One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 216 Prisoner, Brother


In the naval port of Spn Marine Fodo, warships are busy docking.At the time of the most severe test in the history of the navy, the admirals all over the sea were urgently recalled.Regardless of whether it is the lieutenant general or Cao Chang, in the remaining less than 3 days, the navy is mobilizing its troops as much as possible.

"Crack!" A polished leather shoe stepped onto the pier of the Navy Headquarters, and a smoky figure walked down from the deck.

"You're late, Smoker. It's far beyond the date Tina agreed with you. Tina is very angry!" Her long pink curly hair and her undulating figure attracted almost everyone's attention on the pier.However, few people dare to strike up a conversation casually. This is the famous thorn rose in the Navy Headquarters - Captain [Black Prison] Tina.

"That's it, then I'm sorry. I met an 'old friend' on the road, so I was delayed for a while." The sea breeze gently blew away the smoke, revealing a strong man with white hair behind him.Smoker took a puff of his cigar, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth, "I haven't been back to the Navy headquarters for a long time..."

Just as Smoker was about to sigh with emotion, suddenly hurried footsteps and shouts sounded. "Come on, Blackbeard in Qibuhai has forcibly snatched a warship and left the port!" Smoker frowned, and was about to catch up in the thick smoke. [

Suddenly, a sharper and sharper feeling pierced between the eyebrows, and one side of Smoker's conditioned reflex was almost elemental. "Crack!" A bloody mouth appeared on Smoker's shoulder, and the bullet slid across Smoker's shoulder and embedded deeply into the wall on one side.

"Smog, Tina is very puzzled that your natural element has been injured." Tina moved closer to Smoker, and looked at the wound on his shoulder.Then he tore a piece of cloth from Smoker's clothes neatly and bound it up for him.

"It's such a long distance, and there's domineering aura attached to it. That Blackbeard has a lot of capable men." Smoker let Tina bandage him, and stared at the warship that was gradually moving away with evil spirits in his eyes, " But if you dare to act recklessly here, this Seven Martial Sea is really a bit arrogant!"

"Let him go, Smoker!" Qingzhi stretched out his head lazily from the wall beside him, and waved his hand at Smoker, "Zhan Guo let me watch here so that there will be no trouble. He wants to If you want to leave, just lend him a warship, don’t worry about this kind of thing at this time. What we have to do now is..."

"Preserve your strength to deal with Whitebeard. Those guys must think so. You see, there is no warship chasing." Blackbeard Marshall Teach laughed arrogantly standing on the deck of the warship. It was an expected reaction, this guy was very proud of his successful robbery just now. "Now that we have naval warships, our plan will be implemented more smoothly. Little ones, let's set sail! The next destination is the large prison under the sea-Imperton! The first step of my ambition is there !"

In the eyes of the Navy, Blackbeard's actions were nothing more than fear of his former boss Whitebeard's avoidance of the war, and the undersea prison did not receive any notice.And these are not the only things they have to be busy with now.

The Great Undersea Prison [Entering the City] Imperton is a place full of breath of death. When the guilty people are brought here, they will find out how stupid they didn't choose to die before.

The basement level [Red Lotus Jigoku] is a forest composed of sword trees whose leaves are as sharp as knives and needle grasses whose leaves are as sharp as needles.Chased by poisonous spiders and jailers, the prisoners could only keep running, but every step they took was a kind of torture like Ling Chi.

Prisoners in the [Beast Hell] on the second floor of the basement hope that their cages will never be opened, because the most terrifying beasts in the world collected from the whole world wandering outside the cage make people shudder.Every day, I listened to the screams of those criminals when they were swallowed by wild beasts after they didn't know which cell was opened.The prisoners huddled in the dark could only endure in silence, and the best thing to do on the day when the cell door opened in front of them was to deal with themselves cleanly.

The third underground floor [Hunger Hell] is a more desolate desert, food and water are not enough for a person to survive.The sand in this desert is pure and white, that's because it is composed of the bones of corpses after weathering!

In the center of the fourth underground floor [Scorching Hell] is a huge iron pot, inside is a pot of boiling blood.New arrivals were sanitized by being thrown in boiling water and sent to where they were supposed to go.No one dared to mess around here, because Magellan, the poisonous fruit ability user located in the prison director's office on this floor, was generally not in a good mood when facing troublemakers.

In the five underground floors [Extremely Cold Hell], big shots with bounties of over [-] million are imprisoned.But in this place, which is colder than the big freezer, rather than going outside to be eaten by ferocious army wolves, most people still choose to suffer from severe frostbite until death.

The sixth underground floor [Limited Hell] is the only place where there is no death penalty.The prisoners held here are all people who were once terrible and don't want them to appear in history again.The people who are imprisoned inside have only one result in the end, they will be imprisoned in the cell forever, in this silent place until they die.

But today [Limited Hell] is extremely lively, those prisoners who are waiting to die every day are shouting there, as if they are celebrating a festival.In the dark cell, ghostly shadows shouted loudly...

"Hahahaha, the navy is going to fight Whitebeard, and finally someone is going to take care of that guy."

"Let me out and call Magellan. I'm going out to get Whitebeard's head."

"Hahaha, the old bastard is going to die!"


The criminals who have been locked up here for a long time have been yelling with excitement all day since Hancock came here to visit the prison.After getting the news from Magellan that Whitebeard was going to fight the Navy, an emotion that had been forgotten somewhere in their minds resurfaced again.This emotion is called - hatred! [

Once successful, white beard Edward and One Piece Roger have countless opponents in the process of becoming legends.Some people sank forever under the sea, while others survived.And in this place where countless horrific thugs were held, those who were once defeated by Whitebeard—countless!

"It's a pity, the old man still can't stop this war in the end." A tall and fat murloc with a hideous face leaned against the wall and sighed.He was tightly locked to the wall by several thick chains, his body was full of wounds, and blood dripped down the chains continuously, converging into small bright red puddles in the depressions on the ground. "Because our fishman island is located on the only way to the new world, we have been threatened by pirates and slave hunters. It was the old man with white beard who lent us his logo, so that our fishman island has a rare peace. The old man wants to stop this war, and vows to rescue Mr. Ace, but the old man underestimates the navy too much."

"Enough is enough, Jinping, you can only increase the so-called pain." The person locked on the other wall raised his head, revealing a young face with freckles—it was Bo, the protagonist of this incident. Tekas Ace. "My idiot brother also has the same idea as you, but he is much more reckless than you, and he went straight to the city. Idiot, I should die alone. Dad is, you are, Luffy too, why do you have to come and save me, a life that shouldn't exist in this world!"

Ace lowered his head, which allowed Jinpei to see his expression.But it's not difficult to hear from his voice that the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team is already desperate and has even begun to resent himself. "Please don't give up hope no matter what, Mr. Ace! I..."

"You don't need to pay attention to him, let him die if he wants to die." An impatient voice came from the opposite cell, and after a sound of chains dragging, Crockdale's face appeared on the screen behind the fence. "The way you look now makes me feel sick, Fire Fist."

"What kind of pirate is it to give up at this level? Everyone locked here has much more stories than you, and many of them are even 'silver medalists' who have suffered hatred under Whitebeard. Even at the last moment , as long as someone wants to save you, then you have to do everything possible to survive until he comes to save you." After finishing speaking, Crockerdale walked back into the darkness, silently continuing to close his eyes and meditate.

Crockdale's words silenced Ace, and after a long time Ace finally spoke, "Am I just an asshole, Jinbe?"

"Ah, yes. Although I'm a little sorry for you, but to be honest, I want to beat you up with the way you complained just now." A smile appeared on Jinbei's hideous face, "I have spent so much effort trying to save you out , but now you say you want to die. It’s not a good feeling to be denied.”

"I'm sorry, Jinbe. I'm sorry for saying that just now." Ace raised his head and looked at the ceiling above his head. His eyes seemed to penetrate layers of prisons, and he saw the figure who was constantly fighting. "Whether you can hear it or not, I will be here waiting for you to save me, Luffy! I will live like a wild dog until you come to me, kid. Before you get here and save me, you must Don't die, my stupid brother!"

The entire sixth floor of the city was filled with Ace's angry roar, and his arrogant words made the shouts of the prisoners even more intense.

"Poisonous dragon!" Two dragons made of deep purple venom rushed into the happiest cell, and the noise of the prisoners inside immediately turned into screams.Then it became a deathly silence, leaving only the rustling sound of the residual poisonous liquid corroding the cell floor.

"Don't be too presumptuous for me, don't forget that this is entering the city!" A tall man who looked like a devil slowly came out of the darkness——[Poison Man] Magellan, the director of the prison who entered the city, "Whether you were Whoever, I have the right to execute you here." He looked at Ace who was tied to the wall, with undisguised disgust in his eyes, "Whoever dares to break into this place will definitely die! Because I It's Magellan, the Administrator here!"

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