One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 192 Meeting the Gluttonous Girl on the Road


spn "Don't you have anything to explain to me?" Perona looked at Nero floating in the air, with undisguised anger in her eyes, "Why do I have to listen to you? I am a famous ghost Princess Perona, why do you have to use it as a dove to find your way!"

"Great, I was worried you'd be late. If you don't make it on time, we won't have a lot of fun at the party."

"Party? I don't know what you want to do. You asked me to find something and I have already found it. To be honest, I was also taken aback by this thing. I didn't expect that there would be such a thing on the limited land. Some words... Forget it, after helping you this time, I will return all the things Enilo owes you. Sky Island does not need God, no one needs it. This thing is up to you to dispose of .”

"I can forgive you for throwing me out casually yesterday, and you were very good at protecting me as a servant at that time." Perona waved her hand with a satisfied expression I don't care about his etiquette.But it didn't take long before her face became ugly again, "Hey, did you hear me!"

"I didn't expect you to say such a thing, Eneru. It seems that my choice was not wrong at the time. Sarah, remember to invite me when you marry Miss Conis." Nero showed a smirk, Enilu on the opposite side hung up the phone before shouting angrily.When he looked up, he found a pair of big eyes painted with eyeshadow less than a few centimeters away from him, and the two rows of white teeth kept opening and closing. It seemed that a young lady was complaining about something. [

She made a few small movements on her hands without any trace, and after removing the sound-proof barrier placed on Perona, Perona's complaints also came out, "... your two younger sisters are also right I'm quite rude. How dare you lock me up with sea tower stones? No matter what I say, I'm also your helper, a guest! How could they treat me like this!"

"Hey? If I remember correctly, it seems that someone is just a trophy I won from a bet with the Golden Lion. But how did you end up with the Golden Lion? I met you." Nero has been with her for so many days, and he almost understands the characteristics of the Princess Mononoke in front of him.Although this little girl and eldest lady has a strong temper, it is surprisingly easy to change the topic.

Sure enough, Perona's hatred value was easily transferred by Nero's words. "It's not that damn tyrant bear! He even slapped me, a lady, into the air! This is simply too much..."

Listening to Perona's chattering complaints, Nero lay leisurely on the boat.Early this morning, I sneaked a small boat from Daughter Island and forcibly slipped out with Perona. With the "private help" of the sea wolf named Gasol by Nero, I quickly walked out of the wind. bring.But after feeling the sea breeze again, another small question appeared in front of Nero again—where is the Chambord Islands?

At this time, in the palace of Daughter's Island, Gruta and Sonia are anxiously reporting the news they just discovered to their sister.

"Miss Huang, my brother is gone again. Someone reported that there is also one less boat at the port, so he must have left without saying goodbye." Sonia said firmly.I made a mistake, I thought my brother would stay here for at least a few days.It's still a step too late. "And that washboard was also taken away by my brother, why didn't I think that Hailoushi's chains couldn't stop my brother at all."

"It's okay, just let him go." As if he didn't understand what Sonia said, Hancock still combed his smooth hair slowly in front of the mirror. "Anyway, he will come back in a month. This time he personally said that he would live with us for a year or two."

"Eh, really? That's really great. Let me tell you, Miss Huang, how could you let your brother leave like this?" Sonia was also very happy when she heard the news, and returned the things she had made. My brother's plans were forgotten.Although that bastard brother has some bad tastes, he has not broken his promise to them.

But Gruta next to her seemed to be smiling unnaturally, "Well...does anyone know how my brother's navigation skills are? I accidentally found this in his hand yesterday, so I secretly Take it off." Gruta nervously took out a watch-like permanent pointer with the words Chambord Islands written on it.

Perona finally vented the depression in her heart, and got back into her body in a comfortable mood.Only now did she realize that her ability to get out of her body has this benefit, no matter how long she complains, she won't feel tired. "But does your chain and chain really work? I don't think this sea king can bring us back to the Devil's Triangle Sea."

"Don't worry, I'm still very confident about this matter. As long as Ibrahimovic is there to find the way, it will be absolutely fine." Nero lazily pointed to a certain man who was squatting on the tip of the sea wolf's nose. The brown hairball continued to lie on the boat with its eyes closed and meditate.

"Thick, thick, thick, it turns out that the little cutie knows how to sail. I said, how could it be that what I valued Perona is just cute appearance." Perona looked at Nero with eager eyes, "How about it, How about having the doctor make him a cute zombie when we get to Ghost Island? A pet will grow old or die one day, but a zombie will always be cute."

"You'd better ask it your own opinion on this point. If it agrees, I, the owner, don't have any objections." How could that foodie agree to such a thing, but it's good to let her be quiet.Nero looked at Perona who jumped from the small boat onto the back of the sea wolf with great interest, shook his head, and the imprint on the back of his hand flashed, and a large fishing net appeared in his hand.

"Bu~~~yi!" "Plop!" Ibrahimovic's angry roar and the sound of Perona falling into the water sounded almost at the same time. Obviously, the conversation between the two parties was not very smooth.Nero quickly threw the fishing net in his hand to the place where the bubbles were still bubbling, and began to salvage Perona.

"Bouyi!" Ibrahimovic looked at Perona who was rescued by Nero, and stretched out his front paws to pat her wet face.Then he shook the water on his paws, raised his big tail and began to give a victorious speech proudly.

Suddenly, Ibrahimovic's small nose wrinkled a few times, and a pair of big eyes suddenly lit up.Nero even seemed to see bits of food drifting by from both of its eyes. "Bouy! Bouy! Bouy!" Ibrahimovic jumped onto Nero's shoulder, pointed at five o'clock with his claws and shouted anxiously.

"Okay, is that the right direction? See how anxious you are. Our prey this time is not small. The old rules are yours, and the rest is mine." Nero's eyes lit up, and he took Perona Put it on the side of the boat and let her spit out seawater by herself.At the same time, he stretched out his hand and patted the broad back of the sea wolf pulling the boat, "Okay, Gasol. Now go in the direction that the hairball said with all your strength. If it's done well, I'll let you go."

"Wow!" The sea wolf let out a cheerful roar, swung its fins as hard as it could, and started to walk through the sea.It has been unlucky all day today. As a sea wolf among sea beasts, he also has a large territory of his own in the wind belt where sea kings are rampant.However, he was suddenly beaten so that his head was full of bags and became a boat puller, and he was given a human-like name.How wonderful to have a chance to be set free by this demon!

Under the full play of the sea wolf Gasol, the boat moved forward rapidly like a roller coaster in an amusement park in the previous life.Perona, who had just woken up slowly, rolled her eyes and passed out again under the huge turbulence.But her painful experience didn't last long, and a pirate ship with a skull flag was slowly magnifying in their eyes. [

"Ahh!" After biting off a large piece of barbecue in her hand, Bonnie reached out to the pizza on the table.There were food scraps and gnawed bones all over the table and floor.It feels like entering a party scene after a carnival.However, this is the captain's room belonging to the Jenny Bonnie Pirates, and the girl who sits at the dining table and eats without any image is the pirate supernova with a bounty of 4000 million Baileys - the gluttonous girl Jenny. bonnie.

Just as Bonnie was about to eat her favorite pizza, a violent shock made her frown.Although these men of mine are not well-known crew members, their skills after sailing on the great voyage for so long can be regarded as pretty good.Now there is only one possibility for this situation-some blind guys have come to disturb Miss Bonnie's meal.

Calmly chewing the pizza in her hand, Bonnie opened the door of the captain's cabin and walked out.All the crew members under her have now appeared on the deck, and all of them are holding their weapons tightly, as if facing an enemy.

Bonnie walked over to her mate and wiped her oily hands on his jacket. "Something's up, Woody. Disturbed my morning tea and you know what's going to happen."

"It's great that you came out, Captain, we're in big trouble again this time." Woody, the first mate, dressed like a Texas cowboy, was slightly relieved when he saw Bonnie come out, "The enemy coming this time is not simple. , is the guy with the highest bounty who belongs to the same supernova as you. Fortunately, there is only one weird girl beside him, and there is no trace of the other two supernovas who belong to the same Straw Hat Pirates as him.”

"Oh, is that the guy with 8500 million Baileys higher than Kidd's bounty?" Bonnie pondered for a moment, then waved her hand carelessly, "Get out of the way, you guys, I'd like to see Let's see what Mr. No. 1 is doing on this small boat of mine."

The crew quickly made way for their captain to reveal Nero who was standing there with Perona on his shoulders. "I'm Jenny Bonnie, the captain of this ship. Are you representing the Straw Hat Pirates to declare war on me? Is it true that the Straw Hat's courage is just to take a weak woman like me first?"

The moment this bad girl who was dressed like a bosozoku appeared, there felt a strange fluctuation conveyed to him.Then Perona, who was carried on his shoulders, became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a baby girl who was only a few months old and slid off his shoulders.

The ability to rejuvenate?It seems that I always meet some interesting people recently.After catching the baby Perona who had fallen to the ground and holding her in his arms, Nero showed a 'kind' smile to Bonnie as if nothing had happened, "Oh, I don't mean anything else. I just picked up by the way. It's just a sailboat to the Chambord Islands. You should go there, right. Of course, if you insist on treating us to something to eat and changing clothes for this wet girl, we will be very happy."

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