One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 235 I won't panic anymore


Every shelling of the heavy artillery on the spn coast was accompanied by the screams of the pirates, and the pirate ship, which was regarded as life by these children of the sea, was also groaning in the flames.The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, which were rushing into the bay, were finally forced to stop, and in front of them were the backbone of the navy—the vice admirals.Flying squirrels, ghost spiders, fighting dogs... the masters of these dangerous names familiar to pirates are standing in front of them with swords.

"The vice admiral is really not someone to wait for." A pirate licked the blood flowing from his forehead to the corner of his mouth, with a crazy and determined look on his face, "But Who said so, we must rescue Ace! Come with me!"

"Roar!" The pirates around him yelled in response, clutching the weapons in their hands and rushing forward desperately.Such scenes are being staged everywhere in Malinfodo.As long as the tall figure standing on the Moby Dick didn't fall down, none of the pirates present would retreat.At the moment of death, these desperadoes have to use their last strength to drag the nearest navy to die.This is how pirates fight, and it is also the rule of their survival on the sea.

The navy and pirates who were fighting didn't notice that those who were seriously injured seemed to live a little shorter than before.Just when their broken bodies could not restrain their souls, their souls were pulled out of their bodies by a force, and they were pulled towards the man on the deck of the Moby Dick.

"Well, this is?" Qingzhi looked at the small dark cloud that suddenly appeared in the sky with some doubts, and raised his eyebrows at Enilu who was confronting him, "Hey, you don't have to How about this? If you use that kind of large-scale move that can affect the weather, your companions on the ice will inevitably be accidentally injured.”[

"Companion? I'm sorry, I've never had that kind of thing before." Enilu looked at Qingzhi with a rather unhappy expression on his face.Originally thought that only the devil's idiot captain could regard his own ability, but he didn't expect that this guy like Qinghai priest could resist his divine punishment. "However, I have never admitted that I made that thing. I am not the only one who has the ability to do this kind of thing. Lightning Alchemy!" Ai Nilu's body flashed through the golden stick in his right hand, and he The golden stick in his hand immediately turned into a golden trident, and he slashed at Qing Zhi's head.

"Crack!" Qingzhi immediately turned into ice crystals and scattered under Ainilu's blow, and Qingzhi, who was standing on the ice, sneaked into the ice layer and escaped by virtue of the fruit ability!

"Cut, do priests from Qinghai only run away?" Enilu closed his eyes for a few seconds, and then a flash of lightning flashed on his body, and he turned into lightning in an instant.

"Huh? That's it?" Looking at the flashing thunder on the battlefield, he was constantly moving in the air with the eight-foot mirror, and continuously released the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu in his hand to bombard the pirates below. Surprise flashed across Huang Yuan's face.This speed is already quite close to his speed when he was elementalized! "Oh, there doesn't seem to be such a guy in our navy, right? Then we can't just leave it alone!" Huang Yuan immediately stopped ravaging the miscellaneous fish below, and his figure disappeared into the air in a flash.

"Boom!" A violent explosion suddenly occurred in a crowded place, and the air wave directly sent the surrounding navy and pirates flying out regardless of whether they were enemies or not.After the smoke cleared, only the two instigators remained on the battlefield.

"The owner of the divine power of light? So you are also one of the priests in Qinghai." Enilu looked at the middle-aged man in the yellow suit opposite him, and there was a hint of vigilance in the depths of his lazy eyes.According to the information I found out, it was the guy in front of me who turned that demon into a blind man.

"Oh my god, the supernatural powers are scary. But the old man is indeed a shining man of nature, and he is an admiral of the navy." Huang Yuan greeted Enilo like an uncle next door, but in his heart He was also full of guard against this young man with a shirtless upper body.Violent and swift, as the most destructive lightning in nature, how can it be easy to compare with others.

"Crack, click!" An ice surface near the coast suddenly began to climb rapidly, and then a person made entirely of ice crystals jumped out of the ice peak and walked quickly onto the execution platform. "Master Marshal, please immediately order to turn on all the searchlights in the port, otherwise there will be a big mess."

"Are you sure about Qingzhi, you must know that if there is a problem with the power supply, there may be loopholes in our next plan." Although he is very optimistic about Qingzhi, but the other party's sudden request made Zhan Guo hesitate.To change the plan randomly just because of a guess, it will definitely have a great impact on the next guy.

"The night that suddenly fell on Judiciary Island, the island that never sleeps, may recur during the Demon Slaying Order. That man should be able to do this." Qingzhi nodded firmly.That guy was as protective as Whitebeard, and even more crazy than Whitebeard, as reflected in the sunken Judicial Island.The Chambord Islands yellow ape did that kind of thing, how could the guy who appeared on the battlefield not do anything.There is even an unspeakable guess in Qingzhi's heart - that guy did the Mary Joya incident!

"Do it, Qingzhi. If you think it's right." Warring States said in a deep voice, "Karp and I are about to retire, and the great cause of the navy needs someone to preside over it. At this time, I hope you will not do things that I can't do." An option to retire with peace of mind."

Qingzhi, who understood the meaning of the Admiral of the Navy's words, paused in surprise, but immediately recovered his normal expression, "Well, I see, Marshal of the Warring States Period." After finishing speaking, he quickly left the execution room. For the faint worry in his intuition, he prepared for the man's plan that might explode at any time.

Inadvertently, a secret about the renewal of the navy appeared in front of him, but Ace didn't think about these things.Because he has no interest in thinking about the navy's problems at all, he is looking at the battlefield in a daze.

Luffy, why are you here?Why are you all here?Those idiots, why did they do it for people like me... All of this is because of my mistakes!Stop it!A group of idiots, Luffy and Dad are...

After drinking, we are brothers!In the woods beside the rubbish mountain, three immature hands holding wine glasses were raised high.

Come be my son!A powerful hand stretched out towards the crazy wild dog.

Ace, I'm here to save you!An idiot's proclamation from a guy who's fallen for a worthless bamboo hat.

Because I am your younger brother!Some idiot said that with enemies and death everywhere.

"No matter what kind of future I can accept." Ace, who finally calmed down, raised his head and looked at the sky indifferently, "I will grab the hand that reaches out to me. Even if it is the white blade that sanctioned me, I will I can accept it. I won't panic anymore... I'm going to hurt everyone." [

Whitebeard, who had been observing the entire battlefield with his knowledge, suddenly frowned, and the shelling at Wantou suddenly became inaudible.Moreover, the shouts of the navy suddenly became sparse, while the voices of the brats under his hands became clearly audible.

"Marco, help me pick up Skuyat and the others. Something's wrong." Whitebeard glanced at Warring States who was still standing safely on the execution platform, and gave instructions to the first team captain Marco who was guarding him. .Do you want to do something big at the beginning?Your temperament is much more anxious than before, Warring States.

"Hi, it's already connected to the troops at Bay Head." Marco fiddled with it a few times, and quickly got through the phone. The bug handed it to Whitebeard.

"I'm Whitebeard, is Skuyat there?" Whitebeard didn't talk nonsense after taking the phone bug, and asked directly.

"Father? Captain Skuyat... I could still see him just now. I was scattered by the crowd, do you need me to find him?" The person on the other side of the phone bug obviously didn't know about Skuyat Where did he go, his tone was full of doubts and incomprehension.

"I can't help it, let's go to Brother Dikalban." Whitebeard shook his head in resignation, and he also had a headache for this brave but simple-minded son.

After a burst of noisy voices, the twin pirate captains Dikalban brothers said in unison, "What's the matter, dad?"

"Has there been any change in the situation on your side? Tell me everything exactly."

"Changes? If you want to talk about changes, our situation here is not bad. The marines don't know why they have been retreating just now, and we are advancing smoothly now. It shouldn't be long before we can meet up with you, Dad. Ah, there are warships coming from both sides. Now, but don’t worry about this distance, we can run out of range before the warship arrives.”

"Really? That's it. Zhan Guo, you have a big appetite." Whitebeard pondered for a while, although he didn't know where Zhan Guo got such great confidence, but how could I let him get what he wanted. "Brother Dikalban, you command all the pirate groups according to my instructions."

"Understood! What are the instructions!"

"Destroy all the warships around."

"Hey, Dad, but the momentum here is ready to break through head-on!" Brother Dikalban asked back with some puzzlement.

"This situation makes me very uncomfortable."

"Ah, that's it. We understand." Brother Dikalban didn't continue to ask.Since the father said so, he must have his reason. Since the father doesn't like it, the son must clean them up to make the father happy.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, the actions of the pirates in the New World have changed!" A navy hurriedly reported the developments on the battlefield to the Warring States Period.

"Ah, let's separate the left and right." Zhan Guo didn't show any surprise, as if he knew this situation a long time ago.

"Yes, and they have already started attacking warships." The soldier added, and then he stood there waiting for Sengoku's order.

"Tell them to keep the original plan unchanged." Zhan Guo calmly ordered, looking at the white beard standing on the bow from a distance, "Will you not be fooled by this kind of chattering? What a ignorant guy. But no matter how clever you are, you will never be able to prevent the following move!"p

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