One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 206 Crazy Mushroom


spn Nero, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Robin, Vivi, Tashiki, Kuina, Franky, Brooke, Edward, Abis, Shirley, Chopper, and There are Karoo and Ibrahimovic.Where did that guy get everyone else?Where did everyone disappear to?I will never spare that Shichibukai who looks like a bear!

Having said that, where would I fly to?If I fall into the sea, I will die.I'm long will I be flying, I really want to eat.Even if it's a feast without Sanji, it's okay to cook Apis that others don't want.But suddenly I feel a little sleepy, let's go to bed first.I really want to come together and be in the kingdom of food.Everyone wait for me for a while, I will definitely find you, no matter where you are...

A communication bird is lazily flying in the air on the sea breeze, watching it flap its wings slowly, it is not worried about its own business at all.In fact, for the communication bird, the work of delivering newspapers can be said to be the easiest.Especially No. 97, which is in charge of this sea area, even if there are not many pirate ships passing by here, as long as they encounter the ship with the snake pattern, no matter how many women in the newspapers will buy them up.And those women not only tip generously, but also take out delicious bread crumbs and small fish to feed themselves. No. 97 is really grateful to the head of the newspaper who divided his work area here.

In this sea near the wind belt, no bird is foolish enough to fly too fast.In case of accidentally rushing into the wind belt, it is almost a luxury to escape from the mouths of those sea kings by flapping their wings.But No. 97, who was flying lazily, didn't expect that the birds that can fly are not necessarily birds, and the other party's flight mode is not necessarily controlled by himself.

"Pfft!" Amidst the flying feathers of the number, No. 97 fell dizzily to the sea.The last scene it saw before it passed out was a transparent thing like a bear's paw print wrapped around a person and flew rapidly into the wind belt. [

"Boom!" A huge palm print was deeply imprinted on the grass.The impact bubble that wrapped the drowsy Luffy shattered, and Luffy, who had been flying for three days, finally felt the feeling of being on the ground again. "You survived." Luffy looked at the bird flying past in the sky, and suddenly felt a sense of relief.Anyway, it was nice not to fall in the ocean.

After sitting up from the ground, Luffy stretched his body. "But it doesn't look like I survived because I'm rubber." Luffy thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he didn't feel too much impact when he landed, that is, it felt like he accidentally fell to the ground. "Other people must have been photographed flying somewhere like me, right? But if this is the case, everyone must have survived well. In that case, we just need to find them!"

"What, isn't this an easy task?" After sorting out all the clues, Luffy's remaining drowsiness was also swept away.After getting up from the ground, Luffy patted the dust off his body.He began to look around and observe the surrounding environment, "But what is this thing that looks like a bear's paw print? And where is this place?"

The woods behind Luffy began to shake slightly. Obviously, the movement Luffy made just now was not as simple as startling a group of birds.Some more curious predators also want to come and join in the fun.A huge hoof pushed the grass to the ground, and a wild boar, which was a little bigger than an elephant, poked its head out of the woods.

"It's really troublesome. If I don't know where this is, I can't go to the Chambord Islands. Everyone must go there to meet. Ah, no, if it's Zoro, I might get lost somewhere." Luffy frowned and thought, but thinking seemed to consume his physical strength.Just a few seconds later, his stomach pouch, which had not received food for three days, made a serious protest to his master.

"Goo~~~" The miserable growl of the stomach reminded Luffy of a more serious problem, "It's not good, I've already... 3... 7... Ah! I haven’t eaten 15 meals! This is a terrible thing! It’s no good, I don’t have any energy when I think about how long I haven’t eaten meat.”

Luffy, who hadn't gotten up for a long time, fell to the ground again 'dying', which made the giant wild boar standing aside overjoyed.This tailless monkey-like creature on this island is very dangerous, but this one seems to have no resistance.The mouth of the giant wild boar couldn't help drooling when he remembered that he was going to taste a delicacy that he hadn't eaten before.

"Wow!" An imposing roar came from the mouth of the giant wild boar.The wild boar was very satisfied with his roar.It seems that my effort to learn the roar of the tiger next door was not in vain.The monkey without a tail is already shaking with fright!

Luffy, who was lying on his back, turned over tremblingly, and slowly got up with the support of his hands.The ground was gradually getting wet with water... Luffy stretched out his tongue and licked his drool-filled chin. Luffy raised his head and looked at the huge wild boar with a brighter smile, "Great, Finally we can eat!"

"Boom!" A loud noise startled the flying bird that had just landed and panted again.After a while, a curl of smoke rose from the woods, and the smell of barbecue spread throughout the forest...

"Ah, I'm full!" Luffy patted his bulging stomach, lay down comfortably against a big tree, and burped in satisfaction.In the open space next to it, several huge white skeletons without a trace of flesh are piled up there, which are the friendly offerings of a wild boar with excess curiosity and some animals that smell the scent.

"This is really a good place. Animals are not afraid of people at all. When we were on Mount Gorda, those animals hid as soon as they saw us. The days when they were thrown into the forest by grandpa were really sad. Ah. I really don’t want to think about it!” He said so, but when the face of that person in his childhood emerged from his mind, Luffy still showed a smile.After covering his face with the straw hat, Luffy, who was well fed, began to rest quietly.

"It's really quiet in this forest!" Lu Fei lay on the ground, suddenly feeling very lonely.In the past, there were Ace, Dadan and others, and after going to sea, there are partners by my side.It was the first time that Luffy felt the feeling of loneliness.

"Oh my god, what am I in a daze for? It's not okay at this time, let's go find them quickly." Luffy stood up struggling with his big belly, put the straw hat on his head, and shouted He ran up, "Wow! Everyone, here I come!"

Running fast, rampaging without a specific direction to pursue.Rather than saying that Luffy is in a hurry, it is better to say that he is venting.Nero was seriously injured, Abis was nirvana, Sauron and the others were also photographed when they were fighting against the bear-like Shichibukai, and Fei's life and death were unknown.All these things happened in front of my eyes, but I couldn't do anything in the face of all these things.Thinking carefully about everything before, I relied too much on other people. Without other people, I couldn't even find my way back!

A tall stone wall appeared in front of him, but Luffy had no intention of detouring at all.Put your thumb in your mouth and blow hard into your fingers.The arm, which was not originally thick, immediately became as huge as a giant's arm, "Gear 3—Giant's Spear!"

"Boom!" Under Luffy's huge fist, the boulder lying in front of him was undoubtedly smashed into rubble.Luffy himself also temporarily turned into a small man like a rag doll due to the aftereffects of using the third gear.

"Eh, really. It seems that I have overdone it by accident." Mini Luffy moved his little arms and legs and walked slowly, and his movement speed has become a very fast one now. Big question. "How big is this forest? I thought I could get out of it soon." Luffy complained dissatisfiedly, he didn't have time to spend on circles in this sense now.Especially after messing with the third gear just now, it is even more troublesome to use these small arms and legs to travel.

But the smaller body is not all bad, at least the lowered sight makes Luffy discover some interesting things. "Ah-Lei! Isn't this a laughing mushroom?" Mini Luffy looked at the green mushroom-like thing in front of him, stretched out two small hands and pulled it vigorously to pull it out. "By the way, I have to eat this when I'm unhappy." Luffy said so, he put the mushroom in his hand into his mouth and chewed it. [

Just after chewing half of the mushroom and swallowing it, Luffy suddenly felt an uncontrollable want to laugh. "Hahahaha, it's so interesting. It really is a laughing mushroom, hahahaha!" Luffy laughed, rolling on the ground with his stomach in his hands, and he didn't stop until he laughed and said his stomach hurt a little.

After trying the effect of the laughing mushroom, Luffy turned his gaze to the big tree on the other side, where a cluster of light blue mushrooms was growing. "Hey, I don't know what those mushrooms look like? Forget it, let's eat and see."

"Ah, I suddenly feel like crying. No, laughing mushroom, laughing mushroom."

"Hahahaha, luckily I didn't cry. Hahahaha, otherwise it would be too embarrassing. Hahahaha"

"Hey, there are some mushrooms here too? I wonder if it would be more interesting?"


"Be careful, someone just ate all the beasts here. The other party may be very difficult to deal with."

"I know, but the warriors of our great Amazon Lily are not afraid of such things."

"Hey, I know you're amazing. Huh? There seems to be something there!"

"What! Did you spot the intruder!"

"No, it seems... It's a person, and it's covered with mushrooms."

"People? Are they children from the village?"

"I don't know, but he probably ate the mushrooms growing on his body. If left alone, he will become the nourishment of the mushrooms and die."

"Then there's nothing we can do. Let's move this child back to the village first. Really, I don't know whose family it is. Don't you know that the mushrooms that grow on your body can only be eaten when they are cooked?"

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