"Why can Nuo'er and Xi'er have five tickets?" Shen Fengshan immediately raised a question when he saw the five tickets in the hands of the two children;

"Ordinary people get one, but we are not ordinary people. We are the children of the male god Shao and the goddess of laughter, so there is an extra one. Is this okay?" Chen Nuo asked Shen Fengshan;

"You can get an extra card for this one, what about the rest?" Shen Fengshan didn't speak, but Lu Shiyan did;

"We are so cute and sensible, so it's okay to get another one?" Chen Changxi continued;

"This one counts as one, so what else?" Hong Xiu'er asked again;

"The sister who gave the ticket just now, took a photo with us, and rewarded her with an extra one, and finally signed her. As a reward, I got another one, a total of five?" Chen Nuo and Chen Changxi, brothers and sisters, cooperated seamlessly, Everyone who said it was taken aback;

"Puchi~~" Cheng Yuli also found it funny when he saw the two children so smart;

"Hehe~~ The little guy can really speak!" Lu Shiyan discovered that Chen Shao's child is really not ordinary smart;

"Xi'er, do you still want to sign?" Liu Renna was rather surprised at it;

"No, but just scribble a few times and say it's my own special signature. Isn't that all right?" The child can speak, but he can't write yet;

"Puff haha~~" Hearing what Chen Nuo said, everyone couldn't hold back and laughed again;

Even the staff who gave the tickets looked at the group photo, and the few gestures made by Hua Hua were so funny;

"The little guy is so smart, the parents must be very relieved?" Lu Shiyan asked;

"No, it's too smart, and there are more mischievous ideas, and it's terribly noisy every day!!" Chen Shao took out a tissue to wipe Xi'er's saliva, and said;

"No, I'm a lady. I'm very quiet!" Chen Changxi immediately dismantled her father;

"Hehe!!" Chen Shao shook his head, but did not answer;

"Xi'er, who are you going to vote for these five votes?" Li Zhen looked at his niece expectantly;

"Hmm~~ Vote four for Aunt Zhen'er and one for Mommy Zhiyan!!" Xi'er thought for a while before making a decision.

"Why, why didn't you vote for aunt?" Zhien asked very hurt;

"Because Aunt Zhi En was the most present, it would be unfair if she still voted for you. Xi'er has to support Auntie!"said very seriously;

"Yeah~~ It's awesome, bobo!!" Li Zhenxiu kissed Xi'er's pink face twice;

"Then why just vote for Mommy?" Zhiyan pouted and looked at Xi'er;

"Because Oppa will vote for Mommy four times, and Daddy will definitely vote for Mommy too, so Xi'er only votes for Mommy Zhiyan!" Xi'er analyzed clearly;

"Why are you so sure that your oppa will vote four times for your Mommy Zhiyan?" Now.Even Cheng Yuli was a little curious;

"Because Oppa got into trouble, it was Mommy Zhiyan who helped persuade Daddy, so Oppa will definitely give four votes to Mommy Zhiyan. It may even be all five votes!" Xi'er said, it was Chen as Shao thought;

"Is that so?" Everyone looked at Chen Nuo, seeing the little guy nodding seriously;

"Hehe, Mommy really didn't love you for nothing!" Zhiyan looked at Nuo'er in her arms.laughed;

"Ah, doesn't that aunt lose all votes?" Zhi En said discouragedly;

In her opinion, Xi'er and Nuo'er are the same vote.It is comparable to the ten votes of ordinary people, because they are relatives, so they need their support more;

"Girl, you are the one with the most votes now, and one will definitely not be able to escape. Your sister-in-law lost to you, what else do you want?" Chen Shao rubbed Zhi En's head and said;

"It's not my sister-in-law, she's a month younger than me!" Zhien firmly refused to admit this;

"Ah, how can there be a month, it's just 20 days older!" Zhiyan emphasized this;

"Ah, it's been 22 days!!" Zhien didn't give in. These two are sisters of the same age, and they have been arguing endlessly in this regard;

"Oppa, look, Mommy Zhiyan is more than 20 days younger than Aunt Zhien, and she still wants to be an older sister. I was born only a few minutes later than you, so I should have a reason to compete for my older sister!" Xi'er looked at After the meeting, he said to his brother;

"Pfft haha~~" Hearing Xi'er's words, everyone present, whether it was the program crew or passers-by, burst into laughter;

Chen Shao's pair of twins has already been said, the two were born one after the other, within 3 minutes, there was even a video of the two little guys arguing to be a sister or a brother on the Internet;

It's just that Chen Nuo has always been the elder brother, because it is true that Chen Nuo came out earlier, and Xi'er is the younger sister;

But Xi'er, sometimes when she is not convinced, she doesn't want to admit it, and Chen Nuo sometimes calls her Nuna in order to make her sister happy;

"Look, it's the two of you who kept the quarrel between the two children never ending!" Chen Shao looked at the two children dumbfounded;

"Nuo'er, stop arguing with Xi'er, let's leave after voting, don't interfere with the aunts and the others recording the show!" Cheng Youli took Xi'er from Li Zhen, and Chen Shao picked up Nuo'er and put it on his neck ;

"Wow~~" Seeing Chen Shao and Chen Nuo like this, the little girls present exclaimed;

"Chen Shao, who do you vote for, sister, sister-in-law, or wife?" Lu Hongzhe's voice came again from the radio;

"Is this unclear?" After hearing this, everyone thought that this is actually no longer guessing;

Because Chen Shao will 100% vote for Zhiyan, so it goes without saying;

"There is also Cheng Yulixi, the couple's tickets are quite special, one ticket is comparable to dozens of ordinary tickets!!" Li Huicai added;

"Really???" Everyone wondered if they had heard it wrong, even the pd of the program group made you unable to react in time;

But when I think about it, maybe this is a good point to watch;

After thinking it over, there was no intention of teaching Lu Hongzhe a lesson for his arbitrary decision;

"Yu Li, sister is up to you!" Li Zhen held his sister's hand;

"oppa~~" Zhien looked at her brother pitifully;

"Rebirth~~We are working hard too!" Others also came to please the two of them;

This made the two of them very helpless. The votes for the two of the little guys have already been cast.Now there are only two people who have not voted;

"I'll give it to Sister Zhen!!" Cheng Yuli smiled, then came to Li Zhen's position, and cast in;

"Yeah~~ Yuri loves you so much!" Li Zhen hugged Cheng Yuli happily, and kissed her twice in public;

"Sister Zhen, please be careful, your sister's husband is still in front of you, can you stop ignoring her like this?" Chen Shao expressed his sense of existence;

"Hee hee!!" Seeing that their father was jealous, the two little guys laughed heartlessly;

"She's my sister, what's the matter with a kiss?" Li Zhen said;

Cheng Yuli was embarrassed and returned to her boyfriend;

next.Everyone kept their eyes on the votes in Chen Shao's hands. Now that the time was over, only the votes in Chen Shao's hands remained unvoted;

And this ticket is worth ten tickets, everyone is watching closely, hoping to get it;

Lu Hongzhe and Li Huicai also came out and came to the square, ready to host;

"Ask a question, 12 people present. Who bought my new album?" Before Chen Shao could answer, no one was sure;

The probability of Zhiyan's vote is the greatest, but it is not 100%;

"I bought it~~" As soon as the voice fell, several people answered;

in.Hong Soo Ah, Shin Bong Sun, Jung Ga Eun, Yoo In Na. A few people in narsha did not buy the rest;

Ji-yeon is also a little embarrassed, being his girlfriend.Didn't buy your boyfriend's album?

The same goes for Zhi En, she didn't buy Chen Shao's album, because it was all given by Chen Shao, so she didn't need to buy it at all;

Li Zhen and Xu Renying are similar, both sent by Chen Shao;

The latter was given to Chen Shao when Chen Shao visited on the song making program;

"Ah~~ My girlfriend didn't buy it, and neither did my sister?" Chen Shao was a little disappointed with the two of them;

"What's the use of buying? I can memorize your songs back and forth. If I buy it, there will be one less song in the market, so you will have one less fan who can't buy it!" Zhiyan was clever at this time, unexpectedly Can find such an excuse;

"This reason is valid!!" Chen Shao nodded in agreement with this excuse;

"Buying oppa's is better than buying sister-in-law's, Girls' Generation has won against you!" Zhien was giving up, and actually exposed Chen Shao's scars;

"I'm really~~~" Chen Shao trembled angrily, pointing at Zhi En, speechless;

"Haha~~" Seeing the two brothers and sisters like this, passers-by who watched happily smiled;

"The last question, if anyone here can do it, then I will give this ticket to whoever!" Chen Shao said;

"What's the problem?" Everyone looked at Chen Shao nervously;

"You bought my album, did you bring it with you?" Chen Shao just had the mentality of giving it a try, and didn't plan to bring it with him;

"I~~I, mine is in the bag!" Hong Xiuer jumped up happily, took her bag from behind, and took out Chen Shao's latest album from it;

"Really?" Everyone looked at Hong Xiu'er in astonishment;

Lu Hongzhe walked over, took it over and took a look, it was true that for the entire album cover, Chen Shao was wearing a red suit and a red top hat, standing on a stage;

The domineering and cold eyes have always made everyone's heart tremble;

"It's really "Extreme Love"!!" Lu Hongzhe took the album and showed it to everyone;

Chen Shao's album this time is called "Extreme Love", because the five songs revolve around love, so it is called "Extreme Love".

"How can you wear the album with you?" Shen Fengshan asked curiously;

"Because of rebirth's songs, I basically like them crazily. Every time I release a new album, I will carry it with me. It will last for two months. I will not put it at home until I am familiar with it and get tired of listening to it. !” Hong Xiuer explained;

She just said that she is a die-hard fan of Chen Shao, and she buys every album, and she likes the songs in it crazily;

"It's really lucky!" Lu Shiyan said;

"Do you really want to vote for Unnie? What about me? What should I do?" Zhiyan acted coquettishly, hoping that her boyfriend would vote for her;

"You'll know later, behave well!" Chen Shao's mysterious smile made everyone confused;

Chen Shao came in front of Hong Xiuer, cast his vote in, and signed his name on the album;

"Big reversal! Great reversal!!" Lu Hongzhe screamed strangely;

"That's right, you don't vote for your girlfriend, you don't vote for your sister, and you don't vote for your sister-in-law. You actually vote for your fans. It's a big reversal!" Li Hui didn't say that, but everyone thought it was Good luck Hong Soo Ah;

But after listening to it, I thought, Chen Shao still chose fans in front of his girlfriend, sister or family, because this fan supported him;

Even if it is my girlfriend, if there is no support, I will not vote. What Chen Shao has done is really surprising;

"Okay, that's the end of today's visit, I look forward to seeing you next time!!" Chen Shao left such a sentence, and left the recording site of "Heroes";

Watching Chen Shao leave, Zhiyan always felt a little strange;

"Why do you feel that he is a bit strange today? What did you mean by those last words?" Zhiyan tilted her head and looked at her boyfriend who left; (to be continued...)

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