One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 118 Carrera in the Fire


spn "Get water here!"

"Concentrate on putting out the fire at the gate!"

"Has everyone come out?"

"Everyone is here...except Mr. Bingshan."

"What! Mr. Bingshan is still inside!" [

"Except for Lulu and Thalstone, the chief boatmen didn't see them either."

"Miss Khalifa didn't come out either!"

"Damn it, everyone hurry up and put out the fire!"

"Mr. Bingshan must be rescued!"


On this eventful night, a group of ship repairers who had just escaped from the sea of ​​fire began to rush to put out the fire again.Unaware that three of the people they wanted to rescue were watching them in the dark.

The firelight made Pigeon Hadley's eyes bloodshot, which looked quite strange in the dark night.Lu Qi pressed the black top hat on his head, turned around and looked at the companions behind him, "Let's go and find Tom's other apprentice, Franky, no, it's Carter Fram."

"Is it okay to just leave like this? We haven't confirmed Bingshan's death yet. This will bring many variables to the mission." Bruno looked at Lu Qi and said with an expression.

"The stairs have been destroyed by me with the haze feet. Even if that guy can fly, he can't save everyone. I don't think a selfish pirate will leave his companions alone and leave Bingshan and Barry first. And no one will believe the pirate So it’s okay.” Lu Qi glanced at Bruno, his eyes were like those of an irritated feline, “You talk too much today, Bruno! Let’s go!” After speaking, Lu Qi walked from the roof Leap forward and use the moon steps to fly away.

"Don't worry, Bruno. After all, Lu Qi has been here for 5 years." Kaku patted Bruno's quilt, took a last look at the Carrera headquarters in the fire, and followed Lu Qi to leave.Lu Qi has been here for 5 years, so is he!

"You're so stupid, Bruno." Khalifa said to Bruno succinctly, and turned away quickly.

"Stupid? Maybe! It's a pity that tools like ours shouldn't have feelings. Lu Qi, kid." A flash of reminiscence flashed across Bruno's face, but he quickly returned to a somewhat paralyzed look.He turned his head and ran after the other three.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law. What a big fire!" Chimoni climbed on the top of the flagpole like a monkey with the rabbit Kunbe on his back, yelling at Granny Ke Keluo underground.

"That's the headquarters of the Carrera Company, it's so cruel!" Grandma Ke Keluo drank heavily, with a trace of undetectable sadness flashing in her sleepy drunken eyes from time to time.

As soon as Chimoni slid down the flagpole, he heard his mother-in-law's strange remarks. He couldn't help but stare and asked curiously, "Cruel? Then who set the fire?"

"Who knows? But I'm sure I have an ominous premonition. It would be great if Bingshan is safe." Grandma Ke Keluo looked at her granddaughter Chimoni with puzzled eyes, and couldn't help but think of the days many years ago. .At that time, the two little guys looked at themselves in the same way, when Mr. Tom said those things that made them strange.But now things have changed, "Really, all of this is the fault of that thing." Granny Ke Keluo took a sip of her wine angrily, and staggered away.They are a bunch of stubborn guys, Mr. Tom is like this, and so are Bingberg and Franky.It would be great if I destroyed that thing sooner... But will those people in zf believe it?How can I think about this kind of thing? I'm really drunk!But I have been drunk for 8 years, so the so-called. "Let's go, Chimoni."

"Ah... Oh, I know mother-in-law." Chimoni, who had been tilting his head and thinking about her mother-in-law's words, finally came to his senses, and hurriedly followed Granny Kekoluo's footsteps.

"Boom!" A loud noise suddenly came from the burning Carrera headquarters, startling the ship repairers who were nervously putting out the fire.

"What's wrong! Did something explode?" the ship repairman said nervously. [

"Why don't you care about it! Put out the fire!" A leading ship repairer snatched the bucket from the dazed ship repairer's hand, threw it vigorously into the sea of ​​flames, then turned his head and yelled at the other ship repairers who were also in a daze "Hurry up and put out the fire! What are you doing there!"

"Strange... monster! A monster came out of it!" The ship repairman B stammered and pointed at the gate that had been covered by the fire.There, the shadow of a demon rising from the flames of hell was growing.

The thick dark purple arms pulled the flames away like a door curtain, and a strange man with huge bat wings wrapped around his body came out of the sea of ​​flames. A pair of blood-red eyes on his head with sharp horns were looking at the flames. He looked around at the boat repairmen whose legs were weak with fright.

"Have you come out yet? If it's all right, open your wings quickly, this place is crowded to death." The girl's delicate voice came out from under the demon's wings, which made the ship repairers think wildly while being afraid-could it be the demon with Is it a princess elopement drama?

"Hey, hey, I see." Nero suddenly put on a very gentle expression, which made all the ship repairers who were about to muster up their courage to fight the devil suddenly feel a bit out of breath.Immediately afterwards, Nero opened the wings covering his body, revealing the people who were protected underneath.

"Can't you get bigger? I was almost squeezed out of breath just now." Nami gasped while holding her chest, and complained to Nero with some dissatisfaction.

"It's impossible. I can't grow bigger or smaller at will. And if I don't hug you with my wings, I can't bring you out intact." Nero lifted the semi-demonization, from He took out a royal robe from the storage space and put it on his body.Nami spread her hands to Nami, and then glanced at Nami's majestic twin peaks, "You think it's crowded because of personal factors."

"Personal factors..." Nami followed Nero's gaze, and her face instantly became very interesting.Then Nami will tell you how the pig's head is made.

"Can I trouble you to bring some bandages and medicine? Someone is injured here!" Guina asked while helping Sauron to a boatman.

"Bandages and medicine, of course... Wait, he is Roronoa Zoro! You are from the Straw Hats! By the way, that demon just now was the one who made trouble in the shipyard during the daytime!" The boatman said. The son reacted, pointing at Sauron's face and yelling.

"Look, the Straw Hat Boys are here too! They really came to kill Mr. Bingshan!" Luffy, who was supported by Dashiqi, was also discovered by the boatmen.All the boatmen were angry at this moment, and they picked up their weapons again and surrounded the pirates.

"Don't...don't be impulsive, they are innocent." A weak voice caught everyone's attention, and the iceberg that was held by the orangutan-like Chopper raised his head with difficulty, " The Straw Hats were set up to save me and Barry."

"Mr. Bingshan! Look at Mr. Bingshan!"

"I'm glad you're all right!"


"Quiet! The patient needs to rest!" Chopper yelled loudly at those ignorant guys with a well floating above his head.Chopper in the doctor's state stunned all the ship repairers, and the ship repairers who were like a group of monkeys immediately quieted down.

"You, that's right." Chopper pointed at a ship repairman with a stunned face and said, "Hurry up and get the first aid kit, there are patients here who need treatment!"

"Hi! I'll go right away!" The ship repairman unknowingly obeyed Chopper's order and hurried to the medicine box.

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"Okay, then there's no problem." Chopper wiped the sweat from his brow, and finished treating Bingshan. "Although you were shot 6 times, fortunately you didn't hurt any important parts. You can recover after resting for a while."

"Thank you, Mr. Tanuki." Bingshan smiled at Chopper, ignored Chopper's pointing at his horns to emphasize that he was a reindeer, and continued, "Call your companion over if possible? I I have something to tell you about Nicole Robin."

"Ah! What about Robin? I'll go right away!" Chopper couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard the information about Robin, and then hurriedly shouted in the direction where everyone was resting, "Hey, everyone, come quickly Ah! Mr. Bingberg has news for Robin to tell us."[

"Is there any news about that woman? Who would want to know about that kind of traitor?" Sauron frowned when he heard that it was about Luo Bing, with a look of disgust on his face.Then he looked at Abis who was pressing his chest with both hands to cast a spell, "How long is Abis, as long as it doesn't affect my freedom of movement."

"Don't rush me, wait a little longer. The epidermis hasn't healed yet." Abis glanced at Sauron, angrily turned her head to ignore him, and concentrated on controlling her own energy.

"Has it healed inside? That's almost it." Zoro looked at his almost completely healed wound, ignored Abis's obstruction, stood up and walked towards the place where Chopper and Bingshan were.

"Hey, don't do this, bastard Chlorella. It will leave scars." Apis waved her hands and yelled at Sauron's back.

"It's okay, scars are men's medals!" Sauron replied lazily without turning his head.

"That guy Sauron is very dishonest, what a headache." Kuina looked at Sauron's back and showed a meaningful smile.

"Tsundere idiot." Shirley commented on Sauron succinctly, then picked up the teacup and drank it.

"It's really an idiot." Kuina stuck out her tongue playfully, and shouted to Dashiqi and Weiwei who were taking care of Luffy, "Let's go there too! Wake up Luffy too!"

"I know, but Mr. Captain, he can't wake up no matter how much he screams." Dashiqi pulled Luffy who was lying on the ground vigorously, but Luffy just couldn't get up.

Seeing Lu Fei's limp appearance, Weiwei simply gave up the idea of ​​calling him up.Instead, he patted his pet's head and asked him to carry Karu over, "The captain is completely asleep, there is nothing I can do. Karu, can you carry the captain over?"

"Gah!" Karu walked up to Luffy and lay down on the ground, motioning for his master to put Luffy on his back.

"Don't bother, I'll wake him up." Shirley put away her precious tea set with lightning speed, then walked to Lu Fei and said softly, "Get up and eat meat!"

"Meat! Where is it! I want to eat meat!" Luffy sat up all of a sudden, and the speed made everyone jump. "A-Lei? Why am I here? It really is a dream. Why are you all looking at me? Is there something wrong?" Lu Fei scratched the back of his head and looked suspiciously at the crowd who were watching him.

"No, there's nothing wrong." Everyone was completely messed up...

ps: This is the chapter I owed last night, I drank too much yesterday.

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