Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 703 Make a crime~~~

"Then, a week later, see you at the first recording time!!" Chen Shao said to everyone

"Well, see you next week~~" Even if this dinner party is over, the TV series that Chen Shao said will be filmed together by the RM family has already been agreed, and everyone will participate in it in August

"Goodbye, Xi'er, uncle and aunt." Chen Shao said to Chen Changxi, such a young child certainly didn't understand, so Chen Shao took her hand and shook hands with the seven people, and went back first

It's already very late, a child can't go to bed so late, she has already slept through it just now, and it won't be long before this little guy has to sleep again

"Goodbye Xi'er, miss auntie, do you understand?" Song Zhixiao stepped forward, kissed Xiao Xi'er before letting go, while Liu Zaishi followed into Chen Shao's car

"Brother Shi, you can drive, I'll hold Xi'er" Chen Shao gave the driver's seat to Liu Zaishi, and sat in the passenger seat by himself;

"Hehe, this is the first time I drive such a good car, it costs millions of dollars." Sitting in the driver's seat of the Lamborghini, Liu Zaishi said a little excitedly

Men basically love cars, and electronic products have a favorite interest, which is generally recognized, especially cars, cars, which are almost what half of men love;

There are only 20 Lamborghini Raventons in the world. Liu Zaishi thinks it’s too fake if he doesn’t like it[

Although he has ridden Chen Shao's car many times, he has never driven it by himself. This is the first time. He was a little too excited when he first got started.

"Brother, drive slowly. This is a busy city, so you can't drive so fast." Chen Shao said worriedly, he didn't care about being caught by the traffic police, he was just afraid of getting into a car accident.To know that my daughter is here

If there is an accident, I will really regret it to the point of regret;

"Hehe, I'm a little excited." Liu Zaishi realized that he was too excited at this moment. After calming down, he drove slowly and steadily.

During the period, Chen Shao called Cheng Yuli and asked if he wanted to pick her up.She said no more.I have already returned home, so Chen Shao didn't need to detour and went back directly

After arriving at Liu Zaishi's house, he stopped the car.Chen Shao also got off the car, but he didn't go to Liu Zaishi's house, but to TR's dormitory

"Is it okay to leave the keys in the car?" Liu Zaishi said worriedly

"It's okay, this car has an identification system." Chen Shao said, high-end cars are like this, wouldn't it be too rubbish without a special system for electricity?

"That's good, I'm going up, do you want to come up and sit down?"

"I still don't want it anymore, I'll go up to tr to have a look. I'm about to go back. The children are all asleep." Chen Shao motioned for Chen Changxi to fall asleep again on the way back just now

"Okay then." Liu Zaishi went up alone, while Chen Shao walked to the other side, entered the password, walked in, and found that there was a light inside.Someone should be home

But I couldn't see anyone downstairs, so I opened my eyes to see who was doing this;

Looking at the room of the six people, there was no one there. Looking slowly, Chen Shao muttered: "Is it in the bathroom? Is it the lady or the cutie? Let's take a look."

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but after looking at it, Chen Shao immediately had the urge to squirt nosebleeds; it’s his girlfriend in it, and Xiao Min is taking a bath above;

After I glanced at it, I saw everything, and immediately closed my eyes, which is simply a sin. Is this considered a peeping? [

When I saw it, it happened to be when Xiao Min was wiping her body, so I could see various parts clearly;

Fortunately, I opened the eyes of the sky, and I saw it secretly, otherwise, it would be difficult to deal with it now;

In order to cover up his sloppy behavior just now, Chen Shao yelled at the house: "Who is in the dormitory~~~!"

"I'm here, is it Chen Shao?" Xiao Min just opened the bathroom door, and heard Chen Shao's voice;

"Well, what are you doing? I've been down here for quite a while, but I haven't seen anyone coming down." Chen Shao asked pretending not to know.

"I was taking a shower just now, and everyone else was on their way. I was alone at home, what happened to you today?" Xiao Min walked down with a slightly red face, and just after taking a shower, he ran into this friend who came over, really something~~

"When did you come back? Don't you have any schedule today?" Chen Shao finished, and put the sleeping Xi'er on the sofa beside him to fall asleep, but just as he put it down, the little guy woke up again

"Hmm~~" Xiao Xi'er opened her sleepy eyes and rubbed them with her small hands. This natural and cute look instantly killed Xiao Min.

"Wow~~ Xiao Xi'er is so cute, come and give me a hug." Xiao Min hugged Xiao Xi'er, kept making out, and Chen Shao was amused watching it

"Yeah~~~" Xiao Xi'er bit her little finger and muttered something, Chen Shao knew that she was probably hungry and wanted to eat

"Xiaomin, look at Xi'er, I'll make some milk powder for the child." Chen Shao went to tr's kitchen, boiled hot water, and went into their cupboard, found a milk bottle and A packet of milk powder;

Because of the relationship between Zhiyan and Juli, this little guy is often taken to their dormitory to finish playing, and it takes a long time to play, so there are two children's milk powder and milk bottles here , that is "diapers" and so on, there are spares in Li Juli's room

After all, sometimes Chen Shao and Cheng Yuli are not busy, so for the sake of the two children, they put some spare clothes in the dormitory of the other sisters, so that when they play there, they don’t have to be afraid of the children. pissed pants

"Xiaomin, do you have a schedule later?" Chen Shao asked

"No, I just came back too, and my personal itinerary is different from that of the sisters, so I came back earlier, until tomorrow morning." Xiao Min carried Xiao Xi'er into the kitchen

"Then you will eat this for dinner?" Chen Shao pointed to the ramen on the table and asked

"No, I just came back and I didn't even eat it. This must have been eaten by one of them when they went out. I didn't have time to clean it up," Xiao Min said.

"I thought you just ate this?" Chen Shao was a bit tongue-in-cheek about the lives of artists. Most of the artists either bought them to eat, or cooked their own ramen. They seldom cook by themselves;

This has to do with the schedule.There is little time, this is one, and the other is that I don’t know how to do it, or I am too lazy to do it

Girls’ Generation’s, tr, fx are all the same, unless you come to Chen Shao’s to eat.Otherwise.I basically eat ramen.

Fortunately for fx, at least Song Qian, who is hardworking, will take care of the children; as for Girls' Generation, if Kwon Yuri doesn't do it, then no one will eat it.Or order takeaway, if you are more diligent, you can make your own ramen. If you are too lazy, you can either not eat it, or order takeaway

tr is almost the same, Hyomin can do it, but most artists have a common problem, that is after finishing their schedules and returning home from get off work.will rest.I'm too lazy to cook

Although I said on the show that I often cook and eat, I only said it for the needs of the show, otherwise, in reality, I would buy it to eat.or don't eat anything

Women are like this, they are easier to feed, sometimes they can eat a piece of bread for a day, or even eat a piece of fruit

This is also after he had eight girlfriends, he learned that if he didn't cook, they wouldn't eat it, or eat snacks, it didn't make much sense, unless he would make some by himself when he was in a good mood, otherwise, Would rather sleep or something than bother to eat

"Chen Shao, since you're here, make me a late-night snack, I'm a little hungry" Xiao Min cried;

"Wait a minute, feed Xi'er first." Chen Shao finished the milk powder, let it cool a bit, and came out of the living room;

"Hey, you go make me supper." Xiao Min put Xi'er on the sofa and sat back, then snatched Chen Shao's milk powder bottle, and then led him into the kitchen to make supper for herself

"Okay, okay, sit down now, what do you want for supper?" It's past ten o'clock now, it's impossible to have dinner, so it's better to have supper

"As long as it's not ramen, anything is fine." Xiao Min said, "Come on, Xi'er, drink milk." Xiao Min picked up Chen Changxi and gave her the milk bottle to drink

"Let's see what materials are there." I opened the refrigerator and looked, and found that there are still a lot of materials in it, but these seem to be bought by me before;

"Forget it, let's make dumplings for her." Chen Shao took out all the meat, and then flour, and started to work in the kitchen

If it was someone else, it would take at least an hour to eat the dumpling wrappers and dumpling meat, but if it was him, half an hour would be enough;

"There is only beef, no pork?" Chen Shao looked at the refrigerator in distress: "Forget it, beef is beef."

After finding the ingredients, I started to make dumplings. After working for about ten minutes, I was ready to start making dumplings. Xiaomin in the living room finished feeding the baby and came in with the bottle to wash.

"What are you doing? Dumplings?" Xiao Min saw the dumpling wrappers on the table and knew it should be

"Well, you don't have any supper here, so you have to make it yourself." Chen Shao made dumplings very quickly, holding a dumpling wrapper in his hand, and then scooped a spoonful of dumpling filling on his hand with a spoon The dumpling wrapper is there, and with one hand grabbing, a beautiful dumpling is born

This kind of technique made Xiaomin dazzled for a while, and she was attracted in unconsciously, even Chen Changxi, who was still alone in the living room, forgot

"Wow~~~Wow~~" Xiao Min's voice of surprise kept coming out, seeing that Chen Shao's movements were too neat, she exclaimed if she didn't understand

"Why are you watching here? Don't go out and look at Xi'er, you'll fall down later." Chen Shao reminded her daughter was outside alone.

"Oh~~oh! Let's go out now" Reminded by Chen Shao, she also came back to her senses, hurried out and hugged Chen Changxi, and walked in again. The two girls, one big and one small, watched Chen Shao making dumplings

After seeing her father's actions, Xiao Xi'er was also a little dumbfounded, and looked at Chen Shao making dumplings with an expression on her face. Although she didn't understand, she was very attractive to her.

Xiao Min glanced at Xi'er who was staring blankly at her father making dumplings, and said with a smile: "Hehe, Chen Shao, look, Xi'er is scared by your appearance."

Chen Shao took the time to glance at his daughter, really, she had a chubby little face, her small mouth was slightly open, and on the upper gums she could vaguely see the small deciduous teeth that had just erupted, two big eyes, Staring at the movements of his hands without blinking, the saliva almost flowed out

"Hehe, the little guy seems to be very interested in this." Chen Shao stretched out a wrapped dumpling in front of Xi'er. After the little guy looked up at his father, he hesitated and stretched out his hand to grab Chen Shao. dumplings in hand

"Ah~~ This is raw, you can't eat it yet" Chen Shao saw that his daughter was about to put the dumpling in his mouth after taking it away, and he became nervous

"Haha!!!" Xiao Min also found it funny looking at it

"Yeah~~~" After Chen Shao took the dumpling away, Xi'er stretched out her hand to snatch it back, and her small mouth also pouted, as if she was angry, struggling non-stop in Xiao Min's arms

"Xi'er, be obedient, you don't have to eat this yet, wait until it's ready," Chen Shao said to her daughter

"Yeah~~~" No matter what Chen Shao said, Xiao Xi'er just felt restless, so she stretched out her little hand to her father's hand, asking which raw dumplings she wanted

"What's the matter, this is, it's not like this usually." Chen Shao looked at his daughter's behavior strangely

"I don't know, let me take her out~~~"


ps: What do you think of Hyomin here? ? ? ?

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