One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 200 The Rising Flames of War


The outside of the spn human auction site has been completely besieged, and the aristocratic lords who just escaped from it have resumed their noble style at this time.What they have to do now is to tactfully express their opinions to the navy surrounded outside.

"Why don't you rush in, those pirates are inside. What are you navy doing!"

"I haven't got the auction item I bought yet. If your misconduct caused any damage to my property, I will definitely complain to the Navy headquarters."

"Hey, what are you doing here? Don't you even dare to go in and confront the pirates? What kind of navy do you call?"


Facing a group of nobles who looked like chirping sparrows, the navy could only form a human wall to keep them out.However, the silence of the navy fueled the arrogance of these guys even more. After seeing the behavior of the navy, they became even more noisy.

"Boom!" A gunshot made the scene that was gradually getting out of control finally quiet down.A bearded commodore with earphones put down the smoking muzzle in his hand, "We have reason to believe that there are spies of pirates among the people who came out just now. This time the situation is endangering the Tianlong people. Rising to the red level. As the person in charge here, I have a certain number of accidental loss quotas. No, I don’t hope I will use them.”

Seeing the aristocrats who were like roosters just now become as quiet as quails, Brigadier General Stanford finally heaved a sigh of relief. "Have the mortars arrived?" Brigadier General Stanford looked at the dark gate of the auction house and asked his subordinates.

The deputy hurriedly saluted, and reported to his chief concisely and clearly, "Yes, the cannons are all in place. They are currently being reloaded at a high speed, and they can be used immediately."

"The loaded mortars will be placed at the gate immediately. There has been no news since Major Toss entered. The situation this time is definitely beyond our imagination." Brigadier General Stanford is very worried about the safety of his subordinates, but now It's not the time for him to be emotional, "Is there any news from the headquarters?"

"This... the headquarters called to say that General Kizaru came back to deal with the problems here, but as the vanguard, it was Shichibukai Bartholomi Kuma." Although the deputy was a little surprised why the headquarters sent a Shichibukai here first Deal with this kind of thing, but he still reported the news he heard to his chief.

"What, it turned out to be that guy..." Brigadier General Stanford's pupils constricted suddenly, but he quickly calmed himself down.The marshal will send him to be the vanguard, so that rumor should be true. "Order everyone to aim at the door, and shoot as soon as the pirates come out. No one can escape from here before the arrival of the general Kizaru!"

"Do you want to escape?" Hearing the devil in front of him ask himself, all the slaves couldn't help staring at his big purple hands with greedy eyes.There was a bunch of keys that he kept playing with, and he just used one of them to open the collar around the mermaid girl's neck.

"Very good, it seems that you are all eager to be free. This is very good... But I want to remind you that no matter where you are from, you can't go back. Where the power of the ZF in the world can reach, You no longer have the possibility to live in the sun." Nero's words made these slaves feel tight, and the excitement about being liberated was completely shattered by the cruel facts.But that's exactly what Nero wanted, "But I can give you an almost. You can live in a place that doesn't discriminate against you, and where you don't have to worry about the possibility of being caught as a slave. You can live a fair and honest life." Under the blue sky. But you have to make a choice if you want me to help you."

"Clang!" A sharp dagger was thrust into the stage by Nero, and then Nero grabbed the Celestial Dragon Roswald and threw him in front of those who were still at a loss.At the same time as the Tianlong people were thrown there, there was also a bunch of keys they had dreamed of. "I've given you freedom, it's up to you to choose what to do next."

"What will you do to those who don't do anything? And it's not a good thing to expand the size of the pirate group at this time." Robin leaned back in his chair, and said to Nero as if sighing.She didn't like Nero's behavior this time, but couldn't think of any reason to stop him.Just the beautified things she read in the literature made her shudder at the word slave.

"Expand the scale? I never planned this kind of thing, and it's Luffy's job to invite people on board. I just want to see how many people are worth saving, but obviously the devil's reputation is not high." Nero looked at the people who ran out in a hurry as soon as the handcuffs were released, and waved at Perona so-called.Perona, who had been with him for so many days, easily understood what he meant, and a few ghosts appeared with a wave of her palm.Nero opened his mouth and sucked in these pure soul energies, and his behavior further accelerated the selection speed of those people.

"Idiot!" Trafalgar Luo put his hands on the back of the chair, and glanced lazily at those who ran out.He had already labeled those people as dead, "Where can you people escape? After what happened just now, there is no safe place in the entire Chambord Islands."

"Hehe, as expected of the guy whose bounty surpasses mine. It's really interesting." Kidd stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then glanced at Raleigh the Hades, who was sitting on the side drinking with a flagon, "And there is a legendary figure here, and the days to come will definitely be very lively."

"Ah!" Roswald's screams caught everyone's attention, and everyone turned their attention to the first person to make a choice.Unexpectedly, the person holding the handle of the knife tremblingly turned out to be a girl dressed as a dancer who looked weak and weak.

"It's okay, Mister Devil. I have nothing to lose, please let me live." After stabbing a wound on the world's noble with a dagger, the dancer girl collapsed limply on the ground with her hands full of blood. land.He looked at Nero with pleading eyes.After hurting the Tianlongren, there is really no chance of recovery, but she longs for a chance to live as a human again.

"Very good! Now that you have made your choice, follow me first." A smile appeared in Nero's blood-red eyes.Then there is no need for him to say anything more, Mr. Chef Knight, who has long been bored with it, rushed up to greet him...

"You have been surrounded, and the prisoners quickly released the Roswald family. The general will arrive soon, and advise you to surrender immediately. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen to you, newcomers!" The fully prepared marines started The most commonly used working procedure - calling out to persuade them to surrender.Although it is clear that this kind of effort will not have any effect on those rebellious pirates, but at least this way can let the kidnapped know that they are trying to rescue them when they understand the situation inside.

But unexpectedly, shortly after a round of shouting.Someone actually came out.The red hedgehog wears a pair of goggles on his head, and the open coat allows people to clearly see the strong muscles of his upper body - Bounty 3 million Bailiustas Kidd.A decadent black-haired man wearing a speckled fur hat—a bounty of 1500 million Perito Rafalgar Luo.A boy wearing a straw hat and a silly smile on his face - Bounty 2 million Bailey Monkey Luffy. [

"I will deal with the garbage at the door, you two don't make trouble for me."

"Give me both of you, and I'll do it alone."

"So long-winded, you bastard."

"Go away, don't bother me."

"It's annoying, you two shut up!"

"shut up."

"What did you say, didn't you say to give it to me?"

"No, let me do it."

"Don't give me orders, Master Eustace."

"A bunch of sick-minded guys!"

"You are the one with a sick mind!"


The three pirate captains with a bounty of over [-] million easily went directly to the gunpoints of the navy.Facing the navy ready to go, the three rebellious bounty hunters were arguing like children.The difference is that what the children are fighting for is candy, and what they are fighting for is the power to beat up the navy present.

"Crack!" A soft sound made Florence, who was talking to the yellow ape, suddenly stiffen.He reached into his pocket, and tremblingly took out a palm-sized dragon-shaped jade carving.Dragon Jade - after the birth of Tianlong people, their elders personally made a lot of things similar to life cards, but now this once more exquisite jade carving is full of cracks.

"Roswald! Damn!!! Aww!!!" A huge dragon roar came from Florence's mouth.The death of his offspring made the elder Tianlong who had lived for an unknown time no longer be able to suppress the anger in his heart.He couldn't bear the sluggish naval movements any longer.

On this day, the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters saw an unforgettable scene. A red dragon suddenly appeared in the sky above the Navy Headquarters.Simply, this legendary creature seemed not interested in the navies below, so he flapped his wings and left here quickly.

"It's strange, why is Mr. Florence leaving in such a hurry? I haven't finished my tea yet." Huang Yuan pretended to be strange as he watched the red dragon fly away from the Navy headquarters, and refilled his teacup with a cup of tea. Continue to savor it slowly.

"Hey, General Yellow Ape. The soldiers are ready, do you want to go to the Chambord Islands now!"

"Let's wait a little longer! Such a big event needs to be fully prepared."

"But the general..."

"Okay, isn't Zhan Taowan already taking the pacifists there? Dr. Vegapunk's experimental product needs to add a lot of actual combat data."

"Understood, general. Let's go and make full preparations." [

After drinking all the tea in his cup, Huang Yuan let out a long sigh of relief. "If something happens to the strongest elder, those Tianlong people will agree to some conditions. You really made me a villain once, Warring States."

ps: I would like to inform everyone here that Lazy Cat is going to do market research tomorrow.There probably won't be many time codewords, so don't be too surprised if there isn't an update.Of course, as long as possible, Lazy Cat will try to write a chapter.

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