One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 244 Returning to the Moonlight of the Sea


SPN Warring States was very angry that the dignified navy headquarters was so easy for people to sneak in.Moreover, the other party pretended to be an executioner and stayed by his side, and he didn't find out until now when he jumped out on his own initiative.This is already a naked slap in the face. The revolutionary army, which is regarded as the biggest opponent by the world government, has already reached into the navy!

"Revolutionary army cadre [violent gentleman] Sabo, I sentence you to death in the name of absolute justice! Execute immediately!" Warring States pointed at Sabo, who was hiding under the light, and loudly issued his own instructions.But what he didn't expect was that the lights not only provided convenience for one's own side, but also made it easier for the other party to find the target.

"Rubber rubber—jet machine gun!" A few lightning-like fists suddenly fell from the sky and directly bombarded the naval team.Holding the gun in his hand and pointing at Sabo, the navy was caught off guard, and was immediately beaten by the enemy's surprise attack.The steaming crimson figure flashed away under the light, and after disrupting the navy's camp, it immediately fled away with Saab on its shoulders.

"Qingzhi! Yellow ape!" Zhan Guo shouted to the two generals who were standing by. Without any hesitation, the two chased after the figure they perceived from their knowledge.

"6000 million volts Thunder Dragon!" After two brisk drumbeats, a long dragon made of thunder glides through the air, accurately colliding with the golden flash.The burst of thunder reflected Enilu's indifferent face, "I didn't allow you to act presumptuously in front of me, Qinghai Priest!" [

On the other side, Qingzhi also encountered trouble, and it was from a very surprising direction.Qingzhi, who was moving at high speed with a "compelling" cold air, suddenly felt a sense of crisis, stopped and flashed sideways, two cold lights slid past his side and directly sank into the chest of a navy next to him, hot blood sprayed It shot out, and immediately turned into ice crystals and fell to the ground under the extremely cold temperature brought by Qingzhi.Qing Zhi stopped, and slowly turned to the direction of the attacker.The lights chasing Sabo and the two also split here, reflecting a terrifying face.

"Hee hee hee, is your movement quite flexible, Qingzhi? As a capable person, you can have such good physical skills. You are indeed Garp's apprentice." Moriah stood calmly under the light, letting himself The shadow pulled out the large scissors thrown just now from the still convulsed navy body.

"Moonlight Moria, I hope you can explain your mistake in killing the navy." Qingzhi's face was very unfriendly, and he didn't have the resentment of killing pirates like red dogs.But he was not so good-tempered that he would not be moved when his subordinates were killed.

"Hee hee hee, manslaughter? That's right, I was attacking you at first, but it turned out to be wrong." Moria laughed without any scruples, completely ignoring the young man in front of him in the way.

"Molia, you guys are a bit too arrogant as Shichibukai. Don't forget, this is the headquarters of the Navy." Sengoku couldn't stand it any longer, and yelled at Moria.This kind of moment is not the time to engage in civil strife.

"Ah, I almost forgot that this is the headquarters of the Navy." Moria put on a look of indifference, and stretched out his little finger to pick his ears.Just when everyone thought he was going to give in, Moriah's eyes flashed fiercely, "But don't forget, I'm a big pirate—Moonlight Moriah! [Shard Bat]!"

Bats overwhelming the sky suddenly soared into the sky from Moria's feet, and Qingzhi spewed a chill at Moria's position for the first time.But what he froze was only a shadow with a grim smile - Moriah had exchanged positions with his shadow while releasing the fragmented bat and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hee hee hee hee, I don't die so easily. Let others take the position of Shichibukai. I, Moriah, am still a pirate after all!" Moriah's ugly laughter made all the navy feel a kind of Rather than feeling angry, the navy with lighting equipment in their hands gave up chasing Sabo and the two and started looking for this temporarily betrayed ally. "Hee hee hee hee, you want to see me, right? I don't want to play with you, but I'm sure a big man would be happy to see you. Get up, big man. This is your time!"

"Could it be that it's not good!" After hearing what Moriah said, Zhan Guo's heart skipped a beat.From the beginning just now, he faintly felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't figure out what was wrong.Now I finally understand that when the body turned into a zombie, Ozzy's body hadn't moved at all—this guy wasn't dead at all!

A pair of huge eyes in the darkness suddenly lit up like a lantern, and then quickly lifted into the sky. "Navy!!!!" The devil little Ozzy's roar sounded like thunder in the Navy headquarters again, accompanied by the sound of tendons breaking.The huge demon who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead under Moria's suggestion finally showed his powerful destructive power again in this dark environment.

"Ace!!!! Here I come!!!" Little Ozzy roared again and moved towards the execution platform, while Qingzhi, the only general who was still free, did not move.Because he already felt that familiar breath, an old mad dog got angry.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed at some point, and the sun spared no effort to shine through the clouds.Although the light is not too bright, it is enough for everyone to witness an extremely shocking scene.A strong old man jumped to the height of Ozzy's chest at some point, and swung his fist hard at Ozzy.

Ozzy didn't care about the opponent's attack, not because he had so much confidence in his brute force.It's just that now his hand can almost touch Ace, just let yourself grab Ace and throw him in the direction of Dad, then he'll be safe!

"Ozzy, get out of the way. You can't stop Grandpa's fist!" Ace yelled loudly, hoping that his stubborn friend could listen to him.Ace doesn't know how strong grandpa is, but his father's evaluation of him is - a difficult old man!

"Boom!" Karp's blow was like a blow to a tree, but at the same time, everyone present felt a feeling of tingling in the eardrums, as if the air was being squeezed by him and moved.Ozzy's huge body did not provide him with any advantage. Under the punch of the old naval hero, he was easily knocked back a few steps, and the last kick fell into the sea water that had been boiled by the magma of Akainu middle.

Garp fell back onto the execution platform, walked slowly to his original position, turned and sat down without saying a word.Under the execution platform, the cheers of the marines rang out.Garp and Sengoku, with these two figures who have been the pillars of the navy since the last era, the navy will never fail.After Garp defeated the huge demon with one punch, the navy, whose morale was "depressed" by a series of strange methods on the back of the pirates, finally rose again.

"Don't relax, beware of the counterattack of the Whitebeard Pirates, we are fighting against a force that can destroy the world. We must guard the only gap at all costs!" Sengoku shouted and directed the navy to destroy Oz Surrounded by the only gap.At the same time, he ordered the remaining executioners around him, "Start the execution of Fire Fist Ace immediately!"

"Execution! No, I want..." Luffy was ready to rush out as soon as he heard that the execution was about to start.But just as he made his move, he was grabbed by a hand stretched out beside him.

"Wait for Luffy, you can't go out now. Cough!" Sabo anxiously wanted to stop Luffy, and immediately coughed up blood violently in his heart. [

"It's okay, Sabo!" Luffy asked anxiously when he saw his brother like this.

"I can't die, but if you keep messing around like this, we will be killed by you!" Moria gave Luffy an angry look.Now they are located in a shop that was collapsed by the white beard, and there is only a dilapidated wall from the square.Fortunately, the navy doesn't have the time to search for their traces now, otherwise, the three of them would go deep alone, not to mention the admiral or the lieutenant general, and it would be enough to pile them up to death.

"But Ace won't do it if it goes on like this, I will rescue him no matter what!" Luffy looked at Moria firmly.Although I don't know why he saved the two of us, but it's not easy to take action against his savior Luffy.So Luffy hopes that he can make way for himself to go out, and Sabo is safe for the time being, so he has to protect Ace.

"Wait a second, Luffy." Sabo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and put the white handkerchief back into his pocket, "Trust our allies, Papa Whitebeard and Nero, they will definitely not let Ace have an accident Yes. We are only qualified to participate in this war, but we are far from the right to lead."

The seawater has been heated by the magma of Akainu, but the low temperature caused by those ice layers has not completely dissipated.A layer of fog surrounds the sea, and the sky is not completely bright, making it difficult to see the scene on the sea. "Hahaha, is the navy so dishonest? If my watch is not broken, there is still more than an hour before the execution time." The golden lion's laughter came out from behind the fog, and at the same time There is a huge black shadow.

A huge and white whale head flew out of the mist.The Moby Dick seemed to have really turned into a living whale, screaming in the sea of ​​mist and rushing towards the execution platform.The legendary great pirate Golden Lion stood at the bow, laughing boldly, "What do you think those short walls can do? It may block Whitebeard, but no one can block the way of my Golden Lion!"

ps: First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.After the fourth level exam, the lazy cat's self-confidence was also hit hard.But tonight's drama performance is still very successful, maybe my lazy cat can hold the statuette as Elvis Presley or something... (The cat is in yy... ·)p

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