One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 15 Improved Form 6


Spn Seymour Zhiji Village, outside Yixin Dojo, Nero was sitting on the grass and thinking.

A few days ago, Koshiro had completely handed over the principles of the Navy Type VI to Nero as agreed.The so-called Six Forms is actually a method of controlling the blood and muscles to strengthen the user's physical strength.They are iron block, shaved, haze foot, paper painting, moon step and finger gun.If you reach the state where you can control every part of your body, you can even experience the strongest life return. []

However, Nero is not going to practice step by step. The return of life is actually the simplest use of spiritual power, which is not practical for Nero.What Nero wants to do is to integrate the Six Forms of Taijutsu into his own martial arts.Illidan's martial arts are already very strong in the World of Warcraft, but the place Nero is in is not the continent of Alazir after all, and Illidan's martial arts are not completely suitable for this world.If Nero wants to become stronger, he must combine the six styles and Illidan's demon hunter martial arts to create a set of Nero's own martial arts.

Nero's martial arts come entirely from Illidan's memory. It is very difficult to adapt a set of his own, but Nero still has the greatest magic weapon of the traveler - a memory of the era of information explosion.

To shave is to speed up the blood flow of the feet, step on the ground dozens of times in a second, and use the recoil force to achieve the speed of teleportation.This reminds Nero of the ghost step of Yagami in the anime King of Fighters in the previous life and the light work of ancient China.If he could obtain such an erratic, ghostly movement, then Nero's horror at night would continue during the day. [

Month step, is the strengthening application of shaving.Use shaving air in the air, allowing the user to turn and move in the air.Nero felt that this was no different from the Ti Yunzong he had read in martial arts novels in his previous life, and he was very envious of those heroes who watched movies in the past.What's more, learning this will be of great help to Nero. With the method of borrowing power in the air, Nero's flexibility will be greatly improved.

Paper painting is a technique of following the enemy's offensive to avoid attacks.If Nero's flexible and changeable agility is combined with such evasion skills, then Nero will definitely become the nightmare of everyone who fights with him.

It is enough to practice iron blocks and finger guns until they can use them, and they will not greatly improve Nero's strength.However, there is no harm in protecting yourself with more skills, at least it can strengthen Nero's physical strength.As for the iron block's bonus to unarmed attacks, Nero doesn't use it at all. The Double Blades of Azzinoth have recognized Nero as the master and turned it into two tattoos on the back of Nero's hands. It can be summoned with just one thought, Nero It is unlikely that Lu and Ren will fight with bare hands.The finger gun was also selectively abandoned by Nero for the same reason.It is impossible to master all the skills in ten years, just learn finger guns and iron blocks for a while.

Lanjiao can make people kick out the vacuum slash, and Nero's lack of long-range attack methods can just make up for it.After all, the only magic Nero knows now is life recovery for healing and entanglement for control. Mana burning is useless in this time and space, and Nero's current mana can only be sacrificed for 3 minutes.The study of druid magic and arcane magic must be put on the agenda.

By the way, we must not forget the magic weapon that is necessary for all physical training—weight bearing.Although it is a stupid way, it is also an effective means to improve one's strength and flexibility.

For a long time to come, there was a ghost legend in Ximo Zhiji Village. There was a copper-headed ghost in the forest outside the village, always bumping around.Many villagers have witnessed fleeting black shadows, broken trees can be seen everywhere, and there is even a human-shaped imprint on a huge rock that was knocked out.One of the villagers who saw the shadow also heard the ghost cast a curse, "Is the city's boost so difficult Confucius."

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Five years later, in the room of Nero and Sauron in Yixin Dojo,

"Master, do you really want to leave?" Guina looked at Nero reluctantly.

The 15-year-old Guina has grown to be as tall as Nero's chest.In these years, Kuina has established a deep relationship with this guy who is more like a brother than a master. Now that she suddenly said that she was leaving, Kuina was really reluctant.

Nero packed the change of clothes and some daily necessities to be taken away, and patted Guina's head.Said: "I've said it all, I'm not going to go but go to the forest to experience life magic. As an elf, I only know one healing magic and one winding. It's too sad. I will come back in five years, don't worry !"

"Tch, it's not certain whether we can find the way back by then!" A disdainful voice came from the bed next to him.With short green hair and a black martial arts uniform, the 13-year-old Sauron's height is almost as tall as that of Guina. Years of training have made Sauron's body bulge muscles, and his childish face has already appeared. A bit of resolute edges and corners like a knife and an axe.Pirate Hunter has taken shape.

Hearing Sauron's words, several veins bulged on Nero's head. Five years ago, as an elf, he lost his way in the forest. This was the eternal pain in Nero's heart.However, Nero's expression didn't change, and he showed a warmer smile to Sauron.

Seeing Nero's smile, Sauron knew that something was wrong, and hurried away.But before he ran out of the room, Nero's figure flashed in front of Sauron: "Mr. Sauron, don't rush away. I have a gift for you and Guina!" Sauron objected and gave Sauron two black bracelets.

As soon as Nero let go of his hand, Sauron felt a strong force from his arms, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

"Damn, what do you want to do, you bastard with long ears!~~~~~~~~~~~~" Sauron's curse didn't last, another vine grew from the ground and tied his mouth tightly Reality.Sauron could only look at the instigator of all this with angry eyes.

"Guina-san, this is my gift to you. It is best to give this key to Sauron when he can swing the knife completely unaffected, but I suggest you lock him because of his incomprehensible wood. It will be good forever." Nero put the key into Guina's hand, looked at the blushing faces of the two parties, laughed and walked out with the burden on his back.

Just as Nero walked out of the room, a small shadow jumped onto Nero's shoulder.

"Bouyi" Ibrahimovic was very dissatisfied with Nero's forgetting to bring him, so he opened his small mouth and bit down on Nero's cheek. [

"It hurts, little ancestor. Let go, let go. I'm sorry I haven't forgotten you. I'm going to practice, not to play, and I don't have time to take care of you. Isn't it good for you to eat and drink here?" Nero said on the cheek The pain suddenly disappeared, and Nero wondered why this little guy is so easy to talk about?Turning his head to look, two pairs of misty eyes looked at him.

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I don't want to abandon you. I just... Okay! You win. Follow me obediently and don't make trouble, time is tight and I don't have time to play with you!" Nai, Why is it always eaten to death by this little guy.Nero vs Ibrahimovic, Ibrahimovic won.

"Nai, Sauron-kun, do you need me to open the lock for you?" Kuina asked worriedly looking at Sauron who was constantly struggling to stand up.

"No need, do you think I don't know? This pair of weights was brought by him when he started training. I am the man who wants to become the strongest swordsman. How can I be inferior to that bastard with long ears? How can I be worthy of you like that? Give me the Tao and a word, and I will protect you forever!" Sauron almost roared and stood up with all his strength.

"Suo, So... Sauron-kun, what nonsense are you talking about!" Kuina's face was flushed, steam seemed to be coming out of her head (are you Hinata?) she turned and ran out.

"Hey, Kuina, why are you leaving so suddenly! Hey, at least help me get today's dinner. I don't have a handy hand." Sauron watched Kuina leave, and suddenly remembered a very important question.

"Dinner..." The scene of feeding Sauron herself appeared in Kuina's mind, and she ran even faster.


ps: The weekend outbreak is over, and the next chapter will enter the plot.

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