Fun Korean Entertainment Biography

Chapter 933 You Are My Pride

Time slows down, don't let you grow old~~

I would like to use my one to exchange your years and stay forever~~

What can I do for you, a strong father in my life~~

The trivial concern is accepted~~


Chen Shao's sincere singing, the audience, no matter who it is, all shed tears of sadness;

Everyone cried because of his singing, and was really moved by his singing;

A caring person will not fail to shed tears at this moment, as long as he still has a conscience, he will know what a great person his father is;

Most of the homes are supported by the father, a man who treats his children with more caring and heart than he treats himself;

Now, listening to the heart-piercing and sincere singing, everyone is also very worried and deeply touched;

In the past, it was my father who did what he could for me;

Now, I feel ashamed that I can't do anything for my father;

Some people, in order to live a better life, have been far away from their father. They have never seen their father for a month, a few months, or even a year, two years, or a few years;

Some, it’s just a phone call, but some, even one phone call, takes a long time before calling back;

But he himself didn't know how long the old father at home had been waiting for this call?

At this moment, after Chen Shao sang the song heartbreakingly, at least 90.00% of the audience felt sorry for his father;

It was also at this moment that I realized what it means to be a father who loves like a mountain and treats children hard-working:

Thank you for everything you do to support our home~~

Always try my best to give me the best~~

Am I your pride, are you still worried about me~~

The child you care about has grown up~~~


Not only did everyone cry into a sea of ​​tears, the singer, Chen Shao, also cried very sadly;

He almost broke out at this moment the guilt he felt towards his family in those years.In those years, the pressure and worry he put on his family was too great.

While his father was worried about himself and being sad, he also had to comfort his mother and sister. This was not over, he had to support the family so that when he came back, he would not find them;

It is conceivable that those five years were definitely the most severe five years for him;

After coming back.He never said thank you to his father, nor did he say anything like hard work;

This made him feel very ashamed and guilty. Facing his father, he had a lot of things in his heart that he wanted to say to him, but he couldn't say anything;

"Woooo~~" Chen Ning hid in his father's arms, crying bitterly;

She also knew that her father had worked very hard back then, and she saw all this in her eyes.But I never thanked him;

Only say what you need, get it, and don't say thank you;

I saw my dad coming off work at night.Tired and tired, I could only watch from the sidelines, and didn't talk to my father or say something like, Dad, you have worked hard;

she felt.As a daughter, she is very unfilial and doesn't understand at care about your father;

Father Chen was the same, his eyes were blurred from crying, but he was still reluctant to take his eyes off his son;

Because, the son who is on the stage at the moment is singing to himself, he is his pride, his pride forever;

Even if you are blind from crying, you must remember the appearance of your own son at the last time you are blind;

In his life, the most fortunate thing for him is that he married his wife Su Beier, and another thing is that he gave birth to a pair of good children;

Especially my son, this is me, the pride of my life, the pride of forever and ever;

Many of the people present had already taken out their mobile phones, dialed their father, and listened together. Chen Shao sang this song heart-piercingly with true feelings;

Throughout the scene, there was no cheering, only quiet, various sobbing and crying sounds;

There were not only young boys and girls present, but also middle-aged people, as well as seniors in their 50s and [-]s, listening to Chen Shao's song;

The young ones recalled their father, while the elderly were relieved that the children they supported were so sensible;

How much I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm~~

But you are not by my side, entrusting the breeze to take you to Ankang~~

Time slows down, don't let you make you grow old~~

Chen Shao was crying while singing affectionately. At this moment, he also knelt down slowly from standing before, facing the direction of his father;

It is said that a man has gold under his knees, but in front of his father, even if it is a diamond, he has to kneel down to him, because fatherly love is more important than anything else, no matter how proud you are, no matter how important your status is, your father is your father after all;

"Bang~~" Chen Shao's kneeling voice ruthlessly shocked the hearts of all the audience;

They were all shocked by Chen Shao's action;

Father Chen, watching his son's movements in the same way, slowly pushed his daughter away and walked to the stage;

Chen Shao didn't see all of this, because he had already closed his eyes, singing this song heartbreakingly, and he didn't dare to open his eyes to see his father's old face full of tears;

In this way, it will only make myself feel more guilty and feel that I am not a good son;

Everyone in the audience watched Father Chen's actions, and everyone stood up, watching what happened next;

I saw Dad Chen came to the stage, his pace was much slower, his old face showed a happy smile from the heart:

When Father Chen came up, Chen Shao didn't know that the singing of the song had already reached the last verse;

However, his emotions still haven't finished venting:

Time slows down, don't let you grow old~~

I would like to use my one to exchange your years and stay forever~~

Are you proud of me, are you still worried about me~~

The child you care about has grown up~~

Thanks for having you along the way~~~~~~~

In the last sentence, Chen Shao made the sound very long, very long, until his own voice could not be uttered;

His last paragraph, after the broadcast of this concert, everyone noticed that the sound lasted for several minutes;

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.I don't know what language to use to describe Chen Shao's last long draw;

But these are all things to say, at this moment, after Chen Shao sang the last line, his shoulders were grabbed by a pair of hands;

After feeling it carefully, he knew that it was his father's hands. He missed this feeling too much and was too familiar with it;

Open your eyes, with the support of your father.Chen Shao stood up, looked at his father, Chen Shao's lips trembled, and said: "Dad...I'm worked hard!!"

It is a very simple sentence, less than ten words, but I have never said it to him in the previous 20 years, and I feel very ashamed when I imagine it;

"Stupid child~~ this is what a father should do!" Father Chen hugged his son.The latter is howling and crying, just like a child, not like a father at all;

But no one is going to laugh at him at this moment, because it is not much better for him to wait for others;

"Father, you have worked hard!!" Most of the people present said this sentence to their mobile phones, this sentence.The words that have been hidden in my heart for many years and have never been said to my father;

"Dad~~ You have really worked hard these years~~"

The calls of tens of thousands of people in the audience made the whole scene look like.touching;

Chen Shao's father-in-law and mother-in-law were almost all present, except for Cheng Yuli's parents who left because they sent the child back, everyone else was present;

"I'm proud of myself and having this son-in-law!!" Dad Zheng said very gratifiedly while hugging his two daughters;

Zheng Ma was also on the side, nodding in agreement. As a son-in-law, he was fine with everything except his love, and he had nothing to dissatisfy with;

"Ju Li, you have found a good son-in-law for your mother!" Ju Li's mother smiled while hugging her daughter;

At this moment, all the figures in Ju Limei's eyes are her own man on the stage;

The others, too, looked at Chen Shao with admiration;

Especially Pani's father and sister, they are well aware of Chen Shao's identity. Under such an identity, they can still kneel down to their father face to face regardless of the occasion. This is very open-minded, no wonder they can accomplish great things;

"Tonight, I am very pleased and proud because I have such a son!" Dad Chen said after receiving the microphone from the staff;

"Chen Shao has been a very smart child since he was a child. He never needed us as parents to worry and even help with things. At that time, I thought that my child could not be ordinary, and he would definitely be a person who will do great things in the future!"

"In the first ten years before he was 11, our family was very happy because of him, and there was no dissatisfaction, but I was very worried about one!"

"Because, when I was seven years old, I discovered a problem. After learning about this, I had a hunch how long it would be before he would leave us and go out on my own!" Father Chen said, Surprise Chen Shao;

Chen Ma and Chen Ning were the same, they both looked at Chen Pa, not understanding what he said;

"Perhaps, if I tell it, everyone will not believe it, but even if I see it myself, I don't believe it!" Father Chen looked at his son and smiled gratifiedly;

"When he was eight years old, I discovered a shocking news. After learning which news was true, I couldn't believe it. My son made it!!"

"That year, I was in his room, and I accidentally saw a plan, which stated the plan from 94 to 2005, and every year was clearly written!"

When Father Chen said this, Chen Shao's heart trembled slightly. Unexpectedly, his father already knew that he would run away from home?

But I don't know at all, no wonder, when he came back, he acted so indifferently, it turned out that he knew his plan a long time ago;

The plan from 94 to 2005 has a total of 12 years. When I was four years old, I gave myself 12 years to let myself reach the pinnacle of this world;

But I didn't expect that I was careless and let my family know;

"After 98, I don't know, but in the four years from 94 to 98, I saw a piece of news. At that time, I was like crazy. I kept looking for relationships to check the news. Finally, After confirming it, I still can't believe it~~" Father Chen put his arm around Chen Shao's shoulder;

Everyone quietly listened to Father Chen's story;

The same goes for Mama Chen and the others, all waiting for Papa Chen's next words;

"I can't believe that my son is already one of the richest people in Korea at the age of seven. I can't believe that my son has used the pocket money he has saved for four years to work with others since he was four years old. , invest in the stock market, and then, slowly, the pocket money in the past four years has been multiplied by tens of thousands of times!!" Father Chen's words had a strong impact on the hearts of all 10 people present.

"Wow~~~" The audience was boiling, and they couldn't believe what they heard;

Chen's mother and Chen Ning, Lin's father, Lin's mother, Lin Yuner and Lin Yunxi's sisters, Xu's father, Xu's mother, and Xu Xian couldn't believe what they heard;

"My mood back then was the same as yours now!!" Father Chen looked at his son and continued, "Which plan am I on, and I saw a passage!"

"Mom and Dad are so tired. For me and my sister, we can live a carefree life. We go out every day, and when we come back at night, they still smile and tell me and my sister that we are not tired! But in fact, I know, Mom and Dad are really tired, I really want to replace them, I want to let them live the best life, a carefree life~~~ Parents, sister, give me 12 years, I will let you Live a happy life, I love you!!" Father Chen, remembered these words very clearly, and remembered every word;

Hearing these words, the tears had already stopped, but now they burst out again;

Chen Ma and Chen Ning, who were in the guest seat, also covered their mouths in disbelief, their eyes widened, and tears of sadness also burst out;

They never imagined that their son and younger brother already understood such a plan at such a young age;

"That remark was written in 94, when he was four years old. He would record what happened in that month every month, so I remember it very clearly!" Father Chen continued;

Four years old, what kind of person is this? Only four years old knows how to plan for the future for himself, and he must achieve it;

Chen Shao's women don't know about this either. He rarely talked about his own women, even Xu Xian didn't, and kept it in his heart;

His friends were also stunned, completely crazy, never thought that Chen Shao was only four years old, and he could do things that everyone couldn't do in his life;

"In addition to this passage, there are two other people who also support him and believe in doing this!" Dad Chen said here, most of the people have already thought of who it is;

"I remember, he wrote such a passage: Xiaoxian and Yun'er, I will protect you all my life, and I will not let you suffer any grievances~~I will spoil you all my life, and no one will let you get hurt, even uncles and aunts. No, as long as I am here, I will use my thin body to protect you from the wind and rain, as long as you are doing well, I will feel at ease!!"

"This passage was written when he was eight years old!"

After speaking, Lin Yuner and Xu Xian covered their mouths and looked at the boyfriend who lowered his head in disbelief after hearing it;

Wasn't the year when Chen Shao and Xu Xiangang met when they were eight years old?

"Chen Shao, he has always been my pride, the pride of our family, I am proud of having such a son!" (To be continued...)

ps: ps: Whether I cried while writing, or uploaded now, correcting typos while watching, I cried~~

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