One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 151 The Elegy of the Lone Wolf


spn "Ten-finger gun!" Gabra's two sharp wolf claws came together and stabbed Sanji like a pair of lotus flowers with spikes.When Sanji moved his feet, he didn't choose to use Shaved's haste to dodge, but jumped up with his strong legs.Then he turned around in the air nimbly like a swift, and kicked Gabra's back because he rushed forward and couldn't return in time.

"Iron block!" Gabra tensed his muscles, lifted the iron block and prepared to resist it. "Third-level minced meat!" When Sanji's moves reached his body, Gabra's legs shaved and trembled, and he quickly put his hands on the ground to avoid being kicked by Sanji.

"It's useless, idiot. I'm the only one in p9 who can use iron blocks in activities, the user of the iron block boxing method!" Gabra said well, but he was secretly cursing the monster in his heart.Not to mention that he is a user of iron blocks, but the huge body after his transformation.It's really scary to be able to kick this nearly three-meter-high and over 200-kilogram werewolf like this after transforming himself, and it seems that he hasn't tried his best.

"Iron block? That kind of move is really troublesome." Sanji was also a little dissatisfied with the effect of his kicking skills, and took the initiative to attack Gabra as soon as he stepped on the ground.

"Shoulder tenderloin! Loin meat! Back pork belly! Belly meat! Upper leg meat! Tail meat! Leg meat! Shin meat!" Sanji shouted faster and faster, and the speed of his feet was also extremely fast. This set is not suitable for his appetite The veal set meal Gabra can only be accepted by force.In the end, Sanji landed on the ground, with his right foot on the ground for strength, his left foot aimed at Gabra's chest and gave him the last dish, "Veal!"[

"Iron boxing!" Gabra crossed his hands in front of his chest, and took the last move of Sanji's veal set meal.Then Gabra put on a look of indifference, "I told you about your kicking skills..." Gabra shot suddenly in the middle of speaking, Sanji didn't check for a while and was added Bulla flew out, "...Spike Fang!"

Gabra retracted his claw-shaped hand, stretched out his long tongue and licked the blood on the claw, "How about the iron boxing method—the wolf tooth style? Aww!" The bloody smell stimulated Gabra became even more excited, raised his head and howled loudly triumphantly.

"Stop talking nonsense, second-level minced meat!" Sanji kicked Gabra in the air like a golden lightning bolt.The huge werewolf Gabra was kicked out by Sanji like a bundle of straw, and hit the wall to stir up smoke and dust in the sky.Sanji lightly pressed the two blood holes in his chest, and looked at Gabra behind the smoke with a little panting, "You really are a ferocious wolf, but it's a pity that I'm a hunter."

The smoke and dust dissipated, but Gabra was still sitting on the ground motionless.Of course Sanji would not think that Gabra was defeated by him just like that.Those previous attacks seemed to hurt him a lot, but they didn't hurt him at all, Sanji knew that very well.But Sanji didn't mind taking a look at what he wanted to do. Gabra's claws hurt him a lot just now, and it would be good to take a break.

"Hmph, a man like you is really admirable, I can say something." Gabra's wolf face showed a convincing expression. A warrior who has left the world of mortals.Gabra slowly raised his left hand, pointed to the stairs beside him and said to Shi, "Go down from here to the first floor, turn left and walk to the end of an alley. Then there will be a dead end in front of you. There is a dead end on the wall there. A symbol of the ZF of the world. There is a button in the middle of the symbol, press it and you can enter the passage to the door of justice."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Sanji was confused by what this guy said suddenly. The order these guys got was to try their best to stop them, right?This guy's sudden change of attitude is too suspicious.

"I'm telling you the way to find that bastard Spandam, you all want to kill him, right?" Gabra said that there was some anger on his face but more of Nai "We p9 look very beautiful, but they are actually poor people who can't control their own destiny. In my heart, I really envy the lives of you pirates. Freedom, excitement, and full of adventures are all my own. Something I haven't felt in over 30 years. You know, this time we were left to stop you, and we were actually considered outcasts. I'm very optimistic about you boy, and I'm going to die soon. I want to press myself before I die willingness to do one thing at a time.”

Gabra opened his eyes and stared at Sanji, showing a sly smile, "Give that bastard Spandam a good kick for me, so that I will be happy even in heaven. Remember that I have been You're knocked out!" After speaking, Gabra raised his left hand and hit his head hard, and then he fell down with his tongue out and his eyes rolled.

Originally there was still a trace of hesitation in Sanji's eyes, but after seeing Gabra's actions, the hesitation in his eyes disappeared. "I see, then I will help you realize your wish. You can leave with peace of mind." Sanji took a deep breath of the cigarette, but some injured lungs were irritated by the smoke and made him cough.Sanjina had no choice but to drop the cigarette butt in his mouth, and after stamping it out, he walked towards the stairs pointed by Gabra.

"Batt, click." The sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground gradually approached, the moment the sound of leather shoes passed Gabra.Gabra's rolled-eyed eyes suddenly flipped over, and the wolf's eyes showed the murderous look of a beast when it ambushes its prey.As soon as Gabra turned over, one of the two sharp claws grabbed the back of the head of Sanji, whose back was facing him, and the other grabbed his back.

Just when Gabra thought he would see blood splatter, Sanji, who seemed to know nothing about his approach, suddenly bent down, and Gabra's two paws pierced through the air.Then a shiny black leather shoe kicked Gabra's chin, kicking his huge body into the air like a rocket.

Gabra's wolf head smashed through the ceiling and got stuck on the roof.The wily lone wolf hung there like bacon to dry.

"With this level of deception, who do you think can be fooled? No, if it is our boat doctor or Miss Dashiqi, it is really possible to be fooled." Sanji looked at this idiot with some words, with this kind of acting and plot Why is the deceitful cloth in my house almost the same?He has said that he can keep using the iron boxing method all the time, how could he be knocked out with just one punch.And the way he fainted just now was too idiotic. If he really passed out, why would he look like a werewolf now?

"Damn it!" Gabra was so angry that he pressed his hands against the ceiling and pulled his head out of the ceiling.Then he stared at Sanji with bloodshot eyes, "Are you provocative? Well, let me show you the true power of the iron boxing method! The iron boxing method - wolf style!" Landing on the ground, the head was lowered and the tail was slightly raised, staring at Sanji like a wolf preparing to pounce on its prey.

After Gabra assumed this pose, his whole demeanor became dangerous.Sanji felt a feeling of being stared at by a beast, and immediately became vigilant.Gabra jumped and ran fast on all fours.Sanji could barely catch Gabra's movements with all his eyesight.Then Gabra began to run quickly around Sanji - this is a common method used by wolves before attacking their prey. As long as the prey is a little slack, the ultimate move will be shot!

Sanji tried his best to catch Gabra's movement, but he stepped on something under his feet, and his movement suddenly lagged.At this moment, Gabra rushed out from behind Sanji's blind spot.With a strong wave of both hands, two claw-shaped slashing waves rushed towards Sanji—the powerful arm strength of the werewolf after half-beast transformation made it possible for him to send Lan's feet from his hands, "Wolfs dance wildly! "

Just wait for you!Sanji showed a successful smile, stepped on the ground and jumped behind Gabra.

"How could it be possible for you to succeed for the second time, the same move is useless to me! (······Stupid Wolf Saint Seiya?) Iron boxing - wolf tail whip!" Gabra's furry big Under the action of the iron block, the tail is like a steel whip. If you sweep the enemy hard, even if you are not injured, you will be beaten.What's more, Gabra didn't intend to just let that guy go, as the tail swiped and his body spun along with it.The two paws retracted to the sides of the body, and after turning around, they stabbed hard at the place where the wolf's tail swept...

Unfortunately, Gabra miscalculated again.After turning around, he stabbed again, but Sanji's figure did not appear. [

"Do you think I will use the same move on you a second time? Hind legs!" Sanji's voice still appeared behind Gabra!Then Gabra felt a heavy blow to his right leg, and after a feeling of flying through the clouds, Gabra fell heavily to the ground.

How is this going?By the way, he can also do six styles!That's right, it must be the moon step!Gabra understood what was going on after a little thought.Just now, Sanji jumped backwards just to show Gabra. Halfway through the jump, Sanji stepped in the air and returned to the original position with the power of the moon step.And Gabra's counterattack action is as if he gave his back to Sanji to attack!

"Skewer kick!" For Sanji, a chest-shaped creature like Gabra, he didn't have a gentleman's demeanor. In the moment he was distracted, Sanji had already jumped on top of his head.The ground rotated like an electric drill and fell towards Gabra who fell on the ground. Even if he used an iron block, Gabra would definitely be seriously injured if he was hit like this!

Seeing that Sanji was about to fall, Gabra didn't care about any moves, so a lazy wolf rolled over and hid.Then Gabra put his hands on the ground, and his body suddenly got up from the ground.Rolled in the air, then stepped on the ground and rushed towards Sanji who was still spinning under the effect of shaving.The right hand clenched a fist and retracted, and then struck forward the moment it approached Sanji, "Wolf Punch!"

This punch Gabra used all the strength of his whole body, coupled with the inertia of his more than 200 kilograms body, when the punch was printed on Sanji's abdomen, Sanji flew upside down without a doubt.

"Hahaha, how does this punch feel? Don't you know the six styles? Why don't you hide? Have you finally figured it out? That's right, it's useless no matter how fast you escape. Your attack can't be defeated at all. Me, and as long as I can hit you once, you will be seriously injured. What's more, compared to us who have already used the six-style proficiency comparison, your six-style is as ridiculous as a baby's toddler!" Gabra looked down and looked down, Sanji, who was kneeling on the ground with one hand covering his stomach and coughing up blood, showed a cruel smile.

"Wolf meat is similar to dog meat, but it tastes salty and has a strong fishy smell. Cooking must be spicy enough!" Sanji raised his head suddenly, and Gabra felt as if he was placed in a meat case with sharp eyes superior.Wiping the bloodstains from the corner of his mouth, Sanji stood up with a confident smile.Only then did Gabra notice that Sanji's right leg was already hot red below the knee.And the floor tiles on the ground that he dragged when he shot Sanji just now were also baked with a fiery red mark.

"Devil's foot——Devil's wind foot. The attack speed of the foot with high heat will be faster..." Sanji kicked out with his fiery right foot, and the high temperature caused the air to appear a little distorted.

Although Gabra was a little worried that he would be injured, he didn't think that Sanji would hurt him so much.So he carried the iron block and prepared to exchange his small injury for Sanji's life.But when Sanji's attack reached the body, Gabra knew he had miscalculated.The feeling that even his bones were scorched made him feel as if he had been thrown into the flames of hell.The hair on his chest instantly curled and zoomed, and a smell of burnt protein permeated the air.

"Your iron block is useless under the powerful attack like a demon!" After Sanji kicked Gabra away, he didn't give him a chance to fight back.With a movement of his feet, the moon steps that he was not yet fully proficient used again and again, and he caught up with Gabra in mid-air.After reaching the bottom of Gabra, Sanji made an upside-down golden hook, and kicked Gabra's head hard with his fiery right foot, "Devil's foot-the finishing touch kick."

It fell like a burning meteorite.Gabra didn't need to disguise this time, his fur was scorched black, and half of his body had sunk into the ground.The half-orc words are also gradually dispelled, and the ability of the devil fruit will gradually lose its effect after the ability user loses consciousness.

"God created the food, and the devil made the seasoning. But this wolf meat is too spicy." The heat on Sanji's right foot gradually disappeared, and he felt the internal organs after fighting with all his fighting spirit. severe pain.Although panting like a broken bellows, Sanji still dragged his tired body upstairs.

When Sanji's figure disappeared, a tall man with a hairstyle like a horn came out. "Are you really lying, Gabra? Or... Forget it, let's take you to treatment first. Is p9 really going to continue to exist?"

ps: The first update is over, a chapter of 4000 words.Although it is a little late to promise everyone's update due to various reasons, I can rest assured that I will pay back the chapters owed to everyone.The big deal is that the lazy cat won't sleep today!There will be another update in a while.

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