One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 176 Night Shadow


spn "Rubber rubber—pistol!" Zombie Oz roared, stretching his arms again and blasting towards the enemies on the ground.Under such a huge fist, the power of human beings seems so small.

"Three Swords Style-Hundred Eight Troubled Winds!"

"Devil's feet - level two ground meat!"

The red and blue lights collided with Ozzy's fist at the same time, blocking the huge fist abruptly.Sanji flipped nimbly to get rid of the shock from his fist and landed on the ground. He raised his eyebrows at Zoro, and pointed to the cut in his trouser leg, "Have you seen the punch well, Green?" Zaotou. If it doesn’t work, I’ll be fine by myself.”

"Tch, how could I lose to you, curling my eyebrows." Sauron snorted coldly at Sauron, but he knew in his heart that he really didn't practice enough this time.The slash from the black knife Qiushui in the right hand absorbed [-]% of the slashes from the other two knives at the last moment!It seems that my practice is not enough to fully control this unruly knife. [

"Where are you looking, rubber rubber—machine gun!" Ozzy's roar sounded like thunder, Zoro and Sanji were startled and ready to shoot, but... nothing happened.Ozzy's fists were vented in an empty space!

"That's great, I said that if it was Luffy's shadow, he would definitely be hit." Abis smiled triumphantly, flapping the little wings on her back and dancing happily in the air.

"Hey, don't get complacent too early. The paint I brought has been used up. Also, if you don't leave soon, we will be miserable after the bullfighting red is destroyed." Shirley put her hand Throwing aside the mop soaked in red paint, Yibi quickly packed up all his tools, and immediately called Abis to run away.

"What are you doing, Ozzy! Stop it!" Moria roared angrily, mobilized his ability vigorously, and forcibly stopped Ozzy's actions.

"Aleigh? What am I doing? I'm clearly going to attack over there?" Oz scratched his head inexplicably, and then looked at the fragmented pattern on the ground, "Why did I attack here inexplicably?"

"Hehe, I'm confused. When Luffy was in the small garden, Shirley played him around." Usopp gritted his teeth, and aimed his eyes at Moria in Oz's belly, "No one compares We understand Luffy's weakness better, so as long as we get rid of you, we will definitely be able to deal with this zombie! Kill - Iron Man Comet!" Usopp loosened his hands, and the rubber belt that he pulled away with all his strength immediately went forward.The stunned one who was taken by him was Franky who was sitting cross-legged!

"Good job, Long Nose!" Frankie looked at Moria who was getting closer, with a fanatic expression on his face.Pulling down the chain hanging on his body vigorously, Frankie connected all the baby's fist-sized sticks to the slot on his left arm.Then he flipped his wrist, revealing a black muzzle, "This is a mortar capable of killing Neptunes. Even Shichibukai can't be spared at such a short distance! Go to hell, Moriah!"

The powerful gunfire poured towards Ozzy's stomach, and the smoke and flames drowned Moria's figure.Ozzy's reaction was not slow, and he immediately slapped Franky like a fly.Frankie, who was in the air, had no ability to resist at all, and was directly beaten firmly by Oz.It flew upside down and smashed a thick wall into pieces.

"Haha...cough...haha, is it, Lao is the taste of the director, Moria !" Although Frankie was coughing blood and couldn't move his body, he still laughed arrogantly.It is enough for him to be proud of killing a Shichibukai with his own hands.

"Hee hee, I've let you down." Moria's laughter came from behind the smoke, and a breeze blew past, revealing Moria who was unharmed. "With such a ridiculous attack, is it like killing a Shichibukai? You are too naive." Moria looked at Franky with a sneer, and then sat on the broken seat and waved, "Slap him flat, Oz!"

"Of order, master." Ozzy responded in a muffled voice, and walked slowly to Franky's side, shaking his hands back at the same time, "Rubber rubber—machine gun!"

Everyone knows this move commonly used by Luffy. In the second gear, even Rob Lucci is hated by this move.What's more, now that Oz is in use, his power is comparable to Luffy's third gear!Under this kind of attack, even the invulnerable modified man Franky would definitely be smashed to pieces.And now even Usopp, who is the closest to Franky, is more than ten meters away. Such a long distance is beyond reach!

As if by a miracle, when Oz swung his hands out, the storm-like attack did not appear.Ozzy stretched out his arms straight, but the two arms did not lengthen as before. "Ah? Not stretched? Why?" Ozzy pulled his right arm with his left hand strangely, and then pulled his left arm with his right hand, but the two arms had no intention of being stretched at all.

"Eighty blooms - four trees." Robin folded his arms over his chest, and Moriah in Oz's stomach was now being held tight by four arms.Robin breathed a sigh of relief, this time he made the right bet, "Sure enough, this zombie change is related to you. Although I don't know how you did it, please don't use your abilities indiscriminately if possible. Otherwise I can't guarantee your safety. Four trees—restrain!"

Feeling the tighter arms on his body, Moria couldn't help snorting.Even Qiwuhai can only move after being restrained with joint skills.However, there was no trace of panic on Moriah's face, but Yao looked at Robin with interest, "The ability to reach out, you are Nicole Robin. You really are a beauty, no wonder that guy would do it for you." You've ruined Judiciary Island."

"Well, since you have restrained me like this, let me tell you some little secrets as a reward." Moriah looked at Robin calmly, and as soon as his voice fell, a dark shadow came from Oz. Drilled in the shadow of the transmission.It looks like Moriah's shadow! "The shape of the shadow always changes with the change of the entity, but on the contrary, why can't the shadow affect the shape of the entity? Through my shadow, I can control the change of Ozzy's shadow to affect the change of Ozzy's body, so as to achieve the effect just now. It is the ability of my Shadow Fruit—Shadow Revolution!"

"What!" Even though he had seen all kinds of strange abilities, everyone was still amazed after Moria told him about his strange abilities.And what Moriah wanted was just a moment.At the moment when everyone lost their minds, Moriah's shadow suddenly shattered and turned into a group of dark bats overwhelmingly flying towards Robin.

"How can I let you succeed, howling of the desert!" Kuina's eyes suddenly became like rubies, and the billowing yellow sand shot up into the sky and directly knocked out all the fragmented bats of Moria.Kuina, who was sitting leaning on a rock, spit out blood again, and using her ability with a seriously injured body was a heavy burden on her body, but Kuina was still smiling, "I have been guarding against your move for a long time, We won't be stupid enough to chat with you! Weiwei, it's your turn!"

"Okay!" Weiwei, who had been waiting for a long time, flashed out from behind the rock that Kuina was leaning against, and in her hand, a colorful ball of light the size of a basketball was shining brilliantly and dangerously, "You It’s best not to let this big guy move, Moria. Otherwise, Sister Robin will directly break your neck!” [

"Really? Then I want to see it!" Moria's voice suddenly seemed to be close at hand.Weiwei suddenly felt that her feet were pulled violently, and she fell to the ground all at once, and the ball of light condensed in her hand also shattered like soap bubbles.

"Hee hee hee, do you think I really can't do anything?" Moriah held a pair of large scissors with a cold light in one hand, and was pulling a struggling shadow with the other hand. Weiwei linked together, "I tell you, my shadow and I can switch positions! Shadow mages are not afraid of your joint skills!"

"What!" Robin looked up, and the shadow fixed by his own ability was opening his big black mouth as if laughing at himself.

"Let go of Weiwei quickly!" Kuina slapped her wings on her back vigorously, condensed two long knives made of yellow sand in her hands, and slashed towards Moria, while also slashing at Weiwei. Shouting, "Weiwei, elementalize and escape!"

"No, I can't do it at all, I..." Before Weiwei could finish speaking, her body shook suddenly and she fell into a coma.

"Clang!" The sand knife in Kuina's hand and Moriah's scissors chopped together, and Moriah's huge arms didn't even shake!

"Hee hee hee, it turned out to be natural. But the shadow is in my hands, and your fate is under my control! Now there is no corpse to hold you, so I will hold it like this first." Moria looked at it Weiwei's constantly struggling shadow nodded in satisfaction.At the same time, the other hand exerted force, and directly flew Guina away, "Go, go, little girl who has no shadow, don't waste my time!"

"You bastard!" Sauron caught Kuina, the anger in his eyes gushing like flames, and the black knife in his right hand slashed towards Moria as hard as he could.The blade easily scratched Moria's neck, and then Moria's body turned into black bats and scattered away.

"Hee hee hee, the newcomer pirates are really easy to get angry. But they can't survive in this sea if they only yell!" Moriah sat in the cab on Oz's stomach, grabbed Looking at Vivi's shadow, he watched Sauron splitting his own shadow, "Let me solve your pain mercifully! Ozzy, play to your heart's content! I want those people to see us The difference between real pirates and the so-called rookies now!"

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