Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 908 So Old and Cute

All the way to Dad Chen's restaurant, just tell Dad Chen that it's okay, and when there are other people who want to come, they will go directly to the box;

Sure enough, as Chen Shao thought, Han Enjing and Pei Yaolu did not come, they went out to live in the world of two;

But everyone else arrived, had a late-night snack together, and then went back together;

They all live together, and the dormitories are not far apart. It’s just a few steps away, and it’s good to go back by car together. There’s no need to be so troublesome;

When I got home, it was nearly twelve o'clock, the child was already asleep, and Xika, Yuner and others didn't come over, and they all went to the dormitory to rest;

I am very busy at the end of the year, so I dare not go to Chen Shao's place at night, otherwise, maybe I might exercise all night, so I chose to meet in the dormitory;

In the end, Chen Shao could only pretend to be a gentleman, and slept with Cheng Yuli in his arms. He didn't exercise at all, but he couldn't settle down. He held Cheng Yuli's little tenderness to sleep all night;

When Cheng Yuli got up the next morning, he even found that the size of the two sides seemed to be different. It might be that he caught him last night and fell asleep. The side that was caught was a little swollen;

Finally, after giving him a blank look, he didn't say anything, and went to see if the child got up;

"Daddy~~ Oppa wet the bed last night!" The little girl just got up, and after she got down, she ran to the kitchen to complain to her father;

"Hehe, why did you wet the bed? Did you drink water and sleep last night?" Chen Shao asked with a smile while sitting at breakfast;

The two little guys can also wet the bed now. After all, they are only less than one year old, and bed-wetting is normal;

"No, I don't know about oppa!!" Xi'er was brittle, and Chen Shao immediately picked her up when she saw it, and sat down for breakfast;

"Hehe, didn't Xi'er wet the bed? Could it be that you just said bad things about your oppa, you dare not say it. Did you wet the bed too?" Chen Shao joked;

Chen Shao's pair of twins are really cute;

"It''s not!" Xi'er spoke, her mouth stiffened a little hesitantly;

"Hehe, Xi'er is lying." Before Chen Shao could speak, the girls who came over for breakfast came here;

"How did Sika's mother know?" Xi'er was very innocent, looking at her own Sika's mother with two big eyes;

"Hehe, because when Xi'er tells a lie, she will stutter and cover her face in embarrassment!" Xika hugged Xi'er from Chen Shao's arms, nodded her nose, and explained;

"Really?" Xi'er was very puzzled, wondering if she really had such a habitual action;

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Xi'er wet the bed again last night?" Yun'er also walked in and saw Xi'er.also asked;

"Why do all the moms guess that Xi'er also wet the bed? Xi'er obviously didn't say anything?" The little girl was very conflicted, she was clearly suing the oppa, why did she reveal herself?

"Hehe. Because you are twins, twins!" Yun'er is liking these two little guys more and more, really, as long as she doesn't talk to them for a day.There are all kinds of discomfort in my heart;

"Does this have anything to do with it?" Xi'er still didn't understand;

Chen Shao was on the side, frying poached eggs, looking at her daughter with a smile.that tangled little face;

"Did Xi'er find out that as long as your oppa wets the bed, you will too?" Yuri, who followed in, asked Xi'er instead;

"Hmm~~ Let me think about it!" The little girl was in Xika's arms, tilting her head, thinking cutely;

And such a cute scene, how could Yoona let it go, she took a picture with her mobile phone, and then uploaded it to the fanclub of the two little guys;

Although the little guy is less than one year old, he still has fans. This is made for them by the sky, and the name is "Longfeng Nest".

Every day, whenever Chen Shao and his woman are free, they will update here. The cute and cute photos of the two little guys are now very popular. The number of fans alone has 10,000+;

One can imagine how cute the little guy is;

"How, did you think of it?" Sika asked with a smile;

"Well, it's true, every time we wet the bed, Oppa and I are together?" The little girl finally remembered;

"Hehe, isn't that what it is? Your oppa wets the bed. Xi'er must have also wet the bed. Does this mean that Xi'er lied just now?" Yun'er bent down and looked at Xi'er with a smile;

"Oh~~ Isn't this a girl who wets the bed and is very shy? That's why Xi'er is lying, Xi'er is not a bad girl!" The little girl said very disappointed;

"Who said Xi'er is a bad girl?" Yuri looked at the little girl with a smile;

"Xu Xian's mother said that a child who lies is a bad girl!" Xi'er said with a pure face;

Hearing this, Yun'er and the others were very helpless. Xu Xian seemed to be too upright, even teaching children like this, but I have to say that Xu Xian was right to teach like this;

To teach children, one has to start from an early age. Xu Xian did this for the good of the children, and he taught them correctly;

"That Xi'er, don't lie in the future!" Xika said;

"Hmm~~" The little girl also knew that lying is not good, so she happily agreed;

As for why, Yun'er and the others immediately knew that Xi'er was lying, but this is a long story;

Chen Shao's pair of dragon and phoenix twins are really fun;

Wetting the bed is done by two people at the same time, as long as one of them urinates, the other will definitely wet the bed too;

For example, when they sneeze, both of them are at the same time, as if they have made an appointment, which is very fun and magical;

Before, I thought it was just a coincidence or just a coincidence, but after a long time, Chen Shao and Cheng Yuli discovered;

These two brothers and sisters are really fun, sneezing, bedwetting and so on are all at the same time;

There are also things like yawning, and they are all the same. If one yawns, then you see the other one is also yawning;

In this way, Yun'er and the others didn't believe it after hearing it, but after paying attention, they found that it was really the same, the two little guys seemed to have a good understanding;

that's it.Only then did Yun'er and the others know why Xi'er had lied just now;

"Mummy Yuner, why did you give Uncle Little the picture of me urinating on Daddy's face!" After Chen Nuo changed his clothes and came down, he saw his mother Yuner, and began to complain;

"Hehe~~ Nuo'er saw it?" Yun'er covered her mouth with a coquettish smile and asked Cheng Youli;

They were not able to watch the live broadcast at the kbs Gayo Festival last night, so I don't know.When I hear it now, I still feel that it is very surprising;

"Well, this little guy was just dreaming last night. He wet the bed when he dreamed of this, even Xi'er!" Cheng Youli hugged his daughter, thinking it was funny;

"Really~~" Yun'er and the others.Looking at Nuo'er in disbelief, seeing the little guy nodding helplessly and aggrieved, he immediately laughed;

"Why did you wet the bed when you dreamed of this?" Chen Shao asked his son amusedly.It's just a photo, why did you wet the bed?

"Daddy, you are so stupid, is there any reason for a child to wet the bed?" Xi'er said embarrassingly to her father.This immediately made Chen Shao quiet and stopped talking;

In front of his own children, Chen Shao always acts like a little white.So always let the children make fun of something;

"Puchi~~" The others found it funny when they saw it, but Chen Nuo said that Chen Changxi is definitely Chen Shao's nemesis, this little girl is very capable of controlling her father;

"I don't want to talk to you, you're not cute at all~~humph!" Chen Shao always acted childish when facing his daughter, but as long as the little girl likes it, he doesn't care;

"No, I like to talk to Daddy!" The little girl shook her head and said with a pout;

"Why, like you still embarrass daddy all day long?" Chen Shao said so, but if he doesn't talk to Xi'er for a day, it's no different from killing him;

"Because Daddy is so cute~~" After Xi'er finished speaking, Yun'er couldn't help but burst out laughing;

"Pfft~~~" The others were not much better, they were all amused by Xi'er's sudden Chinese words;

"You little guy, you have learned the Northeast Chinese dialect!!" Chen Shao said with a smile, the child is also learning Chinese, and it was taught by Chen Shao and Chen's father;

The child's grandma and mother are responsible for teaching Korean, these two are their mother tongues, so they cannot master it;

"When grandpa was watching Chinese TV dramas, we learned from them!" Chen Nuo explained to his sister;

Father Chen likes to watch TV dramas during the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Shao also knows this, and even brought his children to watch it, so he naturally learned a little bit;

"Are you eager to learn?" Chen Shao didn't stop him, as long as the kids liked it;

"Yeah, it's hard to learn, but it's easier to learn from grandpa!" The little guy replied while eating the porridge fed by his father;

"Daddy, when is oppa going to film again? Xi'er wants to follow her!" Xi'er sat in her mother's arms and asked;

"Xi'er wants to go to Xiangjiang to play?" Yun'er asked with a smile, the little girl just couldn't hide her thoughts;

"That's right, last time there was a lot of quarrel, saying that your daddy only wants oppa and not you, are you looking for an opportunity now?" Pani also asked;

This morning, only a few girlfriends from childhood came over, Xiaomin, Juli, Jiyan and Xiaojing didn't come;

It should be early in the morning, so I went to the announcement, their status is not as important and high as Girls' Generation, so many of the itineraries are arranged by the company;

For Girls' Generation, it depends on the mood, go if you want to go, don't go if you don't want to go;

Even if you want to go, you will go after breakfast;

"Well~~I also want to go to some ocean park, and I want to see big sharks and dolphins too!" Xi'er looked at her father expectantly, hoping to take her there;

"My wife, you have to go too. The little guys are very active there, and I can't stand them alone!" Chen Shao said to Cheng Yuli;

When going to Xiangjiang to film a movie, even the kid Chen Nuo can't let Chen Shao down, and Xu Xian has to be with him. If Chen Changxi also goes there, and the two children are together, then there will be a catastrophe, right?

"Okay, I haven't been to Xiangjiang for a long time, and it's been a few years since the last time!" Cheng Yuli didn't refuse, and readily agreed;

"Xiaoxian doesn't need to follow?" Xika asked;

"My scenes have already been filmed, so I don't need to go there, and oppa's visit this time is also the last time, and I will finish filming all the scenes within a week, and the next thing is over there!" Xu Xian explained to;

She doesn't have many roles, so it's faster. This is because she deliberately left time for Chen Shao, and asked the director to catch up with Chen Shao's more, and then shoot her. Otherwise, her role would be over in a week. up;

"Then the Korean drama, Shao, are your preparations over?" Pani also asked, this time is the busiest time for her boyfriend;

"It's not so fast. I guess the time in Xiangjiang is over. When I come back to Korea, I have to come here slowly!" Chen Shao also knew that he was shooting with all his strength in Xiangjiang. There were very few ngs, basically on, all on one side;

Otherwise, it would be impossible to finish filming my own scene in more than a month;

As for the role of "Dream High", it is not so fast, the first broadcast has not started yet, it will be aired in a few days, so his role will not end so soon;

"Then what about your concert, how is the preparation going?" Yuri was worried about this, this was his first concert;

"There is no problem with the concert. At that time, it will take a week to master the previous songs and rehearse. There is no big problem!!" Chen Shao was never worried about his own problems, he was only worried about the problem of setting up the stage , and the problem of the backup dancer;

As long as there are no problems with these, then there will be no problems at all;

"Then you plan to invite those guests..." (To be continued...)

ps: ps: please tip~~~~~

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