One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 143 The Owl Broken Wings


spn "Left-hand weapon cannon!" Franky shouted, holding his left hand flat and frantically strafing the surroundings.The row of cannon ports on his left hand was a little red from the quilt, but this didn't stop him from venting his temper. "Come out, check it out! Don't you just hide? I'm super powerful now!"

"Come on, do you think I can only run away? I'm a member of p9 who is proficient in assassination—the owl of sound!" The owl's voice echoed in the empty corridor, but Franky couldn't find him everywhere. . "I am a master at using the six-style middle shave. When I sneak attack on the target, I don't make a sound at all. The people I target can't see my figure before they die, just like an owl hunting a mouse in the dark Same!"

"It's just a hidden thing! If you don't come out, I will force you to come out! Super!" This made Frankie a little irritable, and he couldn't help firing the gun more violently, even using a small guide.The solid walls were shattered by Franky's attack, but he still couldn't find the owl.Is this guy really gone?

"Kill-Gunpowder Star!" As Usopp shouted, a burst of fire suddenly burst out in a dark corner on the stairs.A clumsy-looking shadow fell to the ground like a shot bird.

"How is it possible, you can hit me, let's check." The owl immediately got up from the ground, and Usopp's attack did not cause much damage to him.But he still finds it inconceivable that he can hit his own owl. In his impression, this masked guy is just a small character who can only shoot coldly. [

"Hmph, there's nothing strange about this. I am the king of Gathering Island - the sniper king. There is nothing in this world that I can't snipe." Usopp stood beside the pillar with a bow in his hand.Just now when Frankie went crazy, Usopp quickly hid behind the pillars, but he watched the sons and guides flying past him and was very worried about the temporary bunker he found.So Usopp made a major decision-to find a safer place to hide, and then... the owl hiding in Usopp's next destination was naturally discovered...

"What a long nose!" Franky gave Usopp a thumbs up, and then smiled meaningfully at the owl.Owl was taken aback by Frankie's expression for a moment, and at the moment he was in a daze, Frankie lifted the coat on his body and exposed his shoulders.

The two black muzzles above Franky's shoulders told everyone about its danger, and then his shoulders suddenly protruded upwards, and his temperament suddenly filled with brutality and madness. "I have to admit that your speed is very fast. Ordinary guns can't hit you at all, but these two cannons are different-they are super weapons that can track targets! I didn't want to use them at first, because "..." Franky seemed to be trying his best to endure something, and looked at the owl with a more serious expression, "...the dislocated shoulder is really painful!"

"Crack!" There was a sound of something breaking in Usopp's chest.O pure heart of my youth!Sure enough, the stories in those books are all fake, and the superheroes don't exist at all!In vain I thought it was because he would send out some vitality that could destroy the world, but I didn't expect... it was just because he was afraid of pain!

"Tracking guide! Why do you have such a thing, let's investigate! Even Dr. Baker Ponga hasn't finished researching this weapon yet!" The owl was also taken aback, transforming people, tracking guide... · Dr. Baker Ponga is still researching these things!Is this person more genius than Dr. Baker Panga, who is known as leading the world for 200 years?

"Hey, are you scared? But it's too late now! Launch!" Franky yelled, and two missiles suddenly appeared on his shoulders and shot towards the owl.

The owl was still in a daze when Franky fired at him, and it was too late for him to react, and the guide had almost reached his eyes.Although he knew he couldn't dodge, the reaction ability he had trained for a long time still made the owl subconsciously dodge with shaving.But... it really escaped!

"This is... the tracking guide?!" Usopp didn't know how to complain.This guy is actually deceiving people in front of his face, this is too...

"Don't run away, and be beaten by me obediently, you should check!" Franky didn't feel wronged by his behavior at all, let alone there was nothing wrong with what he said.His son is indeed tracking owl shooting, but it requires a little manual operation.So Usopp saw Franky chasing the owl like a chicken.

"Ka Ka Ka." There was a continuous sound of firing pins hitting on Franky's body - the guns equipped on Franky ran out. "It's now, the Six Forms of Mystery—Beast Yan!" The owl, who had been dodging Franky's attack, finally waited for the opportunity he was waiting for, and suddenly turned around and used his strongest fighting moves to face Franky's face. punch.

"Clang!" The moment the owl's fist touched Franky's face, there was a sound of gold and iron clanging, and Franky was bowed down by the punch.But Franky also grabbed the owl's fist to keep himself from falling.

"Have you felt the power of my mysteries, please check? Beast Yan just punched out his fist with a finger gun. Your skull is about to be cracked by me now, please check?" The owl looked triumphantly. Looking at Frankie with his head down, he thought he was just holding on.The elated feeling of finally fighting back made him ignore the strange feeling when he hit Franky just now, that feeling is definitely not the feeling of a fist hitting someone's body.

"I caught you." Franky raised his head, his face was not deformed as the owl imagined, but his cheeks were slightly bruised! "I'm still worrying about how to deal with you, a slippery fellow! Strong right hand!"

Franky's iron fist returned unceremoniously to the owl's face.The owl didn't panic, and gave a soft drink "Iron Nugget".The wonder of the Six Styles prevented the owl from being hurt too much, and he immediately raised his fist in return.For a while, the two guys started punching each other to the flesh, and Usopp, who was next to him, felt his face hurt.

During the fight, Frankie suddenly caught a glimpse of the zipper on the owl's beak. After being punched several times by the owl, Frankie suddenly grabbed the zipper on the owl's beak.How could the owl, who was used to assassination, be familiar with this kind of gangster's fighting style, and didn't react for a while.Frankie didn't show any sympathy for him either, he just threw him up and smashed him against the wall.Franky's strength was so great that the huge owl was completely embedded in the wall.

"Hey, let me show you what super terrifying power is!" Frankie took out a T-shaped gun barrel and connected it to his arm, then aimed it at the owl.Then there was a terrible suction from the muzzle of the gun, and the surrounding air was continuously sucked in and compressed by Franky, and his two arms were expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that even the gravel on the ground was shaken by Frankie's movements, the owl was frightened and struggled to escape from the wall.But Franky's arm quickly swelled to the limit, and the sub was filled!The corner of Frankie's mouth curled up in an evil arc, "Feng Lai Cannon fires at maximum power!"

A terrible wind pressure suddenly emerged from the cannon between Frankie's hands, and even the air was twisted in a way visible to the naked eye.A transparent air cannon roared out like a dragon, and slammed into the owl's position fiercely, causing dust to rise all over the sky in an instant.

When all the dust and smoke dissipated, the place where the owl stayed just now was gone.A large hole with a radius of several meters appeared on the wall, and the blue sky and white clouds were clearly visible! [

"It's amazing! You're really super!" Usopp looked at Franky with staring eyes, and praised him loudly in his favorite way of speaking.

"Of course, this is my strongest attack." Franky turned around and grinned arrogantly at Usopp, the sunlight coming in from the big hole behind him made his figure even more tall.But then the nose of his plane lowered, and his whole body became spirited, "I used up all the Coke on my body with that blow just now, now I have to find the kitchen here quickly. Otherwise, if I meet other policemen like that Guys like that will be in trouble."

"Lanjiao!" A blue slash suddenly appeared through the hole, and slashed on Franky's back.In an instant, blood flew everywhere, and Frankie, who had just returned from victory, fell to the ground with a muffled grunt.

"I'm not that easy to defeat, let's find out." The owl stepped on the air with one leg and flew in using moon steps.His other leg was hanging there limply, and after being hit by an attack of that intensity, he still used his Lan foot forcefully.Even p9's body, who had been exercising for a long time, couldn't withstand such a strong blow.

The owl landed beside Frankie, looking down at Frankie who fell on the ground, "Why don't you get up, check? Ah, it seems that your back is still a normal body. My luck is very good Ah, let's check." The owl raised its fist again at Franky, and looked at him a little bit, "I thought I would die just now, but luckily I thought of a way. Use the paper drawing in the six formulas Although my body was almost crippled by the wind pressure, I still survived. You are doomed to die by my hands, check it out!"

"Don't touch him, wake up!" Usopp suddenly appeared behind the owl, with his right hand firmly attached to the owl's back.

"It's you sneak attack, let's check. Now this situation looks very powerful for you, but I want to tell you that it is not a problem to use iron with my current physical condition. Do you think you can hurt me with your strength?" Are you coming to me, please check?" The owl was not panicked at all, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.Fortunately, this guy is relatively stupid. If he keeps hiding from a distance and shoots himself, although he won't get hurt, he can't do anything about him.Now he actually chooses to fight him in close combat, just in time to kill these two guys!

"Do you know? The Six Forms are actually not only used by p9s like you. Our vice-captain Nero also taught us how to use some of the Six Forms." Usopp opened his mouth in a low voice, "Although I really want to learn the two sneaking techniques of shaving and moon steps, my body really can't hit the ground so fast. On the contrary, for some reason, I accidentally learned to use iron blocks. This kind of Moves that require strength coordination are really not suitable for me. However, the trip to Sky Island made me find a good way to use this technique!"

"Empty island? Are you talking about slam shells? You are an idiot, check it out! You have tried it, right? After using iron blocks, the shock shells have very little counter-shock effect on you. How can you be naive? I thought the impact shell could hurt me who also uses iron, let’s check!" Owl felt sorry for this bumpkin pirate, and the same problem has long been thought of by seniors in the navy.But this useless method of using it quickly became a joke in the Navy.

"Of course I know this, but I don't use the iron block just to counteract the shock force." Usopp pressed the shell in his hand. The owl has already used the iron block, especially the muscles on the back are gathered more tightly.But the strong impact force was transmitted to the owl's body, and his already seriously injured body couldn't bear this force at all.He simply passed out.After Bruno, p9 lost one more staff.

"Ah! It hurts to death, the bones must be broken." Usopp's right arm was trembling constantly, and the huge recoil force made his bones almost broken.If it weren't for the fact that he was still using iron blocks, his arm bones would definitely have been completely shattered. "I'm still too weak. That guy Weber can obviously use it three times. Even if I use an iron block, I'll definitely pass out if I use it again." Usopp sighed, looking at his right hand. the shell.When will I be able to use you freely? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·.

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