yoo Ri and Jung Soo Yeon said at the same time

"At night, you will know whether I am active or not." Chen Shao poked his head next to Quan Yuli's ear and whispered;

After the latter heard it, she immediately blushed terribly. Although Jung Soo-yeon didn't hear it, she had already guessed a rough idea from Kwon Yuri's appearance at the moment.

Just like her, she became shy

"Fuck you, pervert" Quan Yuli whispered in her heart

Yuner and Xiaoxian looked at Quan Yuli's sudden change curiously, and felt very strange, why did they become like this after saying a word secretly?

It's okay to say that the former, at least they have experienced it, only the temporary kick is missing, but the latter's words.I don't understand, she is almost as white as a piece of white paper



"Ronghe, that's all for today. After two days of rest, everyone will prepare for the song battle the day after tomorrow. There is no need to continue practicing now." After Chen Shao and blue practiced for a while, this period of time was over. practiced

"Okay, young master, that's it for now, we'll see you that day" Zheng Ronghe and the four of them had already become familiar with Chen Shao during this period of time

They are all called big and small, and there is no sense of distance as before;

"Okay. As for the stage outfits, if I design them, I will send them to your company." Chen Shao said

"Okay, that's it." Zheng Ronghe and the others left, Chen Shao took a rest, and planned to leave too. After all, he had practiced for a day and was a little tired

But just when he was about to go back, he passed fx's practice room.I found that all of them were there, so I went in without hesitation

"Xiujing, why haven't you gone back yet?" Chen Shao asked after entering

"Oppa, have you finished practicing?" Chen Shao was practicing next door.It's impossible for them not to know, it's just that they didn't bother in the past, and they didn't have time to bother;

After releasing their album last week, they are practicing even harder now.Practicing intensively for his return to the stage;

When fx's "chu" was just released last week, it was loved by a large number of fans, and the results have exceeded their expectations

There are five songs in it.There are two songs that are very popular, one is the title song "chu" and the other is "I breathe for you" composed by Chen Shao himself;

This song is Chen Shao’s solo single for Jessica Jung, it’s not suitable for her to release a solo album now, so it’s included in their album this time

Not to mention the song "chu", the style is the latest popular dance music in Europe. This is the first girl group to have such a style since Korea, so when the song came out, it was well received

And it was composed by Chen Shao, so I have nothing to say, they must have bought an album to support fx, so this time their performance is unprecedented, and they have already sold [-] copies

It's only been a week, and it's only [-], so the results are quite impressive;

There is also Jung Soo Yeon's solo song "You Are the Air I Breathe", a love song that has also been loved by young fans.

It can be said that this song is not less popular than the title song "chu";

Among them are Chen Shao's creations, and most of them are Xiujing's singing, which has conquered many people. The beautiful voice is just like her sister's, and they all have their own styles.

The voices of the two are different, but they both have a cold charm, and in the MV, Xiujing's weird appearance is even more eye-catching

He immediately captured a lot of male fans, so at the moment, in fx, Zheng Xiujing is the most popular, followed by Song Qian

The latter formed a Huaxia group with Chen Shao, so her popularity in China is very high, and her popularity in Korea is also much higher

"Well, I just finished, I wanted to go back, but I saw you guys here, so I came in to have a look, how is it?" Chen Shao asked, hugging Zheng Xiujing

"Oppa, you don't want to be with Xiujing every time you come here, okay? You don't even want your sister?" Shirley looked at herself, the foster brother who only knew her girlfriend, aggrievedly.

"Hehe, how can there be, my snowball is so cute and cute, how could oppa not want it?" Chen Shao let go of Xiujing, and then tugged at Shirley's bulging cute snow-white face

"Ou~~!" Seeing her unscrupulous elder brother treat her like this, Shirley became even more dissatisfied;

"Hehe, what's the matter, when I grow up, I won't pinch my brother, will I?" Chen Shao laughed;

Oh Soo-jin and the others were watching with warm smiles. Since Chen Shao came back, their lives have all changed. They are much better than before, and the pressure is much less

Chen Shao helped solve the difficulties in daily life, and now they don't have any troubles at all, even if they do, it's not because they are troubled by the current life, but because of other things

"No way, I just feel that oppa keeps pulling my face like this, and I feel that it will be distorted, so I can't be cuter and better-looking than Xiujing." Shirley said aggrieved

"Yeah. Even if it's not crooked, I don't think you're prettier than me." Zheng Xiujing glared at her good sister a little dissatisfied

"Hehe, both of you are good-looking, even if my Shirley's face is crooked, she is still very beautiful, and she is also very cute." Chen Shao coaxed

Shirley is responsible for fx's appearance and image. Strictly speaking, it is indeed an image problem that is more suitable for the combination

But when it comes to looks, Oh Soo Jung is even prettier than her.It's just that she looks cold, a little unfriendly to strangers

Otherwise, she would be the same as Lin Yun'er, she would be acting as a facade;

"oppa, what about me, am I not good-looking?" Now it was Zheng Xiujing's turn to be unhappy;

"Fool, no matter how ugly you are, you are still my girlfriend, and I like you too, little fool." Chen Shao scratched Zheng Xiujing's little Qiong's nose

"Hee hee. I knew it." After hearing this, Oh Soo Jung laughed immediately, and then proudly said to Shirley, "Hmph, smelly Xueqiu, did you hear that? Your brother is already fascinated by me."

"Yeah! Don't call me Xueqiu, only oppa can call me that, you can't" Shirley and Oh Soo-jin are like women competing for favor

This made Chen Shao look helpless, while Song Qian and the three enjoyed watching it on the sidelines

"I'm my sister-in-law. If you don't let me call you, I won't give you a red envelope during the Spring Festival next year," as soon as Zheng Xiujing said this.Everyone looked at her crying and laughing.

What kind of head is this girl? You can know it this way, and you haven't passed the door yet. What kind of red envelopes are you sending out?

"Haha" Song Qian laughed out loud, she knew what Zheng Xiujing said very well.

She is an authentic Chinese, it is impossible not to know what this means;

"If you don't want it, you don't want it. You won't give much anyway. I just want what oppa gives. Oppa gives a lot." Shirley said disdainfully, but no matter how Chen Shao looked at it, she felt that Shirley was a girl. so cute;

If it has to be said that among Chen Shao's good friends and artists, they are both cute and cute, and they are all at the peak, then it is really Shirley

Park Ji-yeon is cute, sometimes even cuter than Shirley, but she is not cute all the time, only when she is pretending to be cute

But Shirley is different, she is cute all over her body, when you look at her face, even if she has no expression, you will feel cute when you look at it; and she is also very cute

Zhiyan can't do it anymore, cute enough, but not cute enough, sometimes there are, but not many, more often, she is still silly and cute, but once she becomes cute, Chen Shao is the first to be killed in seconds

So, Shirley is the only girl who combines cuteness and cuteness so perfectly among so many people Chen Shao has met.

"I told my husband not to give it to you, let's see what you can do, hmph" Zheng Xiujing looked at Chen Shao threateningly; told him not to promise Shirley

"Ooo~~!!" Shirley looked pitiful, as if she was about to cry;

"Okay, you two little guys, don't make any more troubles. Oppa promised that it won't work. We'll talk about it later, and I'm still underage. Why do you want me to send red envelopes? It's your V mother who wants to send us red envelopes." People with red envelopes." Seeing Song Qian smiling so happily, Chen Shao spread the flames of war to her

"That's right, why didn't we ask Mother V to give it to us during Chinese New Year?" Xiujing and Shirley suddenly asked in astonishment at the same time

"Eh~~" Song Qian also stopped smiling immediately, seeing Chen Shao's harmless smile, she immediately became depressed

How can I forget that this guy is the master of black belly? If I am too proud, I will get myself into big trouble

"Just joking around, how come you guys finished practice yet?" Chen Shao asked again

"We just finished practice, and we want to go back to the dormitory, oppa, you are here." Luna stepped forward and explained

"Well, let's go back together, casually visit your dormitory, and then have a meal." Chen Shao said from behind Shirley with his arms around her shoulders

This is just a very simple intimate action between brother and sister, there is no excessive thought, as for why you don't hug Zheng Xiujing, it's because Zheng Xiujing is a little shorter than Shirley, so Chen Shaolou may have to bend over when getting up, which is not very convenient , so when I saw Shirley in front of me, I hugged her

Anyway, this kind of action is not uncommon, no one will say anything about him, and of course Oh Soo-jin will not say anything, she knows that Chen Shao treats Shirley like a real brother and sister, and has no thoughts about that at all , and Shirley too;

"Is oppa going to make something delicious for us tonight?" Amber said happily

"Hehe, this isn't it, tonight I'm just eating dinner, I want to eat Shandong cuisine made by Sister Qian." Chen Shao said with a smile

"Ah, it wasn't made by oppa, I'm a little disappointed." Amber and Luna were immediately disappointed. Although Song Qian's food was delicious, but for the delicious food made by Chen Shao, it was simply not the same. rank

"Ah, are you like this? Don't ask me to cook for you in the future." Song Qian was obviously shocked

"No, I just think O'Neill's food is too much, I want to change the taste," Luna said

It's just that Shirley and Zheng Xiujing can often eat the meals cooked by Chen Shao. Because the former is Chen Shao's sister, it's not uncommon for the former to eat at Chen Shao's place.

Needless to say, Zheng Xiujing, as long as she wants to eat, she can eat it anytime, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all, but Luna and Amber are different, it is difficult for them to eat Chen Shao's dishes once.

"Then let's go back, it's getting late, it's cold outside, remember to put on your clothes before going down, or you'll catch a cold later" (To be continued...)

ps: ps: The exam is over, Yuzu has been released, these few days have been a torment, but I still made it through

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